def get_operation_df(): today = yesterday = today - dt.timedelta(days=1) days = num = today.month this_mon = pd.Period(today, freq='M') first_mon = this_mon - 5 first_mon_s = "'" + str(first_mon) + "'" result_list = [] # for i in range(5): # mon=this_mon-i # day_begin="'"+str(mon)+"-01"+"'" # day_end="'"+str(mon)+"-"+str(days)+"'" sql = ''' select a.mon mon,a.apply_times apply_times,b.acess_times access_times,c.loan_times loan_times, round(b.acess_times/a.apply_times,4) access_rate,round(c.loan_times/b.acess_times,4) withdraw_rate from ( select to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm') mon,count(distinct id) apply_times from dev_dw.f_loanapplyinfo where applytype not in ('repayCredit') group by to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm') ) a left join ( select to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm') mon,count(distinct id) acess_times from dev_dw.f_loanapplyinfo where status like '%A%' and applytype not in ('repayCredit') group by to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm') ) b on a.mon=b.mon left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,count(distinct id) loan_times from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ) c on a.mon=c.mon where a.mon>=''' + first_mon_s with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql, []): result_list.append(list(row)) thams_df = pd.DataFrame(result_list, columns=[ 'mon', 'apply_times', 'access_times', 'loan_times', 'access_rate', 'withdraw_rate' ]) thams_df = thams_df.sort_values(by=['mon'], ascending=[1]) return thams_df
def get_noRenew_user(): db = SqlContext('/python/db/dev_dw_db') today = time = today - dt.timedelta(days=2) time_s = "'" + str(time) + "'" sql = ''' select c.corporaterepresentname name,a.partyid,a.repaytime ,d.loannum from ( select distinct a.partyid,b.repaytime from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and a.idproduct<>21 and to_char(b.repaytime,'yyyy-mm-dd')=''' + time_s + ''' and b.repaytime-b.duedate<15 and a.repaytime is not null ) a left join dev_dw.f_loanapplyinfo b on a.partyid=b.partyid and b.applytype not in ('repayCredit') and b.applydate>=to_date(''' + time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') left join dev_dw.dim_txnparty c on a.partyid=c.partyid left join ( select partyid,count(distinct id) loannum from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and idproduct<>21 group by partyid ) d on a.partyid=d.partyid where b.partyid is null ''' user_list = [] with session_scope(db) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql, []): phone_name = get_mobile_phone(row['partyid']) row_list = list(row) row_list[1] = phone_name user_list.append(row_list) user_df = pd.DataFrame( user_list, columns=['username', 'phone', 'repaytime', 'loannum']) user_df = user_df.rename( columns={ 'username': '******', 'phone': '用户电话', 'repaytime': '还款时间', 'loannum': '历史借款次数' }) return user_df
def get_noWithdraw_user(): init_ti_srv_cfg('ti-daf') db = SqlContext('/python/db/ac_cif_db') today = time = today - dt.timedelta(days=1) time_s = "'" + str(time) + "'" sql = ''' select a.personname,a.partyid,a.applydate,a.auditline, case when c.partyid is null then '新用户' else '老用户' end as cate from ac_lms_db.LoanApplyInfo a left join ac_cif_db.LoanAgreement b on a.applyno=b.applyid left join ( select distinct partyid from ac_cif_db.LoanAgreement where loantime <''' + time_s + ''' and loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and idproduct<>21 ) c on a.partyid=c.partyid where is null and date_format(a.applydate, '%Y-%m-%d')=''' + time_s + ''' and a.status like '%A%' and a.applytype<>'repayCredit' ''' user_list = [] with session_scope(db) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql, []): phone_name = get_mobile_phone(row['partyid']) row_list = list(row) row_list[1] = phone_name user_list.append(row_list) user_df = pd.DataFrame( user_list, columns=['username', 'phone', 'applytime', 'auditline', 'usercate']) user_df = user_df.rename( columns={ 'username': '******', 'phone': '用户电话', 'applytime': '申请时间', 'auditline': '审批额度', 'usercate': '用户类型' }) return user_df
