def grab_web2py_frame(): """Grab the path of the web2py framework and check its existence.""" webframe = resolve_path(__file__,'../apps/scaffolding/win/web2py') webdotpy = resolve_path(__file__,'../apps/scaffolding/common/') check_file_exist(webdotpy) check_file_exist(webframe) return webframe, webdotpy
def grab_web2py_script_path(which_app, w_os): """ For a list of operating systems, get the path of the script for a specified application. """ if w_os == "mac": path_form = "../apps/web_apps/{os}/{app}/web2py/{maaa}/" path_form = resolve_path(__file__, path_form) extra = "" path = path_form.format(os=w_os, app=str(which_app), maaa=extra) else: path_form = "../apps/web_apps/{os}/{app}/web2py/" path_form = resolve_path(__file__, path_form) path = path_form.format(os=w_os, app=str(which_app)) print " web2py script path: {}\n".format(path) return path
def grab_view_path(which_app, w_os): """Grabs the path of the view file to be modified.""" if w_os == 'mac': app_dir = '../apps/web_apps/{os}/{app}/web2py/{ext}/applications' app_dir = resolve_path(__file__, app_dir) extra = '' app_dir = app_dir.format(os=w_os, app=which_app, ext=extra) file_loc = 'MKE_Static_Name/views/default/index.html' path = os.path.join(app_dir, file_loc) else: app_dir = '../apps/web_apps/{os}/{app}/web2py/applications' app_dir = resolve_path(__file__, app_dir) app_dir = app_dir.format(os=w_os, app=which_app) file_loc = 'MKE_Static_Name/views/default/index.html' path = os.path.join(app_dir, file_loc) return path
def grab_file_paths(tif_dir): """Grabs the paths of images to be processed and puts them in a list.""" image_path_list = [] tif_path = resolve_path(__file__, tif_dir) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tif_path, topdown=False): del dirs for name in files: image_path_list.append((os.path.join(root, name))) return image_path_list
def grab_txt(image_name, out_path): """Grabs metadata for a specified image and stores it as a dictionary.""" import ast image_path_form = out_path + "/{name}/{name}.txt" image_path_form = resolve_path(__file__, image_path_form) with open(image_path_form.format(name=image_name), "r") as meta_f: dic_str = dictionary = ast.literal_eval(dic_str) return dictionary
def grab_image_paths(processed_path): """Returns a list of processed png image paths""" image_path_list = [] processed_image_path = resolve_path(__file__, processed_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(processed_image_path, topdown=False): del dirs for name in files: if name[-4:] == '.png': image_path_list.append((os.path.join(root, name))) return image_path_list
def create_bat(out_path, num): """Creates a bat file to start the web2py server.""" mkebat = resolve_path(__file__, '../apps/scaffolding/common/MKE_PT_.bat') check_file_exist(mkebat) shutil.copy(mkebat, out_path) old_name = os.path.join(out_path, 'MKE_PT_.bat') exe_name = 'MKE_PT_{}.bat'.format(num) new_name = os.path.join(out_path, exe_name) print " ...P{} bat file created...".format(num) os.rename(old_name, new_name) return None
def create_python_scripts(up_cmds, commit_cmd, which_app, pop_path): """ Creates a script, from a series of commands, to be read by an interpreter. """ path_form = resolve_path(__file__, pop_path) path = os.path.abspath(path_form.format(which_app)) create_dirs(path_form[:-15]) with open(path, "w") as python_file: for cmd in up_cmds: python_file.write(cmd + "\n") python_file.write("\n" + commit_cmd + "\n") return path
def grab_out_paths(num_apps): """ From the number of applications necessary, create a list of pathnames where we will create windows applications. """ out_dir = resolve_path(__file__,'../apps/web_apps/win/{pat}') project_part = 'P{}' out_paths = [] for num in range(1, num_apps + 1): strin = project_part.format(str(num)) print "{part}, preparing for generation.".format(part=strin) out_paths.append(out_dir.format(pat=strin)) return out_paths
def delete_directories(directory_dictionary): """Resets system so further files may be deleted.""" print "\nResetting system...\n" directory_keys = directory_dictionary.keys() for directory in directory_keys: path = resolve_path(__file__, directory_dictionary[directory]) print "Deleteing {}.".format(path) if exists(path): rmtree(path) else: print " But it doesn't exist..." print "\nFinished resetting system...\n" return None
def grab_out_paths(number_apps, app_path): """ From the number of applications necessary, create a list of pathnames where we will create linux applications. """ out_dir = resolve_path(__file__, app_path) project_part = 'P{}' os = "linux" out_paths = [] for num in range(1, number_apps + 1): strin = project_part.format(str(num)) print "{part}, preparing for generation.".format(part=strin) out_paths.append(out_dir.format(os=os, pat=strin)) return out_paths
def delete_dirs_no_print(directory_dictionary): """ Resets system so further files may be deleted. Does not print status. """ directory_keys = directory_dictionary.keys() for directory in directory_keys: path = resolve_path(__file__, directory_dictionary[directory]) if exists(path): print "Deleteing `{}`.".format(path) rmtree(path) else: pass return None
def grab_out_paths(image_path_list, adict): """ Returns a list of filenames and the outpaths of processed images. """ out_dir = resolve_path(__file__, adict["out_path"] + "/{pat}") image_name_form = adict["image_name_form"] out_paths = [] file_names = [] for num in range(len(image_path_list)): strin = image_name_form.format(str(num).zfill(4)) file_names.append(strin) out_paths.append(out_dir.format(pat=strin)) return out_paths, file_names
def write_meta_data(data, meta_path): """ Records sizes of all the pngs/tiffs in files that can later be read as dictionaries. ../data/png_sizes.txt ../data/tif_sizes.txt """ meta_path = resolve_path(__file__, meta_path) if not os.path.exists(meta_path): os.makedirs(meta_path) meta_path += "/{}.txt" keys = data.keys() for key in keys: with open(meta_path.format(key), 'w') as meta_file: sizes = str(data[key]) + '\n' meta_file.write(sizes) return None
def grab_scaffold_app(version): """Grab the path of our scaffolding and check its existence.""" mkever = '../apps/scaffolding/version/MKE_v{}'.format(version) mkever = resolve_path(__file__, mkever) check_file_exist(mkever) return mkever