コード例 #1
  def respond(self, request):
    movies_url = SHOWTIMES_URL_BASE + request.zip_code + "&dq=showtimes+" + request.zip_code + "&q=showtimes&sa=X"

    logging.debug("Fetching URL: %s" % movies_url)
    result = urlfetch.fetch(url=movies_url,
                            headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/536.26.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.2 Safari/536.26.17'})

    htmltree = lxml.html.parse(StringIO.StringIO(result.content))

    matches = []

    theaters = htmltree.xpath('//div[@class="theater"]')
    for theater in theaters:
      t = Theater(theater)
      movie = t.get_movie(request.query)
      if movie:
        matches.append((t, movie))

    if (len(matches) == 0): 
      logging.info("No movies found containing query: %s" % request.query)
      return None

    response = movietimerenderer.render(matches[:3])
    logging.info("Responding from movie responder with: " + response)
    return SimpleSmsResponse(response)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Simulator.py プロジェクト: jboo1212/Movie-Theater
    def set_processing_times(self):
        # Initialize the theater object with the right amount of lines/windows
        self.theater = Theater(self.number_of_ticket_lines, self.number_of_ticket_windows)

        # Add the lines and the windows

        for n in range(len(self.theater.ticket_window_list)):
            # For every ticket window we have, set the processing
            # time equivalent to the processing time attribute that Windows have.
            self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time = self.processing_time_for_window[n]

        return self.theater.ticket_window_list
コード例 #3
ファイル: Simulator.py プロジェクト: jboo1212/Movie-Theater
    def __init__(self):
        self.length_of_simulation = 0
        self.number_of_ticket_windows = 0
        self.number_of_ticket_lines = 0

        self.processing_time_for_window = []
        self.number_of_customers = []
        self.customer_arrival_time = []

        self.theater = Theater(None, None)
        self.individual_ticket_window = None

        self.customer_has_arrived_in_line = False

        # Window statistics
        self.number_of_tickets_sold_at_window = []

        # Figure out what to do with this.
        self.idle_time = []

        self.length_of_lines_at_the_end = 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: tewarbit/smslackey
import lxml.html
import StringIO
import movietimerenderer

from theater import Theater

txt = open("times.html")
htmltree = lxml.html.parse(StringIO.StringIO(txt.read()))

matches = []

theaters = htmltree.xpath('//div[@class="theater"]')
for theater in theaters:
  t = Theater(theater)
  movie = t.get_movie("oz")
  if movie:
    # print t.name, movie.name
    matches.append((t, movie))

print movietimerenderer.render(matches[:3])
コード例 #5
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: tewarbit/smslackey
import lxml.html
import StringIO
import movietimerenderer

from theater import Theater

txt = open("times.html")
htmltree = lxml.html.parse(StringIO.StringIO(txt.read()))

matches = []

theaters = htmltree.xpath('//div[@class="theater"]')
for theater in theaters:
    t = Theater(theater)
    movie = t.get_movie("oz")
    if movie:
        # print t.name, movie.name
        matches.append((t, movie))

print movietimerenderer.render(matches[:3])
コード例 #6
 def append(self, theater_name):
     Chain.theaters[theater_name] = Theater()
コード例 #7
ファイル: Simulator.py プロジェクト: jboo1212/Movie-Theater
class Simulation:

    def __init__(self):
        self.length_of_simulation = 0
        self.number_of_ticket_windows = 0
        self.number_of_ticket_lines = 0

        self.processing_time_for_window = []
        self.number_of_customers = []
        self.customer_arrival_time = []

        self.theater = Theater(None, None)
        self.individual_ticket_window = None

        self.customer_has_arrived_in_line = False

        # Window statistics
        self.number_of_tickets_sold_at_window = []

        # Figure out what to do with this.
        self.idle_time = []

        self.length_of_lines_at_the_end = 0

    # This takes a look at our file, 'simulation' which describes the parameters needed
    # for the simulation to run.
    def parse_file(self):
        sim = open('simulation.txt', 'r')  # open the file with 'read'

        file_list = sim.readlines()  # file_list acts as our list of lines (each line composes a list of characters)

        self.length_of_simulation = int((file_list[1])) * 60

        self.number_of_ticket_windows = int(file_list[2])

        self.number_of_ticket_lines = file_list[3].strip()

        if self.number_of_ticket_lines == "S":
            self.number_of_ticket_lines = 1
            self.number_of_ticket_lines = self.number_of_ticket_windows

        # There are two ticket windows, so two processing line times.
        # It still adds the newline character...
        for n in file_list[4:4+self.number_of_ticket_windows]:

        # So all we care about is the 6th index and the 7th index.
        # If file_list is a list and the list contains strings...
        current_position_in_list = file_list[4+self.number_of_ticket_windows:]
        for n in current_position_in_list:
            if n == 'END':

    # Loads the appropriate information, given the data from our file
    # and runs the simulation loop.
    def run_simulation(self):

        clock = Clock()

        # Read the file.

        # Set the processing times.


        # Jumps the simulation forward to when customers first arrive.
        clock.time = self.customer_arrival_time[0]
        print "Time     %d - Simulation has started" % clock.time

        for q in range(len(self.theater.ticket_window_list)):

        # While the program hasn't reached the end (simulation time)...
        while clock.time != self.length_of_simulation + 1:

            # Loop through the windows
            for n in range(len(self.theater.ticket_window_list)):

                # Set the processing time for each window to a local variable.
                original_process_time = self.processing_time_for_window[n] - 1

                # Check for the number of lines; 1 vs. n lines
                if self.number_of_ticket_lines == 1:
                    y = 0
                    y = n

                # ISSUE:
                # Customer gets added to the wrong window.
                # This is a problem with matching index and windows inside move_customer() I think.