def get_daily_df(): yesterday = - dt.timedelta(days=1) origin_date = yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=6) ytd_s = "'" + str(yesterday) + "'" ord_s = "'" + str(origin_date) + "'" sql_1 = ''' select a.mon mon,a.apply_times apply_times,b.acess_times access_times,round(b.acess_times/a.apply_times,4) access_rate, c.loan_times loan_times,round(c.loan_times/b.acess_times,4) withdraw_rate ,c.amt loanamt from ( select to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') mon,count(distinct id) apply_times from dev_dw.f_loanapplyinfo where applytype not in ('repayCredit') group by to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') ) a left join ( select to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') mon,count(distinct id) acess_times from dev_dw.f_loanapplyinfo where status like '%A%' and applytype not in ('repayCredit') group by to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') ) b on a.mon=b.mon left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm-dd') mon,count(distinct id) loan_times,sum(loanamt) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm-dd') ) c on a.mon=c.mon where a.mon >=''' + ord_s + ''' and a.mon<=''' + ytd_s + ''' order by mon''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: re_list = [] for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_1, []): re_list.append(list(row)) daily_df = pd.DataFrame( re_list, columns=['日期', '申请笔数', '通过笔数', '通过率', '提现笔数', '提现率', '放款额']) return daily_df
def get_collect_df(): today = collection_list = [] for i in range(6): time_b = today - dt.timedelta(days=(i + 1) * 7) time_a = today - dt.timedelta(days=7 * i) time_bs = "'" + str(time_b) + "'" time_as = "'" + str(time_a) + "'" time_bl = datetime.strftime(time_b, '%m-%d') time_al = datetime.strftime(today - dt.timedelta(days=7 * i + 1), '%m-%d') time_str = time_bl + "&" + time_al sql = ''' select yqfl,sum(je),count(distinct id) from ( select id,duedate,REPAYTIME,bj_amt+lixi je, case WHEN (overduedate BETWEEN 1 AND 3) THEN '1-3D' WHEN (overduedate BETWEEN 4 AND 15) THEN '4-15D' WHEN (overduedate BETWEEN 16 AND 30 ) THEN '16-30D' WHEN (overduedate BETWEEN 31 AND 60) THEN 'M2' WHEN (overduedate > 60) THEN 'M3+' ELSE 'no_kwon' end yqfl from ( select, c.duedate, c.REPAYTIME, -(c.REPAIDPRINCIPAL) bj_amt, -(c.REPAIDINTEREST) AS lixi, trunc(c.REPAYTIME) - trunc(c.duedate) AS overduedate FROM dev_dw.F_LOANAGREEMENT a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule c on where a.idproduct<>21 and c.REPAYTIME > trunc(c.duedate) + 1 ORDER BY c.REPAYTIME ) ) where REPAYTIME>=to_date(''' + time_bs + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and REPAYTIME<to_date(''' + time_as + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') group by yqfl''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql, []): collection_list.append([time_str] + list(row)) collection_df = pd.DataFrame( collection_list, columns=['timecircle', 'categroy', 'collectamt', 'collecttimes']) day_list = collection_df['timecircle'].unique() middle_df = pd.DataFrame( { 'day': day_list, '1-3D_times': np.nan, '4-15D_times': np.nan, '16-30D_times': np.nan, 'M2_times': np.nan, 'M3+_times': np.nan, '1-3D_amt': np.nan, '4-15D_amt': np.nan, '16-30D_amt': np.nan, 'M2_amt': np.nan, 'M3+_amt': np.nan }, columns=[ 'day', '1-3D_times', '4-15D_times', '16-30D_times', 'M2_times', 'M3+_times', '1-3D_amt', '4-15D_amt', '16-30D_amt', 'M2_amt', 'M3+_amt' ]) for day, cate in zip(collection_df['timecircle'], collection_df['categroy']): collect_times = collection_df[(collection_df['timecircle'] == day) & ( collection_df['categroy'] == cate)]['collecttimes'].values[0] collect_amt = \ collection_df[(collection_df['timecircle'] == day) & (collection_df['categroy'] == cate)]['collectamt'].values[ 