コード例 #1
def test_config_no_interpolation(d):
    """Test that interpolation is correctly preserved. The parametrized
    value is the final divider (${a.b} vs. ${a:b}). Both should now work and be
    valid. The double {{ }} in the config strings are required to prevent the
    references from being interpreted as an actual f-string variable.
    c_str = f"""[a]\nb = 1\n\n[c]\nd = ${{a{d}b}}\ne = \"hello${{a{d}b}}"\nf = ${{a}}"""
    config = Config().from_str(c_str, interpolate=False)
    assert not config.is_interpolated
    assert config["c"]["d"] == f"${{a{d}b}}"
    assert config["c"]["e"] == f'"hello${{a{d}b}}"'
    assert config["c"]["f"] == "${a}"
    config2 = Config().from_str(config.to_str(), interpolate=True)
    assert config2.is_interpolated
    assert config2["c"]["d"] == 1
    assert config2["c"]["e"] == "hello1"
    assert config2["c"]["f"] == {"b": 1}
    config3 = config.interpolate()
    assert config3.is_interpolated
    assert config3["c"]["d"] == 1
    assert config3["c"]["e"] == "hello1"
    assert config3["c"]["f"] == {"b": 1}
    # Bad non-serializable value
    cfg = {"x": {"y": numpy.asarray([[1, 2], [4, 5]], dtype="f"), "z": f"${{x{d}y}}"}}
    with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
コード例 #2
def substitute_project_variables(
    config: Dict[str, Any],
    overrides: Dict[str, Any] = SimpleFrozenDict(),
    key: str = "vars",
    env_key: str = "env",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Interpolate variables in the project file using the config system.

