コード例 #1
ファイル: test_quantum.py プロジェクト: knw500/thewalrus
def test_pnd_thermal(tol, n, N, hbar):
    """Test the photon number distribution for thermal states"""
    cov = np.eye(2 * N) * hbar / 2 * (2 * n + 1)
    mu = np.zeros(2 * N)
    pnd_cov = photon_number_covmat(mu, cov, hbar=hbar)

    assert np.allclose(pnd_cov, np.diag([n ** 2 + n] * N), atol=tol, rtol=0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_quantum.py プロジェクト: knw500/thewalrus
def test_pnd_coherent_state(tol, list_func, N, hbar):
    r"""Test the covariance matrix :math:`\frac{\hbar}{2} \mathbb{I}`."""
    cov = np.eye(2 * N) * hbar / 2
    mu = list_func(2 * N)

    pnd_cov = photon_number_covmat(mu, cov, hbar=hbar)
    alpha = (mu[:N] ** 2 + mu[N:] ** 2) / (2 * hbar)

    assert np.allclose(pnd_cov, np.diag(alpha), atol=tol, rtol=0)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_quantum.py プロジェクト: knw500/thewalrus
def test_pnd_two_mode_squeeze_vacuum(tol, r, phi, hbar):
    """Test the photon number distribution for the two-mode squeezed vacuum"""
    S = two_mode_squeezing(r, phi)
    mu = np.zeros(4)

    cov = hbar / 2 * (S @ S.T)
    pnd_cov = photon_number_covmat(mu, cov, hbar=hbar)
    n = np.sinh(r) ** 2

    assert np.allclose(pnd_cov, np.full((2, 2), n ** 2 + n), atol=tol, rtol=0)
コード例 #4
def get_photon_number_moments(gate_args,
                              delays=[1, 6, 36]):
    """Computes first and second moment of the photon number distribution
    obtained from a single

        gate_args (_type_): dictionary with the collected arguments for
            squeezing gate, phase gates and beamsplitter gates
        device (sf.Device): the Borealis device
        phi_loop (list, optional): list containing the three loop offsets.
            Defaults to None.
        delays (list, optional): the delay applied by each loop in time bins.

        tuple: two np.ndarrays with the mean photon numbers and photon-number
            covariance matrix, respectively
    args_list = to_args_list(gate_args, device)

    n, N = get_mode_indices(delays)

    prog = sf.TDMProgram(N)
    with prog.context(*args_list) as (p, q):
        ops.Sgate(p[0]) | q[n[0]]
        for i in range(len(delays)):
            ops.Rgate(p[2 * i + 1]) | q[n[i]]
            ops.BSgate(p[2 * i + 2], np.pi / 2) | (q[n[i]], q[n[i + 1]])
            if phi_loop is not None:
                ops.Rgate(phi_loop[i]) | q[n[i]]
    eng = sf.Engine("gaussian")
    results = eng.run(prog)

    assert isinstance(results.state, BaseGaussianState)

    # quadrature mean vector and covariance matrix
    mu = results.state.means()
    cov_q = results.state.cov()

    # photon-number mean vector and covariance matrix
    mean_n = photon_number_mean_vector(mu, cov_q)
    cov_n = photon_number_covmat(mu, cov_q)

    return mean_n, cov_n
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_quantum.py プロジェクト: knw500/thewalrus
def test_pnd_squeeze_displace(tol, r, phi, alpha, hbar):
    """Test the photon number distribution for the squeezed displaced state

    Eq. (17) in 'Benchmarking of Gaussian boson sampling using two-point correlators',
    Phillips et al. (https://ris.utwente.nl/ws/files/122721825/PhysRevA.99.023836.pdf).
    S = squeezing(r, phi)
    mu = [np.sqrt(2 * hbar) * np.real(alpha), np.sqrt(2 * hbar) * np.imag(alpha)]

    cov = hbar / 2 * (S @ S.T)
    pnd_cov = photon_number_covmat(mu, cov, hbar=hbar)

    pnd_cov_analytic = np.sinh(r) ** 2 * np.cosh(r) ** 2 + np.sinh(r) ** 4 \
        + np.sinh(r) ** 2 + np.abs(alpha) ** 2 * (1 + 2 * np.sinh(r) ** 2) \
        - 2 * np.real(alpha ** 2 * np.exp(-1j * phi) * np.sinh(r) * np.cosh(r))

    assert np.isclose(float(pnd_cov), pnd_cov_analytic, atol=tol, rtol=0)
コード例 #6
        Sgate(p[0]) | q[n[0]]
        LossChannel(eta_glob) | q[n[0]]
        for i in range(len(delays)):
            Rgate(p[2 * i + 1]) | q[n[i]]
            BSgate(p[2 * i + 2], np.pi / 2) | (q[n[i + 1]], q[n[i]])
            LossChannel(etas_loop[i]) | q[n[i]]
        LossChannel(p[7]) | q[0]
        MeasureFock() | q[0]

    # create Gaussian engine and submit program to it
    eng_sim = sf.Engine(backend="gaussian")
    results_sim = eng_sim.run(prog_sim, shots=None, crop=True)

    # obtain quadrature covariance matrix
    cov = results_sim.state.cov()

    # obtain first and second moment
    mu = np.zeros(len(cov))
    mean_n_sim = photon_number_mean_vector(mu, cov)
    cov_n_sim = photon_number_covmat(mu, cov)

    # plot first and second moment of the simulated data
    plot_photon_number_moments(mean_n_sim, cov_n_sim)

    # plot statistical comparison between data and simulation
    plot_photon_number_moment_comparison(mean_n, mean_n_sim, cov_n, cov_n_sim)

    # show all plots