コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def gallery(request, gallery_slug, image_slug=None):
    """Display the Gallery Viewer, optionally opened at a specific image."""
    gallery = get_object_or_404(Gallery, title_slug=gallery_slug)
    photos = gallery.photos.filter(is_public=True).order_by("date_taken")[:]

    if len(photos) == 0:
        raise Http404
    if image_slug is None:
        image_slug = photos[0].title_slug

    next, current, prev = None, None, None
    for index, current in enumerate(photos):
        try: next = photos[index + 1]
        except IndexError: next = None
        if current.title_slug == image_slug:
        prev = photos[index]

    if current is None:
        raise Http404

    data = common_data(request)
    data.update({"gallery": gallery, "photos": photos, "prev": prev,
                 "current": current, "next": next})
    return render("photologue/gallery_detail.html", request, data)
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def galleries_submit(request):
    """Try to upload a new gallery."""
    # :TODO: check this -- file is not used?!
    if "zip_file" in request.FILES:
        file = request.FILES["zip_file"]
    return render("meta_manage_galleries.html",
                  request, data_for_management(request))
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def archive_general(request, template, selected_tags, year, month, day, articles,
                     selected_blog = None, selected_user = None):
    """A generic archive view, used by the other, more specialized archive views."""
    search_term = None
    tag_objects = None
    date_selected = None
    date_configuration = {'year': False, 'month': False, 'day': False}
    if "query" in request.GET:
        search_term = request.GET["query"]
        search_query = \
           Q(title__contains = search_term) | Q(html_teaser__contains = search_term) | Q(html__contains = search_term)
        articles = articles.filter(search_query)

    if selected_tags is not None:
        tag_objects = Tag.objects.all().filter(url_name__in = selected_tags.split(","))
        articles = articles.filter(tags__in = tag_objects).distinct()

    if year is not None:
        articles = articles.filter(publication_date__year = int(year))
        date_selected = datetime(int(year), 1, 1)
        date_configuration['year'] = True
        if month is not None:
            articles = articles.filter(publication_date__month = Article.month_number(month))
            date_selected = date_selected.replace(month = Article.month_number(month))
            date_configuration['month'] = True
            if day is not None:
                articles = articles.filter(publication_date__day = int(day))
                date_selected = date_selected.replace(day = int(day))
                date_configuration['day'] = True

    articles = articles.filter(public = True)

    articles = articles[: ARCHIVE_LIMIT]

    archive_user_id = None
    archive_qualifier = ""
    if selected_user is not None:
        archive_user_id = selected_user.id
        archive_qualifier = "/%s" % selected_user.username
        recent_active_months = selected_blog.last_active_months()
        recent_active_months = Blog.recent_active_months()

    data = common_data(request)
    data.update({"articles": articles,
                 "active_blog": selected_blog,
                 "tags": Tag.used_tags(archive_user_id),
                 "recent_active_months" : recent_active_months,
                 "archive_qualifier": archive_qualifier,
                 "search_term": search_term,
                 "tags_selected": tag_objects,
                 "date_selected": date_selected,
                 "date_configuration": date_configuration})
    return render(template, request, data)
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def manage(request):
    """Display an welcome/overview page to the logged-in user."""
    data = data_for_management(request)
    data.update({"welcome_phrase": random.choice(
       ["%s, m**********r!",
         "rock on, %s!",
         "%s to the max!",
         "%s, hey dude!",
         "hax0r %s",
         "%s, you bastard!",
         "%s, mottafokka!"]) % data["current_user"].first_name})
    return render("meta_toolbox.html", request, data)
コード例 #5
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def galleries(request):
    """Galleries overview"""
    data = data_for_all(request)
    data["galleries"] = Gallery.objects.all()
    return render("meta_manage_galleries.html", request, data)
コード例 #6
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def article(request, author, year, month, day, slug):
    Display a single blog article in its blog.

