def download_glextract(self, *args, **kwargs): ext = kwargs.get('ext', None) if ext == 'pdf': filename, filepath = self.export_glextract_pdf() response.headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/pdf' if ext == 'xls': filename, filepath = self.export_glextract_xls() response.headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/' response.headers[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '"' filecontent = FileApp(filepath) return use_wsgi_app(filecontent)
def download_template(self, *args, **kwargs): import_type_id = str_to_int(kwargs.get('import_type_id', None)) if not import_type_id: return '' member = TYPEUTIL.get_id_of_name('batch_import_type', 'member') family = TYPEUTIL.get_id_of_name('batch_import_type', 'family') purchase = TYPEUTIL.get_id_of_name('batch_import_type', 'purchase') if import_type_id == member: filename = 'Member Import Template.xlsx' elif import_type_id == purchase: filename = 'Policy Import Template.xlsx' elif import_type_id == family: filename = 'Family Import Template.xlsx' else: filename = None filepath = os.path.join(EXCEL_DIRNAME, str(filename)) if not os.path.exists(filepath): return '' response.headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/' response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="'+filename+'"' filecontent = FileApp(filepath) return use_wsgi_app(filecontent)
def serve_file(self, file_path=None, file_name=None): import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp('/home/authorityfx/plugin_downloads/' + file_path + file_name, **{'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=' + file_name}) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f)
def use_wsgi_app(self): return tg.use_wsgi_app(wsgi_app)
def index(self, page=1, *args, **kw): pname = request.environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1] project = DBSession.query(Projects).filter_by(name=pname).first() page_url = paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request) import pickle try: cells = pickle.loads([test.cell_line for test in project.tests if == 'CT'][0]) except: cells = None lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( dsc = True order = tmpl = '' alltags =[tag for tag in DBSession.query(Tags).order_by('name').all() ] selection = None similarity = None userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(user_name=userid).first() ulist = None ulists = set([l for l in user.lists if l.table == 'Results'] + [l for l in user.tg_user_lists if l.table == 'Results']) items = user.items_per_page try: if kw['search'] != u'': search_clicked = kw['search'] else: search_clicked = None except Exception: search_clicked = None if kw: if kw.has_key('mylist'): try: ulist_id = int(kw['mylist']) ulist = DBSession.query(UserLists).get(ulist_id) except Exception: flash(l_(u'List error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if (ulist in user.lists) or (user in ulist.permitusers): if ulist.elements: import pickle elements = [int(el) for el in pickle.loads(ulist.elements)] if ulist.table == 'Results': lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( else: flash(l_(u'Table error'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: flash(l_(u'Permission denied'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) for k, v in kw.iteritems(): if str(k) == 'desc' and str(v) != '1': dsc = None elif str(k) == 'order_by': if v in ('gid', 'create_date', 'box', 'form', 'state', 'entry', 'source', 'MDM2', 'MDM4', 'lcode'): if v=='lcode': order = LCompound.lcode else: order = LCompound.__getattribute__(LCompound, v) else: if v=='last_point': lcompound=lcompound.join(LCompound.solubility) order = v elif hasattr(LCompound, v): order = LCompound.__getattribute__(LCompound, v) elif 'CTOX_' in v: v = v.replace('CTOX_', '') all_lcompounds = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( for l in all_lcompounds: l.avg_ct = v.replace('pp', '+') order = '_avg_ct' else: order = v if str(k) != 'select' and str(k) != 'remove' and str(v) != u'': tmpl += str(k) + '=' + str(v) + '&' elif str(k) == 'select': try: if isinstance(kw['select'], basestring): selection = [kw['select']] else: selection = [id for id in kw['select']] except Exception: selection = None if search_clicked: try: smiles = str(kw['smiles']) if 'pp' in smiles: smiles = smiles.replace('pp', '+') method = str(kw['method']) except Exception: smiles = None method = None if smiles: if checksmi(smiles): from razi.functions import functions from razi.expression import TxtMoleculeElement if method == 'similarity': # from razi.postgresql_rdkit import tanimoto_threshold query_bfp = functions.morgan_b(TxtMoleculeElement(smiles), 2) constraint = Compound.morgan.tanimoto_similar(query_bfp) tanimoto_sml = Compound.morgan.tanimoto_similarity(query_bfp).label('tanimoto') search = DBSession.query(LCompound, tanimoto_sml).join(LCompound.mol).join(LCompound.purity).filter(Compound.project.any( if order != if order == 'purity': order = LPurity.value if dsc: search = search.order_by(desc(order).nullslast()) else: search = search.order_by(order) else: search = search.order_by(desc(tanimoto_sml)).all() lcompound = () similarity = () for row in search: lcompound += (row[0], ) similarity += (row[1], ) currentPage = paginate.Page(lcompound, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(currentPage=currentPage,tmpl=tmpl, page='results', pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity,htmlRgb=htmlRgb, htmlRgb100=htmlRgb100, Num2Rgb=Num2Rgb, cells=cells, ulists=ulists, ulist=ulist) elif method == 'substructure': constraint = Compound.structure.contains(smiles) lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).join(LCompound.mol).filter(Compound.project.any( elif method == 'identity': lcompound = DBSession.query(LCompound).filter(Compound.project.any( else: if method == 'smarts': if dsc: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(desc(order).nullslast()) else: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(order) search = lcompound.all() sub_lcompounds = () patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smiles) if not patt: flash(l_(u'SMARTS error'), 'warning') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) for row in search: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(str(row.mol.structure)) mol = Chem.AddHs(m) if mol.HasSubstructMatch(patt): sub_lcompounds += (row, ) currentPage = paginate.Page(sub_lcompounds, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(currentPage=currentPage,tmpl=tmpl, page='results', pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity,htmlRgb=htmlRgb, htmlRgb100=htmlRgb100, Num2Rgb=Num2Rgb, cells=cells, ulists=ulists, ulist=ulist) else: flash(l_(u'SMILES error'), 'warning') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_GID') and kw['text_GID'] !=u'': try: gid = int(kw['text_GID']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.gid == gid) except Exception as msg: flash(l_(u'GID should be a number: %s' % msg), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_ID') and kw['text_ID'] !=u'': try: id = int(kw['text_ID']) lcompound = lcompound.filter( == id) except Exception as msg: flash(l_(u'ID should be a number: %s' % msg), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if kw.has_key('text_name') and kw['text_name'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(Compound.names.any(['text_name'].strip().replace('*', '%')))) if kw.has_key('text_notes') and kw['text_notes'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_notes'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('text_lso') and kw['text_lso'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_lso'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('text_entry') and kw['text_entry'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_entry'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('text_box') and kw['text_box'] !=u'': lcompound = lcompound.filter(['text_box'].replace('*', '%'))) if kw.has_key('date_from') and kw['date_from'] !=u'': date_from = datetime.strptime(str(kw['date_from']), '%Y-%m-%d') lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.create_date > date_from) else: date_from = None if kw.has_key('date_to') and kw['date_to'] !=u'': date_to = datetime.strptime(str(kw['date_to']), '%Y-%m-%d') if date_from: if date_to>date_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.create_date < date_to) else: flash(l_(u'The End date must be later than the initial'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.create_date < date_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_hill_from') and kw['text_mdm2_hill_from'] !=u'': text_mdm2_hill_from = float(kw['text_mdm2_hill_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm2 >= text_mdm2_hill_from) else: text_mdm2_hill_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_hill_to') and kw['text_mdm2_hill_to'] !=u'': text_mdm2_hill_to = float(kw['text_mdm2_hill_to']) if text_mdm2_hill_from: if text_mdm2_hill_to>=text_mdm2_hill_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_hill_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_hill_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_fluor_from') and kw['text_mdm2_fluor_from'] !=u'': text_mdm2_fluor_from = float(kw['text_mdm2_fluor_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm2 >= text_mdm2_fluor_from) else: text_mdm2_fluor_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_fluor_to') and kw['text_mdm2_fluor_to'] !=u'': text_mdm2_fluor_to = float(kw['text_mdm2_fluor_to']) if text_mdm2_fluor_from: if text_mdm2_fluor_to>=text_mdm2_fluor_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_fluor_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_fluor_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_ki_from') and kw['text_mdm2_ki_from'] !=u'': text_mdm2_ki_from = float(kw['text_mdm2_ki_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm2 >= text_mdm2_ki_from) else: text_mdm2_ki_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm2_ki_to') and kw['text_mdm2_ki_to'] !