コード例 #1
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_file_owned_by_root():
    "a file owned by root can be downloaded by the regular user if 'use_sudo' is True"
    with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
        with remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings():
                # create a root-only file on remote machine
                remote_file_name = remote_env["temp-files"]["small-file"]
                file_contents = "root users only!\n"
                remote_sudo('printf "%s" > "%s"' %
                            (file_contents, remote_file_name))
                remote_sudo('chmod 600 "%s"' % remote_file_name)
                remote_sudo('chown root:root "%s"' % remote_file_name)

                local_file_name = join(local_env["temp-dir"],

                # ensure remote root-only file cannot be downloaded by regular user.
                # in this case we own the directory but the file is owned by root.
                with pytest.raises(operations.NetworkError):
                    download(remote_file_name, local_file_name)

                # download remote root-only file as regular user
                download(remote_file_name, local_file_name, use_sudo=True)
                assert os.path.exists(local_file_name)
                assert file_contents == open(local_file_name, "r").read()
コード例 #2
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_an_obvious_directory():  # you can't
    """attempting to download an obvious directory (trailing slash /) raises an exception.
    Its possible as both parallel-ssh and paramiko use SFTP, but not supported."""
    with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
        with empty_remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings():
                # ensure we're dealing with an obvious directory
                remote_dir = "%s/" % remote_env["temp-dir"].rstrip("/")
                with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                    download(remote_dir, local_env["temp-dir"])
コード例 #3
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_a_directory():  # you can't
    "attempting to download a directory raises an exception."
    # its possible as both parallel-ssh and paramiko use SFTP, but unsupported in threadbare.
    with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
        with empty_remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings():
                # it becomes ambiguous if remote path is a file or a directory
                remote_dir = remote_env["temp-dir"]
                assert not remote_dir.endswith("/")
                with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                    download(remote_dir, local_env["temp-dir"])
コード例 #4
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_to_extant_local_file_no_overwrite():
    "the default policy of overwriting files can be disabled when `override` is set to `False`."
    with local_fixture() as local_env:
        with remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings():
                local_file = local_env["temp-files"]["small-file"]
                remote_file = remote_env["temp-files"]["medium-file"]

                with pytest.raises(operations.NetworkError) as exc_info:
                    download(remote_file, local_file, overwrite=False)

                expected_msg = (
                    "Local file exists and 'overwrite' is set to 'False'. Refusing to write: %s"
                    % (local_file, ))
                assert expected_msg == str(exc_info.value)
コード例 #5
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_to_extant_local_file():
    "the default policy is to overwrite files that exist."
    with local_fixture() as local_env:
        with empty_remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings():
                local_file = local_env["temp-files"]["small-file"]
                assert os.path.exists(local_file)

                payload = "foo"
                remote_file = join(remote_env["temp-dir"], "foo.file")
                remote('printf %s > "%s"' % (payload, remote_file))
                assert remote_file_exists(remote_file)

                download(remote_file, local_file)
                result = open(local_file, "r").read()
                assert payload == result
コード例 #6
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_upload_and_download_a_file_using_byte_buffers():
    """contents of a BytesIO buffer can be uploaded to a remote file,
    and the contents of a remote file can be downloaded to a BytesIO buffer"""
    with empty_remote_fixture() as remote_env:
        with test_settings(quiet=True):
            payload = b"foo-bar-baz"
            uploadable_unicode_buffer = BytesIO(payload)
            remote_file_name = join(remote_env["temp-dir"], "bytes-test")

            upload(uploadable_unicode_buffer, remote_file_name)
            assert remote_file_exists(remote_file_name)

            result = remote('cat "%s"' % remote_file_name)
            assert result["succeeded"]
            assert result["stdout"] == [payload.decode()]

            download_unicode_buffer = BytesIO()
            download(remote_file_name, download_unicode_buffer)
            assert download_unicode_buffer.getvalue() == payload
コード例 #7
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_a_file_to_a_directory():
    "a file can be downloaded to a directory and the name of the remote file will be used as the destination file"
    with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
        with remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings():
                local_dir = local_env["temp-dir"]
                remote_file = remote_env["temp-files"]["small-file"]
                expected_local_file = join(local_dir, basename(remote_file))

                new_local_file = download(remote_file, local_dir)
                assert os.path.exists(expected_local_file)
                assert expected_local_file == new_local_file
コード例 #8
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_a_file_to_a_relative_directory():
    "relative destinations are expanded to full paths before downloading"
    with remote_fixture() as remote_env:
        with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
            with test_settings():
                with lcd(local_env["temp-dir"]):
                    remote_file = remote_env["temp-files"]["small-file"]
                    expected_local_file = join(local_env["temp-dir"],
                    relative_dir = "."
                    new_local_file = download(remote_file, relative_dir)
                    assert expected_local_file == new_local_file
                    assert os.path.exists(expected_local_file)
コード例 #9
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def _test_upload_and_download_a_file(transfer_protocol):
    """write a local file, upload it to the remote server, modify it remotely, download it, modify it locally,
    assert it's contents are as expected"""
    with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
        with empty_remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings(transfer_protocol=transfer_protocol):
                LOG.debug("modifying local file ...")
                local_file_name = join(local_env["temp-dir"], "foo")
                local('printf "foo" > %s' % local_file_name)

                LOG.debug("uploading file ...")
                remote_file_name = join(remote_env["temp-dir"], "foobar")
                upload(local_file_name, remote_file_name)
                # verify contents
                assert remote_file_exists(remote_file_name)

                assert remote("cat %s" % remote_file_name)["stdout"] == ["foo"]

                LOG.debug("modifying remote file ...")
                remote('printf "bar" >> %s' % remote_file_name)
                # verify contents
                assert remote("cat %s" %
                              remote_file_name)["stdout"] == ["foobar"]

                LOG.debug("downloading file ...")
                new_local_file_name = join(local_env["temp-dir"], "foobarbaz")
                download(remote_file_name, new_local_file_name)
                # verify contents
                assert open(new_local_file_name, "r").read() == "foobar"

                LOG.debug("modifying local file (again) ...")
                local('printf "baz" >> %s' % new_local_file_name)

                LOG.debug("testing local file ...")
                data = open(new_local_file_name, "r").read()
                assert "foobarbaz" == data
コード例 #10
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/threadbare
def test_download_a_file_to_a_non_existant_dir():
    """downloading a file to directory that does not exist will see that directory structure created.
    note: scp and sftp as used by parallel-ssh appear to do this out of the box but rsync will not.
    this ensures behaviour is consistent across all transfer-protocols."""
    with remote_fixture() as remote_env:
        with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
            with test_settings():
                with lcd(local_env["temp-dir"]):
                    remote_file = remote_env["temp-files"]["small-file"]
                    non_existant_dir = "does/not/exist"
                    expected_local_file = join(
                    new_local_file = download(remote_file, expected_local_file)
                    assert expected_local_file == new_local_file
                    assert os.path.exists(expected_local_file)