    If the article references photos or galleries, these references are expanded
    to combinations of previews and links.

    user = User.objects.get(username = author)
    blog = get_object_or_404(Blog, owner__username = author)
    article = get_object_or_404(Article,
                                author__id = user.id,
                                publication_date__year = int(year),
                                publication_date__month = Article.month_number(month),
                                publication_date__day = int(day),
                                title_in_url = slug)

    if not (article.public or request.user.is_authenticated()):
        return handle_403(request)

    older_articles = Article.objects.filter(publication_date__lt = article.publication_date,
                                             author = user).order_by("-publication_date")
    newer_articles = Article.objects.filter(publication_date__gt = article.publication_date,
                                             author = user).order_by("publication_date")

    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        older_articles = older_articles.filter(public = True)
        newer_articles = newer_articles.filter(public = True)

    try: previous_article = older_articles[0]
    except IndexError: previous_article = None

    try: next_article = newer_articles[0]
    except IndexError: next_article = None

    data = common_data(request)
    data.update({"article": article,
                 "previous_article": previous_article,
                 "next_article": next_article,
                 "active_blog": blog,
                 "tags": Tag.used_tags(user.id),
                 "recent_active_months" : blog.last_active_months(),
                 "archive_qualifier": "/%s" % user.username})

    # Substitute gallery links:
    def gallery_link(match):
        gallery = get_object_or_404(Gallery, title_slug = match.group("gallery_slug"))
        context = RequestContext(request, dict = {"gallery": gallery,
                                                  "caption": match.group("caption") or gallery.description})
        return loader.render_to_string("gallery_fragment.html", None, context)

    data["html_teaser"] = GALLERY_MATCHER.sub(gallery_link, data["article"].html_teaser)
    data["html_text"] = GALLERY_MATCHER.sub(gallery_link, data["article"].html)

    # Substitute photo links:
    def photo_link(match):
        photo = get_object_or_404(Photo, title_slug = match.group("photo_slug"))
        size = match.group("size") or "display"
        url = photo.__getattribute__("get_standalone_%s_url" % size)()
        context = RequestContext(request, dict = {"photo": photo,
                                                  "url": url,
                                                  "size": size,
                                                  "caption": match.group("caption") or photo.caption})
        return loader.render_to_string("photo_fragment.html", None, context)

    data["html_teaser"] = PHOTO_MATCHER.sub(photo_link, data["html_teaser"])
    data["html_text"] = PHOTO_MATCHER.sub(photo_link, data["html_text"])

    # Substitute youtube links:
    def youtube_link(match):
        youtube_id = match.group("youtube_id")
        context = RequestContext(request, dict = {"youtube_id": youtube_id})
        return loader.render_to_string("youtube_fragment.html", None, context)

    data["html_teaser"] = YOUTUBE_MATCHER.sub(youtube_link, data["html_teaser"])
    data["html_text"] = YOUTUBE_MATCHER.sub(youtube_link, data["html_text"])

    return render("blog_article.html", request, data)
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def about(request, author):
   user = User.objects.get( username = author )
   return render("blog_about.html", request, data_for_selected_blog(request, user))
コード例 #8
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def images_new(request):
    """Show gallery upload form."""
    return render("meta_manage_images.html",
                  request, data_for_management(request))
コード例 #9
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def start(request):
    """Display the start / overview page."""
    return render("meta_blogs.html", request, data_for_all(request))
コード例 #10
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def galleries(request):
    """List galleries."""
    return render("meta_manage_galleries.html",
コード例 #11
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def logout(request):
    """Log out the current user."""
    return render("meta_logout.html", request, data_for_all(request))
コード例 #12
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def login_failed(request):
    """Re-display the login form, inform the user about the failure."""
    data = data_for_all(request)
    data.update({"login_failed": True, "show_login_form": True})
    return render("meta_blogs.html", request, data)
コード例 #13
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def login(request):
    """Authenticate and log-in a user."""
    data = data_for_all(request)
    data.update({"show_login_form": True})
    return render("meta_blogs.html", request, data)
コード例 #14
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def images_submit(request):
    """Try to upload a new gallery."""
    return render("meta_manage_images.html",
                  request, data_for_management(request))
コード例 #15
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def imprint(request):
    return render("meta_imprint.html", request, data_for_all(request))
コード例 #16
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def contact(request):
    return render("meta_contact.html", request, data_for_all(request))
コード例 #17
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def galleries_new(request):
    """Show gallery upload form."""
    data = data_for_management(request)
    data.update({"show_new_gallery_form": True})
    return render("meta_manage_galleries.html", request, data)
コード例 #18
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def about(request):
    return render("meta_about.html", request, data_for_all(request))
コード例 #19
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: x1B/thefoundation
def images(request):
    """List individual images."""
    return render("meta_manage_images.html",
                  request, data_for_management(request))