def main(): rospy.init_node('tf_test') rospy.loginfo("Node for testing actionlib server") #from_link = '/head_color_camera_l_link' #to_link = '/base_link' from_link = '/base_link' to_link = '/map' tfl = TransformListener() rospy.sleep(5) t = rospy.Time(0) mpose = PoseStamped() mpose.pose.position.x = 1 mpose.pose.position.y = 0 mpose.pose.position.z = 0 mpose.pose.orientation.x = 0 mpose.pose.orientation.y = 0 mpose.pose.orientation.z = 0 mpose.pose.orientation.w = 0 mpose.header.frame_id = from_link mpose.header.stamp = rospy.sleep(5) mpose_transf = None rospy.loginfo('Waiting for transform for some time...') tfl.waitForTransform(to_link,from_link,t,rospy.Duration(5)) if tfl.canTransform(to_link,from_link,t): mpose_transf = tfl.transformPose(to_link,mpose) print mpose_transf else: rospy.logerr('Transformation is not possible!') sys.exit(0)
def subscriber_callback(data): occupancyMap = transformation(,, way_points = find_goals(occupancyMap,, result = random.choice(way_points) try: planMaker = rospy.ServiceProxy('move_base/make_plan', nav_srv.GetPlan) listener = TransformListener() listener.waitForTransform("base_link", "map", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) t = listener.getLatestCommonTime("base_link", "map") position, quaternion = listener.lookupTransform("base_link", "map", t) pos_x = position[0] pos_y = position[1] pos_z = position[2] goal_robot = create_goal((result[1]-2000)*,(result[0]-2000)* #Make plan with 0.5 meter flexibility, from target pose and current pose (with same header) start_pose = create_message(pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,quaternion) plan = planMaker( start_pose, goal_robot.target_pose, 0.5) action_server = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_base', mb_msg.MoveBaseAction); action_server.wait_for_server() send_goal(goal_robot, action_server) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "plan service call failed: %s"%e
class FTPNode: def __init__(self, *args): print("init") = TransformListener() = Transformer() rospy.Subscriber("/trackedHumans", TrackedHumans, self.pos_callback) self.publisher = rospy.Publisher("directionmarker_array", MarkerArray) def pos_callback(self, data): rospy.loginfo("on updated pos, face robot towards guy...") print("hi") if (len(data.trackedHumans) > 0): print(data.trackedHumans[0].location.point.x) try:[0].location.header.frame_id, "/base_link",, rospy.Duration(2.0)) pp ="/base_link", data.trackedHumans[0].location) print "Original:" print [data.trackedHumans[0].location.point] print "Transform:" print pp.point phi = math.atan2(pp.point.y, pp.point.x) sss.move_base_rel("base", [0,0,phi]) print phi*180/math.pi markerArray = MarkerArray() marker = Marker() marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time(); marker.ns = "my_namespace"; = 0; marker.header.frame_id = "/base_link" marker.type = marker.ARROW marker.action = marker.ADD marker.scale.x = .1 marker.scale.y = .1 marker.scale.z = .1 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.b = 0.0 p1 = Point() p1.x = 0 p1.y = 0 p1.z = 0 p2 = Point() p2.x = pp.point.x p2.y = pp.point.y p2.z = 0 marker.points = [p1,p2] #marker.pose.position.x = 1 #marker.pose.position.y = 0 #marker.pose.position.z = 1 #marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 markerArray.markers.append(marker) self.publisher.publish(markerArray) print "try ended" except Exception as e: print e
class ChallengeProblemLogger(object): _knownObstacles = {} _placedObstacle = False _lastgzlog = 0.0 _tf_listener = None def __init__(self,name): self._name = name; self._experiment_started = False self._tf_listener = TransformListener() # Subscribe to robot pose ground truth from gazebo rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states", ModelStates, callback=self.gazebo_model_monitor, queue_size=1) # Whenever we get a report from Gazebo, map the gazebo coordinate to map coordinates and # log this # Only do this every second - this should be accurate enough # TODO: model is assumed to be the third in the list. Need to make this based # on the array to account for obstacles (maybe) def gazebo_model_monitor(self, data): if (len(data.pose))<=2: return data_time = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() if ((self._lastgzlog == 0.0) | (data_time - self._lastgzlog >= 1)): # Only do this every second # Get the turtlebot model state information (assumed to be indexed at 2) tb_pose = data.pose[2] tb_position = tb_pose.position self._lastgzlog = data_time # Do this only if the transform exists if self._tf_listener.frameExists("/base_link") and self._tf_listener.frameExists("/map"): self._tf_listener.waitForTransform("/map", "/base_link", rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1)) (trans,rot) = self._tf_listener.lookupTransform("/map", "/base_link",rospy.Time(0)) rospy.loginfo("BRASS | Turtlebot | {},{}".format(trans[0], trans[1])) # Log any obstacle information, but do it only once. This currently assumes one obstacle # TODO: test this if len( > 3: addedObstacles = {} removedObstacles = self._knownObstacles.copy() for obs in range(3, len( if ([obs] not in self._knownObstacles): addedObstacles[[obs]] = obs else: self._knownObstacles[[obs]] = obs del removedObstacles[[obs]] for key, value in removedObstacles.iteritems(): rospy.logInfo("BRASS | Obstacle {} | removed".format(key)) del self._knownObstacles[key] for key, value in addedObstacles.iteritems(): obs_pos = data.pose[value].position rospy.logInfo ("BRASS | Obstacle {} | {},{}".format(key, obs_pos.x, obs_pos.y)) self._knownObstacles[key] = value
def calculate_distance_to_rows(): tflisten = TransformListener() dist = [] for i in range(0,n_rows): (veh_trans,veh_rot) = tflisten.lookupTransform("odom","base_footprint",rospy.Time(0)) pass
class ForceFromGravity(object): def __init__(self): self.tf_l = TransformListener() self.last_wrench = None self.wrench_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/left_wrist_ft', WrenchStamped, self.wrench_cb, queue_size=1) def wrench_cb(self, data): self.last_wrench = data def compute_forces(self): qs = self.get_orientation() o = qs.quaternion r, p, y = euler_from_quaternion([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w]) rospy.loginfo("wrist_left_ft_link rpy vs world: " + str( (round(r, 3), round(p, 3), round(y, 3)) )) rospy.loginfo("in degrees: " + str( (round(degrees(r), 3), round(degrees(p), 3), round(degrees(y), 3)) )) hand_total_force = 10 # 10 Newton, near to a Kg fx = hand_total_force * cos(r) * -1.0 # hack fy = hand_total_force * cos(p) fz = hand_total_force * cos(y) #total = abs(fx) + abs(fy) + abs(fz) #rospy.loginfo("fx, fy, fz, total:") #rospy.loginfo( str( (round(fx, 3), round(fy, 3), round(fz, 3), round(total, 3)) ) ) return fx, fy, fz def get_last_forces(self): f = self.last_wrench.wrench.force return f.x, f.y, f.z def get_orientation(self, from_frame="wrist_left_ft_link"): qs = QuaternionStamped() qs.quaternion.w = 1.0 qs.header.stamp = self.tf_l.getLatestCommonTime("world", from_frame) qs.header.frame_id = "/" + from_frame transform_ok = False while not transform_ok and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: world_q = self.tf_l.transformQuaternion("/world", qs) transform_ok = True return world_q except ExtrapolationException as e: rospy.logwarn( "Exception on transforming pose... trying again \n(" + str(e) + ")") rospy.sleep(0.05) qs.header.stamp = self.tf_l.getLatestCommonTime( "world", from_frame) def run(self): r = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): cx, cy, cz = self.compute_forces() c_total = abs(cx) + abs(cy) + abs(cz) fx, fy, fz = self.get_last_forces() f_total = abs(fx) + abs(fy) + abs(fz) rospy.loginfo("Computed Forces:" + str(round(c_total, 3)) + "\n" + str( (round(cx, 3), round(cy, 3), round(cz, 3) ))) rospy.loginfo("Real Forces :" + str(round(f_total, 3)) + "\n" + str( (round(fx, 3), round(fy, 3), round(fz, 3) ))) r.sleep()
class TfFilter: def __init__(self, buffer_size): = TransformListener(True, rospy.Duration(5)) = '' self.buffer = np.zeros((buffer_size, 1)) self.buffer_ptr = 0 self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.tf_sub = rospy.Subscriber('tf', tfMessage, self.tf_cb) self.tf_pub = rospy.Publisher('tf', tfMessage) self.srv = rospy.Service(SERVICE, PublishGoal, self.publish_goal_cb) def tf_cb(self, msg): for t in msg.transforms: if t.child_frame_id == time =, p, q =,, time) rm = tfs.quaternion_matrix(q) # assemble a new coordinate frame that has z-axis aligned with # the vertical direction and x-axis facing the z-axis of the # original frame z = rm[:3, 2] z[2] = 0 axis_x = tfs.unit_vector(z) axis_z = tfs.unit_vector([0, 0, 1]) axis_y = np.cross(axis_x, axis_z) rm = np.vstack((axis_x, axis_y, axis_z)).transpose() # shift the pose along the x-axis self.position = p +, self.d)[:3] self.buffer[self.buffer_ptr] = tfs.euler_from_matrix(rm)[2] self.buffer_ptr = (self.buffer_ptr + 1) % self.buffer_size self.publish_filtered_tf(t.header) def publish_filtered_tf(self, header): yaw = np.median(self.buffer) q = tfs.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw - math.pi) ts = TransformStamped() ts.header = header ts.header.frame_id = self.source ts.child_frame_id = self.goal ts.transform.translation.x = self.position[0] ts.transform.translation.y = self.position[1] ts.transform.translation.z = 0 ts.transform.rotation.x = q[0] ts.transform.rotation.y = q[1] ts.transform.rotation.z = q[2] ts.transform.rotation.w = q[3] msg = tfMessage() msg.transforms.append(ts) self.tf_pub.publish(msg) def publish_goal_cb(self, r): rospy.loginfo('Received [%s] request. Will start publishing %s frame' % (SERVICE, r.goal_frame_id)) self.source = r.source_frame_id = r.target_frame_id self.goal = r.goal_frame_id self.d = [r.displacement.x, r.displacement.y, r.displacement.z] return []
class TfTest(RosTestCase): def setUpEnv(self): robot = ATRV() odometry = Odometry() robot.append(odometry) odometry.add_stream('ros') motion = Teleport() robot.append(motion) motion.add_stream('socket') robot2 = ATRV() robot2.translate(0,1,0) odometry2 = Odometry() robot2.append(odometry2) odometry2.add_stream('ros', frame_id="map", child_frame_id="robot2") env = Environment('empty', fastmode = True) env.add_service('socket') def _check_pose(self, frame1, frame2, position, quaternion, precision = 0.01): t =, frame2) observed_position, observed_quaternion =, frame2, t) for a,b in zip(position, observed_position): self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b, delta = precision) for a,b in zip(quaternion, observed_quaternion): self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b, delta = precision) def test_tf(self): rospy.init_node('morse_ros_tf_test') = TransformListener() sleep(1) self.assertTrue("/odom")) self.assertTrue("/base_footprint")) self.assertTrue("/map")) self.assertTrue("/robot2")) self._check_pose("odom", "base_footprint", [0,0,0], [0,0,0,1]) self._check_pose("map", "robot2", [0,0,0], [0,0,0,1]) with Morse() as morse: teleport = morse.robot.motion teleport.publish({'x' : 2, 'y' : 0, 'z' : 0, \ 'yaw' : 0, 'pitch' : 0.0, 'roll' : 0.0}) morse.sleep(0.1) self._check_pose("odom", "base_footprint", [2,0,-0.1], [0,0,0,1])
class TransformNode: def __init__(self, *args): = TransformListener() rospy.Subscriber("/tf", TFMessage, transform, queue_size=1) def transform(self, msg): if"/base_link") and"/map"): t ="/base_link", "/map") position, quaternion ="/base_link", "/map", t) print position, quaternion
class CameraPointer(object): def __init__(self, side, camera_ik): self.side = side self.camera_ik = camera_ik self.joint_names = self.joint_angles_act = self.joint_angles_des = None self.tfl = TransformListener() self.joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/{0}_arm_controller/state'.format(self.side), JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.joint_state_cb) self.joint_traj_pub = rospy.Publisher('/{0}_arm_controller/command'.format(self.side), JointTrajectory) # Wait for joint information to become available while self.joint_names is None and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.5) rospy.loginfo("[{0}] Waiting for joint state from arm controller.".format(rospy.get_name())) #Set rate limits on a per-joint basis self.max_vel_rot = [np.pi]*len(self.joint_names) self.target_sub = rospy.Subscriber('{0}/lookat_ik/goal'.format(rospy.get_name()), PointStamped, self.goal_cb) rospy.loginfo("[{0}] Ready.".format(rospy.get_name())) def joint_state_cb(self, jtcs): if self.joint_names is None: self.joint_names = jtcs.joint_names self.joint_angles_act = jtcs.actual.positions self.joint_angles_des = jtcs.desired.positions def goal_cb(self, pt_msg): rospy.loginfo("[{0}] New LookatIK goal received.".format(rospy.get_name())) if (pt_msg.header.frame_id != self.camera_ik.base_frame): try: now = pt_msg.header.stamp self.tfl.waitForTransform(pt_msg.header.frame_id, self.camera_ik.base_frame, now, rospy.Duration(1.0)) pt_msg = self.tfl.transformPoint(self.camera_ik.base_frame, pt_msg) except (LookupException, ConnectivityException, ExtrapolationException): rospy.logwarn("[{0}] TF Error tranforming point from {1} to {2}".format(rospy.get_name(), pt_msg.header.frame_id, self.camera_ik.base_frame)) target = np.array([pt_msg.point.x, pt_msg.point.y, pt_msg.point.z]) # Get IK Solution current_angles = list(copy.copy(self.joint_angles_act)) iksol = self.camera_ik.lookat_ik(target, current_angles[:len(self.camera_ik.arm_indices)]) # Start with current angles, then replace angles in camera IK with IK solution # Use desired joint angles to avoid sagging over time jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = list(copy.copy(self.joint_angles_des)) for i, joint_name in enumerate(self.camera_ik.arm_joint_names): jtp.positions[self.joint_names.index(joint_name)] = iksol[i] deltas = np.abs(np.subtract(jtp.positions, current_angles)) duration = np.max(np.divide(deltas, self.max_vel_rot)) jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(duration) jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = self.joint_names jt.points.append(jtp) rospy.loginfo("[{0}] Sending Joint Angles.".format(rospy.get_name())) self.joint_traj_pub.publish(jt)
def __init__(self): cv2.namedWindow("map") cv2.namedWindow("past_map") rospy.init_node("run_mapping") #create map properties, helps to make ratio calcs self.origin = [-10,-10] self.seq = 0 self.resolution = 0.1 self.n = 200 self.dyn_obs=[] self.counter=0 #Giving initial hypotheses to the system self.p_occ = 0.5*np.ones((self.n, self.n)) #50-50 chance of being occupied self.odds_ratio_hit = 3.0 #this is arbitrary, can re-assign self.odds_ratio_miss = 0.3 #this is arbitrary, can reassign #TODO: Evaluate these - what do we need to change in order to make this more friendly to our version? Potential changes: #Whenever there is an adjustment to self.odds_ratio_miss, update an odds ratio that implies dynamicness #calculates odds based upon hit to miss, equal odds to all grid squares self.odds_ratios = (self.p_occ)/(1-self.p_occ)*np.ones((self.n, self.n)) #calculate initial past odds_ratio self.past_odds_ratios = (self.p_occ)/(1-self.p_occ)*np.ones((self.n, self.n)) #TODO: Make sure that this is still an accurate representation of how probabilities work in our system. Make appropriate additions/adjustments for the dynamic obstacle piece #write laser pubs and subs rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.scan_received, queue_size=1) = rospy.Publisher("map", OccupancyGrid) #note - in case robot autonomy is added back in self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("learn_transform") self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster() self.possible_base_link_poses = [] self.baselink_averages = [] self.rate = rospy.Rate(20) self.markers = { "/PATTERN_1": Pose( [-0.56297, 0.11, 0.0035], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ), "/PATTERN_2": Pose( [-0.45097, 0.11, 0.0035], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ), "/PATTERN_3": Pose( [-0.34097, 0.0, 0.0035], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ), "/PATTERN_4": Pose( [-0.34097, -0.11, 0.0035], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ), "/PATTERN_5": Pose( [-0.45097, -0.11, 0.0035], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ), "/PATTERN_6": Pose( [-0.56297, 0.0, 0.0035], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ) }
def __init__(self, server_prefix, group_name): self.group_name = group_name = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self.group_name) self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(server_prefix + self.group_name + "/manipulation", ArmNavigationAction, self.action_cb, auto_start=False) char = self.group_name[0] self.jta = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/' + char + '_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action', JointTrajectoryAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for joint trajectory action') self.jta.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Got it') self.joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, self.js_cb, queue_size=1) self.angles = None self.move_to_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pr2_arm_navigation/move_to_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=10, latch=True) self.joint_names = [char + '_shoulder_pan_joint', char + '_shoulder_lift_joint', char + '_upper_arm_roll_joint', char + '_elbow_flex_joint', char + '_forearm_roll_joint', char + '_wrist_flex_joint', char + '_wrist_roll_joint'] self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.look_at_pub = rospy.Publisher("/art/robot/look_at", PointStamped, queue_size=1) self._as.start()
