コード例 #1
def Main():
    # make a redditor with some trustworthiness (mean_t = 0.67)
    founder = Redditor(name='redditor')
    beta = thinkbayes.Beta(2, 1)
    for val, prob in beta.MakePmf().Items():
        founder.Set(val * 100, prob)

    # make a new item with unknown quality (mean_q = 0.5)
    item = Item(range(0, 101), name='item')

    # compute the means
    mean_t = founder.Mean() / 100.0
    mean_q = item.Mean() / 100.0

    print mean_t
    print mean_q

    # perform simultaneous updates
    founder.Update(('up', mean_q))
    item.Update(('up', mean_t))


    # display the posterior distributions
コード例 #2
def SampleCtr(n=1, preload=20):
    """Draw a sample from a beta distribution of CTRs.

    n: sample size
    preload: number of preloaded "no"

    returns: sequence of CTR
    beta = thinkbayes.Beta(1, preload + 1)
    ps = beta.Sample(n)
    return ps
コード例 #3
def MakePosterior(data, preload=20, steps=201, name=""):
    """Makes the posterior distribution of CTR given the data.

    Where CTR is "click through rate"

    data: sequence of values in [0, 1]
    preload: number of preloaded "no"
    steps: number of values to put in the posterior dist
    name: name to give the pmf

    returns: Pmf of CTR
    yes, no = data
    pmf = thinkbayes.Beta(yes + 1, no + 1).MakePmf(steps, name)
    return pmf
コード例 #4
    # plot the posteriors
    PlotSuites([suite1], 'euro1')
    PlotSuites([suite1, suite2], 'euro3')

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Beta Distribution #
# This approach is another optimization for the same problem. Becaus the beta distribution is
# defined on an interval between 0 and 1 (inclusive). The beta distribution is a conjugate prior,
# meaning that if the prior distribution for x is a beta distribution, then the posterior is also
# a beta distribution.
# the ThinkBayes.py file has a Beta class. So we will just implement it here.

beta = thinkbayes.Beta()
beta.Update((140, 110))

## Odds and Addends ##

# 'Odds in favor' of an event are the ratio of the probability it will occur to the probability
# that it will not.

import random

FORMATS = ['pdf', 'eps', 'png']

class Die(thinkbayes.Pmf):
    def __init__(self, sides, name=''):
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self):
     beta = thinkbayes.Beta(1, 1)
     for val, prob in beta.MakePmf().Items():
         self.Set(val, prob)