=u'': text_mdm2_ki_to = float(kw['text_mdm2_ki_to']) if text_mdm2_ki_from: if text_mdm2_ki_to>=text_mdm2_ki_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_ki_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm2 <= text_mdm2_ki_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_hill_from') and kw['text_mdm4_hill_from'] !=u'': text_mdm4_hill_from = float(kw['text_mdm4_hill_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm4 >= text_mdm4_hill_from) else: text_mdm4_hill_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_hill_to') and kw['text_mdm4_hill_to'] !=u'': text_mdm4_hill_to = float(kw['text_mdm4_hill_to']) if text_mdm4_hill_from: if text_mdm4_hill_to>=text_mdm4_hill_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_hill_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_hillslope_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_hill_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_fluor_from') and kw['text_mdm4_fluor_from'] !=u'': text_mdm4_fluor_from = float(kw['text_mdm4_fluor_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm4 >= text_mdm4_fluor_from) else: text_mdm4_fluor_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_fluor_to') and kw['text_mdm4_fluor_to'] !=u'': text_mdm4_fluor_to = float(kw['text_mdm4_fluor_to']) if text_mdm4_fluor_from: if text_mdm4_fluor_to>=text_mdm4_fluor_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_fluor_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_fluorescence_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_fluor_to) if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_ki_from') and kw['text_mdm4_ki_from'] !=u'': text_mdm4_ki_from = float(kw['text_mdm4_ki_from']) lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm4 >= text_mdm4_ki_from) else: text_mdm4_ki_from = None if kw.has_key('text_mdm4_ki_to') and kw['text_mdm4_ki_to'] !=u'': text_mdm4_ki_to = float(kw['text_mdm4_ki_to']) if text_mdm4_ki_from: if text_mdm4_ki_to>=text_mdm4_ki_from: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_ki_to) else: flash(l_(u'The final value must be greater than the initial')) redirect(request.headers['Referer']) else: lcompound = lcompound.filter(LCompound.avg_ki_mdm4 <= text_mdm4_ki_to) try: tags = kw['text_tags'] except Exception: tags = None pass if tags: if isinstance(tags, basestring): tagi = eval(tags) if type(tagi) != type([]): tagi = [int(tags)] else: tagi = [int(tid) for tid in tags] lcompound = lcompound.filter(Compound.tags.any( if dsc: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(desc(order).nullslast()) else: lcompound = lcompound.order_by(order) if search_clicked and kw['search'] == "Download": if kw['file_type'] and kw['file_type'] != u'' and kw['sell_type'] and kw['sell_type'] != u'': if kw['sell_type'] == u'all': lcompounds = lcompound.all() elif kw['sell_type'] == u'selected': if selection: lcompounds = () for el in selection: lcompounds += (DBSession.query(LCompound).get(el), ) else: flash(l_(u'Lack of selected structures for download'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) elif kw['sell_type'] == u'range': lcompounds = lcompound.all() if kw.has_key('select_from') and kw['select_from'] != u'': try: select_from = int(kw['select_from']) -1 if select_from<1 or select_from>len(lcompounds): select_from = 0 except Exception: select_from = 0 else: select_from = 0 if kw.has_key('select_to') and kw['select_to'] != u'': try: select_to = int(kw['select_to']) if select_to<2 or select_to>len(lcompounds): select_to = len(lcompounds) except Exception: select_to = len(lcompounds) else: select_to = len(lcompounds) lcompounds_new = () for el in range(select_from, select_to): lcompounds_new += (lcompounds[el], ) lcompounds = lcompounds_new else: flash(l_(u'Lack of items to download'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) try: if isinstance(kw['options'], basestring): options = [kw['options']] else: options = kw['options'] except Exception: flash(l_('Choose download options'), 'error') redirect(request.headers['Referer']) if 'getsize' in kw: size = int(kw['getsize']), int(kw['getsize']) else: size = 100, 100 if kw['file_type'] == 'pdf': filename = userid + '_selected.pdf' from xhtml2pdf.pisa import CreatePDF from tg.render import render as render_template import cStringIO html = render_template({"length":len(lcompounds), "lcompound":lcompounds, "cells":cells, "options":options, "size":size}, "genshi", "molgears.templates.users.results.print2", doctype=None) dest = './molgears/files/pdf/' + filename result = file(dest, "wb") CreatePDF(cStringIO.StringIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), result, encoding="utf-8") result.close() import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp('./molgears/files/pdf/'+ filename) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) elif kw['file_type'] == 'xls': filename = userid + '_selected.xls' filepath = os.path.join('./molgears/files/download/', filename) from PIL import Image import xlwt wbk = xlwt.Workbook() sheet = wbk.add_sheet('sheet1') j=0 