コード例 #1
#estimating the time complexity of the thermal modeling using the time module

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import numpy as np
from thermal_model import run_simulation 

num_times = 4
days = 0.03 #days

error_space = np.linspace(8*10**(-5), 10**(-4), num=num_times) 
results = []
for rtol in error_space:
    then = time.time()
    run_simulation(days, rtol)
    now = time.time()
    results.append(now - then)
    print("simulation completed for days: " + str(days))
    print("Time: " + str(now - then))
plt.plot(error_space, results)
plt.xlabel("time in days")
plt.ylabel("time elapsed for simulation")
コード例 #2
#estimating the time complexity of the thermal modeling using the time module

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import numpy as np
from thermal_model import run_simulation 

num_times = 10
max_time = 0.25 #days

time_space = np.linspace(0.025, max_time, num=num_times) 
results = []
for days in time_space:
    then = time.time()
    run_simulation(days, graphing=False)
    now = time.time()
    results.append(now - then)
    print("simulation completed for days: " + str(days))
    print("Time: " + str(now - then))
plt.plot(time_space, results)
plt.xlabel("time in days")
plt.ylabel("time elapsed for simulation")