0] middle_df.ix[middle_df['day'] == day, cate + '_times'] = collect_times middle_df.ix[middle_df['day'] == day, cate + '_amt'] = collect_amt middle_df = middle_df.fillna(0) col = middle_df.columns[1:11] days = middle_df['day'] end_collect_df = middle_df[col].astype(float) end_collect_df.insert(0, 'day', days) all_times = end_collect_df['1-3D_times'] + end_collect_df['4-15D_times'] + end_collect_df['16-30D_times'] + \ end_collect_df['M2_times'] + end_collect_df['M3+_times'] all_amt = end_collect_df['1-3D_amt'] + end_collect_df[ '4-15D_amt'] + end_collect_df['16-30D_amt'] + end_collect_df[ 'M2_amt'] + end_collect_df['M3+_amt'] end_collect_df.insert(6, 'all_times', all_times) end_collect_df.insert(12, 'all_amt', all_amt) end_collect_df = end_collect_df.sort_values(by='day', ascending=1) return end_collect_df
def get_sameterm_df(): today = riqi = this_mon = pd.Period(today, freq='M') # 获取当月最后一天数据 lastday = getFirstDay_LastDay(year=this_mon.year, month=this_mon.month) overdue_mx = [] loan_amt = [] for i in range(12): month_time = this_mon - i last_month = this_mon - i - 1 last_month_first_s = "'" + str(last_month) + "-01" + "'" # print (last_month_first_s) last_month_last_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-01" + "'" # print (last_month_last_s) # 判断今天是否是当月最后一天及当年是否是闰年 if == riqi: month_time_s = "'" + str( getFirstDay_LastDay(year=month_time.year, month=month_time.month)) + "'" elif isYear(month_time.year ) == 'yes' and month_time.month == 2 and riqi > 29: month_time_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-" + '29' + "'" elif isYear(month_time.year ) == 'no' and month_time.month == 2 and riqi > 28: month_time_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-" + '28' + "'" else: month_time_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-" + str(riqi) + "'" sql_1 = ''' select to_char(to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm') as time, sum(b.dueprincipal) from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where a.loanstatus in ('D','E','R','O') and a.idproduct in (6,12) and a.loantime>=to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.loantime<to_date(''' + last_month_last_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.duedate<to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and ( (a.repaytime is null and to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd')-a.duedate>=4) or (a.repaytime <to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.repaytime-a.duedate>=4) or (a.repaytime >to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd')-a.duedate>=4) ) ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_1, []): overdue_mx.append(row) sql_2 = ''' select to_char(to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm') as time, sum(loanamt) from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where loanstatus in ('D','E','R','O') and idproduct in (6,12) and loantime>=to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and loantime<to_date(''' + last_month_last_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row1 in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_2, []): loan_amt.append(row1) overdue_mx = pd.DataFrame(overdue_mx, columns=['日期', 'D4逾期金额']) loan_amt = pd.DataFrame(loan_amt, columns=['日期', '放款金额']) final_df = pd.merge(overdue_mx, loan_amt, on='日期', how='outer') return final_df
def get_loan_df(): yesterday = - dt.timedelta(days=1) yue_list = [] for i in range(5): time = yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=i * 7) time_s = "'" + str(time) + "'" ''' this_mon=str(pd.Period(today,freq='M')-i) next_mon="'"+str(pd.Period(today,freq='M')+1-i)+'-01'+"'" ''' sql_1 = ''' select case when a.idproduct in (10,13) then '3q' when a.idproduct in (11,14) then '6q' when a.idproduct in (17,18) then '12q' else 'dq' end categroy ,sum(b.dueprincipal) from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loantime-1<=to_date(''' + time_s + ''' ,'yyyy-mm-dd') and (b.repaytime-1>to_date(''' + time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') or b.repaytime is null) and a.idproduct<>21 and ( b.repaytime-b.duedate<33 or (b.repaytime is null and to_date(''' + time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd')-b.duedate<33)) group by case when a.idproduct in (10,13) then '3q' when a.idproduct in (11,14) then '6q' when a.idproduct in (17,18) then '12q' else 'dq' end ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_1, []): yue_list.append([time, row[0], row[1]]) yue_df = pd.DataFrame(yue_list, columns=['mon', 'categroy', 'yue']) yue_df = pd.pivot_table(yue_df, values='yue', index='categroy', columns='mon', aggfunc=np.sum).reset_index() # print(yue_df) loan_list = [] for i in range(5): time_b = yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=(i + 1) * 7) time_a = yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=i * 7) time_b_s = datetime.strftime(time_b, '%m-%d') time_a_s = datetime.strftime(yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=i * 7 + 1), '%m-%d') time_circle = time_b_s + '&' + time_a_s time_bs = "'" + str(time_b) + "'" time_as = "'" + str(time_a) + "'" sql_2 = ''' select case when a.idproduct in (10,13) then '3q' when a.idproduct in (11,14) then '6q' when a.idproduct in (17,18) then '12q' else 'dq' end categroy ,sum(loanamt) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and loantime-1<to_date(''' + time_as + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and loantime-1>=to_date(''' + time_bs + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.idproduct<>21 group by case when a.idproduct in (10,13) then '3q' when a.idproduct in (11,14) then '6q' when a.idproduct in (17,18) then '12q' else 'dq' end ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_2, []): ls = [time_circle] + list(row) loan_list.append(ls) loan_df = pd.DataFrame(loan_list, columns=['day', 'categroy', 'amt']) loan_df = pd.pivot_table(loan_df, values='amt', index='categroy', columns='day', aggfunc=np.sum).reset_index() return yue_df, loan_df
def get_end_over_df(): today = num = 11 this_mon = pd.Period(today, freq='M') first_mon = this_mon - num first_mon_s = "'" + str(first_mon) + '-01' + "'" sql_1 = ''' select aa.mon,round(aa.amt/ee.amt,4) D4,round(bb.amt/ee.amt,4) D15, round(cc.amt/ee.amt,4) M2,round(dd.amt/ee.amt,4) M2p, round(ff.amt/ee.amt,4) M2_pred from ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,sum(dueprincipal) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and loantime>=to_date(''' + first_mon_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and( b.repaytime-b.duedate >4 or (b.repaytime is null and sysdate-b.duedate>4)) and a.idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ) aa left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,sum(dueprincipal) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and loantime>=to_date(''' + first_mon_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and( b.repaytime-b.duedate>15 or (b.repaytime is null and sysdate-b.duedate>15)) and a.idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ) bb on aa.mon=bb.mon left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,sum(dueprincipal) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and loantime>=to_date(''' + first_mon_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and( b.repaytime-b.duedate>33 or (b.repaytime is null and sysdate-b.duedate>33)) and a.idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ) cc on aa.mon=cc.mon left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,sum(dueprincipal) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and loantime>=to_date(''' + first_mon_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and( b.repaytime-b.duedate>60 or (b.repaytime is null and sysdate-b.duedate>60)) and a.idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ) dd on aa.mon=dd.mon left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,sum(loanamt) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where