コード例 #1
ファイル: electrochem.py プロジェクト: LeeRuns/thermo
def Kweq_1981(T, rho_w):
    r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water, according to
    [1]_. Second most recent formulation.

    .. math::
        \log_{10} K_w= A + B/T + C/T^2 + D/T^3 + (E+F/T+G/T^2)\log_{10} \rho_w

    T : float
        Temperature of fluid [K]
    rho_w : float
        Density of water, [kg/m^3]

    Kweq : float
        Ionization constant of water, [-]

    Density is internally converted to units of g/cm^3.

    A = -4.098;
    B = -3245.2;
    C = 2.2362E5;
    D = -3.984E7;
    E = 13.957;
    F = -1262.3;
    G = 8.5641E5

    >>> -1*log10(Kweq_1981(600, 700))
    .. [1] Marshall, William L., and E. U. Franck. "Ion Product of Water
       Substance, 0-1000  degree C, 1010,000 Bars New International Formulation
       and Its Background." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 10,
       no. 2 (April 1, 1981): 295-304. doi:10.1063/1.555643.
    rho_w = rho_w / 1000.
    A = -4.098
    B = -3245.2
    C = 2.2362E5
    D = -3.984E7
    E = 13.957
    F = -1262.3
    G = 8.5641E5
    K_w = 10**(A + B / T + C / T**2 + D / T**3 +
               (E + F / T + G / T**2) * log10(rho_w))
    return K_w
コード例 #2
ファイル: electrochem.py プロジェクト: CalebBell/thermo
def Kweq_1981(T, rho_w):
    r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water, according to
    [1]_. Second most recent formulation.

    .. math::
        \log_{10} K_w= A + B/T + C/T^2 + D/T^3 + (E+F/T+G/T^2)\log_{10} \rho_w

    T : float
        Temperature of fluid [K]
    rho_w : float
        Density of water, [kg/m^3]

    Kweq : float
        Ionization constant of water, [-]

    Density is internally converted to units of g/cm^3.

    A = -4.098;
    B = -3245.2;
    C = 2.2362E5;
    D = -3.984E7;
    E = 13.957;
    F = -1262.3;
    G = 8.5641E5

    >>> -1*log10(Kweq_1981(600, 700))
    .. [1] Marshall, William L., and E. U. Franck. "Ion Product of Water
       Substance, 0-1000  degree C, 1010,000 Bars New International Formulation
       and Its Background." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 10,
       no. 2 (April 1, 1981): 295-304. doi:10.1063/1.555643.
    rho_w = rho_w/1000.
    A = -4.098
    B = -3245.2
    C = 2.2362E5
    D = -3.984E7
    E = 13.957
    F = -1262.3
    G = 8.5641E5
    return 10**(A + B/T + C/T**2 + D/T**3 + (E + F/T + G/T**2)*log10(rho_w))
コード例 #3
def omega(CASRN,
          IgnoreMethods=['LK', 'DEFINITION']):
    r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's acentric factor,
    `omega`, or its calculation from correlations or directly through the
    definition of acentric factor if possible. Requires a known boiling point,
    critical temperature and pressure for use of the correlations. Requires
    accurate vapor pressure data for direct calculation.

    Will automatically select a method to use if no Method is provided;
    returns None if the data is not available and cannot be calculated.

    .. math::
        \omega \equiv -\log_{10}\left[\lim_{T/T_c=0.7}(P^{sat}/P_c)\right]-1.0

    >>> omega(CASRN='64-17-5')

    CASRN : string
        CASRN [-]

    omega : float
        Acentric factor of compound
    methods : list, only returned if AvailableMethods == True
        List of methods which can be used to obtain omega with the given inputs

    Other Parameters
    Method : string, optional
        The method name to use. Accepted methods are 'PSRK', 'PD', 'YAWS',
        'LK', and 'DEFINITION'. All valid values are also held in the list
    AvailableMethods : bool, optional
        If True, function will determine which methods can be used to obtain
        omega for the desired chemical, and will return methods instead of
    IgnoreMethods : list, optional
        A list of methods to ignore in obtaining the full list of methods,
        useful for for performance reasons and ignoring inaccurate methods

    A total of five sources are available for this function. They are:

        * 'PSRK', a compillation of experimental and estimated data published
          in the Appendix of [15]_, the fourth revision of the PSRK model.
        * 'PD', an older compillation of
          data published in (Passut & Danner, 1973) [16]_.
        * 'YAWS', a large compillation of data from a
          variety of sources; no data points are sourced in the work of [17]_.
        * 'LK', a estimation method for hydrocarbons.
        * 'DEFINITION', based on the definition of omega as
          presented in [1]_, using vapor pressure data.