def __init__(self, use_dummy_transform=False): rospy.init_node('star_center_positioning_node') if use_dummy_transform: self.odom_frame_name = ROBOT_NAME+"_odom_dummy" else: self.odom_frame_name = ROBOT_NAME+"_odom" self.marker_locators = {} self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(0,(-6*12*2.54/100.0,0),0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(1,(0.0,0.0),pi)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(2,(0.0,10*12*2.54/100.0),0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(3,(-6*12*2.54/100.0,6*12*2.54/100.0),0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(4,(0.0,6*12*2.54/100.0),pi)) self.pose_correction = rospy.get_param('~pose_correction',0.0) self.phase_offset = rospy.get_param('~phase_offset',0.0) self.is_flipped = rospy.get_param('~is_flipped',False) srv = Server(STARPoseConfig, self.config_callback) self.marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("ar_pose_marker", ARMarkers, self.process_markers) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ROBOT_NAME+"/odom", Odometry, self.process_odom, queue_size=10) self.star_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher(ROBOT_NAME+"/STAR_pose",PoseStamped,queue_size=10) self.continuous_pose = rospy.Publisher(ROBOT_NAME+"/STAR_pose_continuous",PoseStamped,queue_size=10) self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('right_arm_actions') self.tfl = TransformListener() self.aul = r_arm_utils.ArmUtils(self.tfl) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for Pixel_2_3d Service') try: rospy.wait_for_service('/pixel_2_3d', 7.0) self.p23d_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pixel_2_3d', Pixel23d, True) rospy.loginfo("Found pixel_2_3d service") except: rospy.logwarn("Pixel_2_3d Service Not available") #Low-level motion requests: pass directly to arm_utils rospy.Subscriber('wt_right_arm_pose_commands', Point, self.torso_frame_move) rospy.Subscriber('wt_right_arm_angle_commands', JointTrajectoryPoint, self.aul.send_traj_point) #More complex motion scripts, defined here using arm_util functions rospy.Subscriber('norm_approach_right', PoseStamped, self.norm_approach) rospy.Subscriber('wt_grasp_right_goal', PoseStamped, self.grasp) rospy.Subscriber('wt_wipe_right_goals', PoseStamped, self.wipe) rospy.Subscriber('wt_swipe_right_goals', PoseStamped, self.swipe) rospy.Subscriber('wt_lin_move_right', Float32, self.hand_move) rospy.Subscriber('wt_adjust_elbow_right', Float32, self.aul.adjust_elbow) rospy.Subscriber('wt_surf_wipe_right_points', Point, self.prep_surf_wipe) rospy.Subscriber('wt_poke_right_point', PoseStamped, self.poke) self.wt_log_out = rospy.Publisher('wt_log_out', String) self.wipe_started = False self.surf_wipe_started = False self.wipe_ends = [PoseStamped(), PoseStamped()]
def __init__(self, use_dummy_transform=False): rospy.init_node("star_center_positioning_node") self.robot_name = rospy.get_param("~robot_name", "") self.odom_frame_name = self.robot_name + "_odom" self.base_link_frame_name = self.robot_name + "_base_link" self.marker_locators = {} self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(0, (-6 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0, 0), 0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(1, (0.0, 0.0), pi)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(2, (0.0, 10 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0), 0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(3, (-6 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0, 6 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0), 0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(4, (0.0, 6 * 12 * 2.54 / 100), pi)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(5, (-4 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0, 14 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0), pi)) self.pose_correction = rospy.get_param("~pose_correction", 0.0) self.phase_offset = rospy.get_param("~phase_offset", 0.0) self.is_flipped = rospy.get_param("~is_flipped", False) srv = Server(STARPoseConfig, self.config_callback) self.marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("ar_pose_marker", ARMarkers, self.process_markers) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.process_odom, queue_size=10) self.star_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("STAR_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.continuous_pose = rospy.Publisher("STAR_pose_continuous", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
def __init__(self, *args): = TransformListener() self.detector_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/fiducials/get_fiducials", DetectObjects) self.frame_camera_mount = rospy.get_param('~frame_camera_mount') self.frame_marker_mount = rospy.get_param('~frame_marker_mount') self.frame_marker = rospy.get_param('~frame_marker', "/marker")
def __init__(self): self.pubNav = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.listener = TransformListener() rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self._joyChanged) rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel_telop", Twist, self._cmdVelTelopChanged) self.cmd_vel_telop = Twist() #self.pidX = PID(20, 12, 0.0, -30, 30, "x") #self.pidY = PID(-20, -12, 0.0, -30, 30, "y") #self.pidZ = PID(15000, 3000.0, 1500.0, 10000, 60000, "z") #self.pidYaw = PID(50.0, 0.0, 0.0, -200.0, 200.0, "yaw") self.pidX = PID(20, 12, 0.0, -30, 30, "x") self.pidY = PID(-20, 12, 0.0, -15, 15, "y") #50000 800 self.pidZ = PID(15000, 3000.0, 1500.0, 10000, 60000, "z") self.pidYaw = PID(50.0, 0.0, 0.0, -100.0, 100.0, "yaw") self.state = Controller.Manual #Target Values self.pubtarX = rospy.Publisher('target_x', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pubtarY = rospy.Publisher('target_y', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pubtarZ = rospy.Publisher('target_z', Float32, queue_size=1) self.targetZ = 0.5 self.targetX = 0.0 self.targetY = 0.0 self.des_angle = 0.0 #self.power = 50000.0 #Actual Values self.pubrealX = rospy.Publisher('real_x', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pubrealY = rospy.Publisher('real_y', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pubrealZ = rospy.Publisher('real_z', Float32, queue_size=1) self.lastJoy = Joy()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('sample_detection',anonymous=True) self.monocular_img_sub = rospy.Subscriber('monocular_img',Image, queue_size=1,callback=self.handle_monocular_img) self.left_img_sub = rospy.Subscriber('left_img',Image, queue_size=1,callback=self.handle_left_img) self.right_img_sub = rospy.Subscriber('right_img',Image, queue_size=1,callback=self.handle_right_img) self.disp_sub = rospy.Subscriber('disp',DisparityImage, queue_size=1,callback=self.handle_disp) self.cam_info_sub = rospy.Subscriber('cam_info',CameraInfo, self.handle_info) self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.bridge = CvBridge() sample_file = rospy.get_param("/sample_detection/samples") stream = file(sample_file,'r') self.samples = yaml.load(stream) self.mser = cv2.MSER() if rospy.get_param('~enable_debug',True): debug_img_topic = 'debug_img' self.debug_img_pub = rospy.Publisher(debug_img_topic, Image) self.sample_disparity ={} self.sample_points ={} self.sample_imgpoints ={} for s in self.samples: topic = s + '_pointstamped' self.sample_points[s] = rospy.Publisher(topic, PointStamped) topic = s + '_imgpoints' self.sample_imgpoints[s] = rospy.Publisher(topic, PointStamped) topic = s + '_disparity' self.sample_disparity[s] = rospy.Publisher(topic, DisparityImage) self.namedpoints = rospy.Publisher("named_points", NamedPoint)
def __init__(self, goals): rospy.init_node("demo", anonymous=True) self.frame = rospy.get_param("~frame") self.pubGoal = rospy.Publisher("goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.listener = TransformListener() self.goals = goals self.goalIndex = 0
def __init__(self,name,odom_frame,base_frame): """ @param name: the name of the action @param odom_frame: the frame the robot is moving in (odom_combined) @param base_frame: the vehicles own frame (usually base_link) """ self._action_name = name self.__odom_frame = odom_frame self.__base_frame = base_frame self.__server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(self._action_name,make_turnAction,auto_start=False) self.__server.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_cb) self.__server.register_goal_callback(self.goal_cb) self.__cur_pos = 0 self.__start_yaw = 0 self.__cur_yaw = 0 self.__feedback = make_turnFeedback() self.__listen = TransformListener() self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/fmControllers/cmd_vel_auto",Twist) self.__turn_timeout = 200 self.__start_time = self.turn_vel = 0 self.new_goal = False self.__server.start()
def __init__(self, use_dummy_transform=False): print "init" rospy.init_node("star_center_positioning_node") if use_dummy_transform: self.odom_frame_name = ROBOT_NAME + "_odom_dummy" # identify this odom as ROBOT_NAME's else: self.odom_frame_name = ROBOT_NAME + "_odom" # identify this odom as ROBOT_NAME's self.marker_locators = {} self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(0, (-6 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0, 0), 0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(1, (0.0, 0.0), pi)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(2, (0.0, 10 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0), 0)) self.add_marker_locator(MarkerLocator(3, (-6 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0, 6 * 12 * 2.54 / 100.0), 0)) self.pose_correction = rospy.get_param("~pose_correction", 0.0) self.marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("ar_pose_marker", ARMarkers, self.process_markers) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber( ROBOT_NAME + "/odom", Odometry, self.process_odom, queue_size=10 ) # publish and subscribe to the correct robot's topics self.star_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher(ROBOT_NAME + "/STAR_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.continuous_pose = rospy.Publisher(ROBOT_NAME + "/STAR_pose_continuous", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()
def __init__(self): self.ellipsoid = EllipsoidSpace() self.controller_switcher = ControllerSwitcher() self.ee_frame = '/l_gripper_shaver305_frame' self.head_pose = None self.tfl = TransformListener() self.is_forced_retreat = False self.pose_traj_pub = rospy.Publisher('/haptic_mpc/goal_pose_array', PoseArray) self.global_input_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/face_adls/global_move", String, async_call(self.global_input_cb)) self.local_input_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/face_adls/local_move", String, async_call(self.local_input_cb)) self.clicked_input_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/face_adls/clicked_move", PoseStamped, async_call(self.global_input_cb)) self.feedback_pub = rospy.Publisher('/face_adls/feedback', String) self.global_move_poses_pub = rospy.Publisher('/face_adls/global_move_poses', StringArray, latch=True) self.controller_enabled_pub = rospy.Publisher('/face_adls/controller_enabled', Bool, latch=True) self.enable_controller_srv = rospy.Service("/face_adls/enable_controller", EnableFaceController, self.enable_controller_cb) self.request_registration = rospy.ServiceProxy("/request_registration", RequestRegistration) self.enable_mpc_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/haptic_mpc/enable_mpc', EnableHapticMPC) self.ell_params_pub = rospy.Publisher("/ellipsoid_params", EllipsoidParams, latch=True) def stop_move_cb(msg): self.stop_moving() self.stop_move_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/face_adls/stop_move", Bool, stop_move_cb, queue_size=1)
class FaceCommander(Head): def __init__(self): Head.__init__(self) self._world = 'base' self._tf_listener = TransformListener() self.set_pan(0) def look_at(self, obj=None): if obj is None: self.set_pan(0) return True if isinstance(obj, str): pose = self._tf_listener.lookupTransform('head', obj, rospy.Time(0)) else: rospy.logerr("FaceCommander.look_at() accepts only strings atm") return False hyp = transformations.norm(pose) adj = pose[0][1] angle = pi/2 - arccos(float(adj)/hyp) if isnan(angle): rospy.logerr('FaceCommander cannot look at {}'.format(obj)) return False self.set_pan(angle) return True
def __init__(self): self.tf_l = TransformListener() self.last_wrench = None self.wrench_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/left_wrist_ft', WrenchStamped, self.wrench_cb, queue_size=1)
def __init__(self): cv2.namedWindow("map") cv2.namedWindow("past_map") rospy.init_node("run_mapping") #create map properties, helps to make ratio calcs self.origin = [-10,-10] self.seq = 0 self.resolution = 0.1 self.n = 200 self.pose = [] self.dyn_obs=[] self.obstacle = [] self.rapid_appear = set() self.counter=0 #Giving initial hypotheses to the system self.p_occ = 0.5*np.ones((self.n, self.n)) #50-50 chance of being occupied self.odds_ratio_hit = 3.0 #this is arbitrary, can re-assign self.odds_ratio_miss = 0.3 #this is arbitrary, can reassign #calculates odds based upon hit to miss, equal odds to all grid squares self.odds_ratios = (self.p_occ)/(1-self.p_occ)*np.ones((self.n, self.n)) #calculate initial past odds_ratio self.past_odds_ratios = (self.p_occ)/(1-self.p_occ)*np.ones((self.n, self.n)) #write laser pubs and subs rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.scan_received, queue_size=1) = rospy.Publisher("map", OccupancyGrid) #note - in case robot autonomy is added back in self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
def __init__(self, use_depth_only): self.use_depth_only = use_depth_only self.depth_image_lock = Lock() self.image_list_lock = Lock() self.image_list = [] self.image_list_max_size = 100 self.downsample_factor = 2 = TransformListener() rospy.Subscriber("/color_camera/camera_info", CameraInfo, self.process_camera_info, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber("/point_cloud", PointCloud, self.process_point_cloud, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber("/color_camera/image_raw/compressed", CompressedImage, self.process_image, queue_size=10) self.clicked_point_pub = rospy.Publisher("/clicked_point",PointStamped,queue_size=10) self.camera_info = None self.P = None self.depth_image = None self.image = None self.last_image_timestamp = None self.click_timestamp = None self.depth_timestamp = None cv2.namedWindow("depth_feed") cv2.namedWindow("image_feed") cv2.namedWindow("combined_feed") cv2.setMouseCallback('image_feed',self.handle_click) cv2.setMouseCallback('combined_feed',self.handle_combined_click)
def setUp(self): rospy.init_node('test_motion_execution_buffer') = TransformListener() self.obj_pub = rospy.Publisher('collision_object',CollisionObject,latch=True) self.move_arm_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_right_arm", MoveArmAction) self.move_arm_action_client.wait_for_server() obj1 = CollisionObject() obj1.header.stamp = obj1.header.frame_id = "base_link" = "obj1"; obj1.operation.operation = arm_navigation_msgs.msg.CollisionObjectOperation.ADD obj1.shapes = [Shape() for _ in range(1)] obj1.shapes[0].type = Shape.CYLINDER obj1.shapes[0].dimensions = [float() for _ in range(2)] obj1.shapes[0].dimensions[0] = .1 obj1.shapes[0].dimensions[1] = 1.5 obj1.poses = [Pose() for _ in range(1)] obj1.poses[0].position.x = .6 obj1.poses[0].position.y = -.6 obj1.poses[0].position.z = .75 obj1.poses[0].orientation.x = 0 obj1.poses[0].orientation.y = 0 obj1.poses[0].orientation.z = 0 obj1.poses[0].orientation.w = 1 self.obj_pub.publish(obj1) rospy.sleep(2.0)
def __init__(self, mode=None): self.task = 'feeding_quick' self.model = 'autobed' # options are 'chair' and 'autobed' self.mode = mode self.send_task_count = 0 if self.model == 'autobed': self.bed_state_z = 0. self.bed_state_head_theta = 0. self.bed_state_leg_theta = 0. self.autobed_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/abdout0', FloatArrayBare, self.bed_state_cb) self.autobed_pub = rospy.Publisher('/abdin0', FloatArrayBare, latch=True) self.world_B_head = None self.world_B_ref_model = None self.world_B_robot = None self.tfl = TransformListener() if self.mode == 'manual' or True: self.base_pose = None self.object_pose = None self.raw_head_pose = None self.raw_base_pose = None self.raw_object_pose = None self.raw_head_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/head_frame', PoseStamped, self.head_frame_cb) self.raw_base_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/robot_frame', PoseStamped, self.robot_frame_cb) self.raw_object_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/reference', PoseStamped, self.reference_cb) # self.head_pub = rospy.Publisher('/head_frame', PoseStamped, latch=True) # self.base_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot_frame', PoseStamped, latch=True) # self.object_pub = rospy.Publisher('/reference', PoseStamped, latch=True) self.base_goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('/base_goal', PoseStamped, latch=True) # self.robot_location_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot_location', PoseStamped, latch=True) # self.navigation = NavigationHelper(robot='/robot_location', target='/base_goal') self.goal_data_pub = rospy.Publisher("ar_servo_goal_data", ARServoGoalData) self.servo_goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('servo_goal_pose', PoseStamped, latch=True) self.reach_goal_pub = rospy.Publisher("arm_reacher/goal_pose", PoseStamped) # self.test_pub = rospy.Publisher("test_goal_pose", PoseStamped, latch=True) # self.test_head_pub = rospy.Publisher("test_head_pose", PoseStamped, latch=True) self.feedback_pub = rospy.Publisher('wt_log_out', String) self.torso_lift_pub = rospy.Publisher('torso_controller/position_joint_action/goal', SingleJointPositionActionGoal, latch=True) self.base_selection_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("select_base_position", BaseMove_multi) self.reach_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/base_selection/arm_reach_enable", None_Bool) self.ui_input_sub = rospy.Subscriber("action_location_goal", String, self.ui_cb) self.servo_fdbk_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/pr2_ar_servo/state_feedback", Int8, self.servo_fdbk_cb) self.lock = Lock() self.head_pose = None self.goal_pose = None self.marker_topic = None rospy.loginfo("[%s] Ready" %rospy.get_name()) self.base_selection_complete = False self.send_task_count = 0
