コード例 #1
	def test_create_axis_angle(self):
		axis = tft.random_vector(3)
		angle = random.random() * 2 * pi
		q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)
		q2 = tb_angles(axis,angle).quaternion
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
		q2 = tb_angles(angle,axis).quaternion
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
		q2 = tb_angles((axis,angle)).quaternion
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
		q2 = tb_angles((angle,axis)).quaternion
		self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q),list(q2)))
		for _ in xrange(1000):
			axis = tft.random_vector(3)
			angle = random.random() * 2 * pi
			q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)
			q2 = tb_angles(axis,angle).quaternion
			self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg='%s and %s not close! for axis %s and angle %f' % (list(q),list(q2),tuple(axis),angle))
コード例 #2
def find_mesh_holes(vert,
    vertices = np.array(vert) * scale
    # Circles have lots of vertices. Use clustering to locate them
    eps = radius + 1e-3
    db = sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=10).fit(vertices)
    unique_labels = set(db.labels_)
    circles_info = []
    for k in unique_labels:
        if k == -1:  # Unknown cluster
        points = vertices[db.labels_ == k]
        for _ in range(fitplane_attempts):
            seed = np.zeros(4)
            seed[:3] = tr.unit_vector(tr.random_vector(3))
            res = criros.spalg.fit_plane_optimize(points, seed=seed)
            equation = res[0]
            fit_error = res[2]
            if fit_error < fitplane_eps:
        data = dict()
        data['center'] = np.mean(points, axis=0)
        data['plane'] = criros.spalg.Plane(equation=res[0])
        if fit_error > fitplane_eps:
            # Report circles that weren't fitted properly
            print 'Circle planefit error above threshold: {0}'.format(
    # One hole is composed by two circles, pair them
    holes = []
    num_circles = len(circles_info)
    found = set()
    for i in range(num_circles):
        if i in found:
            continue  # Skip already paired circles
        for j in range(1, num_circles):
            if (j in found) or (i == j):
                continue  # Skip already paired circles
            plane_i = circles_info[i]['plane']
            plane_j = circles_info[j]['plane']
            ni = plane_i.normal
            nj = plane_j.normal
            parallel = np.isclose(abs(np.dot(ni, nj)), 1.)
            center_i = circles_info[i]['center']
            center_j = circles_info[j]['center']
            pi = center_i
            pj = plane_i.project(center_j)
            if parallel and np.allclose(pi, pj):
                position = center_j
                diff = center_i - center_j
                direction = tr.unit_vector(diff)
                depth = np.linalg.norm(diff)
                holes.append(Hole(position, direction, depth))
    return holes
コード例 #3
def fit_plane_optimize(points, seed=None):
  Fits a plane to a point cloud using C{scipy.optimize.leastsq}
  @type  points: list
  @param points: list of points
  @rtype: np.array
  @return: normalized normal vector of the plane
  if seed is None:
    seed = np.zeros(4)
    seed[:3] = tr.unit_vector(tr.random_vector(3))
  # Optimization functions
  def f_min(X,p):
    normal = p[0:3]
    d = p[3]
    result = ((normal*X.T).sum(axis=1) + d) / np.linalg.norm(normal)
    return result
  def residuals(params, signal, X):
    return f_min(X, params)
  # Optimize
  XYZ = np.array(points).T
  p0 = np.array(seed)
  sol = scipy.optimize.leastsq(residuals, p0, args=(None, XYZ))[0]
  nn = np.linalg.norm(sol[:3])
  sol /= nn
  seed_error = (f_min(XYZ, p0)**2).sum()
  fit_error = (f_min(XYZ, sol)**2).sum()
  return sol, seed_error, fit_error
コード例 #4
	def test_to_axis_angle(self):
		for _ in xrange(1000):
			axis = tft.random_vector(3)
			axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
			for angle in list(np.linspace(-pi, pi, 10)) + [0]:
				q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)
				axis2,angle2 = tb_angles(q).axis_angle
				q2 = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle2, axis2)
				self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),msg="axis %s and angle %f don't match %s, %f" % (tuple(axis),angle,tuple(axis2),angle2))
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_tb_angles.py プロジェクト: puneetp/GPIS
    def test_to_axis_angle(self):
        for _ in xrange(1000):
            axis = tft.random_vector(3)
            axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
            for angle in list(np.linspace(-pi, pi, 10)) + [0]:

                q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)
                axis2, angle2 = tb_angles(q).axis_angle
                q2 = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle2, axis2)