    config (Dict[str, Any]): The project config.
    overrides (Dict[str, Any]): Optional config overrides.
    key (str): Key containing variables in project config.
    env_key (str): Key containing environment variable mapping in project config.
    RETURNS (Dict[str, Any]): The interpolated project config.
    config.setdefault(key, {})
    config.setdefault(env_key, {})
    # Substitute references to env vars with their values
    for config_var, env_var in config[env_key].items():
        config[env_key][config_var] = _parse_override(
            os.environ.get(env_var, ""))
    # Need to put variables in the top scope again so we can have a top-level
    # section "project" (otherwise, a list of commands in the top scope wouldn't)
    # be allowed by Thinc's config system
    cfg = Config({
        "project": config,
        key: config[key],
        env_key: config[env_key]
    cfg = Config().from_str(cfg.to_str(), overrides=overrides)
    interpolated = cfg.interpolate()
    return dict(interpolated["project"])
コード例 #3
def test_config_roundtrip_disk():
    cfg = Config().from_str(OPTIMIZER_CFG)
    with make_tempdir() as path:
        cfg_path = path / "config.cfg"
        new_cfg = Config().from_disk(cfg_path)
    assert new_cfg.to_str().strip() == OPTIMIZER_CFG.strip()
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_serialize_config.py プロジェクト: EricM2/venv
def test_config_overrides():
    overrides_nested = {"nlp": {"lang": "de", "pipeline": ["tagger"]}}
    overrides_dot = {"nlp.lang": "de", "nlp.pipeline": ["tagger"]}
    # load_model from config with overrides passed directly to Config
    config = Config().from_str(nlp_config_string, overrides=overrides_dot)
    nlp = load_model_from_config(config, auto_fill=True)
    assert isinstance(nlp, German)
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tagger"]
    # Serialized roundtrip with config passed in
    base_config = Config().from_str(nlp_config_string)
    base_nlp = load_model_from_config(base_config, auto_fill=True)
    assert isinstance(base_nlp, English)
    assert base_nlp.pipe_names == ["tok2vec", "tagger"]
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        nlp = spacy.load(d, config=overrides_nested)
    assert isinstance(nlp, German)
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tagger"]
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        nlp = spacy.load(d, config=overrides_dot)
    assert isinstance(nlp, German)
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tagger"]
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        nlp = spacy.load(d)
    assert isinstance(nlp, English)
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tok2vec", "tagger"]
コード例 #5
def test_config_deep_merge():
    config = {"a": "hello", "b": {"c": "d"}}
    defaults = {"a": "world", "b": {"c": "e", "f": "g"}}
    merged = Config(defaults).merge(config)
    assert len(merged) == 2
    assert merged["a"] == "hello"
    assert merged["b"] == {"c": "d", "f": "g"}
    config = {"a": "hello", "b": {"@test": "x", "foo": 1}}
    defaults = {"a": "world", "b": {"@test": "x", "foo": 100, "bar": 2}, "c": 100}
    merged = Config(defaults).merge(config)
    assert len(merged) == 3
    assert merged["a"] == "hello"
    assert merged["b"] == {"@test": "x", "foo": 1, "bar": 2}
    assert merged["c"] == 100
    config = {"a": "hello", "b": {"@test": "x", "foo": 1}, "c": 100}
    defaults = {"a": "world", "b": {"@test": "y", "foo": 100, "bar": 2}}
    merged = Config(defaults).merge(config)
    assert len(merged) == 3
    assert merged["a"] == "hello"
    assert merged["b"] == {"@test": "x", "foo": 1}
    assert merged["c"] == 100
    # Test that leaving out the factory just adds to existing
    config = {"a": "hello", "b": {"foo": 1}, "c": 100}
    defaults = {"a": "world", "b": {"@test": "y", "foo": 100, "bar": 2}}
    merged = Config(defaults).merge(config)
    assert len(merged) == 3
    assert merged["a"] == "hello"
    assert merged["b"] == {"@test": "y", "foo": 1, "bar": 2}
    assert merged["c"] == 100
コード例 #6
def test_config_no_interpolation_registry():
    config_str = """[a]\nbad = true\n[b]\n@cats = "catsie.v1"\nevil = ${a:bad}\n\n[c]\n d = ${b}"""
    config = Config().from_str(config_str, interpolate=False)
    assert not config.is_interpolated
    assert config["b"]["evil"] == "${a:bad}"
    assert config["c"]["d"] == "${b}"
    resolved, filled = my_registry.resolve(config)
    assert resolved["b"] == "scratch!"
    assert resolved["c"]["d"] == "scratch!"
    assert filled["b"]["evil"] == "${a:bad}"
    assert filled["b"]["cute"] is True
    assert filled["c"]["d"] == "${b}"
    interpolated = filled.interpolate()
    assert interpolated.is_interpolated
    assert interpolated["b"]["evil"] is True
    assert interpolated["c"]["d"] == interpolated["b"]
    config = Config().from_str(config_str, interpolate=True)
    assert config.is_interpolated
    resolved, filled = my_registry.resolve(config)
    assert resolved["b"] == "scratch!"
    assert resolved["c"]["d"] == "scratch!"
    assert filled["b"]["evil"] is True
    assert filled["c"]["d"] == filled["b"]
    # Resolving a non-interpolated filled config
    config = Config().from_str(config_str, interpolate=False)
    assert not config.is_interpolated
    filled = my_registry.fill_config(config)
    assert not filled.is_interpolated
    assert filled["c"]["d"] == "${b}"
    resolved = my_registry.make_from_config(filled)
    assert resolved["c"]["d"] == "scratch!"
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_serialize_config.py プロジェクト: EricM2/venv
def test_config_auto_fill_extra_fields():
    config = Config({"nlp": {"lang": "en"}, "training": {}})
    assert load_model_from_config(config, auto_fill=True)
    config = Config({"nlp": {"lang": "en"}, "training": {"extra": "hello"}})
    nlp = load_model_from_config(config, auto_fill=True, validate=False)
    assert "extra" not in nlp.config["training"]
    # Make sure the config generated is valid
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_config.py プロジェクト: EricM2/venv
def test_config_from_str_invalid_section():
    config_str = """[a]\nb = null\n\n[a.b]\nc = 1"""
    with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):