def __init__(self): # Get information for this particular camera camera_info = get_single('head_camera/depth_registered/camera_info', CameraInfo) print camera_info # Set information for the camera self.cam_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.cam_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info) # Subscribe to the camera's image topic and depth image topic self.rgb_image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("head_camera/rgb/image_raw", Image, self.on_rgb) self.depth_image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("head_camera/depth_registered/image_raw", Image, self.on_depth) # Publish where the button is in the base link frame self.point_pub = rospy.Publisher('button_point', PointStamped, queue_size=10) # Set up connection to CvBridge self.bridge = CvBridge() # Open up viewing windows cv2.namedWindow('depth') cv2.namedWindow('rgb') # Set up the class variables self.rgb_image = None self.rgb_image_time = None self.depth_image = None = None self.return_point = PointStamped() self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
def __init__(self): self.qrHypothesis = None self.endEffectorHypothesis = None = TransformListener() self.errorTrans = None self.mut = threading.Lock()
def listener(): global transform_listener transform_listener = TransformListener() rospy.Subscriber("/leg_people", People, callbackPplPaths, queue_size=1) rospy.spin()
def transformPose(self, target_frame, ps): now = self.waitForTransform(target_frame, ps.header.frame_id,, rospy.Duration(5.0)) ps.header.stamp = now return TransformListener.transformPose(self, target_frame, ps)
class ur5_grasp_project(object): def __init__(self, joint_values=None): rospy.init_node('command_GGCNN_ur5') self.joint_values_home = joint_values = TransformListener() # Used to change the controller self.controller_switch = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/controller_manager/switch_controller', SwitchController) # actionClient used to send joint positions self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'pos_based_pos_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) print("Waiting for server (pos_based_pos_traj_controller)...") self.client.wait_for_server() print("Connected to server (pos_based_pos_traj_controller)") ################# # GGCNN Related ################# self.d = None self.ori_ = None self.grasp_cartesian_pose = None self.posCB = [] self.ori = [] self.gripper_angle_grasp = 0.0 self.final_orientation = 0.0 # These offsets are used only in the real robot and need to be calibrated self.GGCNN_offset_x = -0.03 # 0.002 self.GGCNN_offset_y = 0.02 # -0.05 self.GGCNN_offset_z = 0.058 # 0.013 self.robotiq_joint_name = rospy.get_param("/robotiq_joint_name") # Topic published from GG-CNN Node rospy.Subscriber('ggcnn/out/command', Float32MultiArray, self.ggcnn_command_callback, queue_size=1) #################### # Pipeline Related # #################### self.classes = rospy.get_param("/classes") self.grasp_ready_flag = False self.detected_tags = [] self.tags = [ 'tag_0_corrected', 'tag_1_corrected', 'tag_2_corrected', 'tag_3_corrected', 'tag_4_corrected', 'tag_5_corrected', 'tag_6_corrected', 'tag_7_corrected' ] # These offset for the real camera self.tags_position_offset = [0.062, 0.0, 0.062] # Subscribers - Topics related to the new grasping pipeline rospy.Subscriber('flags/grasp_ready', Bool, self.grasp_ready_callback, queue_size=1) # Grasp flag rospy.Subscriber('flags/reposition_robot_flag', Bool, self.reposition_robot_callback, queue_size=1) # Reposition flag rospy.Subscriber('flags/detection_ready', Bool, self.detection_ready_callback, queue_size=1) # Detection flag rospy.Subscriber('reposition_coord', Float32MultiArray, self.reposition_coord_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/selective_grasping/tag_detections', Int16MultiArray, self.tags_callback, queue_size=1) # Publishers # Publish the required class so the other nodes such as gg-cnn generates the grasp to the selected part self.required_class = rospy.Publisher('pipeline/required_class', Int8, queue_size=1) def turn_velocity_controller_on(self): self.controller_switch(['joint_group_vel_controller'], ['pos_based_pos_traj_controller'], 1) def turn_position_controller_on(self): self.controller_switch(['pos_based_pos_traj_controller'], ['joint_group_vel_controller'], 1) def turn_gripper_velocity_controller_on(self): self.controller_switch(['gripper_controller_vel'], ['gripper_controller_pos'], 1) def turn_gripper_position_controller_on(self): self.controller_switch(['gripper_controller_pos'], ['gripper_controller_vel'], 1) def tags_callback(self, msg): self.detected_tags = def grasp_ready_callback(self, msg): self.grasp_ready_flag = def detection_ready_callback(self, msg): self.detection_ready_flag = def reposition_robot_callback(self, msg): self.reposition_robot_flag = def reposition_coord_callback(self, msg): self.reposition_coords = def ur5_actual_position_callback(self, joint_values_from_ur5): """Get UR5 joint angles The joint states published by /joint_states of the UR5 robot are in wrong order. /joint_states topic normally publishes the joint in the following order: [elbow_joint, shoulder_lift_joint, shoulder_pan_joint, wrist_1_joint, wrist_2_joint, wrist_3_joint] But the correct order of the joints that must be sent to the robot is: ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint'] Arguments: joint_values_from_ur5 {list} -- Actual angles of the UR5 Robot """ self.th3, self.th2, self.th1, self.th4, self.th5, self.th6 = joint_values_from_ur5.position self.actual_position = [ self.th1, self.th2, self.th3, self.th4, self.th5, self.th6 ] def genCommand(self, char, command, pos=None): """ Update the command according to the character entered by the user. """ if char == 'a': # command = outputMsg.Robotiq2FGripper_robot_output(); command.rACT = 1 # Gripper activation command.rGTO = 1 # Go to position request command.rSP = 255 # Speed command.rFR = 150 # Force if char == 'r': command.rACT = 0 if char == 'c': command.rACT = 1 command.rGTO = 1 command.rATR = 0 command.rPR = 255 command.rSP = 40 command.rFR = 150 # @param pos Gripper width in meters. [0, 0.087] if char == 'p': command.rACT = 1 command.rGTO = 1 command.rATR = 0 command.rPR = int( np.clip( (13. - 230.) / self.gripper_max_width * self.ori + 230., 0, 255)) command.rSP = 40 command.rFR = 150 if char == 'o': command.rACT = 1 command.rGTO = 1 command.rATR = 0 command.rPR = 0 command.rSP = 40 command.rFR = 150 return command def command_gripper(self, action): command = outputMsg.Robotiq2FGripper_robot_output() command = self.genCommand(action, command) self.pub_gripper_command.publish(command) def ggcnn_command_callback(self, msg): """ GGCNN Command Subscriber Callback """"base_link", "object_detected", rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(4.0)) # object_pose, object_ori = "base_link", "object_detected", rospy.Time(0)) self.d = list( object_pose[0] += self.GGCNN_offset_x object_pose[1] += self.GGCNN_offset_y object_pose[2] += self.GGCNN_offset_z self.posCB = object_pose self.ori = self.d[3] br = TransformBroadcaster() br.sendTransform((object_pose[0], object_pose[1], object_pose[2]), quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, self.ori),, "object_link", "base_link") def all_close(self, goal, tolerance=0.00005): """Wait until goal is reached in configuration space This method check if the robot reached goal position since wait_for_result seems to be broken Arguments: goal {[list]} -- Goal in configuration space (joint values) Keyword Arguments: tolerance {number} -- Minimum error allowed to consider the trajectory completed (default: {0.00005}) """ error = np.sum([(self.actual_position[i] - goal[i])**2 for i in range(6)]) print("> Waiting for the trajectory to finish...") while not rospy.is_shutdown() and error > tolerance: error = np.sum([(self.actual_position[i] - goal[i])**2 for i in range(6)]) if error < tolerance: print( "> Trajectory Suceeded!\n") # whithin the tolerance specified else: rospy.logerr("> Trajectory aborted.") def traj_planner(self, grasp_position, grasp_step='move', way_points_number=10, movement='slow'): """Quintic Trajectory Planner Publish a trajectory to UR5 using quintic splines. Arguments: grasp_position {[float]} -- Grasp position [x, y, z] Keyword Arguments: grasp_step {str} -- Set UR5 movement type (default: {'move'}) way_points_number {number} -- Number of points considered in trajectory (default: {10}) movement {str} -- Movement speed (default: {'slow'}) """ if grasp_step == 'pregrasp': # we need to take a 'screenshot' of the variables at this specific time self.grasp_cartesian_pose = deepcopy(self.posCB) self.ori_ = deepcopy(self.ori) grasp_cartesian_pose = self.grasp_cartesian_pose posCB = self.posCB ori = self.ori_ actual_position = self.actual_position d = self.d status, goal, joint_pos = IK_TRAJ.traj_planner( grasp_position, grasp_step, way_points_number, movement, grasp_cartesian_pose, ori, d, actual_position) if status: self.client.send_goal(goal) self.all_close(joint_pos) else: print("Could not retrieve any IK solution") def move_on_shutdown(self): self.client.cancel_goal() self.client_gripper.cancel_goal() print("Shutting down node...") def grasp_main(self, point_init_home, depth_shot_point): random_classes = [i for i in range(len(self.classes))] bin_location = [[-0.65, -0.1, 0.2], [-0.65, 0.1, 0.2]] garbage_location = [-0.4, -0.30, 0.10] raw_input('=== Press enter to start the grasping process') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # The grasp is performed randomly and the chosen object is published to # the detection node if not len(random_classes): print( "\n> IMPORTANT! There is no object remaining in the object's picking list. Resetting the objects list...\n" ) random_classes = [i for i in range(len(self.classes))] random_object_id = random.sample(random_classes, 1)[0] random_classes.pop(random_classes.index(random_object_id)) print('> Object to pick: ', self.classes[random_object_id]) # Publish the required class ID so the other nodes such as gg-cnn # generates the grasp to the selected part self.required_class.publish(random_object_id) raw_input("==== Press enter to start the grasping process!") if self.detection_ready_flag: # Check if the robot needs to be repositioned to reach the object. This flag is published # By the detection node. The offset coordinates (self.reposition_coords) are also published # by the detection node if self.reposition_robot_flag: print('> Repositioning robot...')"base_link", "grasping_link",, rospy.Duration(4.0)) eef_pose, _ = "base_link", "grasping_link", rospy.Time(0)) corrected_position = [ eef_pose[0] - self.reposition_coords[1], eef_pose[1] + self.reposition_coords[0], eef_pose[2] ] self.traj_planner(corrected_position, movement='fast') raw_input("==== Press enter when the trajectory finishes!") # Check if: # - The run_ggcn is ready (through grasp_ready_flag); # - The detection node is ready (through detection_ready_flag); # - The robot does not need to be repositioned (through reposition_robot_flag) if self.grasp_ready_flag and self.detection_ready_flag and not self.reposition_robot_flag: raw_input("Move to the pre grasp position") print('> Moving to the grasping position... \n') self.traj_planner([], 'pregrasp', movement='fast') raw_input("Move the gripper") # It closes the gripper a little before approaching the object # to prevent colliding with other objects self.command_gripper('p') raw_input("Move to the grasp position") # Moving the robot to pick the object - BE CAREFULL! self.traj_planner([], 'grasp', movement='slow') raw_input("==== Press enter to close the gripper!") print("Picking object...") self.command_gripper('c') # After a collision is detected, the arm will start the picking action # Different locations were adopted because the camera field of view is not big enough # to detect all the april tags in the environment raw_input("==== Press enter to move the object to the bin") if random_object_id < 5: self.traj_planner(bin_location[0], movement='fast') else: self.traj_planner(bin_location[1], movement='fast') rospy.sleep(2.0) # waiting for the tag detections selected_tag_status = self.detected_tags[random_object_id] print('selected tag: ', self.tags[random_object_id]) # Check if the tag corresponding to the object ID was identified in order to # move the object there if selected_tag_status: "base_link", self.tags[random_object_id], rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(2.0)) # ptFinal, oriFinal = "base_link", self.tags[random_object_id], rospy.Time(0)) ptFinal = [ ptFinal[i] + self.tags_position_offset[i] for i in range(3) ] raw_input("==== Move to the tag") pt_inter = deepcopy(ptFinal) # pt_inter adds 0.1m to the Z coordinate of ptFinal in order to # approach the box before leaving the object there pt_inter[-1] += 0.1 self.traj_planner(pt_inter, movement='fast') self.traj_planner(ptFinal, movement='fast') else: # In this case, the camera identifies some other tag but not the tag corresponding to the object print( '> Could not find the box tag. Placing the object anywhere \n' ) raw_input('=== Pres enter to proceed') self.traj_planner(garbage_location, movement='fast') print("Placing object...") # After the bin location is reached, the robot will place the object and move back # to the initial position self.command_gripper('o') print("> Moving back to home position...\n") self.traj_planner(point_init_home, movement='fast') self.traj_planner(depth_shot_point, movement='slow') print('> Grasping finished \n') else: print('> The requested object could not be grasped! \n') self.traj_planner(depth_shot_point, movement='fast') else: print('> The requested object was not detected! \n')
def setUp(self): = TransformListener() self.move_arm_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( "move_right_arm", MoveArmAction) att_pub = rospy.Publisher('attached_collision_object', AttachedCollisionObject) obj_pub = rospy.Publisher('collision_object', CollisionObject) rospy.init_node('test_motion_execution_buffer') #let everything settle down rospy.sleep(5.) obj1 = CollisionObject() obj1.header.stamp = - rospy.Duration(.1) obj1.header.frame_id = "base_footprint" = "obj2" obj1.operation.operation = mapping_msgs.msg.CollisionObjectOperation.ADD obj1.shapes = [Shape() for _ in range(3)] obj1.poses = [Pose() for _ in range(3)] obj1.shapes[0].type = Shape.BOX obj1.shapes[0].dimensions = [float() for _ in range(3)] obj1.shapes[0].dimensions[0] = .5 obj1.shapes[0].dimensions[1] = 1.0 obj1.shapes[0].dimensions[2] = .2 obj1.poses[0].position.x = .95 obj1.poses[0].position.y = -.25 obj1.poses[0].position.z = .62 obj1.poses[0].orientation.x = 0 obj1.poses[0].orientation.y = 0 obj1.poses[0].orientation.z = 0 obj1.poses[0].orientation.w = 1 obj1.shapes[2].type = Shape.BOX obj1.shapes[2].dimensions = [float() for _ in range(3)] obj1.shapes[2].dimensions[0] = .5 obj1.shapes[2].dimensions[1] = .1 obj1.shapes[2].dimensions[2] = 1.0 obj1.poses[2].position.x = .95 obj1.poses[2].position.y = -.14 obj1.poses[2].position.z = 1.2 obj1.poses[2].orientation.x = 0 obj1.poses[2].orientation.y = 0 obj1.poses[2].orientation.z = 0 obj1.poses[2].orientation.w = 1 obj1.shapes[1].type = Shape.BOX obj1.shapes[1].dimensions = [float() for _ in range(3)] obj1.shapes[1].dimensions[0] = .5 obj1.shapes[1].dimensions[1] = .1 obj1.shapes[1].dimensions[2] = 1.0 obj1.poses[1].position.x = .95 obj1.poses[1].position.y = .12 obj1.poses[1].position.z = 1.2 obj1.poses[1].orientation.x = 0 obj1.poses[1].orientation.y = 0 obj1.poses[1].orientation.z = 0 obj1.poses[1].orientation.w = 1 obj_pub.publish(obj1) att_object = AttachedCollisionObject() att_object.object.header.stamp = att_object.object.header.frame_id = "r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link" att_object.link_name = "r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link" att_object.object.operation.operation = mapping_msgs.msg.CollisionObjectOperation.ADD att_object.object = CollisionObject() att_object.object.header.stamp = att_object.object.header.frame_id = "r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link" = "pole" att_object.object.shapes = [Shape() for _ in range(1)] att_object.object.shapes[0].type = Shape.CYLINDER att_object.object.shapes[0].dimensions = [float() for _ in range(2)] att_object.object.shapes[0].dimensions[0] = .02 att_object.object.shapes[0].dimensions[1] = .1 att_object.object.poses = [Pose() for _ in range(1)] att_object.object.poses[0].position.x = -.02 att_object.object.poses[0].position.y = .04 att_object.object.poses[0].position.z = 0 att_object.object.poses[0].orientation.x = 0 att_object.object.poses[0].orientation.y = 0 att_object.object.poses[0].orientation.z = 0 att_object.object.poses[0].orientation.w = 1 att_pub.publish(att_object) rospy.sleep(5.0)
