class ContactPointsOp(gof.COp): num_inputs = 7 params_type = gof.ParamsType(tol=theano.scalar.float64, ) __props__ = ("tol", ) func_file = "./" func_name = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(contact)" def __init__(self, tol=1e-10, **kwargs): self.tol = float(tol) super(ContactPointsOp, self).__init__(self.func_file, self.func_name) def c_code_cache_version(self): return get_cache_version() def c_compile_args(self, compiler): return get_compile_args(compiler) def c_headers(self, compiler): return ["theano_helpers.h", "contact_points.h"] def c_header_dirs(self, compiler): return [pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "include")] def make_node(self, *args): if len(args) != self.num_inputs: raise ValueError("expected {0} inputs".format(self.num_inputs)) dtype = theano.config.floatX in_args = [] for a in args: try: a = tt.as_tensor_variable(a) except tt.AsTensorError: pass else: dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(dtype, a.dtype) in_args.append(a) ndim = in_args[0].ndim out_args = [ tt.TensorType(dtype=dtype, broadcastable=[False] * ndim)(), tt.TensorType(dtype=dtype, broadcastable=[False] * ndim)(), tt.TensorType(dtype="int32", broadcastable=[False] * ndim)() ] return gof.Apply(self, in_args, out_args) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return shapes[0], shapes[0], shapes[0]
class ContactPointsOp(gof.COp): num_inputs = 7 params_type = gof.ParamsType(tol=theano.scalar.float64) __props__ = ("tol", ) func_file = "./" func_name = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(contact)" def __init__(self, tol=1e-10, **kwargs): self.tol = float(tol) super(ContactPointsOp, self).__init__(self.func_file, self.func_name) def c_code_cache_version(self): return get_cache_version() def c_compile_args(self, compiler): return get_compile_args(compiler) def c_headers(self, compiler): return ["exoplanet/theano_helpers.h", "exoplanet/contact_points.h"] def c_header_dirs(self, compiler): return get_header_dirs(eigen=False) def make_node(self, *args): if len(args) != self.num_inputs: raise ValueError("expected {0} inputs".format(self.num_inputs)) in_args = [tt.as_tensor_variable(a) for a in args] out_args = [ in_args[0].type(), in_args[0].type(), tt.zeros_like(in_args[0], dtype="int32").type(), ] return gof.Apply(self, in_args, out_args) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return shapes[0], shapes[0], shapes[0]
def params_type(self): return gof.ParamsType(i=theano.scalar.basic.int64)
class RegularGridOp(gof.COp): params_type = gof.ParamsType( ndim=theano.scalar.int64, nout=theano.scalar.int64, check_sorted=theano.scalar.bool, bounds_error=theano.scalar.bool, ) __props__ = ("ndim", "nout", "check_sorted", "bounds_error") func_file = "./" func_name = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(regular_grid)" def __init__(self, ndim, nout=-1, check_sorted=True, bounds_error=True, **kwargs): self.ndim = int(ndim) if not 0 < self.ndim <= 5: raise ValueError("ndim must be less than or equal to 5") self.nout = int(nout) self.check_sorted = bool(check_sorted) self.bounds_error = bool(bounds_error) super(RegularGridOp, self).