    config_str = """[a]\nb = null\n\n[a.b.c]\nd = 1"""
    with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
コード例 #9
def test_deepcopy_config():
    config = Config({"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}})
    copied = config.copy()
    # Same values but not same object
    assert config == copied
    assert config is not copied
    # Check for error if value can't be pickled/deepcopied
    config = Config({"a": 1, "b": numpy})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
コード例 #10
def test_cant_expand_undefined_block(cfg, is_valid):
    """Test that you can't expand a block that hasn't been created yet. This
    comes up when you typo a name, and if we allow expansion of undefined blocks,
    it's very hard to create good errors for those typos.
    if is_valid:
        with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_serialize_config.py プロジェクト: EricM2/venv
def test_config_optional_sections():
    config = Config().from_str(nlp_config_string)
    config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(config)
    assert "pretraining" not in config
    filled = registry.fill(config, schema=ConfigSchema, validate=False)
    # Make sure that optional "pretraining" block doesn't default to None,
    # which would (rightly) cause error because it'd result in a top-level
    # key that's not a section (dict). Note that the following roundtrip is
    # also how Config.interpolate works under the hood.
    new_config = Config().from_str(filled.to_str())
    assert new_config["pretraining"] == {}
コード例 #12
def test_config_to_str_invalid_defaults():
    """Test that an error is raised if a config contains top-level keys without
    a section that would otherwise be interpreted as [DEFAULT] (which causes
    the values to be included in *all* other sections).
    cfg = {"one": 1, "two": {"@cats": "catsie.v1", "evil": "hello"}}
    with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
    config_str = "[DEFAULT]\none = 1"
    with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
コード例 #13
def main(path: Optional[Path] = None, out_dir: Optional[Path] = None):
    if prefer_gpu():
        print("Using gpu!")
    # You can edit the CONFIG string within the file, or copy it out to
    # a separate file and pass in the path.
    if path is None:
        config = Config().from_str(CONFIG)
        config = Config().from_disk(path)
    # make_from_config constructs objects whenever you have blocks with an @ key.
    # In the optimizer block we write @optimizers = "Adam.v1". This tells Thinc
    # to use registry.optimizers to fetch the "Adam.v1" function. You can
    # register your own functions as well and build up trees of objects.
    C = thinc.registry.make_from_config(config)

    words_per_subbatch = C["training"]["words_per_subbatch"]
    n_epoch = C["training"]["n_epoch"]
    batch_size = C["training"]["batch_size"]
    model = C["model"]
    optimizer = C["optimizer"]
    calculate_loss = SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy()