class Head: # 'LOOK_FORWARD: 'LOOK_FORWARD', # 'FOLLOW_RIGHT_EE: 'FOLLOW_RIGHT_EE', # 'FOLLOW_LEFT_EE: 'FOLLOW_LEFT_EE', # 'GLANCE_RIGHT_EE: 'GLANCE_RIGHT_EE', # 'GLANCE_LEFT_EE: 'GLANCE_LEFT_EE', # 'NOD: 'NOD', # 'SHAKE: 'SHAKE', # 'FOLLOW_FACE: 'FOLLOW_FACE', # 'LOOK_AT_POINT: 'LOOK_AT_POINT', # 'LOOK_DOWN: 'LOOK_DOWN', # 'NOD_ONCE : 'NOD_ONCE ', # 'SHAKE_ONCE: 'SHAKE_ONCE', def __init__(self): self.defaultLookatPoint = Point(1,0,1.35) self.downLookatPoint = Point(0.5,0,0.5) self.targetLookatPoint = Point(1,0,1.35) self.currentLookatPoint = Point(1,0,1.35) self.currentGazeAction = 'LOOK_FORWARD'; self.prevGazeAction = self.currentGazeAction self.prevTargetLookatPoint = array(self.defaultLookatPoint); # Some constants self.doNotInterrupt = ['GLANCE_RIGHT_EE', 'GLANCE_LEFT_EE', 'NOD', 'SHAKE']; self.nodPositions = [Point(1,0,1.05), Point(1,0,1.55)] self.shakePositions = [Point(1,0.2,1.35), Point(1,-0.2,1.35)] self.nNods = 5 self.nShakes = 5 self.nodCounter = 5 self.shakeCounter = 5 self.facePos = None ## Action client for sending commands to the head. self.headActionClient = SimpleActionClient('/head_traj_controller/point_head_action', PointHeadAction) self.headActionClient.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Head action client has responded.') self.headGoal = PointHeadGoal() = 'base_link' self.headGoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(1.0) = Point(1,0,1) ## Client for receiving detected faces #self.faceClient = SimpleActionClient('face_detector_action', FaceDetectorAction) ## Service client for arm states self.tfListener = TransformListener() ## Callback function to receive ee states and face location def getEEPos(self, armIndex): fromFrame = '/base_link' if (armIndex == 0): toFrame = '/r_wrist_roll_link' else: toFrame = '/l_wrist_roll_link' try: t = self.tfListener.getLatestCommonTime(fromFrame, toFrame) (position, rotation) = self.tfListener.lookupTransform(fromFrame, toFrame, t) except: rospy.logerr('Could not get the end-effector pose.') #objPoseStamped = PoseStamped() #objPoseStamped.header.stamp = t #objPoseStamped.header.frame_id = '/base_link' #objPoseStamped.pose = Pose() #relEEPose = self.tfListener.transformPose(toFrame, objPoseStamped) return Point(position[0], position[1], position[2]) def getFaceLocation(self): connected = self.faceClient.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(1.0)) if connected: fgoal = FaceDetectorGoal() self.faceClient.send_goal(fgoal) self.faceClient.wait_for_result() f = self.faceClient.get_result() ## If there is one face follow that one, if there are more than one, follow the closest one closest = -1 if len(f.face_positions) == 1: closest = 0 elif len(f.face_positions) > 0: closest_dist = 1000 for i in range(len(f.face_positions)): dist = f.face_positions[i].pos.x*f.face_positions[i].pos.x + f.face_positions[i].pos.y*f.face_positions[i].pos.y + f.face_positions[i].pos.z*f.face_positions[i].pos.z if dist < closest_dist: closest = i closest_dist = dist if closest > -1: self.facePos = array([f.face_positions[closest].pos.x, f.face_positions[closest].pos.y, f.face_positions[closest].pos.z]) else: rospy.logwarn('No faces were detected.') self.facePos = self.defaultLookatPoint else: rospy.logwarn('Not connected to the face server, cannot follow faces.') self.facePos = self.defaultLookatPoint ## Callback function for receiving gaze commands def do_gaze_action(self, command): #command = goal.action; if (self.doNotInterrupt.count(self.currentGazeAction) == 0): if (self.currentGazeAction != command or command == 'LOOK_AT_POINT'): self.isActionComplete = False if (command == 'LOOK_FORWARD'): self.targetLookatPoint = self.defaultLookatPoint elif (command == 'LOOK_DOWN'): self.targetLookatPoint = self.downLookatPoint elif (command == 'NOD'): self.nNods = 5 self.startNod() elif (command == 'SHAKE'): self.nShakes = 5 self.startShake() elif (command == 'NOD_ONCE'): self.nNods = 5 self.startNod() elif (command == 'SHAKE_ONCE'): self.nShakes = 5 self.startShake() elif (command == 'GLANCE_RIGHT_EE'): self.startGlance(0) elif (command == 'GLANCE_LEFT_EE'): self.startGlance(1) elif (command == 'LOOK_AT_POINT'): self.targetLookatPoint = goal.point rospy.loginfo('\tSetting gaze action to: ' + command) self.currentGazeAction = command while (not self.isActionComplete): time.sleep(0.1) def isTheSame(self, current, target): diff = target - current dist = linalg.norm(diff) return (dist<0.0001) def filterLookatPosition(self, current, target): speed = 0.02 diff = self.point2array(target) - self.point2array(current) dist = linalg.norm(diff) if (dist>speed): step = dist/speed return self.array2point(self.point2array(current) + diff/step) else: return target def startNod(self): self.prevTargetLookatPoint = self.targetLookatPoint self.prevGazeAction = str(self.currentGazeAction) self.nodCounter = 0 self.targetLookatPoint = self.nodPositions[0] def startGlance(self, armIndex): self.prevTargetLookatPoint = self.targetLookatPoint self.prevGazeAction = str(self.currentGazeAction) self.glanceCounter = 0 self.targetLookatPoint = self.getEEPos(armIndex) def startShake(self): self.prevTargetLookatPoint = self.targetLookatPoint self.prevGazeAction = str(self.currentGazeAction) self.shakeCounter = 0 self.targetLookatPoint = self.shakePositions[0] def point2array(self, p): return array((p.x, p.y, p.z)) def array2point(self, a): return Point(a[0], a[1], a[2]) def getNextNodPoint(self, current, target): if (self.isTheSame(self.point2array(current), self.point2array(target))): self.nodCounter += 1 if (self.nodCounter == self.nNods): self.currentGazeAction = self.prevGazeAction return self.prevTargetLookatPoint else: return self.nodPositions[self.nodCounter%2] else: return target def getNextGlancePoint(self, current, target): if (self.isTheSame(self.point2array(current), self.point2array(target))): self.glanceCounter = 1 self.currentGazeAction = self.prevGazeAction return self.prevTargetLookatPoint else: return target def getNextShakePoint(self, current, target): if (self.isTheSame(self.point2array(current), self.point2array(target))): self.shakeCounter += 1 if (self.shakeCounter == self.nNods): self.currentGazeAction = self.prevGazeAction return self.prevTargetLookatPoint else: return self.shakePositions[self.shakeCounter%2] else: return target def update(self): isActionPossiblyComplete = True if (self.currentGazeAction == 'FOLLOW_RIGHT_EE'): self.targetLookatPoint = self.getEEPos(0) elif (self.currentGazeAction == 'FOLLOW_LEFT_EE'): self.targetLookatPoint = self.getEEPos(1) elif (self.currentGazeAction == 'FOLLOW_FACE'): self.getFaceLocation() self.targetLookatPoint = self.facePos elif (self.currentGazeAction == 'NOD'): self.targetLookatPoint = self.getNextNodPoint(self.currentLookatPoint, self.targetLookatPoint) self.headGoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(0.5) isActionPossiblyComplete = False; elif (self.currentGazeAction == 'SHAKE'): self.targetLookatPoint = self.getNextShakePoint(self.currentLookatPoint, self.targetLookatPoint) self.headGoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(0.5) isActionPossiblyComplete = False; elif (self.currentGazeAction == 'GLANCE_RIGHT_EE' or self.currentGazeAction == 'GLANCE_LEFT_EE'): self.targetLookatPoint = self.getNextGlancePoint(self.currentLookatPoint, self.targetLookatPoint) isActionPossiblyComplete = False; self.currentLookatPoint = self.filterLookatPosition(self.currentLookatPoint, self.targetLookatPoint) if (self.isTheSame(self.point2array(, self.point2array(self.currentLookatPoint))): if (isActionPossiblyComplete): if (self.headActionClient.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): self.isActionComplete = True else: = self.currentLookatPoint self.headActionClient.send_goal(self.headGoal) time.sleep(0.02)
class Tensioner(object): def __init__(self): self.torque = Gripper_Torque() = TransformListener() def get_translation(self,direction): pose =,'hand_palm_link',rospy.Time(0)) trans = pose[0] return trans def get_rotation(self,direction): pose =,'hand_palm_link',rospy.Time(0)) rot = pose[1] return tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(rot) def compute_bed_tension(self, wrench, direction): x = wrench.wrench.force.x y = wrench.wrench.force.y z = wrench.wrench.force.z force = np.array([x,y,z,1.0]) rot = self.get_rotation(direction) force_perp =,force) print("\nInside p_pi/bed_making/, `compute_bed_tension()`:") print("CURRENT FORCES: {}".format(force)) print("FORCE PERP: {}".format(force_perp)) return force_perp[1] def force_pull(self, whole_body, direction): """Pull to the target `direction`, hopefully with the sheet! I think this splits it into several motions, at most `cfg.MAX_PULLS`, so this explains the occasional pauses with the HSR's motion. This is *per* grasp+pull attempt, so it's different from the max attempts per side, which I empirically set at 4. Actually he set his max pulls to 3, but because of the delta <= 1.0 (including equality) this is 4 also. Move the end-effector, then quickly read the torque data and look at the wrench. The end-effector moves according to a _fraction_ that is specified by `s = 1-delta`, so I _hope_ if there's too much tension after that tiny bit of motion, that we'll exit. But maybe the discretization into four smaller pulls is not fine enough? """ count = 0 is_pulling = False t_o = self.get_translation(direction) delta = 0.0 while delta <= 1.0: s = 1.0 - delta whole_body.move_end_effector_pose( geometry.pose(x=t_o[0]*s, y=t_o[1]*s, z=t_o[2]*s), direction ) wrench = self.torque.read_data() norm = np.abs(self.compute_bed_tension(wrench,direction)) print("FORCE NORM: {}".format(norm)) if norm > cfg.HIGH_FORCE: is_pulling = True if is_pulling and norm < cfg.LOW_FORCE: break if norm > cfg.FORCE_LIMT: break delta += 1.0/float(cfg.MAX_PULLS)
class TFHelper(object): """ TFHelper Provides functionality to convert poses between various forms, compare angles in a suitable way, and publish needed transforms to ROS """ def __init__(self): self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster() def convert_translation_rotation_to_pose(self, translation, rotation): """ Convert from representation of a pose as translation and rotation (Quaternion) tuples to a geometry_msgs/Pose message """ return Pose(position=Point(x=translation[0], y=translation[1], z=translation[2]), orientation=Quaternion(x=rotation[0], y=rotation[1], z=rotation[2], w=rotation[3])) def convert_pose_inverse_transform(self, pose): """ This is a helper method to invert a transform (this is built into the tf C++ classes, but ommitted from Python) """ transform = t.concatenate_matrices( t.translation_matrix( [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z]), t.quaternion_matrix([ pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w ])) inverse_transform_matrix = t.inverse_matrix(transform) return (t.translation_from_matrix(inverse_transform_matrix), t.quaternion_from_matrix(inverse_transform_matrix)) def convert_pose_to_xy_and_theta(self, pose): """ Convert pose (geometry_msgs.Pose) to a (x,y,yaw) tuple """ orientation_tuple = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w) angles = t.euler_from_quaternion(orientation_tuple) return (pose.position.x, pose.position.y, angles[2]) def covert_xy_and_theta_to_pose(self, x, y, theta): """ A helper function to convert a x, y, and theta values to a pose """ orientation_tuple = t.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta) return Pose(position=Point(x=x, y=y, z=0), orientation=Quaternion(x=orientation_tuple[0], y=orientation_tuple[1], z=orientation_tuple[2], w=orientation_tuple[3])) def angle_normalize(self, z): """ convenience function to map an angle to the range [-pi,pi] """ return math.atan2(math.sin(z), math.cos(z)) def angle_diff(self, a, b): """ Calculates the difference between angle a and angle b (both should be in radians) the difference is always based on the closest rotation from angle a to angle b. examples: angle_diff(.1,.2) -> -.1 angle_diff(.1, 2*math.pi - .1) -> .2 angle_diff(.1, .2+2*math.pi) -> -.1 """ a = self.angle_normalize(a) b = self.angle_normalize(b) d1 = a - b d2 = 2 * math.pi - math.fabs(d1) if d1 > 0: d2 *= -1.0 if math.fabs(d1) < math.fabs(d2): return d1 else: return d2 def loop_around(self, num): return abs(num % 360) def fix_map_to_odom_transform(self, robot_pose, timestamp): """ This method constantly updates the offset of the map and odometry coordinate systems based on the latest results from the localizer. robot_pose should be of type geometry_msgs/Pose and timestamp is of type rospy.Time and represents the time at which the robot's pose corresponds. """ (translation, rotation) = \ self.convert_pose_inverse_transform(robot_pose) p = PoseStamped(pose=self.convert_translation_rotation_to_pose( translation, rotation), header=Header(stamp=timestamp, frame_id='base_link')) self.tf_listener.waitForTransform('base_link', 'odom', timestamp, rospy.Duration(1.0)) self.odom_to_map = self.tf_listener.transformPose('odom', p) (self.translation, self.rotation) = \ self.convert_pose_inverse_transform(self.odom_to_map.pose) def send_last_map_to_odom_transform(self): if not (hasattr(self, 'translation') and hasattr(self, 'rotation')): return self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(self.translation, self.rotation, rospy.get_rostime(), 'odom', 'map')
for obj_index in range(obj_list.size): center_x = obj_list.list[obj_index].position.x center_y = obj_list.list[obj_index].position.y center_z = obj_list.list[obj_index].position.z center = np.array([center_x, center_y, center_z, 1]) new_center =, center) obj_list.list[obj_index].position.x = new_center[0] obj_list.list[obj_index].position.y = new_center[1] obj_list.list[obj_index].position.z = new_center[2] obj_list.header.frame_id = "/odom" pub_obj.publish(obj_list) except (LookupException, ConnectivityException, ExtrapolationException): print "Nothing Happen" if __name__ == "__main__": # Tell ROS that we're making a new node. rospy.init_node("object_map",anonymous=False) tf_ = TransformListener() transformer = TransformerROS() sub_classify = rospy.get_param('~classify', False) if sub_classify: sub_topic = "/obj_list/classify" else: sub_topic = "/obj_list" print "Object map subscribe from: ", sub_topic rospy.Subscriber(sub_topic, ObjectPoseList, call_back, queue_size=10) #rospy.Subscriber("/waypointList", WaypointList, call_back, queue_size=10) pub_obj = rospy.Publisher("/obj_list/odom", ObjectPoseList, queue_size=1) #pub_rviz = rospy.Publisher("/wp_path", Marker, queue_size = 1) rospy.spin()
def transformQuaternion(self, target_frame, quat): now = self.waitForTransform(target_frame, quat.header.frame_id,, rospy.Duration(5.0)) quat.header.stamp = now return TransformListener.transformQuaternion(self, target_frame, quat)
def __init__(self, joint_values=None): rospy.init_node('command_GGCNN_ur5') self.joint_values_home = joint_values = TransformListener() # Used to change the controller self.controller_switch = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/controller_manager/switch_controller', SwitchController) # actionClient used to send joint positions self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'pos_based_pos_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) print("Waiting for server (pos_based_pos_traj_controller)...") self.client.wait_for_server() print("Connected to server (pos_based_pos_traj_controller)") ################# # GGCNN Related ################# self.d = None self.ori_ = None self.grasp_cartesian_pose = None self.posCB = [] self.ori = [] self.gripper_angle_grasp = 0.0 self.final_orientation = 0.0 # These offsets are used only in the real robot and need to be calibrated self.GGCNN_offset_x = -0.03 # 0.002 self.GGCNN_offset_y = 0.02 # -0.05 self.GGCNN_offset_z = 0.058 # 0.013 self.robotiq_joint_name = rospy.get_param("/robotiq_joint_name") # Topic published from GG-CNN Node rospy.Subscriber('ggcnn/out/command', Float32MultiArray, self.ggcnn_command_callback, queue_size=1) #################### # Pipeline Related # #################### self.classes = rospy.get_param("/classes") self.grasp_ready_flag = False self.detected_tags = [] self.tags = [ 'tag_0_corrected', 'tag_1_corrected', 'tag_2_corrected', 'tag_3_corrected', 'tag_4_corrected', 'tag_5_corrected', 'tag_6_corrected', 'tag_7_corrected' ] # These offset for the real camera self.tags_position_offset = [0.062, 0.0, 0.062] # Subscribers - Topics related to the new grasping pipeline rospy.Subscriber('flags/grasp_ready', Bool, self.grasp_ready_callback, queue_size=1) # Grasp flag rospy.Subscriber('flags/reposition_robot_flag', Bool, self.reposition_robot_callback, queue_size=1) # Reposition flag rospy.Subscriber('flags/detection_ready', Bool, self.detection_ready_callback, queue_size=1) # Detection flag rospy.Subscriber('reposition_coord', Float32MultiArray, self.reposition_coord_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/selective_grasping/tag_detections', Int16MultiArray, self.tags_callback, queue_size=1) # Publishers # Publish the required class so the other nodes such as gg-cnn generates the grasp to the selected part self.required_class = rospy.Publisher('pipeline/required_class', Int8, queue_size=1)