__init__(self.func_file, self.func_name) def c_code_cache_version(self): return get_cache_version() def c_headers(self, compiler): return ["theano_helpers.h"] def c_header_dirs(self, compiler): return [pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "include") ] + get_header_dirs() def c_compile_args(self, compiler): args = get_compile_args(compiler) args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NDIM={0}".format(self.ndim)) if self.ndim == 1: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NDIM_ORDER=Eigen::ColMajor") else: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NDIM_ORDER=Eigen::RowMajor") if 0 < self.nout <= 16: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NOUT={0}".format(self.nout)) if self.nout == 1: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NOUT_ORDER=Eigen::ColMajor") else: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NOUT_ORDER=Eigen::RowMajor") ndim_nout = self.ndim * self.nout if 0 < ndim_nout <= 16: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NDIM_NOUT={0}".format(ndim_nout)) if ndim_nout == 1: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NDIM_NOUT_ORDER=Eigen::ColMajor") else: args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_NDIM_NOUT_ORDER=Eigen::RowMajor") for i in range(self.ndim): args.append("-DREGULAR_GRID_{0}".format(i)) return args def make_node(self, *args): ndim = len(args) - 2 if ndim != self.ndim: raise ValueError("number of input grids does not match ndim") dtype = theano.config.floatX in_args = [] for a in args: try: a = tt.as_tensor_variable(a) except tt.AsTensorError: pass else: dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(dtype, a.dtype) in_args.append(a) out_args = [ tt.TensorType(dtype=dtype, broadcastable=[False, False])(), tt.TensorType(dtype=dtype, broadcastable=[False, False, False])(), ] return gof.Apply(self, in_args, out_args) def grad(self, inputs, gradients): xi = inputs[0] zi, dz = self(*inputs) bz = gradients[0] bx = tt.sum(tt.reshape(bz, (xi.shape[0], 1, zi.shape[1])) * dz, axis=-1) return tuple([bx] + [tt.zeros_like(i) for i in inputs[1:]]) def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if eval_points[0] is None: return eval_points return self.grad(inputs, eval_points)
class IntegratedLimbDarkOp(StarryBaseOp): params_type = gof.ParamsType( tol=theano.scalar.float64, min_depth=theano.scalar.int32, max_depth=theano.scalar.int32, Nc=theano.scalar.int32, circular=theano.scalar.bool, ) __props__ = () func_file = "./" func_name = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(integrated_limbdark)" def __init__( self, tol=1e-5, min_depth=0, max_depth=50, Nc=-1, circular=False, **kwargs ): self.tol = float(tol) self.min_depth = max(0, int(min_depth)) self.max_depth = max(self.min_depth + 1, int(max_depth)) self.Nc = int(Nc) self.circular = bool(circular) super(IntegratedLimbDarkOp, self).__init__() def make_node(self, *args): if len(args) != 11: raise ValueError("wrong number of inputs") in_args = [tt.as_tensor_variable(a) for a in args] out_args = [ in_args[1].type(), tt.lscalar().type(), tt.TensorType( dtype=theano.config.floatX, broadcastable=[False] * (in_args[0].ndim + in_args[1].ndim), )(), in_args[1].type(), in_args[1].type(), in_args[1].type(), in_args[1].type(), in_args[1].type(), ] if self.circular: out_args += [ tt.lscalar().type(), tt.lscalar().type(), tt.lscalar().type(), ] else: out_args += [ in_args[1].type(), in_args[1].type(), in_args[1].type(), ] return gof.Apply(self, in_args, out_args) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): shape = shapes[1] out_shapes = [ shape, (), list(shapes[0]) + list(shapes[1]), shape, shape, shape, shape, shape, ] if self.circular: out_shapes += [(), (), ()] else: out_shapes += [shape, shape, shape] return tuple(out_shapes) def c_compile_args(self, compiler): args = super(IntegratedLimbDarkOp, self).c_compile_args(compiler) args.append("-DLIMBDARK_NC={0}".format(self.Nc)) if self.circular: args.append("-DLIMBDARK_CIRCULAR") return args def grad(self, inputs, gradients): c = inputs[0] f, neval, dcl, dt, dr, dn, daome2, dcosi, de, dsinw, dcosw = self( *inputs ) bf = gradients[0] for i, g in