コード例 #1
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: Hao-Hsuan/KhanLatest
def handlebars_dynamic_load(package, name):
    """ Dynamically compile a Handlebars template.

    NOTE: This will do nothing in production mode!

    if not App.is_dev_server:
        return None

    combined_name = "%s_%s" % (package, name)
    if combined_name in handlebars_partials:

    logging.info("Dynamically loading %s-package/%s.handlebars."
                  % (package, name))

    test_file_name = ("clienttemplates/%s-package/%s.handlebars.json"
                      % (package, name))
    if not os.path.exists(test_file_name):
        logging.error("Attempting to call server-side template with"
                      " no test file. Looking for: %s"
                      % test_file_name)
        return None

    file_name = "clienttemplates/%s-package/%s.handlebars" % (package, name)

    in_file = open(file_name, 'r')
    source = unicode(in_file.read())
    # HACK: Pybars doesn't handle {{else}} for some reason
    source = source.replace("{{else}}", "{{^}}")

    matches = re.search('{{>[\s]*([\w\-_]+)[\s]*}}', source)
    if matches:
        for partial in matches.groups():
            (partial_package, partial_name) = partial.split("_")
            handlebars_dynamic_load(partial_package, partial_name)

    compiler = Compiler()
    function = compiler.compile(source)
    handlebars_partials[combined_name] = function

    return function
コード例 #2
def handlebars_dynamic_load(package, name):
    """ Dynamically compile a Handlebars template.

    NOTE: This will do nothing in production mode!

    if not App.is_dev_server:
        return None

    combined_name = "%s_%s" % (package, name)
    if combined_name in handlebars_partials:

    logging.info("Dynamically loading %s-package/%s.handlebars." %
                 (package, name))

    test_file_name = ("clienttemplates/%s-package/%s.handlebars.json" %
                      (package, name))
    if not os.path.exists(test_file_name):
        logging.error("Attempting to call server-side template with"
                      " no test file. Looking for: %s" % test_file_name)
        return None

    file_name = "clienttemplates/%s-package/%s.handlebars" % (package, name)

    in_file = open(file_name, 'r')
    source = unicode(in_file.read())
    # HACK: Pybars doesn't handle {{else}} for some reason
    source = source.replace("{{else}}", "{{^}}")

    matches = re.search('{{>[\s]*([\w\-_]+)[\s]*}}', source)
    if matches:
        for partial in matches.groups():
            (partial_package, partial_name) = partial.split("_")
            handlebars_dynamic_load(partial_package, partial_name)

    compiler = Compiler()
    function = compiler.compile(source)
    handlebars_partials[combined_name] = function

    return function
コード例 #3
def compile_template_to_python(root_path, rel_path, file_name):
    dir_path = os.path.join(root_path, rel_path)
    input_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
    test_path = input_path + ".json"

    # We intentionally ignore Handlebars templates that don't have unit tests
    # when compiling to Python. If someday all templates have unit tests we
    # should emit an error here.
    if not os.path.exists(test_path):
        return None

    package_name = rel_path.replace("-", "_").split("_")[0]
    original_function_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
    partial_name = package_name + "_" + original_function_name
    function_name = original_function_name.replace("-", "_")

    out_dir_path = os.path.join("compiled_templates",
                                package_name + "_package")
    output_path = os.path.join(out_dir_path, function_name) + ".py"
    init_path = os.path.join(out_dir_path, "__init__.py")

    compiler = Compiler()

    in_file = open(input_path, 'r')
    source = unicode(in_file.read())
    # Pybars doesn't handle {{else}} for some reason
    source = re.sub(r'{{\s*else\s*}}', "{{^}}", source)
    template = compiler.compile(source)

    output_string = []
    output_string.append("from third_party.pybars._compiler import strlist, "
                         "_pybars_, Scope, escape, resolve, partial")

    def write_fn(template, name, indent):

        output_string.append("%sdef %s(context, helpers=None, partials=None):"
                             % (indent, name))
        output_string.append("%s    pybars = _pybars_" % indent)

        output_string.append("%s    # Begin constants" % indent)

        for name, val in template.func_globals.items():
            if name.startswith("constant_"):
                if isinstance(val, unicode):
                    output_string.append("%s    %s = %s" %
                                         (indent, name, repr(val)))


        for name, val in template.func_globals.items():
            if name.startswith("constant_"):
                if isinstance(val, types.FunctionType):
                    write_fn(val, name, indent + "    ")

        output_string.append("%s    # End constants" % indent)

        compiled_fn = inspect.getsource(template)
        fn_lines = compiled_fn.split("\n")

        for line in fn_lines[1:]:
            output_string.append("%s%s" % (indent, line))

    write_fn(template, function_name, "")

    if not os.path.exists(out_dir_path):

    out_file = open(init_path, 'w')

    out_file = open(output_path, 'w')

    print "Compiled to %s" % output_path

    return (partial_name, package_name, function_name)