class Controller(): Manual = 0 Automatic = 1 TakeOff = 2 def __init__(self): self.pubNav = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.listener = TransformListener() rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self._joyChanged) rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel_telop", Twist, self._cmdVelTelopChanged) self.cmd_vel_telop = Twist() self.pidX = PID(20, 12, 0.0, -30, 30, "x") self.pidY = PID(-20, -12, 0.0, -30, 30, "y") self.pidZ = PID(15000, 3000.0, 1500.0, 10000, 60000, "z") self.pidYaw = PID(-50.0, 0.0, 0.0, -200.0, 200.0, "yaw") self.state = Controller.Manual self.targetZ = 0.5 self.lastJoy = Joy() def _cmdVelTelopChanged(self, data): self.cmd_vel_telop = data if self.state == Controller.Manual: self.pubNav.publish(data) def pidReset(self): self.pidX.reset() self.pidZ.reset() self.pidZ.reset() self.pidYaw.reset() def _joyChanged(self, data): if len(data.buttons) == len(self.lastJoy.buttons): delta = np.array(data.buttons) - np.array(self.lastJoy.buttons) print("Buton ok") #Button 1 if delta[0] == 1 and self.state != Controller.Automatic: print("Automatic!") thrust = self.cmd_vel_telop.linear.z print(thrust) self.pidReset() self.pidZ.integral = thrust / self.targetZ = 0.5 self.state = Controller.Automatic #Button 2 if delta[1] == 1 and self.state != Controller.Manual: print("Manual!") self.pubNav.publish(self.cmd_vel_telop) self.state = Controller.Manual #Button 3 if delta[2] == 1: self.state = Controller.TakeOff print("TakeOff!") #Button 5 if delta[4] == 1: self.targetZ += 0.1 print(self.targetZ) #Button 6 if delta[5] == 1: self.targetZ -= 0.1 print(self.targetZ) self.lastJoy = data def run(self): thrust = 0 print("jello") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.state == Controller.TakeOff: t = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime("/mocap", "/Nano_Mark") if self.listener.canTransform("/mocap", "/Nano_Mark", t): position, quaternion = self.listener.lookupTransform( "/mocap", "/Nano_Mark", t) if position[2] > 0.1 or thrust > 50000: self.pidReset() self.pidZ.integral = thrust / self.targetZ = 0.5 self.state = Controller.Automatic thrust = 0 else: thrust += 100 msg = self.cmd_vel_telop msg.linear.z = thrust self.pubNav.publish(msg) if self.state == Controller.Automatic: # transform target world coordinates into local coordinates t = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime("/Nano_Mark", "/mocap") print(t) if self.listener.canTransform("/Nano_Mark", "/mocap", t): targetWorld = PoseStamped() targetWorld.header.stamp = t targetWorld.header.frame_id = "mocap" targetWorld.pose.position.x = 0 targetWorld.pose.position.y = 0 targetWorld.pose.position.z = self.targetZ quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, 0) targetWorld.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] targetWorld.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] targetWorld.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] targetWorld.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] targetDrone = self.listener.transformPose( "/Nano_Mark", targetWorld) quaternion = (targetDrone.pose.orientation.x, targetDrone.pose.orientation.y, targetDrone.pose.orientation.z, targetDrone.pose.orientation.w) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( quaternion) #msg = self.cmd_vel_teleop msg.linear.x = self.pidX.update( 0.0, targetDrone.pose.position.x) msg.linear.y = self.pidY.update( 0.0, targetDrone.pose.position.y) msg.linear.z = self.pidZ.update( 0.0, targetDrone.pose.position.z ) #self.pidZ.update(position[2], self.targetZ) msg.angular.z = self.pidYaw.update(0.0, euler[2]) #print(euler[2]) #print(msg.angular.z) self.pubNav.publish(msg) rospy.sleep(0.01)
def __init__(self): self.torque = Gripper_Torque() = TransformListener()
def __init__(self, *args): = TransformListener()
yellowBox1Name = "BoxTF_yellow1" yellowBox2Name = "BoxTF_yellow2" yellowBox3Name = "BoxTF_yellow3" greenBox1Name = "BoxTF_green1" greenBox2Name = "BoxTF_green2" greenBox3Name = "BoxTF_green3" vehicleName = "base_link" vehicleTargetName = "youBotTarget" world = "map" gripperTip = "gripperTip" place1 = "DropPlaceTF_1Start" place2 = "DropPlaceTF_2Temp" place3 = "DropPlaceTF_3Goal" ###### Subsrcibe topics tf_sub = TransformListener() ###### Do Hanoi #wait for node and topics to come up time.sleep(2) # define some relative positions pickup1 = [ 0, -14.52 * math.pi / 180, -70.27 * math.pi / 180, -95.27 * math.pi / 180, 0 * math.pi / 180 ] pickup2 = [ 0, -13.39 * math.pi / 180, -93.91 * math.pi / 180, -72.72 * math.pi / 180, 90 * math.pi / 180 ] pickup3 = [
class mapping(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() = TransformListener() self.transformer = TransformerROS() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) #rospy.Subscriber("/pcl_points", PoseArray, self.call_back, queue_size=1, buff_size = 2**24) sub_pcl = message_filters.Subscriber("/pcl_points", PoseArray) sub_odom = message_filters.Subscriber("/odometry/ground_truth", Odometry) ats = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer((sub_pcl, sub_odom), queue_size=1, slop=0.1) ats.registerCallback(self.call_back) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.cb_new_goal, queue_size=1) self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher('/local_map', OccupancyGrid, queue_size=1) self.pub_rviz = rospy.Publisher("/wp_line", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_poses = rospy.Publisher("/path_points", PoseArray, queue_size=1) self.resolution = 0.25 self.robot = Pose() self.width = 200 self.height = 200 self.origin = Pose() self.local_map = OccupancyGrid() self.dilating_size = 6 self.wall_width = 3 self.start_planning = False self.transpose_matrix = None self.goal = [] self.astar = AStar() self.msg_count = 0 self.planning_range = 20 self.frame_id = "map" def init_param(self): self.occupancygrid = np.zeros((self.height, self.width)) self.local_map = OccupancyGrid() = self.resolution = self.width = self.height self.origin.position.x = -self.width * self.resolution / 2. + self.robot.position.x self.origin.position.y = -self.height * self.resolution / 2. + self.robot.position.y = self.origin def cb_rviz(self, msg): self.click_pt = [msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y] self.publish_topic() def call_back(self, pcl_msg, odom_msg): self.robot = odom_msg.pose.pose self.msg_count = self.msg_count + 1 self.init_param() self.local_map.header = pcl_msg.header self.local_map.header.frame_id = self.frame_id self.get_tf() if self.transpose_matrix is None: return for i in range(len(pcl_msg.poses)): p = (pcl_msg.poses[i].position.x, pcl_msg.poses[i].position.y, pcl_msg.poses[i].position.z, 1) local_p = np.array(p) global_p =, local_p) x, y = self.map2occupancygrid(global_p) width_in_range = (x >= self.width - self.dilating_size or x <= self.dilating_size) height_in_range = (y >= self.height - self.dilating_size or y <= self.dilating_size) if width_in_range or height_in_range: continue # To prevent point cloud range over occupancy grid range self.occupancygrid[y][x] = 100 # map dilating for i in range(self.height): for j in range(self.width): if self.occupancygrid[i][j] == 100: for m in range(-self.dilating_size, self.dilating_size + 1): for n in range(-self.dilating_size, self.dilating_size + 1): if self.occupancygrid[i + m][j + n] != 100: if m > self.wall_width or m < -self.wall_width or n > self.wall_width or n < -self.wall_width: if self.occupancygrid[i + m][j + n] != 90: self.occupancygrid[i + m][j + n] = 50 else: self.occupancygrid[i + m][j + n] = 90 for i in range(self.height): for j in range(self.width):[i][j]) self.pub_map.publish(self.local_map) if self.start_planning: self.path_planning() def get_tf(self): try: position, quaternion = "/map", "/X1/front_laser", rospy.Time(0)) self.transpose_matrix = self.transformer.fromTranslationRotation( position, quaternion) except (LookupException, ConnectivityException, ExtrapolationException): print("Nothing Happen") def path_planning(self): if self.msg_count % 5 != 0: return self.msg_count = 0 cost_map = np.zeros((self.height, self.width)) border = self.planning_range / self.resolution h_min = int((self.height - border) / 2.) h_max = int(self.height - (self.height - border) / 2.) w_min = int((self.height - border) / 2.) w_max = int(self.width - (self.width - border) / 2.) for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.width): if i > h_min and i < h_max: if j > w_min and j < w_max: cost_map[i][j] = self.occupancygrid[i][j] start_point = self.map2occupancygrid( (self.robot.position.x, self.robot.position.y)) start = (start_point[1], start_point[0]) goal = self.map2occupancygrid(self.goal) end = (goal[1], goal[0]) self.astar.initial(cost_map, start, end) path = self.astar.planning() self.pub_path(path) self.rviz(path) def cb_new_goal(self, p): self.goal = [p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y] self.start_planning = True def occupancygrid2map(self, p): x = p[ 0] * self.resolution + self.origin.position.x + self.resolution / 2. y = p[ 1] * self.resolution + self.origin.position.y + self.resolution / 2. return [x, y] def map2occupancygrid(self, p): x = int((p[0] - self.origin.position.x) / self.resolution) y = int((p[1] - self.origin.position.y) / self.resolution) return [x, y] def pub_path(self, path): poses = PoseArray() for i in range(len(path)): p = self.occupancygrid2map([path[i][1], path[i][0]]) pose = Pose() pose.position.x = p[0] pose.position.y = p[1] pose.position.z = 0 poses.poses.append(pose) self.pub_poses.publish(poses) def rviz(self, path): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP marker.action = marker.ADD marker.scale.x = 0.3 marker.scale.y = 0.3 marker.scale.z = 0.3 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1.0 marker.color.g = 0. marker.color.b = 0. marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker.pose.position.x = 0.0 marker.pose.position.y = 0.0 marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 marker.points = [] for i in range(len(path)): p = self.occupancygrid2map([path[i][1], path[i][0]]) point = Point() point.x = p[0] point.y = p[1] point.z = 0 marker.points.append(point) self.pub_rviz.publish(marker)
class KinovaUtilities(object): JOINT_1_MIN_MAX = (-3.14, 3.14) JOINT_2_MIN_MAX = (0.82, 5.46) JOINT_3_MIN_MAX = (0.33, 5.95) JOINT_4_MIN_MAX = (-3.14, 3.14) JOINT_5_MIN_MAX = (-3.14, 3.14) JOINT_6_MIN_MAX = (-3.14, 3.14) JOINT_4_OFFSET = 6.28325902769 JOINT_5_OFFSET = -18.8241170548 JOINT_6_OFFSET = 18.8293733406 CUBE_GZ_NAME = "cube" X_CUBE_MIN = 0.76 X_CUBE_MAX = 1.03 Y_CUBE_MIN = 0.55 Y_CUBE_MAX = 1.05 def __init__(self): super(KinovaUtilities, self).__init__() ## First initialize `moveit_commander`_ and a `rospy`_ node: moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('Kinova_Utilities', anonymous=True) ## Instantiate a `RobotCommander`_ object. This object is the outer-level interface to ## the robot: self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() group_names = self.robot.get_group_names() print "============ Robot Groups:", self.robot.get_group_names() ## Instantiate a `PlanningSceneInterface`_ object. This object is an interface ## to the world surrounding the robot: self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() self.box_name = "cube" ## Instantiate a `MoveGroupCommander`_ object. This object is an interface ## to one group of joints. In this case the group is the joints in the Panda ## arm so we set ``group_name = panda_arm``. If you are using a different robot, ## you should change this value to the name of your robot arm planning group. ## This interface can be used to plan and execute motions on the Panda: self.arm_group_name = "Arm" self.arm_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self.arm_group_name) print "============ Printing arm joint values" #print self.arm_group.get_current_joint_values() self.gripper_group_name = "All" self.gripper_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self.gripper_group_name) print "============ Printing gripper joint values" #print self.gripper_group.get_current_joint_values() # Sometimes for debugging it is useful to print the entire state of the # robot: print "============ Printing robot state" print self.robot.get_current_state() print "" current_pose = self.arm_group.get_current_pose() print "============ Current Pose" print current_pose print "" # aruco_pose = rospy.wait_for_message('/aruco_single/pose', PoseStamped) # rospy.loginfo("Got: " + str(aruco_pose)) #self.return_home_position() = TransformListener() rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) #print trans # rand_x = random.uniform(self.X_CUBE_MIN, self.X_CUBE_MAX) # rand_y = random.uniform(self.Y_CUBE_MIN, self.Y_CUBE_MAX) # # self.delete_gazebo_object(self.CUBE_GZ_NAME) # self.spawn_gazebo_object(x=rand_x, y=rand_y, model_name=self.CUBE_GZ_NAME) # try:"/world", "/tag_0", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4)) now = rospy.Time(0) (trans, rot) ="/world", "/tag_0", now) self.add_rviz_object(self.CUBE_GZ_NAME, trans, rot) except TransformException, e: rospy.logerr("Could not find the TAG: {0}".format(e)) #self.add_object("cube", trans,rot) # tag_pos = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() # tag_pos.header.frame_id = "tag_0" # tag_pos.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # start_pos_manual = self.listener.transformPose("world", tag_pos) # # # rospy.loginfo("Pose via manual TF is: ") # rospy.loginfo(start_pos_manual) # # self.return_home_position() self.pre_grasp_face_4(trans) # self.return_home_position() # self.pre_grasp_face_2(trans) # # # # self.return_home_position() # self.pre_grasp_face_1(trans) # self.return_home_position() try: self.joint_planning() except moveit_commander.MoveItCommanderException, e: print(e)
class HandEyeCalibrator(object): def __init__(self): self._camera_frame = rospy.get_param('%s/camera_frame' % (NODE_NAME, ), 'camera_rgb_optical_frame') self._marker_frame = rospy.get_param('%s/marker_frame' % (NODE_NAME, ), 'marker26') self._robot_base_frame = rospy.get_param( '%s/robot_base_frame' % (NODE_NAME, ), 'world') self._ee_frame = rospy.get_param('%s/ee_frame' % (NODE_NAME, ), 'left_arm_7_link') self._save_calib_file = rospy.get_param( '%s/save_calib_file' % (NODE_NAME, ), 'hand_eye_calib_data.npy') self._load_calib_file = rospy.get_param( '%s/load_calib_file' % (NODE_NAME, ), 'hand_eye_calib_data.npy') self._calib_from_file = rospy.get_param( '%s/calibrate_from_file' % (NODE_NAME, ), False) rospy.loginfo("Camera frame: %s" % (self._camera_frame, )) rospy.loginfo("Marker frame: %s" % (self._marker_frame, )) rospy.loginfo("Robot frame: %s" % (self._robot_base_frame, )) rospy.loginfo("End-effector frame: %s" % (self._ee_frame, )) rospy.loginfo("Calibration filename to save: %s" % (self._save_calib_file, )) rospy.loginfo("Calibration filename to load: %s" % (self._load_calib_file, )) rospy.loginfo("Calibrate from file: %s" % (self._calib_from_file, )) self._camera_base_p = [0.000, 0.022, 0.0] self._camera_base_q = [-0.500, 0.500, -0.500, 0.500] self._camera_base_transform = self.to_transform_matrix( self._camera_base_p, self._camera_base_q) self._calib = HandEyeCalib() self._br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self._tf = TransformListener() def broadcast_frame(self, pt, rot, frame_name="marker"): rot = np.append(rot, [[0, 0, 0]], 0) rot = np.append(rot, [[0], [0], [0], [1]], 1) quat = tuple(tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(rot)) now = self._br.sendTransform((pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(rot), now, frame_name, 'base') print("should have done it!") def get_transform(self, base_frame, source_frame): if base_frame == source_frame: return (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), # t = (0,0,0) # q = (0,0,0,1) time = None while time is None: try: time = self._tf.getLatestCommonTime(source_frame, base_frame) except: rospy.loginfo( "Failed to get common time between %s and %s. Trying again..." % ( source_frame, base_frame, )) t = None q = None try: t, q = self._tf.lookupTransform( base_frame, source_frame, time ) #self._tf_buffer.lookup_transform(frame_name, base_frame, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(5.0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr("Transform could not be queried.") return (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), translation = (t[0], t[1], t[2]) quaternion = (q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]) # translation = (t.transform.translation.x, t.transform.translation.y, t.transform.translation.z) # quaternion = (t.transform.rotation.x, t.transform.rotation.y, t.transform.rotation.z, t.transform.rotation.w) return translation, quaternion, time def to_transform_matrix(self, t, q): t_mat = tf.transformations.translation_matrix(t) r_mat = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(q) transform_mat =, r_mat) return transform_mat def to_euler(self, transform): return np.asarray(tf.transformations.euler_from_matrix(transform)) def to_translation(self, transform): return np.array(transform[:3, 3]) def calibrate_from_file(self): calib_data = np.load(self._load_calib_file).item() camera_poses = calib_data['camera_poses'] ee_poses = calib_data['ee_poses'] for i in range(len(camera_poses)): self._calib.add_measurement(ee_poses[i], camera_poses[i]) hand_eye_transform = self._calib.calibrate() hand_eye_transform = np.matmul( hand_eye_transform, np.linalg.inv(self._camera_base_transform)) print 'Hand-eye transform: ', hand_eye_transform translation = self.to_translation(hand_eye_transform) euler = self.to_euler(hand_eye_transform) print "XYZ:", translation print "RPY: ", euler # calib_data = {'hand_eye_transform': {'matrix': hand_eye_transform, # 'xyz': translation, # 'rpy': euler}, # 'camera_poses': self._calib._camera_poses, # 'ee_poses': self._calib._ee_poses} #'hand_eye_calibration_right.npy', calib_data) def calibrate(self): from getch import getch calibrate = False print( "Press enter to record to next. Add/Remove/Calibrate/Help? (a/r/c/h)" ) while not calibrate: r = getch() if r == 'a': camera_t, camera_q, _ = self.get_transform( self._camera_frame, self._marker_frame) ee_t, ee_q, _ = self.get_transform(self._robot_base_frame, self._ee_frame) camera_transform = self.to_transform_matrix(camera_t, camera_q) ee_transform = self.to_transform_matrix(ee_t, ee_q) print "------------%d Poses---------------" % (len( self._calib._ee_poses), ) print "Camera transform: ", camera_t, camera_q print "Hand transform: ", ee_t, ee_q print "---------------------------------" self._calib.add_measurement(ee_transform, camera_transform) print 'Transform has been added for calibration' elif r == 'c': calibrate = True elif r == 'h': print( "Press enter to record to next. Add/Remove/Calibrate? (a/r/c/h)" ) elif r == 'r': if len(self._calib._ee_poses) > 0: del self._calib._ee_poses[-1] del self._calib._camera_poses[-1] print("Removed last pose") else: print("Pose list already empty.") elif r in ['\x1b', '\x03']: rospy.signal_shutdown("Acquisition finished.") break if calibrate: hand_eye_transform = self._calib.calibrate() hand_eye_transform = np.matmul( hand_eye_transform, np.linalg.inv(self._camera_base_transform)) print "Found Transform: ", hand_eye_transform translation = self.to_translation(hand_eye_transform) euler = self.to_euler(hand_eye_transform) print "XYZ:", translation print "RPY: ", euler calib_data = { 'hand_eye_transform': { 'matrix': hand_eye_transform, 'xyz': translation, 'rpy': euler }, 'camera_poses': self._calib._camera_poses, 'ee_poses': self._calib._ee_poses }'hand_eye_calibration_right.npy', calib_data), calib_data) else: print("Quiting. Bye!")