    .. [1] Pitzer, K. S., D. Z. Lippmann, R. F. Curl, C. M. Huggins, and
       D. E. Petersen: The Volumetric and Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids.
       II. Compressibility Factor, Vapor Pressure and Entropy of Vaporization.
       J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77: 3433 (1955).
    .. [2] Horstmann, Sven, Anna Jabłoniec, Jörg Krafczyk, Kai Fischer, and
       Jürgen Gmehling. "PSRK Group Contribution Equation of State:
       Comprehensive Revision and Extension IV, Including Critical Constants
       and Α-Function Parameters for 1000 Components." Fluid Phase Equilibria
       227, no. 2 (January 25, 2005): 157-64. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2004.11.002.
    .. [3] Passut, Charles A., and Ronald P. Danner. "Acentric Factor. A
       Valuable Correlating Parameter for the Properties of Hydrocarbons."
       Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 12,
       no. 3 (July 1, 1973): 365-68. doi:10.1021/i260047a026.
    .. [4] Yaws, Carl L. Thermophysical Properties of Chemicals and
       Hydrocarbons, Second Edition. Amsterdam Boston: Gulf Professional
       Publishing, 2014.
    def list_methods():
        ''' List methods available for calculating a chemical's acentric
        factor, omega '''
        methods = []
        if (CASRN in _crit_PSRKR4.index
                and not np.isnan(_crit_PSRKR4.at[CASRN, 'omega'])):
        if (CASRN in _crit_PassutDanner.index
                and not np.isnan(_crit_PassutDanner.at[CASRN, 'omega'])):
        if (CASRN in _crit_Yaws.index
                and not np.isnan(_crit_Yaws.at[CASRN, 'omega'])):
        Tcrit, Pcrit = Tc(CASRN), Pc(CASRN)
        if Tcrit and Pcrit:
            if Tb(CASRN):
            if VaporPressure(CASRN=CASRN).T_dependent_property(Tcrit * 0.7):
                # TODO: better integration
        if IgnoreMethods:
            for Method in IgnoreMethods:
                if Method in methods:
        return methods

    if AvailableMethods:
        return list_methods()
    if not Method:
        Method = list_methods()[0]
    # This is the calculate, given the method section
    if Method == 'PSRK':
        _omega = float(_crit_PSRKR4.at[CASRN, 'omega'])
    elif Method == 'PD':
        _omega = float(_crit_PassutDanner.at[CASRN, 'omega'])
    elif Method == 'YAWS':
        _omega = float(_crit_Yaws.at[CASRN, 'omega'])
    elif Method == 'LK':
        _omega = LK_omega(Tb(CASRN), Tc(CASRN), Pc(CASRN))
    elif Method == 'DEFINITION':
        P = VaporPressure(CASRN=CASRN).T_dependent_property(Tc(CASRN) * 0.7)
        _omega = -log10(P / Pc(CASRN)) - 1.0
    elif Method == 'NONE':
        _omega = None
        raise Exception('Failure in in function')
    return _omega
コード例 #4
def StielPolar(Tc=None,
    r'''This function handles the calculation of a chemical's Stiel Polar
    factor, directly through the definition of Stiel-polar factor if possible.
    Requires Tc, Pc, acentric factor, and a vapor pressure datum at Tr=0.6.

    Will automatically select a method to use if no Method is provided;
    returns None if the data is not available and cannot be calculated.

    .. math::
        x = \log P_r|_{T_r=0.6} + 1.70 \omega + 1.552

    Tc : float
        Critical temperature of fluid [K]
    Pc : float
        Critical pressure of fluid [Pa]
    omega : float
        Acentric factor of the fluid [-]
    CASRN : string
        CASRN [-]

    factor : float
        Stiel polar factor of compound
    methods : list, only returned if AvailableMethods == True
        List of methods which can be used to obtain Stiel polar factor with the
        given inputs

    Other Parameters
    Method : string, optional
        The method name to use. Only 'DEFINITION' is accepted so far.
        All valid values are also held in the list Stiel_polar_methods.
    AvailableMethods : bool, optional
        If True, function will determine which methods can be used to obtain
        Stiel-polar factor for the desired chemical, and will return methods
        instead of stiel-polar factor

    Only one source is available for this function. It is:

        * 'DEFINITION', based on the definition of
          Stiel Polar Factor presented in [1]_, using vapor pressure data.