idproduct<>21 and loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ) ee on aa.mon=ee.mon left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,sum(dueprincipal) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and loantime>=to_date(''' + first_mon_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and( b.repaytime-b.duedate>33 or (b.repaytime is null and sysdate-b.duedate>15)) and a.idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ) ff on aa.mon=ff.mon order by aa.mon ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: over_list = [] for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_1, []): over_list.append(list(row)) over_df_a = pd.DataFrame( over_list, columns=['mon', 'D4', 'D15', 'M2', 'M2+', 'M2_pred']) over_df_a = over_df_a.fillna(0) # ----------------------------------------- ''' over_table=pd.pivot_table(over_df,values='loanamt',index=['mon'],columns=['categroy'],aggfunc=np.sum,margins=1,fill_value=0) over_table=over_table.reset_index() columns_list=['D4','D15','M2','M2+'] for item in columns_list: over_table[item+'_rate']=over_table[item]/over_table['All'] over_table_num=len(over_table['mon']) end_over_df=over_table.ix[:over_table_num-2,['mon','D4_rate','D15_rate','M2_rate','M2+_rate']] sum_amt=over_df['loanamt'].groupby(over_df['mon']).sum() sum_df=sum_amt.reset_index() ''' sql_2 = ''' select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') mon,sum(loanamt) amt,count(distinct id) times from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and loantime>=to_date(''' + first_mon_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm') ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: loan_list = [] for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_2, []): loan_list.append(list(row)) loan_df_a = pd.DataFrame(loan_list, columns=['mon', 'loanamt', 'loantimes']) loan_df_a['loanamt'] = loan_df_a['loanamt'] / 10000 # ---------------------------------------------- yue_list_a = [] for i in range(num + 1): if i == 0: this_mon = str(pd.Period(today, freq='M') - i) next_mon = "'" + str(today) + "'" else: this_mon = str(pd.Period(today, freq='M') - i) next_mon = "'" + str(pd.Period(today, freq='M') + 1 - i) + '-01' + "'" sql_3 = ''' select sum(b.dueprincipal) from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where loantime<to_date(''' + next_mon + ''' ,'yyyy-mm-dd') and (b.repaytime>=to_date(''' + next_mon + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') or b.repaytime is null) and a.idproduct<>21 and ( b.repaytime-b.duedate<33 or (b.repaytime is null and to_date(''' + next_mon + ''','yyyy-mm-dd')-b.duedate<33+1)) ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_3, []): yue_list_a.append([this_mon, row[0]]) yue_df_a = pd.DataFrame(yue_list_a, columns=['mon', 'yue']) yue_df_a['yue'] = yue_df_a['yue'] / 10000 all_result_df_a = pd.merge(loan_df_a, yue_df_a, on='mon') all_result_df_a = pd.merge(all_result_df_a, over_df_a, on='mon', how='outer') end_over_df_a = all_result_df_a.sort_values(by=['mon'], ascending=[1]) end_over_df_a = end_over_df_a.fillna(0) return end_over_df_a
def get_end_week_df(): yesterday = - dt.timedelta(days=1) origin_date = yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=6) today = ytd_s = "'" + str(yesterday) + "'" ord_s = "'" + str(origin_date) + "'" re_list = [] for i in range(4): time_after_s = today - dt.timedelta(days=i * 7) time_before_s = today - dt.timedelta(days=(i + 1) * 7) time_after_turn = yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=i * 7) b_str = datetime.strftime(time_before_s, '%m-%d') a_str = datetime.strftime(time_after_turn, '%m-%d') string = b_str + "&" + a_str time_before = "'" + str(time_before_s) + "'" time_after = "'" + str(time_after_s) + "'" sql_1 = ''' select sum(apply_times) apt,sum(access_times) pt,round(sum(access_times)/sum(apply_times),4) pr, sum(loan_times) lt,round(sum(loan_times)/sum(access_times),4) wr,sum(loanamt) amt