    (train_X, train_Y), (dev_X, dev_Y) = ml_datasets.ud_ancora_pos_tags()
    # Convert the outputs to cupy (if we're using that)
    train_Y = list(map(model.ops.asarray, train_Y))
    dev_Y = list(map(model.ops.asarray, dev_Y))
    # Pass in a small batch of data, to fill in missing shapes
    model.initialize(X=train_X[:5], Y=train_Y[:5])
    for epoch in range(n_epoch):
        # Transformers often learn best with large batch sizes -- larger than
        # fits in GPU memory. But you don't have to backprop the whole batch
        # at once. Here we consider the "logical" batch size (number of examples
        # per update) separately from the physical batch size.
        batches = model.ops.multibatch(batch_size, train_X, train_Y, shuffle=True)
        for outer_batch in tqdm.tqdm(batches, leave=False):
            # For the physical batch size, what we care about is the number
            # of words (considering padding too). We also want to sort by
            # length, for efficiency.
            for batch in minibatch_by_words(outer_batch, words_per_subbatch):
                inputs, truths = zip(*batch)
                guesses, backprop = model(inputs, is_train=True)
                backprop(calculate_loss.get_grad(guesses, truths))
            # At the end of the batch, we call the optimizer with the accumulated
            # gradients, and advance the learning rate schedules.
        # You might want to evaluate more often than once per epoch; that's up
        # to you.
        score = evaluate_sequences(model, dev_X, dev_Y, 128)
        print(epoch, f"{score:.3f}")
        if out_dir:
            model.to_disk(out_dir / f"{epoch}.bin")
コード例 #14
def test_config_serialize_custom_sort(section_order, expected_str, expected_keys):
    cfg = {
        "j": {"k": 6},
        "a": {"b": 1, "d": {"e": 3}, "c": 2, "f": {"g": 4}},
        "h": {"i": 5},
    cfg_str = Config(cfg).to_str()
    assert Config(cfg, section_order=section_order).to_str() == expected_str
    keys = list(Config(section_order=section_order).from_str(cfg_str).keys())
    assert keys == expected_keys
    keys = list(Config(cfg, section_order=section_order).keys())
    assert keys == expected_keys
コード例 #15
def test_config_is_interpolated():
    """Test that a config object correctly reports whether it's interpolated."""
    config_str = """[a]\nb = 1\n\n[c]\nd = ${a:b}\ne = \"hello${a:b}"\nf = ${a}"""
    config = Config().from_str(config_str, interpolate=False)
    assert not config.is_interpolated
    config = config.merge(Config({"x": {"y": "z"}}))
    assert not config.is_interpolated
    config = Config(config)
    assert not config.is_interpolated
    config = config.interpolate()
    assert config.is_interpolated
    config = config.merge(Config().from_str(config_str, interpolate=False))
    assert not config.is_interpolated
コード例 #16
def test_config_deep_merge_variables():
    config_str = """[a]\nb= 1\nc = 2\n\n[d]\ne = ${a:b}"""
    defaults_str = """[a]\nx = 100\n\n[d]\ny = 500"""
    config = Config().from_str(config_str, interpolate=False)
    defaults = Config().from_str(defaults_str)
    merged = defaults.merge(config)
    assert merged["a"] == {"b": 1, "c": 2, "x": 100}
    assert merged["d"] == {"e": "${a:b}", "y": 500}
    assert merged.interpolate()["d"] == {"e": 1, "y": 500}
    # With variable in defaults: overwritten by new value
    config = Config().from_str("""[a]\nb= 1\nc = 2""")
    defaults = Config().from_str("""[a]\nb = 100\nc = ${a:b}""", interpolate=False)
    merged = defaults.merge(config)
    assert merged["a"]["c"] == 2
コード例 #17
def test_positional_args_to_from_string():
    cfg = """[a]\nb = 1\n* = ["foo","bar"]"""
    assert Config().from_str(cfg).to_str() == cfg
    cfg = """[a]\nb = 1\n\n[a.*.foo]\ntest = 1\n\n[a.*.bar]\ntest = 2"""
    assert Config().from_str(cfg).to_str() == cfg

    def catsie_666(*args, meow=False):
        return args

    cfg = """[a]\n@cats = "catsie.v666"\n* = ["foo","bar"]"""
    filled = my_registry.fill_config(Config().from_str(cfg)).to_str()
    assert filled == """[a]\n@cats = "catsie.v666"\n* = ["foo","bar"]\nmeow = false"""
    assert my_registry.make_from_config(Config().from_str(cfg)) == {"a": ("foo", "bar")}
    cfg = """[a]\n@cats = "catsie.v666"\n\n[a.*.foo]\nx = 1"""
    filled = my_registry.fill_config(Config().from_str(cfg)).to_str()
    assert filled == """[a]\n@cats = "catsie.v666"\nmeow = false\n\n[a.*.foo]\nx = 1"""
    assert my_registry.make_from_config(Config().from_str(cfg)) == {"a": ({"x": 1},)}