class Mover: """ A very simple Roamer implementation for Thorvald. It simply goes straight until any obstacle is within 3 m distance and then just simply turns left. A purely reactive approach. """ def __init__(self): """ On construction of the object, create a Subscriber to listen to lasr scans and a Publisher to control the robot """ self.publisher = rospy.Publisher('/thorvald_001/teleop_joy/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber("/thorvald_001/front_scan", LaserScan, self.callback) self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nearest_obstacle', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.listener = TransformListener() def callback(self, data): """ Callback called any time a new laser scan becomes available """ # some logging on debug level, not usually displayed rospy.logdebug("I heard %s", data.header.seq) # This find the closest of all laser readings min_dist = min(data.ranges) # let's already create an object of type Twist to # publish it later. All initialised to 0! t = Twist() # If anything is closer than 4 metres anywhere in the # scan, we turn away if min_dist < 2: t.angular.z = 1.0 else: # if all obstacles are far away, let's keep # moving forward at 0.8 m/s t.linear.x = 0.8 # publish to the topic that makes the robot actually move self.publisher.publish(t) # above in min_dist we found the nearest value, # but to display the position of the nearest value # we need to find which range index corresponds to that # min_value. # find the index of the nearest point # (trick from # it really is a very Python-ic trick here using a getter # function on the range. Can also be done with a # classic for loop index_min = min(range(len(data.ranges)), key=data.ranges.__getitem__) # convert the obtained index to angle, using the # reported angle_increment, and adding that to the # angle_min, i.e. the angle the index 0 corresponds to. # (is negative, in fact -PI/2). alpha = data.angle_min + (index_min * data.angle_increment) # No time for some trigonometry to turn the # polar coordinates into cartesian coordinates # inspired by # use trigonometry to create the point in laser # z = 0, in the frame of the laser laser_point_2d = [cos(alpha) * min_dist, sin(alpha) * min_dist, 0.0] # create an empty PoseStamped to be published later. pose = PoseStamped() # keep the frame ID (the entire header here) as read from # the sensor. This is general ROS practice, as it # propagates the recording time from the sensor and # the corrdinate frame of the sensor through to # other results we may be publishing based on the anaylysis # of the data of that sensor pose.header = data.header # fill in the slots from the points calculated above. # bit tedious to do it this way, but hey... pose.pose.position.x = laser_point_2d[0] pose.pose.position.y = laser_point_2d[1] pose.pose.position.z = laser_point_2d[2] # using my trick from # to convert to quaternion, so that the Pose always # points in the direction of the laser beam. # Not required if only the positions is # of relevance # (then just set pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 and leave # others as 0). pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 pose.pose.orientation.z = sin(alpha / 2) pose.pose.orientation.w = cos(alpha / 2) # publish the pose so it can be visualised in rviz self.pose_pub.publish(pose) rospy.loginfo("The closest point in laser frame coords is at\n%s" % pose.pose.position) # now lets actually transform this pose into a robot # "base_link" frame. transformed_pose = self.listener.transformPose( "thorvald_001/base_link", pose) rospy.loginfo("The closest point in robot coords is at\n%s" % transformed_pose.pose.position)
def __init__(self): super(KinovaUtilities, self).__init__() ## First initialize `moveit_commander`_ and a `rospy`_ node: moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('Kinova_Utilities', anonymous=True) ## Instantiate a `RobotCommander`_ object. This object is the outer-level interface to ## the robot: self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() group_names = self.robot.get_group_names() print "============ Robot Groups:", self.robot.get_group_names() ## Instantiate a `PlanningSceneInterface`_ object. This object is an interface ## to the world surrounding the robot: self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() self.box_name = "cube" ## Instantiate a `MoveGroupCommander`_ object. This object is an interface ## to one group of joints. In this case the group is the joints in the Panda ## arm so we set ``group_name = panda_arm``. If you are using a different robot, ## you should change this value to the name of your robot arm planning group. ## This interface can be used to plan and execute motions on the Panda: self.arm_group_name = "Arm" self.arm_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self.arm_group_name) print "============ Printing arm joint values" #print self.arm_group.get_current_joint_values() self.gripper_group_name = "All" self.gripper_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self.gripper_group_name) print "============ Printing gripper joint values" #print self.gripper_group.get_current_joint_values() # Sometimes for debugging it is useful to print the entire state of the # robot: print "============ Printing robot state" print self.robot.get_current_state() print "" current_pose = self.arm_group.get_current_pose() print "============ Current Pose" print current_pose print "" # aruco_pose = rospy.wait_for_message('/aruco_single/pose', PoseStamped) # rospy.loginfo("Got: " + str(aruco_pose)) #self.return_home_position() = TransformListener() rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) #print trans # rand_x = random.uniform(self.X_CUBE_MIN, self.X_CUBE_MAX) # rand_y = random.uniform(self.Y_CUBE_MIN, self.Y_CUBE_MAX) # # self.delete_gazebo_object(self.CUBE_GZ_NAME) # self.spawn_gazebo_object(x=rand_x, y=rand_y, model_name=self.CUBE_GZ_NAME) # try:"/world", "/tag_0", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4)) now = rospy.Time(0) (trans, rot) ="/world", "/tag_0", now) self.add_rviz_object(self.CUBE_GZ_NAME, trans, rot) except TransformException, e: rospy.logerr("Could not find the TAG: {0}".format(e))
class PickAndPlace(object): def __init__(self, limb, start_pose, hover_distance=0.15): self.start_pose = start_pose self.hover_distance = hover_distance self.limb = robot_limb.Limb(limb) self.gripper = robot_gripper.Gripper(limb) self.base = "base_marker" self.pick_obj = "obj_marker" self.dest = "dest_marker" self.destinations = [] self.queue = Queue.Queue() = TransformListener() self.set_scene() self.set_limb_planner() self.enable_robot() self.set_destinations() print("Moving Sawyer Arm to Start Position") self.move_to_start() def set_limb_planner(): self.right_arm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") self.right_arm.set_planner_id('RRTConnectkConfigDefault') self.right_arm.allow_replanning(True) self.right_arm.set_planning_time(7) def enable_robot(): print("Getting robot state... ") self._rs = intera_interface.RobotEnable(intera_interface.CHECK_VERSION) self._init_state = self._rs.state().enabled print("Enabling robot... ") self._rs.enable() def set_scene(): self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=10) self.scene = PlanningSceneInterface() rospy.sleep(2) self.add_collision_object('turtlebot', 0.8, 0., -0.65, .5, 1.5, .33) self.add_collision_object('right_wall', 0., 0.65, 0., 4., .1, 4.) self.add_collision_object('left_wall', 0., -0.8, 0., 4., .1, 4.) self.add_collision_object('back_wall', -0.6, 0., 0., .1, 4., 4.) self.add_collision_object('destination_table', .5, -.4, -.35, 1, .5, .5) self.plan_scene = PlanningScene() self.plan_scene.is_diff = True self.scene_pub.publish(self.plan_scene) def add_collision_object(self, name, x, y, z, xs, ys, zs): self.scene.remove_world_object(name) o = PoseStamped() o.pose.position.x = x o.pose.position.y = y o.pose.position.z = z self.scene.attach_box('base', name, o, [xs, ys, zs]) def set_destinations(self): while len(self.destinations) == 0: if and self.dest): point, quaternion = self.base, self.dest,, self.dest)) position = list_to_point(point) self.destinations.append( Pose(position=position, orientation=self.start_pose.orientation)) def add_new_objects_to_queue(self, sleep=True): print("Checking if " + self.base + " and " + self.pick_obj + " both exist.") if and self.pick_obj): if sleep: rospy.sleep(10.0) self.add_new_objects_to_queue(sleep=False) else: print(self.base + " and " + self.pick_obj + " both exist.") point, quaternion = self.base, self.pick_obj,, self.pick_obj)) position = list_to_point(point) print("Adding " + self.pick_obj + " to queue") obj_location = Pose(position=position, orientation=self.start_pose.orientation) print("Picking Object from:", obj_location) self.queue.put(obj_location) def complete_pick_place(self): if not self.queue.empty(): start_pose = self.queue.get() end_pose = self.destinations[0] print("\nPicking...") self.pick(start_pose) print("\nPlacing...") print("\Resetting...") self.move_to_start() def guarded_move_to_joint_position(self, pose): self.right_arm.set_pose_target(pose) self.right_arm.go() def servo_to_pose(self, pose): # servo down to release self.guarded_move_to_joint_position(pose) def approach(self, pose): # approach with a pose the hover-distance above the requested pose approach = copy.deepcopy(pose) approach.position.z += self.hover_distance print("approaching:", approach) self.guarded_move_to_joint_position(approach) def retract(self): # retrieve current pose from endpoint current_pose = self.limb.endpoint_pose() ik_pose = Pose() ik_pose.position.x = current_pose['position'].x ik_pose.position.y = current_pose['position'].y ik_pose.position.z = current_pose['position'].z + self.hover_distance ik_pose.orientation.x = current_pose['orientation'].x ik_pose.orientation.y = current_pose['orientation'].y ik_pose.orientation.z = current_pose['orientation'].z ik_pose.orientation.w = current_pose['orientation'].w # servo up from current pose self.guarded_move_to_joint_position(ik_pose) def move_to_start(self): print("Moving the right arm to start pose...") self.guarded_move_to_joint_position(self.start_pose) self.gripper_open() rospy.sleep(1.0) print("Running. Ctrl-c to quit") def gripper_open(self): rospy.sleep(1.0) def gripper_close(self): self.gripper.close() rospy.sleep(1.0) def pick(self, pose): # open the gripper self.gripper_open() # servo above pose self.approach(pose) # servo to pose self.servo_to_pose(pose) # close gripper self.gripper_close() # retract to clear object self.retract() def place(self, pose): # servo above pose self.approach(pose) # servo to pose self.servo_to_pose(pose) # open the gripper self.gripper_open() # retract to clear object self.retract()
class Controller(): ActionTakeOff = 0 ActionHover = 1 ActionLand = 2 ActionAnimation = 3 def __init__(self): self.lastNavdata = Navdata() self.lastImu = Imu() self.lastMag = Vector3Stamped() self.current_pose = PoseStamped() self.current_odom = Odometry() self.lastState = State.Unknown self.command = Twist() self.drone_msg = ARDroneData() self.cmd_freq = 1.0 / 200.0 self.drone_freq = 1.0 / 200.0 self.action = Controller.ActionTakeOff self.previousDebugTime = rospy.get_time() self.pose_error = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.pidX = PID(0.35, 0.15, 0.025, -1, 1, "x") self.pidY = PID(0.35, 0.15, 0.025, -1, 1, "y") self.pidZ = PID(1.25, 0.1, 0.25, -1.0, 1.0, "z") self.pidYaw = PID(0.75, 0.1, 0.2, -1.0, 1.0, "yaw") self.scale = 1.0 self.goal = [-1, 0, 0, height, 0] #set it to center to start self.goal_rate = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Use the update the goal on time self.achieved_goal = Goal( ) # Use this to store recently achieved goal, reference time-dependent self.next_goal = Goal() # next goal self.goal_done = False self.waypoints = None rospy.on_shutdown(self.on_shutdown) rospy.Subscriber("ardrone/navdata", Navdata, self.on_navdata) rospy.Subscriber("ardrone/imu", Imu, self.on_imu) rospy.Subscriber("ardrone/mag", Vector3Stamped, self.on_mag) rospy.Subscriber("arcontroller/goal", Goal, self.on_goal) rospy.Subscriber("arcontroller/waypoints", Waypoints, self.on_waypoints) rospy.Subscriber("qualisys/ARDrone/pose", PoseStamped, self.get_current_pose) rospy.Subscriber("qualisys/ARDrone/odom", Odometry, self.get_current_odom) self.pubTakeoff = rospy.Publisher('ardrone/takeoff', Empty, queue_size=1) self.pubLand = rospy.Publisher('ardrone/land', Empty, queue_size=1) self.pubCmd = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.pubDroneData = rospy.Publisher('droneData', ARDroneData, queue_size=1) self.pubGoal = rospy.Publisher('current_goal', Goal, queue_size=1) self.setFlightAnimation = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'ardrone/setflightanimation', FlightAnim) self.commandTimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.cmd_freq), self.sendCommand) #self.droneDataTimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.drone_freq),self.sendDroneData) #self.goalTimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.drone_freq),self.sendCurrentGoal) self.listener = TransformListener() def get_current_pose(self, data): self.current_pose = data def get_current_odom(self, data): self.current_odom = data def on_imu(self, data): self.lastImu = data def on_mag(self, data): self.lastMag = data def on_navdata(self, data): self.lastNavdata = data if data.state != self.lastState: rospy.loginfo("State Changed: " + str(data.state)) self.lastState = data.state def on_shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Shutdown: try to land...") self.command = Twist() for i in range(0, 1000): self.pubLand.publish() self.pubCmd.publish(self.command) rospy.sleep(1) def on_goal(self, data): rospy.loginfo('New goal.') self.goal = [data.t, data.x, data.y, data.z, data.yaw] self.goal_done = False def sendCommand(self, event=None): self.command.linear.x = self.scale * self.pidX.update( 0.0, self.pose_error[0]) self.command.linear.y = self.scale * self.pidY.update( 0.0, self.pose_error[1]) self.command.linear.z = self.pidZ.update(0.0, self.pose_error[2]) self.command.angular.z = self.pidYaw.update(0.0, self.pose_error[3]) self.drone_msg = ARDroneData() self.drone_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() self.drone_msg.header.frame_id = 'drone_data' self.drone_msg.cmd = self.command self.drone_msg.goal.t = rospy.get_time() self.drone_msg.goal.x = self.goal[1] self.drone_msg.goal.y = self.goal[2] self.drone_msg.goal.z = self.goal[3] self.drone_msg.goal.yaw = self.goal[4] = self.pubDroneData.publish(self.drone_msg) self.pubCmd.publish(self.command) def sendDroneData(self, event=None): self.drone_msg = ARDroneData() self.drone_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() self.drone_msg.header.frame_id = 'drone_data' #self.drone_msg.navdata = self.lastNavdata #self.drone_msg.imu = self.lastImu #self.drone_msg.mag = self.lastMag #self.drone_msg.pose = self.current_pose #self.drone_msg.odom = self.current_odom self.drone_msg.cmd = self.command self.drone_msg.goal.t = rospy.get_time() self.drone_msg.goal.x = self.goal[1] self.drone_msg.goal.y = self.goal[2] self.drone_msg.goal.z = self.goal[3] self.drone_msg.goal.yaw = self.goal[4] = self.pubDroneData.publish(self.drone_msg) def sendCurrentGoal(self, event=None): current_goal = Goal() current_goal.t = rospy.get_time() current_goal.x = self.goal[1] current_goal.y = self.goal[2] current_goal.z = self.goal[3] current_goal.yaw = self.goal[4] self.pubGoal.publish(current_goal) def on_waypoints(self, data): rospy.loginfo('New waypoints.') self.waypoints = [] for d in range(data.len): self.waypoints.append([ data.waypoints[d].t, data.waypoints[d].x, data.waypoints[d].y, data.waypoints[d].z, data.waypoints[d].yaw ]) rospy.loginfo(self.waypoints) def waypoint_follower(self, points): current_index = 0 previous_index = current_index - 1 rospy.loginfo(points) # Get the time vector time_wp = [goal[0] for goal in points] self.goal = points[current_index] #get the first point dt_two_wp = time_wp[1] - time_wp[0] self.achieved_goal.t = points[0][0] self.achieved_goal.x = points[0][1] self.achieved_goal.y = points[0][2] self.achieved_goal.z = points[0][3] self.achieved_goal.yaw = points[0][4] self.next_goal = self.achieved_goal self.goal_rate = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] minX = .05 minY = .05 time0_wp = rospy.get_time() time_achieved_goal = time0_wp while True: #for i in range(0,points.len()): #goal = points[i] # transform target world coordinates into local coordinates targetWorld = PoseStamped() t = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime("/ARDrone", "/mocap") if self.listener.canTransform("/ARDrone", "/mocap", t): # Get starting time time_current_goal = rospy.get_time() dt_current_achieve = time_current_goal - time_achieved_goal # # Update the continuous goal using: goal = rate*t+goal # current_goalX = self.goal_rate[1]*dt_current_achieve+self.achieved_goal.x # current_goalY = self.goal_rate[2]*dt_current_achieve+self.achieved_goal.y # current_goalZ = self.goal_rate[3]*dt_current_achieve+self.achieved_goal.z # current_goalYaw = self.goal_rate[4]*dt_current_achieve+self.achieved_goal.yaw # self.goal = [self.next_goal.t,current_goalX,current_goalY,current_goalZ,current_goalYaw] self.goal = points[current_index] targetWorld.header.stamp = t targetWorld.header.frame_id = "mocap" targetWorld.pose.position.x = self.goal[1] targetWorld.pose.position.y = self.goal[2] targetWorld.pose.position.z = self.goal[3] quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, self.goal[4]) targetWorld.