    A few points have also been published in [2]_, which may be used for
    comparison. Currently this is only used for a surface tension correlation.

    >>> StielPolar(647.3, 22048321.0, 0.344, CASRN='7732-18-5')

    .. [1] Halm, Roland L., and Leonard I. Stiel. "A Fourth Parameter for the
       Vapor Pressure and Entropy of Vaporization of Polar Fluids." AIChE
       Journal 13, no. 2 (1967): 351-355. doi:10.1002/aic.690130228.
    .. [2] D, Kukoljac Miloš, and Grozdanić Dušan K. "New Values of the
       Polarity Factor." Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 65, no. 12
       (January 1, 2000).
    def list_methods():
        ''' List methods available for Stiel's polar factor '''
        methods = []
        if Tc and Pc and omega:
        return methods

    if AvailableMethods:
        return list_methods()

    if not Method:
        Method = list_methods()[0]

    if Method == 'DEFINITION':
        P = VaporPressure(CASRN=CASRN).T_dependent_property(Tc * 0.6)
        if not P:
            factor = None
            Pr = P / Pc
            factor = log10(Pr) + 1.70 * omega + 1.552
    elif Method == 'NONE':
        factor = None
        raise Exception('Failure in in function')
    return factor
コード例 #5
def Kweq_IAPWS(T, rho_w):
    r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water, according to
    This is the most recent formulation available.

    .. math::
        Q = \rho \exp(\alpha_0 + \alpha_1 T^{-1} + \alpha_2 T^{-2} \rho^{2/3})
        - \log_{10} K_w = -2n \left[ \log_{10}(1+Q) - \frac{Q}{Q+1} \rho 
        (\beta_0 + \beta_1 T^{-1} + \beta_2 \rho) \right]
        -\log_{10} K_w^G + 2 \log_{10} \frac{18.015268}{1000}

    T : float
        Temperature of water [K]
    rho_w : float
        Density of water at temperature and pressure [kg/m^3]

    Kweq : float
        Ionization constant of water, [-]

    Formulation is in terms of density in g/cm^3; density
    is converted internally.
    n = 6;
    alpha0 = -0.864671;
    alpha1 = 8659.19;
    alpha2 = -22786.2;
    beta0 = 0.642044;
    beta1 = -56.8534;
    beta2 = -0.375754

    Example from IAPWS check:
    >>> -1*log10(Kweq_IAPWS(600, 700))

    .. [1] Bandura, Andrei V., and Serguei N. Lvov. "The Ionization Constant
       of Water over Wide Ranges of Temperature and Density." Journal of Physical
       and Chemical Reference Data 35, no. 1 (March 1, 2006): 15-30.
    K_w_G = Kweq_IAPWS_gas(T)
    rho_w = rho_w / 1000.
    n = 6
    alpha0 = -0.864671
    alpha1 = 8659.19
    alpha2 = -22786.2
    beta0 = 0.642044
    beta1 = -56.8534
    beta2 = -0.375754

    Q = rho_w * exp(alpha0 + alpha1 / T + alpha2 / T**2 * rho_w**(2 / 3.))
    K_w = 10**(-1 * (-2 * n * (log10(1 + Q) - Q / (Q + 1) * rho_w *
                               (beta0 + beta1 / T + beta2 * rho_w)) -
                     log10(K_w_G) + 2 * log10(18.015268 / 1000)))
    return K_w
コード例 #6
ファイル: electrochem.py プロジェクト: CalebBell/thermo
def Kweq_IAPWS(T, rho_w):
    r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water, according to
    This is the most recent formulation available.

    .. math::
        Q = \rho \exp(\alpha_0 + \alpha_1 T^{-1} + \alpha_2 T^{-2} \rho^{2/3})
        - \log_{10} K_w = -2n \left[ \log_{10}(1+Q) - \frac{Q}{Q+1} \rho 
        (\beta_0 + \beta_1 T^{-1} + \beta_2 \rho) \right]
        -\log_{10} K_w^G + 2 \log_{10} \frac{18.015268}{1000}

    T : float
        Temperature of water [K]
    rho_w : float
        Density of water at temperature and pressure [kg/m^3]

    Kweq : float
        Ionization constant of water, [-]