    def catsie_777(y: int = 1):
        return "meow" * y

    cfg = """[a]\n@cats = "catsie.v666"\n\n[a.*.foo]\n@cats = "catsie.v777\""""
    filled = my_registry.fill_config(Config().from_str(cfg)).to_str()
    expected = """[a]\n@cats = "catsie.v666"\nmeow = false\n\n[a.*.foo]\n@cats = "catsie.v777"\ny = 1"""
    assert filled == expected
    cfg = """[a]\n@cats = "catsie.v666"\n\n[a.*.foo]\n@cats = "catsie.v777"\ny = 3"""
    result = my_registry.make_from_config(Config().from_str(cfg))
    assert result == {"a": ("meowmeowmeow",)}
コード例 #18
def test_config_to_str_simple_promises():
    """Test that references to function registries without arguments are
    serialized inline as dict."""
    config_str = """[section]\nsubsection = {"@registry":"value"}"""
    config = Config().from_str(config_str)
    assert config["section"]["subsection"]["@registry"] == "value"
    assert config.to_str() == config_str
コード例 #19
def test_issue5551(textcat_config):
    """Test that after fixing the random seed, the results of the pipeline are truly identical"""
    component = "textcat"

    pipe_cfg = Config().from_str(textcat_config)
    results = []
    for i in range(3):
        nlp = English()
        text = "Once hot, form ping-pong-ball-sized balls of the mixture, each weighing roughly 25 g."
        annots = {"cats": {"Labe1": 1.0, "Label2": 0.0, "Label3": 0.0}}
        pipe = nlp.add_pipe(component, config=pipe_cfg, last=True)
        for label in set(annots["cats"]):
        # Train
        doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
        nlp.update([Example.from_dict(doc, annots)])
        # Store the result of each iteration
        result = pipe.model.predict([doc])
    # All results should be the same because of the fixed seed
    assert len(results) == 3
    ops = get_current_ops()
    assert_almost_equal(ops.to_numpy(results[0]), ops.to_numpy(results[1]), decimal=5)
    assert_almost_equal(ops.to_numpy(results[0]), ops.to_numpy(results[2]), decimal=5)
コード例 #20
def test_replace_listeners():
    orig_config = Config().from_str(cfg_string)
    nlp = util.load_model_from_config(orig_config,
    examples = [Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc("x y"), {"tags": ["V", "Z"]})]
    nlp.initialize(lambda: examples)
    tok2vec = nlp.get_pipe("tok2vec")
    tagger = nlp.get_pipe("tagger")
    assert isinstance(tagger.model.layers[0], Tok2VecListener)
    assert tok2vec.listener_map["tagger"][0] == tagger.model.layers[0]
    assert (nlp.config["components"]["tok2vec"]["model"]["@architectures"] ==
    assert (nlp.config["components"]["tagger"]["model"]["tok2vec"]
            ["@architectures"] == "spacy.Tok2VecListener.v1")
    nlp.replace_listeners("tok2vec", "tagger", ["model.tok2vec"])
    assert not isinstance(tagger.model.layers[0], Tok2VecListener)
    t2v_cfg = nlp.config["components"]["tok2vec"]["model"]
    assert t2v_cfg["@architectures"] == "spacy.Tok2Vec.v2"
    assert nlp.config["components"]["tagger"]["model"]["tok2vec"] == t2v_cfg
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        nlp.replace_listeners("invalid", "tagger", ["model.tok2vec"])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        nlp.replace_listeners("tok2vec", "parser", ["model.tok2vec"])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        nlp.replace_listeners("tok2vec", "tagger", ["model.yolo"])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        nlp.replace_listeners("tok2vec", "tagger",
                              ["model.tok2vec", "model.yolo"])
コード例 #21
def test_tok2vec_listener():
    orig_config = Config().from_str(cfg_string)
    nlp = util.load_model_from_config(orig_config,
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tok2vec", "tagger"]
    tagger = nlp.get_pipe("tagger")
    tok2vec = nlp.get_pipe("tok2vec")
    tagger_tok2vec = tagger.model.get_ref("tok2vec")
    assert isinstance(tok2vec, Tok2Vec)
    assert isinstance(tagger_tok2vec, Tok2VecListener)
    train_examples = []
    for t in TRAIN_DATA:
        train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(t[0]), t[1]))
        for tag in t[1]["tags"]:

    # Check that the Tok2Vec component finds it listeners
    assert tok2vec.listeners == []
    optimizer = nlp.initialize(lambda: train_examples)
    assert tok2vec.listeners == [tagger_tok2vec]

    for i in range(5):
        losses = {}
        nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)

    doc = nlp("Running the pipeline as a whole.")
    doc_tensor = tagger_tok2vec.predict([doc])[0]
    assert_equal(doc.tensor, doc_tensor)

    # TODO: should this warn or error?
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tagger"]
    nlp("Running the pipeline with the Tok2Vec component disabled.")
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_serialize_config.py プロジェクト: EricM2/venv
def test_serialize_config_language_specific():
    """Test that config serialization works as expected with language-specific
    name = "test_serialize_config_language_specific"

    @English.factory(name, default_config={"foo": 20})
    def custom_factory(nlp: Language, name: str, foo: int):
        return lambda doc: doc

    nlp = Language()
    assert not nlp.has_factory(name)
    nlp = English()
    assert nlp.has_factory(name)
    nlp.add_pipe(name, config={"foo": 100}, name="bar")
    pipe_config = nlp.config["components"]["bar"]
    assert pipe_config["foo"] == 100
    assert pipe_config["factory"] == name

    with make_tempdir() as d:
        nlp2 = spacy.load(d)
    assert nlp2.has_factory(name)
    assert nlp2.pipe_names == ["bar"]
    assert nlp2.get_pipe_meta("bar").factory == name
    pipe_config = nlp2.config["components"]["bar"]
    assert pipe_config["foo"] == 100
    assert pipe_config["factory"] == name

    config = Config().from_str(nlp2.config.to_str())
    config["nlp"]["lang"] = "de"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # German doesn't have a factory, only English does
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_serialize_config.py プロジェクト: EricM2/venv
def test_serialize_config_missing_pipes():
    config = Config().from_str(nlp_config_string)
    assert "tok2vec" in config["nlp"]["pipeline"]
    assert "tok2vec" not in config["components"]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        load_model_from_config(config, auto_fill=True)
コード例 #24
def test_tok2vec_listeners_textcat():
    orig_config = Config().from_str(cfg_string_multi_textcat)
    nlp = util.load_model_from_config(orig_config,
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tok2vec", "textcat_multilabel", "tagger"]
    tagger = nlp.get_pipe("tagger")
    textcat = nlp.get_pipe("textcat_multilabel")
    tok2vec = nlp.get_pipe("tok2vec")
    tagger_tok2vec = tagger.model.get_ref("tok2vec")
    textcat_tok2vec = textcat.model.get_ref("tok2vec")
    assert isinstance(tok2vec, Tok2Vec)
    assert isinstance(tagger_tok2vec, Tok2VecListener)
    assert isinstance(textcat_tok2vec, Tok2VecListener)
    train_examples = []
    for t in TRAIN_DATA:
        train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(t[0]), t[1]))

    optimizer = nlp.initialize(lambda: train_examples)
    for i in range(50):
        losses = {}
        nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)

