コード例 #1
def local_1msigmoid(node):
    1-sigm(x) -> sigm(-x)

    if node.op == tensor.sub:
        sub_l, sub_r = node.inputs
        if len(sub_r.clients) > 1:
            return  # graph is using both sigm and 1-sigm
        if sub_r.owner and sub_r.owner.op == sigmoid:
                val_l = opt.get_scalar_constant_value(sub_l)
            except tensor.NotScalarConstantError:
            if np.allclose(np.sum(val_l), 1):
                out = sigmoid(-sub_r.owner.inputs[0])
                copy_stack_trace([sub_r, node.outputs[0]], out)
                return [out]

register_local_1msigmoid = False
# This is False because the Stabilize pattern above
# is looking for 1-sigm.  Also Canonizer turns neg into *(-1) and so
# this optimization might set off an unwanted chain of things.
# OTH - this transformation can be seen as pushing normal arithmetic either  below or above the
# sigmoidal nonlinearity... so if the canonicalized form had anything to say about that then it
# would be a consideration... anyway leaving False for now.

if register_local_1msigmoid:
コード例 #2
ファイル: sigm.py プロジェクト: naisanza/Theano
            except Exception:
            if numpy.allclose(numpy.sum(val_l), 1):
                return [sigmoid(-sub_r.owner.inputs[0])]

register_local_1msigmoid = False
# This is False because the Stabilize pattern above
# is looking for 1-sigm.  Also Canonizer turns neg into *(-1) and so
# this optimization might set off an unwanted chain of things.
# OTH - this transformation can be seen as pushing normal arithmetic either  below or above the
# sigmoidal nonlinearity... so if the canonicalized form had anything to say about that then it
# would be a consideration... anyway leaving False for now.

if register_local_1msigmoid:

if 0:
    # This code is if'd out because it is not complete,
    # and it isn't obviously a good idea anyway.
    # The motivation here was to identify the last exp() node
    # in the SciPy2010 article, which was not optimized away at the time of publication,
    # so the example is actually not numerically stable, even though it should be.
    def local_sigm_gest(node):

    def sigm_canonicalize(node):
        mul = tensor.mul
コード例 #3
ファイル: Cifar.py プロジェクト: alexmlamb/vaeNewLoss
import theano.tensor as T
import theano
import numpy as np
from Data.load_imagenet import denormalize

import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from theano.tensor.opt import register_canonicalize

class ConsiderConstant(theano.compile.ViewOp):
    def grad(self, args, g_outs):
        return [g_out * T.sqrt(T.mean(T.abs_(g_out))) / (1.0 + T.sqrt(T.mean(T.abs_(g_out), axis = (0,1), keepdims = True))) for g_out in g_outs]
        #return [g_out * 100.0 / (1.0 + T.abs_(g_out)) for g_out in g_outs]

consider_constant = ConsiderConstant()
register_canonicalize(theano.gof.OpRemove(consider_constant), name='consider_norm')

def decoder(z_reconstruction, z_sampled, numLatent, numHidden, mb_size, image_width):

    c = [2048, 2048, 512, 3]

    layers = []

    layers += [HiddenLayer(num_in = numLatent, num_out = c[0] * 4 * 4, activation = 'relu', batch_norm = True)]

    layers += [DeConvLayer(in_channels = c[0], out_channels = c[1], kernel_len = 5, activation = 'relu', batch_norm = True, unflatten_input = (mb_size, c[0], 4, 4))]

    layers += [DeConvLayer(in_channels = c[1], out_channels = c[2], kernel_len = 5, activation = 'relu', batch_norm = True)]
コード例 #4
class GradClip(theano.compile.ViewOp):
    def __init__(self, clip_lower_bound, clip_upper_bound):
        self.clip_lower_bound = clip_lower_bound
        self.clip_upper_bound = clip_upper_bound
        assert (self.clip_upper_bound >= self.clip_lower_bound)

    def grad(self, args, g_outs):

        return [
            T.clip(g_out, self.clip_lower_bound, self.clip_upper_bound)
            for g_out in g_outs

grad_clip = GradClip(-2., 2.)
register_canonicalize(theano.gof.OpRemove(grad_clip), name='grad_clip')

class RNNTheano:
    def __init__(self, word_dim, hidden_dim=100, bptt_truncate=-1):
        self.num_Changed = 0  ###############
        self.vocab_limit = 3500
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.bptt_truncate = bptt_truncate
        self.no_Change = []
        The exact method of importing data will be determined later

        For now I'll just focus on the basic algorithm
コード例 #5
ファイル: grad.py プロジェクト: louiekang/AgentNet
from theano import tensor as T
import theano
from theano.tensor.opt import register_canonicalize
import numpy as np

#consider constant op by benanne
class ConsiderConstant(theano.compile.ViewOp):
    """treats input as constant when computing grads"""
    def grad(self, args, g_outs):
        return [T.zeros(g_out.shape,dtype=theano.config.floatX) for g_out in g_outs]

consider_constant = ConsiderConstant()
register_canonicalize(theano.gof.OpRemove(consider_constant), name='remove_consider_constant_op')

#gradient reversal layer by Daniel Renshaw 
#thanks to him, but idk if it works :P
class MultiplyGradient(theano.gof.Op):
    view_map = {0: [0]}

    __props__ = ('hp_lambda',)

    def __init__(self, hp_lambda=1):
        """this operation multiplies the gradient by hp_lambda when computing grads"""
        super(MultiplyGradient, self).__init__()
        self.hp_lambda = hp_lambda