    Formulation is in terms of density in g/cm^3; density
    is converted internally.
    n = 6;
    alpha0 = -0.864671;
    alpha1 = 8659.19;
    alpha2 = -22786.2;
    beta0 = 0.642044;
    beta1 = -56.8534;
    beta2 = -0.375754

    Example from IAPWS check:
    >>> -1*log10(Kweq_IAPWS(600, 700))

    .. [1] Bandura, Andrei V., and Serguei N. Lvov. "The Ionization Constant
       of Water over Wide Ranges of Temperature and Density." Journal of Physical
       and Chemical Reference Data 35, no. 1 (March 1, 2006): 15-30.
    K_w_G = Kweq_IAPWS_gas(T)
    rho_w = rho_w/1000.
    n = 6
    alpha0 = -0.864671
    alpha1 = 8659.19
    alpha2 = -22786.2
    beta0 = 0.642044
    beta1 = -56.8534
    beta2 = -0.375754

    Q = rho_w*exp(alpha0 + alpha1/T + alpha2/T**2*rho_w**(2/3.))
    K_w = 10**(-1*(-2*n*(log10(1+Q)-Q/(Q+1) * rho_w *(beta0 + beta1/T + beta2*rho_w)) -
    log10(K_w_G) + 2*log10(18.015268/1000) ))
    return K_w
コード例 #7
ファイル: acentric.py プロジェクト: CalebBell/thermo
def omega(CASRN, AvailableMethods=False, Method=None, IgnoreMethods=['LK', 'DEFINITION']):
    r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's acentric factor,
    `omega`, or its calculation from correlations or directly through the
    definition of acentric factor if possible. Requires a known boiling point,
    critical temperature and pressure for use of the correlations. Requires
    accurate vapor pressure data for direct calculation.

    Will automatically select a method to use if no Method is provided;
    returns None if the data is not available and cannot be calculated.

    .. math::
        \omega \equiv -\log_{10}\left[\lim_{T/T_c=0.7}(P^{sat}/P_c)\right]-1.0

    >>> omega(CASRN='64-17-5')

    CASRN : string
        CASRN [-]

    omega : float
        Acentric factor of compound
    methods : list, only returned if AvailableMethods == True
        List of methods which can be used to obtain omega with the given inputs

    Other Parameters
    Method : string, optional
        The method name to use. Accepted methods are 'PSRK', 'PD', 'YAWS', 
        'LK', and 'DEFINITION'. All valid values are also held in the list
    AvailableMethods : bool, optional
        If True, function will determine which methods can be used to obtain
        omega for the desired chemical, and will return methods instead of
    IgnoreMethods : list, optional
        A list of methods to ignore in obtaining the full list of methods,
        useful for for performance reasons and ignoring inaccurate methods

    A total of five sources are available for this function. They are:

        * 'PSRK', a compillation of experimental and estimated data published 
          in the Appendix of [15]_, the fourth revision of the PSRK model.
        * 'PD', an older compillation of
          data published in (Passut & Danner, 1973) [16]_.
        * 'YAWS', a large compillation of data from a
          variety of sources; no data points are sourced in the work of [17]_.
        * 'LK', a estimation method for hydrocarbons.
        * 'DEFINITION', based on the definition of omega as
          presented in [1]_, using vapor pressure data.