    docs = list(nlp.pipe(["Eat blue ham", "I like green eggs"]))
    cats0 = docs[0].cats
    assert cats0["preference"] < 0.1
    assert cats0["imperative"] > 0.9
    cats1 = docs[1].cats
    assert cats1["preference"] > 0.1
    assert cats1["imperative"] < 0.9
    assert [t.tag_ for t in docs[0]] == ["V", "J", "N"]
    assert [t.tag_ for t in docs[1]] == ["N", "V", "J", "N"]
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_cli.py プロジェクト: nptdat/spaCy
def test_issue7055():
    """Test that fill-config doesn't turn sourced components into factories."""
    source_cfg = {
        "nlp": {"lang": "en", "pipeline": ["tok2vec", "tagger"]},
        "components": {
            "tok2vec": {"factory": "tok2vec"},
            "tagger": {"factory": "tagger"},
    source_nlp = English.from_config(source_cfg)
    with make_tempdir() as dir_path:
        # We need to create a loadable source pipeline
        source_path = dir_path / "test_model"
        base_cfg = {
            "nlp": {"lang": "en", "pipeline": ["tok2vec", "tagger", "ner"]},
            "components": {
                "tok2vec": {"source": str(source_path)},
                "tagger": {"source": str(source_path)},
                "ner": {"factory": "ner"},
        base_cfg = Config(base_cfg)
        base_path = dir_path / "base.cfg"
        output_path = dir_path / "config.cfg"
        fill_config(output_path, base_path, silent=True)
        filled_cfg = load_config(output_path)
    assert filled_cfg["components"]["tok2vec"]["source"] == str(source_path)
    assert filled_cfg["components"]["tagger"]["source"] == str(source_path)
    assert filled_cfg["components"]["ner"]["factory"] == "ner"
    assert "model" in filled_cfg["components"]["ner"]
コード例 #26
def test_transformer_pipeline_textcat():
    """Test that a pipeline with just a transformer+textcat runs and trains properly.
    This used to throw an error because of shape inference issues -
    cf https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/6401"""
    orig_config = Config().from_str(cfg_string)
    nlp = util.load_model_from_config(orig_config,
    assert nlp.pipe_names == ["transformer", "textcat"]
    train_examples = []

    for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
            Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
    optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)

    for i in range(2):
        losses = {}
        nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)

    doc = nlp("We're interested at underwater basket weaving.")
    cats1 = doc.cats

    # ensure IO goes OK
    with make_tempdir() as d:
        file_path = d / "trained_nlp"
        nlp2 = spacy.load(file_path)
        doc2 = nlp2("We're interested at underwater basket weaving.")
        cats2 = doc2.cats
        assert cats1 == cats2
コード例 #27
ファイル: lstm_tagger.py プロジェクト: vezir/thinc
def main(pytorch: bool = False, gpu_id: int = -1):
    global CONFIG
    if gpu_id >= 0:
        print("Set GPU", gpu_id)
    backends = {"pytorch": pytorch}
    for name, use_backend in backends.items():
        if not use_backend:
            print(f"Skipping {name}")
        set_backend(name, gpu_id)
        C = registry.resolve(Config().from_str(CONFIG))
        model = C["model"]
        X, Y = get_dummy_data(**C["data"])
        print("Copy to device")
        X = [model.ops.asarray(x) for x in X]
        Y = [model.ops.asarray(y) for y in Y]
        print("Begin init", len(X))
        n_words = sum(len(x) for x in X)
        X = [
            for batch in model.ops.minibatch(16, X)
        start_time = timer()
        end_time = timer()
        print(name, n_words, end_time - start_time)
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_serialize_config.py プロジェクト: EricM2/venv
def test_config_validate_literal(parser_config_string):
    nlp = English()
    config = Config().from_str(parser_config_string)
    config["model"]["state_type"] = "nonsense"
    with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
        nlp.add_pipe("parser", config=config)
    config["model"]["state_type"] = "ner"
    nlp.add_pipe("parser", config=config)
コード例 #29
def test_config_to_str_order():
    """Test that Config.to_str orders the sections."""
    config = {"a": {"b": {"c": 1, "d": 2}, "e": 3}, "f": {"g": {"h": {"i": 4, "j": 5}}}}
    expected = (
        "[a]\ne = 3\n\n[a.b]\nc = 1\nd = 2\n\n[f]\n\n[f.g]\n\n[f.g.h]\ni = 4\nj = 5"
    config = Config(config)
    assert config.to_str() == expected
コード例 #30
def test_read_config():
    byte_string = EXAMPLE_CONFIG.encode("utf8")
    cfg = Config().from_bytes(byte_string)

    assert cfg["optimizer"]["beta1"] == 0.9
    assert cfg["optimizer"]["learn_rate"]["initial_rate"] == 0.1
    assert cfg["pipeline"]["parser"]["factory"] == "parser"
    assert cfg["pipeline"]["parser"]["model"]["tok2vec"]["width"] == 128