if 'nr' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Nr.') j+=1 if 'gid' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'GID') j+=1 if 'id' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'ID') j+=1 if 'name' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Name') j+=1 if 'names' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Names') j+=1 if 'image' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Image') j+=1 if 'smiles' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'SMILES') j+=1 if 'inchi' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'InChi') j+=1 if 'lso' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'LSO') j+=1 if 'num_atoms' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Atoms') j+=1 if 'mw' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'MW') j+=1 if 'hba' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'hba') j+=1 if 'hbd' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'hbd') j+=1 if 'tpsa' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'tpsa') j+=1 if 'logp' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'logP') j+=1 if 'purity' in options: sheet.write(0,j, u'Purity') j+=1 if 'create_date' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Date') j+=1 if 'box' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Box') j+=1 if 'entry' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Entry') j+=1 if 'source' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Source') j+=1 if 'content' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Content') j+=1 if 'tags' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Tags') j+=1 if 'notes' in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'Notes') j+=1 for cell_line in cells: if '_CT_%s' % cell_line in options: sheet.write(0,j,u'CT %s' % cell_line) j+=1 i = 1 for row in lcompounds: j=0 if 'nr' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(i)) j+=1 if 'gid' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.gid) j+=1 if 'id' in options: sheet.write(i,j, j+=1 if 'name' in options: sheet.write(i,j, j+=1 if 'names' in options: names = u'' for n in row.mol.names: names += + u', ' sheet.write(i,j, names) j+=1 if 'image' in options: file_in = './molgears/public/img/%s.png' % row.gid img = file_out = './molgears/public/img/bitmap/thumb%s.bmp' %row.gid img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) sheet.insert_bitmap(file_out , i,j, 5, 5) j+=1 if 'smiles' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.structure)) j+=1 if 'inchi' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.inchi)) j+=1 if 'lso' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.lso) j+=1 if 'num_atoms' in options: sheet.write(i,j,str(row.mol.num_hvy_atoms)+'/'+str(row.mol.num_atoms)) j+=1 if 'mw' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str( j+=1 if 'hba' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.hba)) j+=1 if 'hbd' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.hbd)) j+=1 if 'tpsa' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.tpsa)) j+=1 if 'logp' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.mol.logp)) j+=1 if 'state' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.state)) j+=1 if 'purity' in options: pur = u'' for p in sorted(row.purity, key=lambda p: p.value, reverse=True): pur += u'%s : %s\n' % (p.value, p.type) sheet.write(i,j, pur) j+=1 if 'create_date' in options: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.create_date)) j+=1 if 'owner' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.owner) j+=1 if 'box' in options: sheet.write(i,j, j+=1 if 'entry' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.entry) j+=1 if 'source' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.source) j+=1 if 'content' in options: if row.content: sheet.write(i,j, str(row.content.value)) else: sheet.write(i,j, 'None') j+=1 if 'tags' in options: tagsy=u'' for tag in row.mol.tags: tagsy += + u', ' sheet.write(i,j,tagsy) j+=1 if 'notes' in options: sheet.write(i,j, row.notes) j+=1 for cell_line in cells: if '_CT_%s' % cell_line in options: res = [] if row.ctoxicity: for ct in sorted(row.ctoxicity, key=lambda ct: if ct.cell_line==cell_line: res.append(ct.ic50) if len(res)>0: sheet.write(i,j, str(round(sum(res)/len(res), 3))) else: sheet.write(i,j, '') j+=1 i += 1 import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp(filepath) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) elif kw['file_type'] == 'sdf': filepath = './molgears/files/download/out.sdf' ww = Chem.SDWriter(filepath) from rdkit.Chem import AllChem for row in lcompounds: m2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(str(row.mol.structure)) AllChem.Compute2DCoords(m2) AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m2) AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(m2) if 'smiles' in options: m2.SetProp("smiles", str(row.mol.structure)) if 'name' in options: m2.SetProp("_Name", str('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'nr' in options: m2.SetProp("Nr", str(lcompounds.index(row)+1)) if 'gid' in options: m2.SetProp("GID", str(row.gid)) if 'names' in options: names = u'' for n in row.mol.names: names += + ', ' m2.SetProp("names", str(names.