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] targetWorld.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] targetWorld.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] targetWorld.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] targetDrone = self.listener.transformPose( "/ARDrone", targetWorld) quaternion = (targetDrone.pose.orientation.x, targetDrone.pose.orientation.y, targetDrone.pose.orientation.z, targetDrone.pose.orientation.w) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) # Define the pose_error to publish the command in fixed rate self.pose_error = [ targetDrone.pose.position.x, targetDrone.pose.position.y, targetDrone.pose.position.z, euler[2] ] # Run PID controller and send navigation message error_xy = math.sqrt(targetDrone.pose.position.x**2 + targetDrone.pose.position.y**2) time_current_wp = rospy.get_time() if self.goal[ 0] < 0: #-1 implying that waypoints is not time-dependent # goal t, x, y, z, yaw #self.goal = points[current_index] if (error_xy < 0.2 and math.fabs(targetDrone.pose.position.z) < 0.2 and math.fabs(euler[2]) < math.radians(5)): if (current_index < len(points) - 1): current_index += 1 self.goal = points[current_index] else: return else: # Check how long from the first point diff_time_wp = time_current_wp - time0_wp if diff_time_wp <= time_wp[-1] - time_wp[ 0]: # this time should be less than the time defined wp # Check the index of current goal based on rospy time and time vector in waypoints current_index = next(x for x, val in enumerate(time_wp) if val >= diff_time_wp) if current_index > 0: # Meaning current goal is passed, update new goal previous_index = current_index - 1 self.achieved_goal.t = points[previous_index][0] self.achieved_goal.x = points[previous_index][1] self.achieved_goal.y = points[previous_index][2] self.achieved_goal.z = points[previous_index][3] self.achieved_goal.yaw = points[previous_index][4] self.next_goal.t = points[current_index][0] self.next_goal.x = points[current_index][1] self.next_goal.y = points[current_index][2] self.next_goal.z = points[current_index][3] self.next_goal.yaw = points[current_index][4] self.goal_rate = [ (points[current_index][i] - points[previous_index][i]) / dt_two_wp for i in range(5) ] time_achieved_goal = time_current_wp else: self.achieved_goal.t = points[0][0] self.achieved_goal.x = points[0][1] self.achieved_goal.y = points[0][2] self.achieved_goal.z = points[0][3] self.achieved_goal.yaw = points[0][4] self.next_goal = self.achieved_goal self.goal_rate = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] else: # time already passed compared to the last goal, keep the last goal self.goal = points[-1] self.goal_rate = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] return #time = rospy.get_time() diff_time_log = current_time_wp - self.previousDebugTime if diff_time_log > 0.5: #log_msg = "Current pos:" + [targetDrone.pose.position.x, targetDrone.pose.position.y,targetDrone.pose.position.z] rospy.loginfo('--------------------------------------') rospy.loginfo('Control:%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f | bat: %.2f', self.command.linear.x, self.command.linear.y, self.command.linear.z, self.command.angular.z, self.lastNavdata.batteryPercent) rospy.loginfo( 'Current position: [%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f]', diff_time_wp, self.current_pose.pose.position.x, self.current_pose.pose.position.y, self.current_pose.pose.position.z, euler[2]) rospy.loginfo('Current goal:%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f', self.goal[0], self.goal[1], self.goal[2], self.goal[3], self.goal[4]) rospy.loginfo('Error: %.2f,%.2f,%.2f', error_xy, math.fabs(targetDrone.pose.position.z), math.fabs(euler[2])) rospy.loginfo('--------------------------------------') self.previousDebugTime = current_time_wp def go_to_goal(self, goal): #rospy.loginfo('Going to goal') #rospy.loginfo(goal) self.goal = goal # transform target world coordinates into local coordinates targetWorld = PoseStamped() t = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime("/ARDrone", "/mocap") if self.listener.canTransform("/ARDrone", "/mocap", t): # Get starting time startCmdTime = rospy.get_time() targetWorld.header.stamp = t targetWorld.header.frame_id = "mocap" targetWorld.pose.position.x = goal[1] targetWorld.pose.position.y = goal[2] targetWorld.pose.position.z = goal[3] quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, goal[4]) targetWorld.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] targetWorld.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] targetWorld.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] targetWorld.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] targetDrone = self.listener.transformPose("/ARDrone", targetWorld) quaternion = (targetDrone.pose.orientation.x, targetDrone.pose.orientation.y, targetDrone.pose.orientation.z, targetDrone.pose.orientation.w) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) # Define pose error to publish the command in fixed rate self.pose_error = [ targetDrone.pose.position.x, targetDrone.pose.position.y, targetDrone.pose.position.z, euler[2] ] error_xy = math.sqrt(targetDrone.pose.position.x**2 + targetDrone.pose.position.y**2) time = rospy.get_time() if time - self.previousDebugTime > 1: #log_msg = "Current pos:" + [targetDrone.pose.position.x, targetDrone.pose.position.y,targetDrone.pose.position.z] rospy.loginfo('--------------------------------------') rospy.loginfo('Control:%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,bat:%.2f', self.command.linear.x, self.command.linear.y, self.command.linear.z, self.command.angular.z, self.lastNavdata.batteryPercent) rospy.loginfo('Current goal:%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f', goal[1], goal[2], goal[3], goal[4]) rospy.loginfo('Current pose:%.2f,%.2f,%.2f', self.current_pose.pose.position.x, self.current_pose.pose.position.y, self.current_pose.pose.position.z) rospy.loginfo('Error: %.2f,%.2f,%.2f', error_xy, math.fabs(targetDrone.pose.position.z), math.fabs(euler[2])) self.previousDebugTime = time if self.goal_done: rospy.loginfo("Goal done.") rospy.loginfo('-------------------------------------') if (error_xy < 0.2 and math.fabs(targetDrone.pose.position.z) < 0.2 and math.fabs(euler[2]) < math.radians(5)): self.goal_done = True else: self.goal_done = False def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.action == Controller.ActionTakeOff: if self.lastState == State.Landed: pass #rospy.loginfo('Taking off.') #self.pubTakeoff.publish() elif self.lastState == State.Hovering or self.lastState == State.Flying or self.lastState == State.Flying2: self.action = Controller.ActionHover elif self.action == Controller.ActionLand: msg = Twist() self.pubCmd.publish(msg) self.pubLand.publish() elif self.action == Controller.ActionHover: if self.waypoints == None: #if self.goal_done == False: self.go_to_goal(self.goal) else: self.waypoint_follower(self.waypoints) self.waypoints = None rospy.sleep(0.01)
def __init__(self, frame_out): = TransformListener() self.points = [] self.frame_out = frame_out
class Drone: def __init__(self, name, obstacles, leader=False): = name = '/vicon/' + name + '/' + name self.leader = leader = TransformListener() self.pose = self.position() self.orient = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.sp = self.position() self.obstacles = obstacles self.path = Path() = np.array([0, 0]) self.near_obstacle = np.zeros(len(obstacles)) self.radius_impedance = Radius_Impedance() self.angular_impedance = Angular_Impedance() self.impedance_avel = Impedance_avel() self.theta = None self.d_theta = pi * np.ones(len(obstacles)) self.dist_to_drones = np.zeros(3) self.dist_to_obst = np.zeros(len(obstacles)) self.drone_time_array = np.ones(10) self.drone_pose_array = np.array( [np.ones(10), np.ones(10), np.ones(10)]) self.rate = rospy.Rate(100) self.traj = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.feature = self.sp self.start = self.position() self.goal = self.sp def position(self):"/world",, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1)) position, quaternion ="/world",, rospy.Time(0)) self.pose = position return np.array(position) def orientation(self):"/world",, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1)) position, quaternion ="/world",, rospy.Time(0)) self.orient = get_angles(np.array(quaternion)) return get_angles(np.array(quaternion)) def publish_sp(self): publish_pose(self.sp, np.array([0, 0, 0]), + "_sp") def publish_position(self): publish_pose(self.pose, self.orient, + "_pose") def publish_path(self, limit=1000): publish_path(self.path, self.sp, self.orient, + "_path", limit) #for i in range( 1,len(self.path.poses) ): # print +": "+ str(self.path.poses[i].pose) def fly(self): # if self.leader: # limits = np.array([ 2, 2, 2.5 ]) # np.putmask(self.sp, self.sp >= limits, limits) # np.putmask(self.sp, self.sp <= -limits, -limits) publish_goal_pos(self.sp, 0, "/" + def update_pose_theta(self, drone, obstacle, R): drone_omega = self.omegaZ(drone.sp, drone.sp - obstacle.position()) if drone.near_obstacle[ obstacle. id] == 1: # initial impedance parameters, when the drone is just near the obstacle drone.angular_impedance.imp_theta, drone.angular_impedance.imp_omega, drone.angular_impedance.imp_time =\ drone.angular_impedance.impedance_model(drone.theta, drone.theta, drone_omega, drone.angular_impedance.imp_time) else: drone.angular_impedance.imp_theta, drone.angular_impedance.imp_omega, drone.angular_impedance.imp_time =\ drone.angular_impedance.impedance_model(drone.theta, drone.angular_impedance.imp_theta, drone.angular_impedance.imp_omega, drone.angular_impedance.imp_time) updated_pose = drone.angular_impedance.pose_from_theta( obstacle.position()[:2], R, drone.angular_impedance.imp_theta) return updated_pose def update_pose_radius(self, pose_prev, drone, dist_to_obstacle, koef): if ( sum(drone.near_obstacle) <= 10 ): # 10 is the number of samples to compute velocity from consequent poses drone.radius_impedance.imp_vel = drone.velocity(drone.sp) drone.radius_impedance.imp_pose, \ drone.radius_impedance.imp_vel, \ drone.radius_impedance.imp_time = \ drone.radius_impedance.impedance_model(, drone.radius_impedance.imp_pose, drone.radius_impedance.imp_vel, drone.radius_impedance.imp_time) delta_pose = drone.radius_impedance.imp_pose[:2] updated_pose = pose_prev + koef * delta_pose ''' impedance model vizualization ''' length = np.linalg.norm(delta_pose) yaw = acos(delta_pose[0] / length) publish_arrow(np.hstack([updated_pose, drone.sp[2]]), [0, 0, yaw], length, '/delta_pose') return updated_pose def update_pose_avel(self, pose_prev, average_vel): self.impedance_avel.imp_pose, self.impedance_avel.imp_vel, self.impedance_avel.imp_time = \ self.impedance_avel.impedance_model(average_vel, self.impedance_avel.imp_pose, self.impedance_avel.imp_vel, self.impedance_avel.imp_time) updated_pose = pose_prev + 0.15 * self.impedance_avel.imp_pose return updated_pose def calculate_dist_to_drones(self, drones_poses): for i in range(len(drones_poses)): self.dist_to_drones[i] = np.linalg.norm(drones_poses[i] - self.sp) def dist_to_obstacles(self): dist = [] for i in range(len(self.obstacles)): dist.append( np.linalg.norm(self.obstacles[i].position()[:2] - self.sp[:2])) self.dist_to_obst = dist return np.array(dist) def omegaZ(self, drone_pose, dist_from_obstacle): R = dist_from_obstacle # 3D-vector drone_vel = self.velocity(drone_pose) # drone_vel_n =, R)/(np.linalg.norm(R)**2) * R # drone_vel_t = drone_vel - drone_vel_n drone_w = np.cross(R, drone_vel) # / ( np.linalg.norm(R)**2 ) return drone_w[2] def velocity(self, drone_pose): for i in range(len(self.drone_time_array) - 1): self.drone_time_array[i] = self.drone_time_array[i + 1] self.drone_time_array[-1] = time.time() for i in range(len(self.drone_pose_array[0]) - 1): self.drone_pose_array[0][i] = self.drone_pose_array[0][i + 1] self.drone_pose_array[1][i] = self.drone_pose_array[1][i + 1] self.drone_pose_array[2][i] = self.drone_pose_array[2][i + 1] self.drone_pose_array[0][-1] = drone_pose[0] self.drone_pose_array[1][-1] = drone_pose[1] self.drone_pose_array[2][-1] = drone_pose[2] vel_x = (self.drone_pose_array[0][-1] - self.drone_pose_array[0][0] ) / (self.drone_time_array[-1] - self.drone_time_array[0]) vel_y = (self.drone_pose_array[1][-1] - self.drone_pose_array[1][0] ) / (self.drone_time_array[-1] - self.drone_time_array[0]) vel_z = (self.drone_pose_array[2][-1] - self.drone_pose_array[2][0] ) / (self.drone_time_array[-1] - self.drone_time_array[0]) drone_vel = np.array([vel_x, vel_y, vel_z]) return drone_vel def landing(self, sim=False): drone_landing_pose = self.position() if sim == False else self.sp while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.sp = drone_landing_pose drone_landing_pose[2] = drone_landing_pose[2] - 0.007 self.publish_sp() self.publish_path(limit=1000) if sim == False: if self.sp[2] < -1.0: sleep(1) if sim == False: cf1.stop() print 'reached the floor, shutdown' # rospy.signal_shutdown('landed') self.rate.sleep()
class Crazyflie: def __init__(self, prefix, cf_id): """ Creates a Crazyflie high-level wrapper Args: prefix (str): ROS namespace of the drone. Ex = "/cf1" cf_id (int): drone id. Ex : 1 """ self.prefix = prefix = TransformListener() self.cf_id = cf_id rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/set_group_mask") self.setGroupMaskService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/set_group_mask", SetGroupMask) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/takeoff") self.takeoffService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/takeoff", Takeoff) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/land") self.landService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/land", Land) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/stop") self.stopService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/stop", Stop) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/go_to") self.goToService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/go_to", GoTo) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/upload_trajectory") self.uploadTrajectoryService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/upload_trajectory", UploadTrajectory) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/start_trajectory") self.startTrajectoryService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/start_trajectory", StartTrajectory) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/update_params") self.updateParamsService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/update_params", UpdateParams) def setGroup(self, groupMask): self.setGroupMaskService(groupMask) def takeoff(self, targetHeight, duration, groupMask=0): self.takeoffService(groupMask, targetHeight, rospy.Duration.from_sec(duration)) def land(self, targetHeight, duration, groupMask=0): self.landService(groupMask, targetHeight, rospy.Duration.from_sec(duration)) def stop(self, groupMask=0): self.stopService(groupMask) def goTo(self, goal, yaw, duration, relative=False, groupMask=0): gp = arrayToGeometryPoint(goal) self.goToService(groupMask, relative, gp, yaw, rospy.Duration.from_sec(duration)) def uploadTrajectory(self, trajectoryId, pieceOffset, trajectory): pieces = [] for poly in trajectory.polynomials: piece = TrajectoryPolynomialPiece() piece.duration = rospy.Duration.from_sec(poly.duration) piece.poly_x = poly.px.p piece.poly_y = piece.poly_z = poly.pz.p piece.poly_yaw = poly.pyaw.p pieces.append(piece) self.uploadTrajectoryService(trajectoryId, pieceOffset, pieces) def startTrajectory(self, trajectoryId, timescale=1.0, reverse=False, relative=True, groupMask=0): self.startTrajectoryService(groupMask, trajectoryId, timescale, reverse, relative) def position(self):"/world", "/cf" + str(self.cf_id), rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(10)) position, quaternion ="/world", "/cf" + str(self.cf_id), rospy.Time(0)) return np.array(position) def getParam(self, name): return rospy.get_param(self.prefix + "/" + name) def setParam(self, name, value): rospy.set_param(self.prefix + "/" + name, value) self.updateParamsService([name]) def setParams(self, params): for name, value in params.iteritems(): rospy.set_param(self.prefix + "/" + name, value) self.updateParamsService(params.keys()) def enableHighLevel(self): self.setParam("commander/enHighLevel", 1)
