コード例 #1
 def appPost(self, client):
   reset = self.request.get('reset_office')
   logging.info("request %s" % self.request)
   user_token = UserToken.get_from_cookie(self.request.cookies.get('session', None))
   if user_token and user_token.fs_id and reset:
     request = User.all().filter('id =', user_token.fs_id)
     user = request.get()
     if user:
       logging.info('deleting the user!')
コード例 #2
 def appGet(self, client):
   data = { 'configured' : False }
   user_token = UserToken.get_from_cookie(self.request.cookies.get('session', None))
   if not (user_token and user_token.fs_id):
   if user_token and user_token.fs_id:
     request = User.all().filter('id =', user_token.fs_id)
     user = request.get()
     if user and user.office_id:
       data['configured'] = True
       venue_info = client.venues(user.office_id)
       data['venue_name'] = venue_info['venue']['name']
   logging.info('data %s' % data)
   path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'settings.html')
   self.response.out.write(template.render(path, data))
コード例 #3
  def checkinTaskQueue(self, client, checkin_json):
    venue_id = checkin_json['venue']['id']
    request = User.all().filter('id =', checkin_json['user']['id'])
    user = request.get()
    if not user:
      # If they say "office" in their check-in, set this as their office
      if not 'shout' in checkin_json:
        logging.info("No shout, bailing")
      shout = checkin_json['shout']
      if shout.lower().find('office') < 0:
        logging.info("Not at office, bailing")
      user = User()
      user.id = checkin_json['user']['id']
      user.office_id = venue_id
      user.clockin_dts = '[]'
      user.best_dt = '()'
      settings_url = utils.getServer() + CONFIG['auth_success_uri_mobile']
      params = { 'text' : 'Ohh, so this is where you work. Duly noted!',
                 'url' : settings_url}
      client.checkins.reply(checkin_json['id'], params)

    if venue_id != user.office_id:
      if venue_id == '4ef0e7cf7beb5932d5bdeb4e':
        #Easter egg!
        params = { 'text' : 'Foursquare HQ!? ' +
                  'I hear that place is full of sunshine and unicorns' }
        client.checkins.reply(checkin_json['id'], params)
      # They're not at the office

    # What time is it?
    tz_offset = timedelta(minutes=checkin_json['timeZoneOffset'])
    dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(checkin_json['createdAt']) + tz_offset
    time_of_day = self.calculateTimeOfDay(dt)
    date_str = dt.date().isoformat()

    clockin_dts = json.loads(user.clockin_dts)
    if clockin_dts and date_str == clockin_dts[0]:
      # Already checked in to work today

    avg_time = self.calculateAvg([x[1] for x in clockin_dts])
    diff = avg_time - time_of_day
    diff_minutes = diff / 60
    logging.info('diff_minutes: %d' % diff)
    best_time = json.loads(user.best_dt)
    if not best_time:
      best_dt = [date_str, time_of_day]
      user.best_dt = json.dumps(best_dt)

    message = None
    if (len(clockin_dts) > self.MOVING_AVG_WINDOW / 2
          and time_of_day < best_dt[0]):
      message = 'Whoa, earliest office check-in EVER. Go get \'em tiger!'
      best_dt = [date_str, time_of_day]
      user.best_dt = json.dumps(best_dt)
    elif diff_minutes > self.EARLY_BIRD_DELTA_MINUTES:
      if diff_minutes < 45:
        message = ('Look at you, clocking in %d minutes early today. Good job!'
                   % diff_minutes)
      elif diff_minutes < 115:
        message = 'Look at you, clocking in an hour early today. Good job!'
        message = ('Look at you, clocking in %d hours early today. Good job!'
                   % (diff_minutes / 60))
    if message:
      params = { 'text' : message}
      logging.info("message: %s" % message)
      client.checkins.reply(checkin_json['id'], params)

    # Update list of past clock-in times.    
    clockin_dts.insert(0, [date_str, time_of_day])
    if len(clockin_dts) > self.MOVING_AVG_WINDOW:
    user.clockin_times = json.dumps(clockin_dts)