enumerate(gradients[1:]): if not isinstance(g.type, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType): raise ValueError( "can't propagate gradients wrt parameter {0}".format(i + 1) ) bc = tt.sum( tt.reshape(bf, (1, bf.size)) * tt.reshape(dcl, (c.size, bf.size)), axis=-1, ) results = [ tt.reshape(bc, inputs[0].shape), tt.zeros_like(inputs[1]), tt.reshape(bf * dt, inputs[2].shape), tt.reshape(bf * dr, inputs[3].shape), tt.reshape(bf * dn, inputs[4].shape), tt.reshape(bf * daome2, inputs[5].shape), tt.zeros_like(inputs[6]), tt.reshape(bf * dcosi, inputs[7].shape), ] if self.circular: results += [ tt.zeros_like(inputs[8]), tt.zeros_like(inputs[9]), tt.zeros_like(inputs[10]), ] else: results += [ tt.reshape(bf * de, inputs[8].shape), tt.reshape(bf * dsinw, inputs[9].shape), tt.reshape(bf * dcosw, inputs[10].shape), ] return tuple(results) def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if eval_points[0] is None: return eval_points return self.grad(inputs, eval_points)
class KeplerOp(gof.COp): params_type = gof.ParamsType(tol=theano.scalar.float64, ) __props__ = ("tol", ) func_file = "./" func_name = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(solver)" def __init__(self, tol=1e-12, **kwargs): self.tol = float(tol) super(KeplerOp, self).__init__(self.func_file, self.func_name) def c_code_cache_version(self): return get_cache_version() def c_headers(self, compiler): return ["theano_helpers.h", "solver.h"] def c_header_dirs(self, compiler): return [pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "include")] def make_node(self, mean_anom, eccen): in_args = [ tt.as_tensor_variable(mean_anom), tt.as_tensor_variable(eccen) ] return gof.Apply(self, in_args, [in_args[0].type(), in_args[0].type()]) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return shapes[0], shapes[0] def grad(self, inputs, gradients): M, e = inputs E, f = self(M, e) bM = tt.zeros_like(M) be = tt.zeros_like(M) ecosE = e * tt.cos(E) if not isinstance(gradients[0].type, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType): # Backpropagate E_bar bM = gradients[0] / (1 - ecosE) be = tt.sin(E) * bM if not isinstance(gradients[1].type, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType): # Backpropagate f_bar sinf2 = tt.sin(0.5 * f) cosf2 = tt.cos(0.5 * f) tanf2 = sinf2 / cosf2 e2 = e**2 ome2 = 1 - e2 ome = 1 - e ope = 1 + e cosf22 = cosf2**2 twoecosf22 = 2 * e * cosf22 factor = tt.sqrt(ope / ome) inner = (twoecosf22 + ome) * tt.as_tensor_variable(gradients[1]) bM += factor * (ome * tanf2**2 + ope) * inner * cosf22 / (ope * ome2) be += -2 * cosf22 * tanf2 / ome2**2 * inner * (ecosE - 2 + e2) return [bM, be] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if eval_points[0] is None: return eval_points return self.grad(inputs, eval_points)
class IntegratedLimbDarkOp(StarryBaseOp): params_type = gof.ParamsType( tol=theano.scalar.float64, min_depth=theano.scalar.int32, max_depth=theano.scalar.int32, Nc=theano.scalar.int32, include_contacts=theano.scalar.bool, ) __props__ = () func_file = "./" func_name = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(integrated_limbdark)" def __init__(self, tol=1e-6, min_depth=0, max_depth=50, Nc=-1, include_contacts=False, **kwargs): self.tol = float(tol) self.min_depth = max(0, int(min_depth)) self.max_depth = max(self.min_depth + 1, int(max_depth)) self.Nc = int(Nc) self.include_contacts = bool(include_contacts) super(IntegratedLimbDarkOp, self).