コード例 #1
ファイル: kalman.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
 def __set_obsoffset(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         self.__obsoffset = npu.tondim2(value,
         self.__obsoffset = None
コード例 #2
ファイル: kalman.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
    def observe(self, obs, **kwargs):
        if 'obsnoisecov' in kwargs:
            obsnoisecov = kwargs['obsnoisecov']
            obsnoisecov = self.obsnoisecov

        assert not obsnoisecov is None, 'The covariance matrix obsnoisecov is not set'

        # By default, our measurement matrix is the procdim-by-procdim-dimensional identity
        # matrix: we are observing the state directly. This only makes sense if
        # procdim == obsdim.
        if self.obsmap is None:
            if (not self.procdim is None) and (self.procdim == self.obsdim):
                    'The measurement matrix obsmap is not set. Defaulting to procdim-by-procdim-dimensional identity'
                self.obsmap = np.eye(self.procdim)

        assert not self.obsmap is None, 'The measurement matrix obsmap is not set'

        if self.obsnoisemap is None:
            if self.obsdim is not None:
                    'The matrix obsnoisemap is not set. Defaulting to obsdim-by-obsdim-dimensional identity'
                self.obsnoisemap = np.eye(self.obsdim)

        assert not self.obsnoisemap is None, 'The matrix obsnoisemap is not set'

        obs = npu.tondim2(obs, ndim1tocolumn=True, copy=False)

        # Here we shall refer to the steps given in [Haykin-2001]_.

        # Kalman gain matrix (step 3):
        self.innovcov = np.dot(np.dot(
            self.obsmap, self.statecov), self.obsmap.T) + np.dot(
                np.dot(self.obsnoisemap, obsnoisecov), self.obsnoisemap.T)

        self.gain = np.dot(np.dot(self.statecov, self.obsmap.T),

        self.predictedobs = np.dot(self.obsmap, self.state)
        if self.obsoffset is not None:
            self.predictedobs += self.obsoffset

        # State estimate update (step 4):
        self.innov = obs - self.predictedobs
        self.state = self.state + np.dot(self.gain, self.innov)
        self.statecov = np.dot(
            np.identity(self.procdim) - np.dot(self.gain, self.obsmap),

        # TODO Cater for the multidimensional observation case
        self.loglikelihood += MINUS_HALF_LN_2PI - .5 * (
            np.log(self.innovcov) + self.innov * self.innov / self.innovcov)

        self._lastobs = obs

        return self.state
コード例 #3
 def generatenormalvariates(self, cov, count):
     cov = npp.checkshapeissquare(npu.tondim2(cov))
     count = pre.checknonnegativeinteger(count)
     dim = np.shape(cov)[0]
     covroot = np.linalg.cholesky(cov)
     variates = np.reshape(self.__randomstate.normal(size=count * dim),
                           (count, dim))
     return np.dot(variates, covroot.T)
コード例 #4
ファイル: kalman.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
 def __set_state(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         self.__state = npu.tondim2(value, ndim1tocolumn=True, copy=True)
         shape = np.shape(self.__state)
         assert (self.procdim is None) or (
             == shape[0]), 'The state must be procdim-dimensional'
         self.procdim = shape[0]
         self.__state = None
コード例 #5
ファイル: kalman.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
 def __set_statecov(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         self.__statecov = npu.tondim2(value, copy=True)
         shape = np.shape(self.__statecov)
         assert shape[0] == shape[1], 'The state covariance must be square'
         assert (self.procdim is None) or (
             self.procdim == shape[0]
         ), 'The state covariance must be procdim-by-procdim-dimensional'
         self.procdim = shape[0]
         self.__statecov = None
コード例 #6
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
def cor2cov(cor, var=None, sd=None, copy=True):
    sd = np.sqrt(var) if var is not None else sd
    if isinstance(cor, (DiagonalArray, SubdiagonalArray)):
        cor = cor.tonumpyarray()
    cor = npu.tondim2(cor, copy=copy)
    dim = len(var)
    assert dim == np.shape(cor)[0] and dim == np.shape(cor)[1]
    np.fill_diagonal(cor, 1.)
    cor = (sd.T * (sd * cor).T).T
    npu.lowertosymmetric(cor, copy=False)
    return cor
コード例 #7
ファイル: kalman.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
 def __set_procmap(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         self.__procmap = npu.tondim2(value, copy=True)
         shape = np.shape(self.__procmap)
         assert shape[0] == shape[
             1], 'The transition matrix procmap must be square'
         assert (self.procdim is None) or (
             self.procdim == shape[0]
         ), 'The transition matrix procmap must be procdim-by-procdim-dimensional'
         self.procdim = shape[0]
         self.__procmap = None
コード例 #8
ファイル: kalman.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
 def __set_obsnoisecov(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         self.__obsnoisecov = npu.tondim2(value, copy=True)
         shape = np.shape(self.__obsnoisecov)
         assert shape[0] == shape[
             1], 'The covariance matrix obsnoisecov must be square'
         assert (self.obsdim is None) or (
             self.obsdim == shape[0]
         ), 'The covariance matrix obsnoisecov must be obsdim-by-obsdim-dimensional'
         self.obsdim = shape[0]
         self.__obsnoisecov = None
コード例 #9
ファイル: kalman.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/bayestsa
 def __set_obsmap(self, value):
     if value is not None:
         self.__obsmap = npu.tondim2(value, copy=True)
         shape = np.shape(self.__obsmap)
         assert (self.obsdim is None) or (
             self.obsdim == shape[0]
         ), 'The measurement matrix obsmap must have obsdim (%d) rows; it has %d rows' % (
             self.obsdim, shape[0])
         assert (self.procdim is None) or (
             self.procdim == shape[1]
         ), 'The measurement matrix obsmap must have procdim (%d) columns; it has %d columns' % (
             self.procdim, shape[1])
         self.obsdim = shape[0]
         self.procdim = shape[1]
         self.__obsmap = None