from ( select a.mon mon,a.apply_times apply_times,b.acess_times access_times, c.loan_times loan_times,c.amt loanamt from ( select to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') mon,count(distinct id) apply_times from dev_dw.f_loanapplyinfo where applytype not in ('repayCredit') group by to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') ) a left join ( select to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') mon,count(distinct id) acess_times from dev_dw.f_loanapplyinfo where status like '%A%' and applytype not in ('repayCredit') group by to_char(applydate,'yyyy-mm-dd') ) b on a.mon=b.mon left join ( select to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm-dd') mon,count(distinct id) loan_times,sum(loanamt) amt from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where loanstatus in ('D','O','R','E') and idproduct<>21 group by to_char(loantime,'yyyy-mm-dd') ) c on a.mon=c.mon where a.mon >=''' + time_before + ''' and a.mon<''' + time_after + ''' order by mon )''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_1, []): turn_list = [string] + list(row) re_list.append(turn_list) end_week_df = pd.DataFrame( re_list, columns=['周期', '申请笔数', '通过笔数', '通过率', '提现笔数', '提现率', '放款额']) end_week_df = end_week_df.sort_values(by=['周期'], ascending=[1]) return end_week_df
def get_end_collect_df(): today = yesterday = - dt.timedelta(days=1) collection_list = [] for i in range(6): time_b = today - dt.timedelta(days=(i + 1) * 7) time_a = today - dt.timedelta(days=7 * i) time_bs = "'" + str(time_b) + "'" time_as = "'" + str(time_a) + "'" time_a_turn = yesterday - dt.timedelta(days=7 * i) time_bl = datetime.strftime(time_b, '%m-%d') time_al = datetime.strftime(time_a_turn, '%m-%d') time_str = time_bl + "&" + time_al sql = ''' select yqfl,sum(je),count(*) from ( select duedate,rcrq,hkrq,amt+lixi+faxi je,agent, case WHEN (overduedate BETWEEN 4 AND 15) THEN '4-15D' WHEN (overduedate BETWEEN 16 AND 30 ) THEN '16-30D' WHEN (overduedate BETWEEN 31 AND 60) THEN 'M2' WHEN (overduedate > 60) THEN 'M3+' ELSE 'no_kwon' end yqfl from ( select c.duedate, c.duedate + 4 rcrq, c.REPAYTIME AS hkrq, c.dueprincipal amt, -(INTEREST + PAYFEE) AS lixi, OVERDUEFEE + PENALTY AS faxi, CASE WHEN (agentpartyid = '1014816000030982') THEN 'A1' WHEN (agentpartyid = '1014816000005443') THEN 'A2' WHEN (agentpartyid = '1014816000004520') THEN 'A3' ELSE 'A0' END AS agent, CASE WHEN (c.REPAYTIME IS NULL) THEN trunc(sysdate) - 1 - trunc(c.duedate) ELSE trunc(c.REPAYTIME) - trunc(c.duedate) END AS overduedate FROM dev_dw.F_LOANAGREEMENT a LEFT JOIN dev_dw.F_LOANACCOUNT b ON = b.idloanagreement left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule c on where a.idproduct<>21 ORDER BY c.REPAYTIME ) where overduedate>=4 ) where hkrq>=to_date(''' + time_bs + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and hkrq<to_date(''' + time_as + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') group by yqfl''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql, []): collection_list.append([time_str] + list(row)) collection_df = pd.DataFrame( collection_list, columns=['timecircle', 'categroy', 'collectamt', 'collecttimes']) day_list = collection_df['timecircle'].unique() middle_df = pd.DataFrame( { 'day': day_list, '4-15D_times': np.nan, '16-30D_times': np.nan, 'M2_times': np.nan, 'M3+_times': np.nan, '4-15D_amt': np.nan, '16-30D_amt': np.nan, 'M2_amt': np.nan, 'M3+_amt': np.nan }, columns=[ 'day', '4-15D_times', '16-30D_times', 'M2_times', 'M3+_times', '4-15D_amt', '16-30D_amt', 'M2_amt', 'M3+_amt' ]) for day, cate in zip(collection_df['timecircle'], collection_df['categroy']): collect_times = collection_df[(collection_df['timecircle'] == day) & ( collection_df['categroy'] == cate)]['collecttimes'].values[0] collect_amt = \ collection_df[(collection_df['timecircle'] == day) & (collection_df['categroy'] == cate)]['collectamt'].values[ 