                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),
                                msg="axis %s and angle %f don't match %s, %f" %
                                (tuple(axis), angle, tuple(axis2), angle2))
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_tb_angles.py プロジェクト: puneetp/GPIS
    def test_create_axis_angle(self):
        axis = tft.random_vector(3)
        angle = random.random() * 2 * pi

        q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)

        q2 = tb_angles(axis, angle).quaternion

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),
                        msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q), list(q2)))

        q2 = tb_angles(angle, axis).quaternion

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),
                        msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q), list(q2)))

        q2 = tb_angles((axis, angle)).quaternion

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),
                        msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q), list(q2)))

        q2 = tb_angles((angle, axis)).quaternion

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),
                        msg='%s and %s not close!' % (list(q), list(q2)))

        for _ in xrange(1000):
            axis = tft.random_vector(3)
            angle = random.random() * 2 * pi

            q = tft.quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis)
            q2 = tb_angles(axis, angle).quaternion

                np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(-q, q2),
                msg='%s and %s not close! for axis %s and angle %f' %
                (list(q), list(q2), tuple(axis), angle))
コード例 #7
    def random_landmark(self):
        landmark = LandmarkEntry()
        landmark.translation_weight = self.options.translation_weight
        landmark.rotation_weight = self.options.rotation_weight
        landmark.id = self.landmark_id_sampler.sample_id()
        if landmark.id in self._sampled_ids:
            if not self.options.allow_duplicate_ids:
                rospy.logwarn("Ignoring duplicate ID: {}".format(landmark.id))
                return None
                rospy.logwarn("Duplicate ID: {}".format(landmark.id))

        vector = transformations.random_vector(3) * self.options.max_distance
        landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.x = vector[0]
        landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.y = vector[1]
        landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.z = vector[2]

        quaternion = transformations.random_quaternion()
        landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.x = quaternion[0]
        landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.y = quaternion[1]
        landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.z = quaternion[2]
        landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.w = quaternion[3]
        return landmark
コード例 #8
  def random_landmark(self):
    landmark = LandmarkEntry()
    landmark.translation_weight = self.options.translation_weight
    landmark.rotation_weight = self.options.rotation_weight
    landmark.id = self.landmark_id_sampler.sample_id()
    if landmark.id in self._sampled_ids:
      if not self.options.allow_duplicate_ids:
        rospy.logwarn("Ignoring duplicate ID: {}".format(landmark.id))
        return None
        rospy.logwarn("Duplicate ID: {}".format(landmark.id))

    vector = transformations.random_vector(3) * self.options.max_distance
    landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.x = vector[0]
    landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.y = vector[1]
    landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.position.z = vector[2]

    quaternion = transformations.random_quaternion()
    landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.x = quaternion[0]
    landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.y = quaternion[1]
    landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.z = quaternion[2]
    landmark.tracking_from_landmark_transform.orientation.w = quaternion[3]
    return landmark
コード例 #9
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Envq/panda_controller
            p = [0, 0, 0]
            m1 = tf.quaternion_matrix(q)
            m2 = homogeneous_matrix(p + q)
            successes += int(np.allclose(m1, m2))
        print('   -> successes: {}/{}'.format(successes, num_test))
        tot_successess += successes
        tot_test += num_test

    # homogeneous_matrix_inverse
    if test_enabled[8]:
        print("test homogeneous_matrix_inverse")
        successes = 0
        for i in range(num_test):
            m = tf.random_rotation_matrix()
            m[:3, 3:4] = tf.random_vector(3).reshape(3, 1)
            m1 = tf.inverse_matrix(m)
            m2 = homogeneous_matrix_inverse(m)
            successes += int(np.allclose(m1, m2))
        print('   -> successes: {}/{}'.format(successes, num_test))
        tot_successess += successes
        tot_test += num_test

    # transform_from_matrix
    if test_enabled[9]:
        print("test transform_from_matrix")
        successes = 0
        for i in range(num_test):
            p0 = tf.random_vector(3).tolist()
            q0 = tf.random_quaternion().tolist()