side = 'BOTTOM' cam = RGBD() com = COM() com.go_to_initial_state(whole_body) tt = TableTop() tt.find_table(robot) grasp_count = 0 br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() tl = TransformListener() gp = GraspPlanner() gripper = Crane_Gripper(gp, cam, com.Options, robot.get('gripper')) suction = Suction_Gripper(gp, cam, com.Options, robot.get('suction')) gm = GraspManipulator(gp, gripper, suction, whole_body, omni_base, tt) gm.position_head() print "after thread" curr_offsets = np.array([0, 0, -0.5]) curr_rot = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.57]) while True: label = id_generator() tt.make_new_pose(curr_offsets,label,rot = curr_rot) whole_body.move_end_effector_pose(geometry.pose(z=-0.1), label)
class SprayAction(): """ Drives x meters either forward or backwards depending on the given distance. the velocity should always be positive. """ def __init__(self, name, odom_frame, base_frame): """ @param name: the name of the action @param odom_frame: the frame the robot is moving in (odom_combined) @param base_frame: the vehicles own frame (usually base_link) """ self._action_name = name self.__odom_frame = odom_frame self.__base_frame = base_frame self.__server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(self._action_name, sprayAction, auto_start=False) self.__server.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_cb) self.__server.register_goal_callback(self.goal_cb) self.__cur_pos = 0 self.__start_pos = 0 self.__start_yaw = 0 self.__cur_yaw = 0 self.__feedback = sprayFeedback() self.__listen = TransformListener() #self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/fmControllers/cmd_vel_auto",Twist) self.spray_pub = rospy.Publisher("/fmControllers/spray", UInt32) self.__start_time = self.new_goal = False self.n_sprays = 0 self.spray_msg = UInt32() self.spray_l = False self.spray_cnt = 0 self.__server.start() def preempt_cb(self): rospy.loginfo("Preempt requested") = 0 self.spray_pub.publish(self.spray_msg) self.__server.set_preempted() def goal_cb(self): """ called when we receive a new goal the goal contains a desired radius and a success radius in which we check if the turn succeeded or not the message also contains if we should turn left or right """ g = self.__server.accept_new_goal() self.spray_dist = g.distance self.spraytime = g.spray_time self.new_goal = True def on_timer(self, e): """ called regularly by a ros timer in here we simply orders the vehicle to start moving either forward or backwards depending on the distance sign, while monitoring the travelled distance, if the distance is equal to or greater then this action succeeds. """ if self.__server.is_active(): if self.new_goal: self.new_goal = False self.n_sprays = 0 self.__get_start_position() else: if self.__get_current_position(): if self.__get_distance() >= self.spray_dist: self.do_spray() self.__get_start_position() else: self.__server.set_aborted(None, "could not locate") rospy.logerr("Could not locate vehicle") = 0 self.spray_pub.publish(self.spray_msg) def __get_distance(self): return math.sqrt( math.pow(self.__cur_pos[0][0] - self.__start_pos[0][0], 2) + math.pow(self.__cur_pos[0][1] - self.__start_pos[0][1], 2)) def __get_start_position(self): ret = False try: self.__start_pos = self.__listen.lookupTransform( self.__odom_frame, self.__base_frame, rospy.Time(0)) self.__start_yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( self.__start_pos[1])[2] ret = True except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException), err: rospy.loginfo("could not locate vehicle") return ret
class Unique_persion_detection(object): """detect the unique persion from the fused objects""" def __init__(self,node_name = "Unique_person"): self.node_name = node_name rospy.init_node(self.node_name,anonymous="true") # = rospy.Publisher("trajectory",Path,queue_size = 2) self.info_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/fused_detectionarray", DetectionArray, self.info_odom_callback) # fused_pointcloud # self.odom_sub = message_filters.Subscriber("/husky1_robot_pose",Odometry) self.info_pub = rospy.Publisher("fused_person",PointCloud, queue_size = 2) self.unique_pub = rospy.Publisher("Unique_person",PointStamped, queue_size = 2) # self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("Abnormal_image",Image,queue_size = 2) #self.odom_sub = message_filters.Subscriber("/optris/thermal_image",Image) self.paths_pub = [] self.listener = TransformListener() self.paths = [] self.paths_size = 0 #self.pose = PoseStamped() self.trans_pose = PoseStamped() #self.pose_index = [] self.prob = [] self.pre_velocity_prob = [] self.velocity = [] self.V_magnitude = [] self.V_direction = [] self.Human_list = [] self.cv_bridge = CvBridge() self.Unique_l = 0 self.fused_pointcloud = PointCloud() self.unique_pointstamped = PointStamped() rospy.loginfo("Class has been instantiated!") def info_odom_callback(self,info): #,odom print("comesin") self.velocity[:] = [] self.V_direction = [] self.V_magnitude = [] self.prob = [] self.fused_pointcloud = PointCloud() my_awesome_pointcloud = PointCloud() #filling pointcloud header # header = std_msgs.msg.Header() # header.stamp = # header.frame_id = 'map' # my_awesome_pointcloud.header = header if (info.size > 0): # anzahl_punkte = 10 # i got 10 points, for example # self.stelldaten_tabelle.header = self.h # self.stelldaten_tabelle.points = anzahl_punkte # self.stelldaten_tabelle.channels = 3 # point = Point() # self.pointcloud.header.stamp = # self.pointcloud.header.frame_id = "map" # self.pointcloud.points = info.size # self.pointcloud.channels = 3 for i in range(info.size): # print("info.size: ") # print(info.size) # print("i: ") # print(i) # print("[i].ptStamped.point.x" ) # print([i].ptStamped.point.x ) # self.pointcloud.points[i].x =[i].ptStamped.point.x # self.pointcloud.points[i].y =[i].ptStamped.point.y # self.pointcloud.points[i].z =[i].ptStamped.point.z # self.pointcloud.points.append([i].ptStamped.point) # Point32(1.0, 1.0, 0.0) my_awesome_pointcloud.points.append(Point32([i].ptStamped.point.x,[i].ptStamped.point.y,[i].ptStamped.point.z)) print("awesome") # print(my_awesome_pointcloud.points[i]) # self.pointcloud.points.append( Point32([i].ptStamped.point.x,[i].ptStamped.point.y,[i].ptStamped.point.z) ) self.pointcloud = my_awesome_pointcloud self.pointcloud.header.stamp = self.pointcloud.header.frame_id = "map" # self.pointcloud.points = info.size # self.pointcloud.channels = 3 # print(self.pointcloud) #rospy.loginfo("%s",info.size) # Store the path info for each detection and publish the path while getting the new message update. for entry in if entry.num > self.paths_size: for i in range(entry.num-self.paths_size): self.paths.append(Path()) #self.dynamics.append(Dynamics()) self.paths_pub.append(rospy.Publisher("~trajectory"+str(self.paths_size + i + 1),Path,queue_size = 1)) #self.dynamics_pub.append(rospy.Publisher("~dynamics")+str(self.paths_size + i + 1),Dynamics,queue_size = 1) #self.pose_index.append(0) self.paths_size = entry.num pose = PoseStamped() point_stamped = entry.ptStamped pose.header = point_stamped.header pose.pose.position = point_stamped.point pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 rospy.loginfo("Trajectories") try: # Make true the frame_id of the pose (ptStamped) self.trans_pose = self.listener.transformPose("map",pose) except(tf.Exception): rospy.loginfo("The transformation is not available right now!") self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses.append(self.trans_pose) self.paths[entry.num - 1].header.frame_id = 'map' self.paths_pub[entry.num - 1].publish(self.paths[entry.num - 1]) rospy.loginfo("Poses stored!") if len(self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses) > 3: pre_x = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-2].pose.position.x pre_y = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-2].pose.position.y pre_z = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-2].pose.position.z pre_stamp = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-2].header.stamp cur_x = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-1].pose.position.x cur_y = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-1].pose.position.y cur_z = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-1].pose.position.z cur_stamp = self.paths[entry.num - 1].poses[-1].header.stamp duration = (cur_stamp - pre_stamp).to_sec() vx = (cur_x - pre_x) / duration vy = (cur_y - pre_y) / duration self.velocity.append([cur_x,cur_y,cur_z,vx,vy,entry.num]) #self.pose_index[entry.num - 1] += 1 #rospy.loginfo("published paths!") # for index in range(self.paths_size): # #self.velocity[:] = [] # if len(self.paths[index].poses) > 3: # num = index + 1 # pre_x = self.paths[index].poses[-2].pose.position.x # pre_y = self.paths[index].poses[-2].pose.position.y # pre_z = self.paths[index].poses[-2].pose.position.z # pre_stamp = self.paths[index].poses[-2].header.stamp # cur_x = self.paths[index].poses[-1].pose.position.x # cur_y = self.paths[index].poses[-1].pose.position.y # cur_z = self.paths[index].poses[-1].pose.position.z # cur_stamp = self.paths[index].poses[-1].header.stamp # duration = (cur_stamp - pre_stamp).to_sec() # vx = (cur_x - pre_x) / duration # vy = (cur_y - pre_y) / duration # self.velocity.append([cur_x,cur_y,cur_z,vx,vy,num]) # else: # # pass # odom_x = odom.pose.pose.position.x # odom_y = odom.pose.pose.position.y # odom_z = odom.pose.pose.position.z odom_x = 0.0 odom_y = 0.0 odom_z = 0.0 #rospy.loginfo("There") '''odom_x = odom.height odom_y = odom.width odom_z = 1 ''' = self.velocity.append([odom_x,odom_y,odom_z]) # append # rospy.loginfo("Velocity stored!") #rospy.loginfo("The current velocity info are %s",self.velocity) if (len(self.velocity) > 1): Human_num = len(self.velocity) - 1 for i in np.arange(Human_num): self.Human_list.append([self.velocity[i][5]]) self.V_magnitude.append(np.sqrt(np.square(self.velocity[i][3]) + np.square(self.velocity[i][4]))) vector1 = [self.velocity[i][3], self.velocity[i][4]] vector1 = vector1 / np.linalg.norm(vector1) # vector2 = [self.velocity[Human_num][0] - self.velocity[i][0], self.velocity[Human_num][1] - self.velocity[i][1]] # vector2 = vector2 / np.linalg.norm(vector2) # self.V_direction.append(, vector2)/(np.linalg.norm(vector1)*np.linalg.norm(vector2))) self.V_direction.append(,[0, -1])/(np.linalg.norm(vector1)*np.linalg.norm([0, -1]))) Unique_v = self.crf(self.V_magnitude) #print Unique_v #rospy.lginfo("HI") print self.V_direction Unique_d = self.crf(self.V_direction) print Unique_d Unique_d = self.normalize(np.exp(,Unique_d))) print Unique_d #rospy.loginfo(len(self.V_direction)) #rospy.loginfo(len(self.V_magnitude)) if (np.var(Unique_d) == 0 or np.var(Unique_v)==0): [w_v,w_d] = [0.5,0.5] else: [w_v, w_d] = self.normalize([np.var(Unique_v), np.var(Unique_d)]) #print w_v #print w_d #Unique = self.softmax(np.array(Unique_v) * np.array(w_v) + np.array(Unique_d) * np.array(w_d)) Unique = np.array(Unique_v) * np.array(w_v) + np.array(Unique_d) * np.array(w_d) Unique = list(Unique) # print Unique #print(len(self.velocity)) #rospy.loginfo(Unique.index(max(Unique))) #print Unique #print(len(self.velocity)) #rospy.loginfo(Unique.index(max(Unique))) #self.Unique_l = self.velocity[Unique.index(max(Unique))][5] # rospy.loginfo("The Abnormal Object's label detected in husky1 camera is %s",self.Unique_l) #print("HELLO!")\ list1 = [] for (i,j)in zip(self.velocity[:-1],range(len(Unique))): # print("The num is %s",i[5]) self.prob.append(i[5]) self.prob.append(Unique[j]) print("prob are %s",self.prob) if not self.pre_velocity_prob: self.pre_velocity_prob = self.prob # print("HI Pre!") elif self.pre_velocity_prob: # print("Already here!") # print("prob 2 is %s",self.prob) # print(self.pre_velocity_prob) for i in range(len(self.prob)): if (i % 2 == 0): if self.prob[i] in self.pre_velocity_prob: self.prob[i + 1] = 0.6 * self.prob[i + 1] + 0.4 * self.pre_velocity_prob[self.pre_velocity_prob.index(self.prob[i]) + 1] print(self.prob[i+1]) else: self.prob[i + 1] = 0.6 * self.prob[i + 1] #print("change the probability!") for i in range(len(self.prob)): if (i % 2 == 0): list1.append(self.prob[i+1]) #print("okkkkk!") self.Unique_l = self.prob[self.prob.index(max(list1)) - 1] rospy.loginfo("The Unique Object's label detected in global frame is %s",self.Unique_l) self.pre_velocity_prob = self.prob # print("hello there!") # print("hello'") # cv_image = self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(info.image,"bgr8") # for entry in # if (entry.num == self.Unique_l): # cv2.rectangle(cv_image,(int(entry.x),int(entry.y)),(int(entry.x + entry.width),int(entry.y + entry.height)),(255,0,0),2) # cv2.putText(cv_image,"Person:" + str(entry.num), (int(entry.x),int(entry.y)),0,5e-3*100,(0,255,0),2) # else: # cv2.rectangle(cv_image,(int(entry.x),int(entry.y)),(int(entry.x + entry.width),int(entry.y + entry.height)),(255,0,0),2) # cv2.putText(cv_image,"Person:" + str(entry.num), (int(entry.x),int(entry.y)),0,5e-3*100,(0,255,0),2) # ros_image = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image) # self.image_pub.publish(ros_image) # print("haha") for entry in if (entry.num == self.Unique_l): self.unique_pointstamped.point.x = entry.ptStamped.point.x self.unique_pointstamped.point.y = entry.ptStamped.point.y self.unique_pointstamped.point.z = entry.ptStamped.point.z self.unique_pointstamped.header.stamp = self.unique_pointstamped.header.frame_id = "map" self.unique_pub.publish(self.unique_pointstamped) else: pass self.info_pub.publish(self.pointcloud) else: rospy.logdebug("There is no person detected in the current frame!") def crf(self,a): # conditional random field in feature level m=[] for i in np.arange(np.size(a)): m.append(reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,a)/a[i]) Z = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,m) neibor = np.divide(m,Z) # neibor = list(self.normalize(np.divide(1,neibor))) #if np.var(neibor) <= 0.01 and np.var(neibor) != 0: # threshold for unique definition # neibor=[] #print neibor return neibor def softmax(self, a): if len(a) == 0: return a elif len(a) == 1: a = [1] return a e_a = np.exp(a - np.max(a)) return e_a / e_a.sum() def normalize(self,a): if len(a) == 0: return a elif len(a) == 1: a = [1] return a sum = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,a) for i in np.arange(np.shape(a)[0]): a[i] = a[i] / sum return a def normalize2(self,a): for i in np.arange(len(a)): a[i] = (a[i]-np.min(a))/(np.max(a)-np.min(a)) return a
import sys import copy import rospy import moveit_commander import moveit_msgs.msg import geometry_msgs.msg import tf_conversions import geometry_msgs.msg from tf import TransformListener print("============ Starting tutorial setup") moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('move_group_python_interface_tutorial', anonymous=True) tf_listener = TransformListener() robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() arm = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("arm") gripper = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("gripper") rospy.sleep(1) arm.set_goal_tolerance(0.003) arm.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(1.0) print("current pose: ", arm.get_current_pose()) print("current rpy: ", arm.get_current_rpy())
def __init__(self): self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()