0] middle_df.ix[middle_df['day'] == day, cate + '_times'] = collect_times middle_df.ix[middle_df['day'] == day, cate + '_amt'] = collect_amt middle_df = middle_df.fillna(0) col = middle_df.columns[1:9] days = middle_df['day'] end_collect_df = middle_df[col].astype(float) end_collect_df.insert(0, 'day', days) all_times = end_collect_df['4-15D_times'] + end_collect_df['16-30D_times'] + end_collect_df['M2_times'] + \ end_collect_df['M3+_times'] all_amt = end_collect_df['4-15D_amt'] + end_collect_df[ '16-30D_amt'] + end_collect_df['M2_amt'] + end_collect_df['M3+_amt'] end_collect_df.insert(5, 'all_times', all_times) end_collect_df.insert(10, 'all_amt', all_amt) end_collect_df = end_collect_df.sort_values(by='day', ascending=1) return end_collect_df
def get_sameterm_df(): # 获取月份的最后一天 def getFirstDay_LastDay(year=None, month=None): """ :param year: 年份,默认是本年,可传int或str类型 :param month: 月份,默认是本月,可传int或str类型 :return: firstDay: 当月的第一天,datetime.date类型 lastDay: 当月的最后一天,datetime.date类型 """ if year: year = int(year) else: year = if month: month = int(month) else: month = # 获取当月第一天的星期和当月的总天数 firstDayWeekDay, monthRange = calendar.monthrange(year, month) # 获取当月的第一天 firstDay =, month=month, day=1) lastDay =, month=month, day=monthRange) return lastDay # 判断是否是闰年 def isYear(year): if (year % 4 == 0) & (year % 100 != 0): return 'yes' elif year % 400 == 0: return 'yes' else: return 'no' today = riqi = this_mon = pd.Period(today, freq='M') # 获取当月最后一天数据 lastday = getFirstDay_LastDay(year=this_mon.year, month=this_mon.month) overdue_mx = [] loan_amt = [] for i in range(12): month_time = this_mon - i last_month = this_mon - i - 1 last_month_first_s = "'" + str(last_month) + "-01" + "'" # print (last_month_first_s) last_month_last_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-01" + "'" # print (last_month_last_s) # 判断今天是否是当月最后一天 if == riqi: month_time_s = "'" + str( getFirstDay_LastDay(year=month_time.year, month=month_time.month)) + "'" elif isYear(month_time.year ) == 'yes' and month_time.month == 2 and riqi > 29: month_time_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-" + '29' + "'" elif isYear(month_time.year ) == 'no' and month_time.month == 2 and riqi > 28: month_time_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-" + '28' + "'" else: month_time_s = "'" + str(month_time) + "-" + str(riqi) + "'" sql_1 = ''' select to_char(to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm') as time, sum(b.dueprincipal) from dev_dw.f_loanagreement a left join dev_dw.f_loanrepayschedule b on where a.loanstatus in ('D','E','R','O') and a.idproduct in (6,12) and a.loantime>=to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.loantime<to_date(''' + last_month_last_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.duedate<to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and ( (a.repaytime is null and to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd')-a.duedate>=4) or (a.repaytime <to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and a.repaytime-a.duedate>=4) or (a.repaytime >to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date(''' + month_time_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd')-a.duedate>=4) ) ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_1, []): overdue_mx.append(row) sql_2 = ''' select to_char(to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm') as time, sum(loanamt) from dev_dw.f_loanagreement where loanstatus in ('D','E','R','O') and idproduct in (6,12) and loantime>=to_date(''' + last_month_first_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') and loantime<to_date(''' + last_month_last_s + ''','yyyy-mm-dd') ''' with session_scope(db_1) as session: for row1 in iselect_rows_by_sql(session, sql_2, []): loan_amt.append(row1) overdue_mx = pd.DataFrame(overdue_mx, columns=['日期', 'D4逾期金额']) loan_amt = pd.DataFrame(loan_amt, columns=['日期', '放款金额']) final_df = pd.merge(overdue_mx, loan_amt, on='日期', how='outer') return final_df