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'inchi' in options: m2.SetProp("InChi", str(row.mol.inchi)) if 'lso' in options: m2.SetProp("LSO", str(row.lso)) if 'num_atoms' in options: m2.SetProp("atoms", str(row.mol.num_hvy_atoms)+'/'+str(row.mol.num_atoms)) if 'mw' in options: m2.SetProp("mw", str( if 'hba' in options: m2.SetProp("hba", str(row.mol.hba)) if 'hbd' in options: m2.SetProp("hbd", str(row.mol.hbd)) if 'tpsa' in options: m2.SetProp("TPSA", str(row.mol.tpsa)) if 'logp' in options: m2.SetProp("logP", str(row.mol.tpsa)) if 'create_date' in options: m2.SetProp("create_date", str(row.create_date)) if 'owner' in options: m2.SetProp("owner", str(row.owner)) if 'tags' in options: tagsy=u'' for tag in row.mol.tags: tagsy += + u', ' m2.SetProp("tagi", str(tagsy.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'purity' in options: pur = u'' for p in sorted(row.purity, key=lambda p: p.value, reverse=True): pur += u'%s : %s \n' % (p.value, p.type) m2.SetProp("purity", str(pur.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) if 'content' in options: if row.content: m2.SetProp("content", str(row.content.value)) else: m2.SetProp("content", "None") j+=1 if 'box' in options: m2.SetProp("box", str( if 'entry' in options: m2.SetProp("entry", str(row.entry)) if 'notes' in options: if row.notes: m2.SetProp("notes", str(row.notes.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))) else: m2.SetProp("notes", " ") for cell_line in cells: if '_CT_%s' % cell_line in options: res = [] if row.ctoxicity: for ct in sorted(row.ctoxicity, key=lambda ct: if ct.cell_line==cell_line: res.append(ct.ic50) if len(res)>0: m2.SetProp('CT_%s' % cell_line, str(round(sum(res)/len(res), 3))) else: m2.SetProp('CT_%s' % cell_line, ' ') ww.write(m2) ww.close() import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp(filepath) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) elif kw['file_type'] == 'csv' or 'txt': filename = userid + '_selected.' + kw['file_type'] filepath = os.path.join('./molgears/files/download/', filename) from molgears.widgets.unicodeCSV import UnicodeWriter import csv if kw['file_type'] == u'csv': delimiter = ';' else: delimiter = ' ' with open(filepath, 'wb') as csvfile: spamwriter = UnicodeWriter(csvfile, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in lcompounds: line =[] if 'smiles' in options: line.append(str(row.mol.structure)) if 'name' in options: line.append( if 'nr' in options: line.append(unicode(lcompounds.index(row)+1)) if 'gid' in options: line.append(unicode(row.gid)) if 'names' in options: names = u'' for n in row.mol.names: names += + u', ' line.append(names) if 'inchi' in options: line.append(row.mol.inchi) if 'lso' in options: line.append(row.lso) if 'num_atoms' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.num_hvy_atoms)+'/'+unicode(row.mol.num_atoms)) if 'mw' in options: line.append(unicode( if 'hba' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.hba)) if 'hbd' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.hbd)) if 'tpsa' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.tpsa)) if 'logp' in options: line.append(unicode(row.mol.logp)) if 'purity' in options: pur = u'' for p in sorted(row.purity, key=lambda p: p.value, reverse=True): pur += u'%s : %s\n' % (p.value, p.type) line.append(pur) if 'create_date' in options: line.append(unicode(row.create_date)) if 'owner' in options: line.append(row.owner) if 'box' in options: line.append( if 'entry' in options: line.append(row.entry) if 'source' in options: line.append(row.source) if 'content' in options: if row.content: line.append(unicode(row.content.value)) else: line.append(u'None') if 'tags' in options: tagsy= '' for tag in row.mol.tags: tagsy += + ', ' line.append(tagsy) if 'notes' in options: line.append(row.notes) spamwriter.writerow(line) import paste.fileapp f = paste.fileapp.FileApp(filepath) from tg import use_wsgi_app return use_wsgi_app(f) if selection and not search_clicked: argv ='' gids = '' for arg in selection: argv += '/' + arg tmp_result = DBSession.query(LCompound).get(arg) gids += '/' + str(tmp_result.gid) if kw['akcja'] == u'edit': redirect('/%s/molecules/multiedit/index%s' % (pname, gids)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'results': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/%s/results/new_result%s' % (pname, argv)) else: redirect('/%s/results/multiresults/index%s' % (pname, argv)) elif kw['akcja'] == u'htrf': if len(selection) == 1: redirect('/%s/results/htrf/add_result2%s' % (pname, argv)) currentPage = paginate.Page(lcompound, page, url=page_url, items_per_page=items) return dict(currentPage=currentPage,tmpl=tmpl, page='results', htmlRgb=htmlRgb, htmlRgb100=htmlRgb100, Num2Rgb=Num2Rgb, pname=pname, alltags=alltags, similarity=similarity, cells=cells, ulists=ulists, ulist=ulist)