                # If we expect arrivals and the customer(s) haven't been added to the window yet (double-counting).

                if clock.time == self.customer_arrival_time[0] and self.customer_has_arrived_in_line is False:

                    # Move the customers to the appropriate lines

                    self.customer_has_arrived_in_line = True

                    # For every customer, print how many have been added.
                    for q in range(self.number_of_customers[0]):
                        print "Time     %d - Customer entered line %d" % \
                              (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_line_list[y].line_number)

                    # If there is no one at the window and we can add customers to the line (length >=1),
                    # move the customer from the line to the window.
                    # 1)

                    if self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].customer_occupied_window is False:


                        print "Time     %d - Customer exited line %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_line_list[y].line_number)
                        print "Time     %d - Customer entered window %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].window_number)

                        self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time -= 1

                    # Given that we add customers to the line, we already prove that len >= 1;
                    # If there is someone at the window, check to see if they're done.  If
                    # they're not done, decrement the processing time for that window.
                    # 2)
                    elif self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].customer_occupied_window is True and \
                            self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time != 0:

                        self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time -= 1

                    # Given that we add customers to the line, we already prove that len >= 1
                    # If there is someone at the window, check to see if they're done.  If
                    # they are done, remove them from the window and add someone from line to window.
                    # Reset the processing time for that window and decrement it, since one second has passed.
                    # 3)
                    elif self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].customer_occupied_window is True and \
                            self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time == 0:


                        print "Time      %d - Customer left window %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].window_number)
                        print "Time      %d - Customer exited line %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_line_list[y].line_number)
                        print "Time      %d - Customer entered window %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].window_number)

                        self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time = original_process_time
                        self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time -= 1
                    # 4)
                        self.idle_time[n] += 1

                    # 1)
                    if self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].customer_occupied_window is False and \
                            len(self.theater.ticket_line_list[y]) >= 1:


                        print "Time     %d - Customer exited line %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_line_list[y].line_number)
                        print "Time     %d - Customer entered window %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].window_number)

                        self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time -= 1

                    # 2)
                    elif self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].customer_occupied_window is True and \
                            self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time != 0:

                        self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time -= 1

                    # 3)
                    elif self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].customer_occupied_window is True and \
                            self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time == 0 and \
                            len(self.theater.ticket_line_list[y]) >= 1:

                        print "Time      %d - Customer left window %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].window_number)
                        print "Time      %d - Customer exited line %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_line_list[y].line_number)
                        print "Time      %d - Customer entered window %d" % \
                            (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].window_number)

                        self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time = original_process_time

                    # 4)
                    elif self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].customer_occupied_window is True and \
                            self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time == 0 and \
                            len(self.theater.ticket_line_list[y]) == 0:

                        print "Time     %d - Customer left window %d" % \
                              (clock.time, self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].window_number)
                        self.idle_time[n] += 1
                    # 5)
                        self.idle_time[n] += 1

                if len(self.theater.ticket_line_list[y]) >= 1 and clock.time == self.length_of_simulation:
                    self.length_of_lines_at_the_end += len(self.theater.ticket_line_list[y])

            self.customer_has_arrived_in_line = False

            # This is a way to control iterations such that we get rid of a list element
            # once an arrival time happens.
            if clock.time == self.customer_arrival_time[0] and len(self.customer_arrival_time) >= 2:

            # Increment the time after we check all the windows.

            clock.time += 1
    def set_processing_times(self):
        # Initialize the theater object with the right amount of lines/windows
        self.theater = Theater(self.number_of_ticket_lines, self.number_of_ticket_windows)

        # Add the lines and the windows

        for n in range(len(self.theater.ticket_window_list)):
            # For every ticket window we have, set the processing
            # time equivalent to the processing time attribute that Windows have.
            self.theater.ticket_window_list[n].process_time = self.processing_time_for_window[n]

        return self.theater.ticket_window_list

    def statistics_for_simulation(self):

        # Window loop
        for a in range(len(self.theater.ticket_window_list)):


            print "Window %d" % self.theater.ticket_window_list[a].window_number
            print "Tickets sold: %d" % self.number_of_tickets_sold_at_window[a]
            print "Idle time: %.0f%%" % (100 * (float(self.idle_time[a]) / self.length_of_simulation))

        for x in range(len(self.theater.ticket_line_list)):
            print "Line %d" % self.theater.ticket_line_list[x].line_number

        print "Customers waiting at simulation end: %d" % self.length_of_lines_at_the_end