__init__() def make_node(self, *args): if len(args) != 11: raise ValueError("wrong number of inputs") dtype = theano.config.floatX in_args = [tt.as_tensor_variable(a) for a in args] out_args = [ in_args[1].type(), tt.TensorType(dtype=theano.config.floatX, broadcastable=[False] * (in_args[1].ndim + 1))(), in_args[1].type(), in_args[2].type(), in_args[3].type(), in_args[4].type(), in_args[5].type(), in_args[6].type(), in_args[7].type(), tt.lscalar().type(), ] return gof.Apply(self, in_args, out_args) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return (shapes[1], list(shapes[0]) + list(shapes[1]), shapes[1], shapes[2], shapes[3], shapes[4], shapes[5], shapes[6], shapes[7], ()) def grad(self, inputs, gradients): c, r, x, xt, xtt, y, yt, ytt, z, zt, dt = inputs f, dfdcl, dfdr, dfdx, dfdxt, dfdxtt, dfdy, dfdyt, dfdytt, neval \ = self(*inputs) bf = gradients[0] for i, g in enumerate(gradients[1:]): if not isinstance(g.type, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType): raise ValueError( "can't propagate gradients wrt parameter {0}".format(i + 1)) bc = tt.sum(tt.reshape(bf, (1, bf.size)) * tt.reshape(dfdcl, (c.size, bf.size)), axis=-1) br = bf * dfdr bx = bf * dfdx bxt = bf * dfdxt bxtt = bf * dfdxtt by = bf * dfdy byt = bf * dfdyt bytt = bf * dfdytt return (bc, br, bx, bxt, bxtt, by, byt, bytt, tt.zeros_like(z), tt.zeros_like(zt), tt.zeros_like(dt)) def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if eval_points[0] is None: return eval_points return self.grad(inputs, eval_points)
class IntegrateOp(gof.COp): params_type = gof.ParamsType( t=theano.scalar.float64, dt=theano.scalar.float64, integrator=theano.scalar.int32, ) __props__ = ("t", "dt", "integrator") func_file = "./" func_name = "APPLY_SPECIFIC(integrate)" _INTEGRATORS = { "ias15": 0, "whfast": 1, "sei": 2, "leapfrog": 4, "none": 7, "janus": 8, "mercurius": 9, } def __init__(self, t=0.0, dt=0.1, integrator="ias15", **kwargs): self.t = float(t) self.dt = float(dt) self.integrator = self._INTEGRATORS.get(integrator.lower(), None) if self.integrator is None: raise ValueError("unknown integrator {0}".format(integrator)) self.integrator = np.int32(self.integrator) super(IntegrateOp, self).__init__(self.func_file, self.func_name) def c_code_cache_version(self): return get_cache_version() def c_headers(self, compiler): return [ "theano_helpers.h", "rebound.h", "vector", "array", "numeric", "algorithm", ] def c_header_dirs(self, compiler): return [pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "") ] + get_header_dirs() def c_compile_args(self, compiler): return get_compile_args(compiler) def c_libraries(self, compiler): return [get_librebound_name()] def c_lib_dirs(self, compiler): return [get_librebound_path()] def make_node(self, masses, initial_coords, times): in_args = [ tt.as_tensor_variable(masses), tt.as_tensor_variable(initial_coords), tt.as_tensor_variable(times), ] dtype = theano.config.floatX out_args = [ tt.TensorType(dtype=dtype, broadcastable=[False] * 3)(), tt.TensorType(dtype=dtype, broadcastable=[False] * 5)(), ] return gof.Apply(self, in_args, out_args) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return ( list(shapes[2]) + list(shapes[0]) + [6], list(shapes[2]) + list(shapes[0]) + [7] + list(shapes[0]) + [6], ) def grad(self, inputs, gradients): masses, initial_coords, times = inputs coords, jac = self(*inputs) bcoords = gradients[0] if not isinstance(gradients[1].type, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType): raise ValueError( "can't propagate gradients with respect to Jacobian") # (time, num, 6) * (time, num, 7, num, 6) -> (num, 7) grad = tt.sum(bcoords[:, None, None, :, :] * jac, axis=(0, 3, 4)) return grad[:, 0], grad[:, 1:], tt.zeros_like(times) def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if eval_points[0] is None: return eval_points return self.grad(inputs, eval_points)