コード例 #1
def ReadDwordMemory(address=None):
    Read a dword in memory
    if address is None:
        address = threads.GetEip()

    data = ReadMemory(4, address)
    return u('<I', data)[0]
コード例 #2
ファイル: memory.py プロジェクト: zcddtb/labeless
def ReadMemory(size, addr=None, mode=0):
    Read the memory of the process at a specific address
    # XXX: test if the address exists
    if addr is None:
        addr = threads.GetEip()

    b = bytearray(size)
    n = api.Readmemory(b, addr, size, mode)

    # XXX: Hmm, don't care about n right ?
    return str(b)
コード例 #3
def PatchCode(s, address=None):
    Assemble s and patch address

    # XXX: test if the memory exists
    if address is None:
        address = threads.GetEip()

    bin = ''
        bin, s = utils.Assemble__(s)
    except Exception, e:
        raise e
コード例 #4
ファイル: memory.py プロジェクト: zcddtb/labeless
def WriteMemory(buff, addr=None, mode=0):
    Write directly in the memory of the process

    # XXX: check if memory exists
    if addr is None:
        addr = threads.GetEip()

    n = api.Writememory(buff, addr, len(buff), mode)

    # flush the cache after writing ; not sure it's good/required to do that though.

    return n
コード例 #5
def PatchCodeWithHex(s, address=None):
    Patch the code at address with unhexlify(s)
    # XXX: test if the memory exists
    if address is None:
        address = threads.GetEip()

    bin = ''
        bin = unhexlify(s)
        raise Exception('You must supply a string composed exclusively of hex symbols')

    # patch the code
    WriteMemory(address, bin)
コード例 #6
def ReadMemory(size, addr = None, mode = 0):
    Read the memory of the process at a specific address
    # XXX: test if the address exists
    if addr == None:
        addr = threads.GetEip()

    buff = create_string_buffer(size)
    return buff.raw
コード例 #7
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: idkwim/ollydbg2-python
def FindInstr(instr, address_start=None):
    Find the address of a specific instruction
    if address_start == None:
        address_start = threads.GetEip()

    if memory.IsMemoryExists(address_start) == False:
        return 0

    # now assembleallforms to get the t_asmmod required to call comparecommand
    asmmod, nmodel = '', 0
        #XXX: fix the ip parameter to be able of finding eip-dependent instruction
        asmmod, nmodel = AssembleAllForms(instr, 0)
    except Exception, e:
        raise (e)
コード例 #8
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: idkwim/ollydbg2-python
def display_call_stack(nb_max_frame=100):
    Walk on the stack & generate a call stack
    frames_info = []
    args = []
    ebp = threads.GetEbp()

    for i in range(nb_max_frame):
        # IsMemoryExists recognizes kernel memory, so we have to manually check it
        if memory.IsMemoryExists(ebp) == False or ebp >= 0x80000000:

        # at EBP we have the SEBP
        sebp = memory.ReadDwordMemory(ebp)
        # and right after the SEIP
        seip = memory.ReadDwordMemory(ebp + 4)

        if sebp == 0 or seip == 0 or memory.IsMemoryExists(
                sebp) == False or memory.IsMemoryExists(seip) == False:

        symbol = sym.GetSymbolFromAddress(seip)
            sebp + 4,
            symbol if symbol != None else 'no symbol found',

        ebp = sebp

    eip = threads.GetEip()
    print "#%.2d %#.8x : %s" % (len(frames_info), eip,

    for i in range(len(frames_info)):
        c = frames_info[i]
        ri = len(frames_info) - i - 1
        print '#%.2d %#.8x : %s (found @%#.8x)' % (ri, c['return-address'],
                                                   c['symbol'], c['address'])
コード例 #9
def WriteMemory(buff, addr = None, mode = 0):
    Write directly in the memory of the process

    # XXX: check if memory exists
    if addr == None:
        addr = threads.GetEip()
    b = create_string_buffer(buff)
    n = Writememory(
        c_ulong(sizeof(b) - 1), # create_string_buffer adds a null byte a the end

    # flush the cache after writing ; not sure it's good/required to do that though.

    return n
コード例 #10
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: idkwim/ollydbg2-python
def FindHexInPage(s, address_start=None):
    Find hexadecimal values like E9??FF?A??
    The '?' is a wildcard for one nibbles ; that idea comes from the excellent ODBG scripting language

    Note: This function try to find an hexadecimal pattern only in one page of the memory (either in address_start's page
    or in EIP's page)
    def hex_matched(data, s):
        Validate if s match with data
        does_it_matched = True
        idx_data = 0

        for idx in range(0, len(s), 2):
            b_str = s[idx:idx + 2]
            byte_to_compare = ord(data[idx_data])

            # have we a wildcard ?
            if '?' in b_str:

                # wildcard on the high nibble
                if b_str[0] == '?' and b_str[1] != '?':
                    low_nibble = (byte_to_compare & 0x0f)
                    if low_nibble != int(b_str[1], 16):
                        does_it_matched = False

                # wildcard on the low nibble
                elif b_str[1] == '?' and b_str[0] != '?':
                    high_nibble = ((byte_to_compare & 0xf0) >> 4)
                    if high_nibble != int(b_str[0], 16):
                        does_it_matched = False
                # wildcard on the entire byte

                b = int(b_str, 16)
                if b != byte_to_compare:
                    does_it_matched = False

            idx_data += 1
            if does_it_matched == False:

        return does_it_matched

    # ensure we have a multiple of 2 digits
    assert (len(s) % 2 == 0)
    s = s.lower()

    # we only accept hexa digits and the wildcard '?'
    assert (filter(lambda c: c in '0123456789abcdef?', s) == s)

    if address_start == None:
        address_start = threads.GetEip()

    # some memory must be mapped at this address
    if memory.IsMemoryExists(address_start) == False:
        return 0

    # get information about the memory block
    mem_info = memory.FindMemory(address_start).contents

    size_mem_block = mem_info.size - (address_start - mem_info.base)
    offset, found = 0, False
    nb_bytes = len(s) / 2

    while offset < (size_mem_block - nb_bytes) and found == False:
        data = memory.ReadMemory(nb_bytes, address_start + offset)
        if hex_matched(data, s):
            found = True
            offset += 1

    if found:
        return address_start + offset

    return 0