    .. [1] Pitzer, K. S., D. Z. Lippmann, R. F. Curl, C. M. Huggins, and
       D. E. Petersen: The Volumetric and Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids.
       II. Compressibility Factor, Vapor Pressure and Entropy of Vaporization.
       J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77: 3433 (1955).
    .. [2] Horstmann, Sven, Anna Jabłoniec, Jörg Krafczyk, Kai Fischer, and
       Jürgen Gmehling. "PSRK Group Contribution Equation of State:
       Comprehensive Revision and Extension IV, Including Critical Constants
       and Α-Function Parameters for 1000 Components." Fluid Phase Equilibria
       227, no. 2 (January 25, 2005): 157-64. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2004.11.002.
    .. [3] Passut, Charles A., and Ronald P. Danner. "Acentric Factor. A
       Valuable Correlating Parameter for the Properties of Hydrocarbons."
       Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 12,
       no. 3 (July 1, 1973): 365-68. doi:10.1021/i260047a026.
    .. [4] Yaws, Carl L. Thermophysical Properties of Chemicals and
       Hydrocarbons, Second Edition. Amsterdam Boston: Gulf Professional
       Publishing, 2014.
    def list_methods():
        methods = []
        if CASRN in _crit_PSRKR4.index and not np.isnan(_crit_PSRKR4.at[CASRN, 'omega']):
        if CASRN in _crit_PassutDanner.index and not np.isnan(_crit_PassutDanner.at[CASRN, 'omega']):
        if CASRN in _crit_Yaws.index and not np.isnan(_crit_Yaws.at[CASRN, 'omega']):
        Tcrit, Pcrit = Tc(CASRN), Pc(CASRN)
        if Tcrit and Pcrit:
            if Tb(CASRN):
            if VaporPressure(CASRN=CASRN).T_dependent_property(Tcrit*0.7):
                methods.append('DEFINITION')  # TODO: better integration
        if IgnoreMethods:
            for Method in IgnoreMethods:
                if Method in methods:
        return methods
    if AvailableMethods:
        return list_methods()
    if not Method:
        Method = list_methods()[0]
    # This is the calculate, given the method section
    if Method == 'PSRK':
        _omega = float(_crit_PSRKR4.at[CASRN, 'omega'])
    elif Method == 'PD':
        _omega = float(_crit_PassutDanner.at[CASRN, 'omega'])
    elif Method == 'YAWS':
        _omega = float(_crit_Yaws.at[CASRN, 'omega'])
    elif Method == 'LK':
        _omega = LK_omega(Tb(CASRN), Tc(CASRN), Pc(CASRN))
    elif Method == 'DEFINITION':
        P = VaporPressure(CASRN=CASRN).T_dependent_property(Tc(CASRN)*0.7)
        _omega = -log10(P/Pc(CASRN)) - 1.0
    elif Method == 'NONE':
        _omega = None
        raise Exception('Failure in in function')
    return _omega
コード例 #8
ファイル: acentric.py プロジェクト: CalebBell/thermo
def StielPolar(Tc=None, Pc=None, omega=None, CASRN='', Method=None,
    r'''This function handles the calculation of a chemical's Stiel Polar
    factor, directly through the definition of Stiel-polar factor if possible.
    Requires Tc, Pc, acentric factor, and a vapor pressure datum at Tr=0.6.

    Will automatically select a method to use if no Method is provided;
    returns None if the data is not available and cannot be calculated.

    .. math::
        x = \log P_r|_{T_r=0.6} + 1.70 \omega + 1.552

    Tc : float
        Critical temperature of fluid [K]
    Pc : float
        Critical pressure of fluid [Pa]
    omega : float
        Acentric factor of the fluid [-]
    CASRN : string
        CASRN [-]

    factor : float
        Stiel polar factor of compound
    methods : list, only returned if AvailableMethods == True
        List of methods which can be used to obtain Stiel polar factor with the
        given inputs

    Other Parameters
    Method : string, optional
        The method name to use. Only 'DEFINITION' is accepted so far.
        All valid values are also held in the list Stiel_polar_methods.
    AvailableMethods : bool, optional
        If True, function will determine which methods can be used to obtain
        Stiel-polar factor for the desired chemical, and will return methods
        instead of stiel-polar factor

    Only one source is available for this function. It is:

        * 'DEFINITION', based on the definition of
          Stiel Polar Factor presented in [1]_, using vapor pressure data.

    A few points have also been published in [2]_, which may be used for
    comparison. Currently this is only used for a surface tension correlation.

    >>> StielPolar(647.3, 22048321.0, 0.344, CASRN='7732-18-5')

    .. [1] Halm, Roland L., and Leonard I. Stiel. "A Fourth Parameter for the
       Vapor Pressure and Entropy of Vaporization of Polar Fluids." AIChE
       Journal 13, no. 2 (1967): 351-355. doi:10.1002/aic.690130228.
    .. [2] D, Kukoljac Miloš, and Grozdanić Dušan K. "New Values of the
       Polarity Factor." Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 65, no. 12
       (January 1, 2000). http://www.shd.org.rs/JSCS/Vol65/No12-Pdf/JSCS12-07.pdf
    def list_methods():
        methods = []
        if Tc and Pc and omega:
        return methods
    if AvailableMethods:
        return list_methods()
    if not Method:
        Method = list_methods()[0]
    if Method == 'DEFINITION':
        P = VaporPressure(CASRN=CASRN).T_dependent_property(Tc*0.6)
        if not P:
            factor = None
            Pr = P/Pc
            factor = log10(Pr) + 1.70*omega + 1.552
    elif Method == 'NONE':
        factor = None
        raise Exception('Failure in in function')
    return factor