コード例 #1
ファイル: play.py プロジェクト: leonhart8/alpha_zero
    def ai_vs_ai(self, model_1, model_2, num_sim=50, verbose=False):
        Plays a game of tic tac toe between two AIs,
        :param model_1: keras model of the first AI
        :param model_2: keras model of the second AI
        :param num_sim: the number of simulations per MCTS
        :return: int, 0 if model 1 loses, 1 if it wins,
        # Initializing the game
        game = TicTacToe()

        # Initializing MCTS
        mcts = MCTS()

        # Getting the first player to go and the initial empty tic tac toe board state
        state, player = game.reset()

        if verbose:

        # If 1 human goes first else machine goes first
        first_to_go = np.random.randint(2)

        if first_to_go:
            ai_1, ai_2 = 1, -1
            ai_1, ai_2 = -1, 1

        while not game.is_terminal(state):
            if player == ai_1:
                if verbose:
                    print("Model 1 is currently making a choice")
                for _ in range(num_sim):
                    mcts.search(state, game, player, model_1)
                pi = mcts.best_policy(state, game, tau=0.01)
                action = np.random.choice(game.action_space(), p=pi)
                if verbose:
                    print("Model 2 is currently making a choice")
                for _ in range(num_sim):
                    mcts.search(state, game, player, model_2)
                pi = mcts.best_policy(state, game, tau=0.01)
                action = np.random.choice(game.action_space(), p=pi)
            state, player = game.step(state, action, player)

            if verbose:

        if verbose:
            if game.player_win(state, ai_1):
                print("ai 1 won !")
            elif game.player_win(state, ai_2):
                print("ai 2 won !")
                print("tie !")

        return game.player_win(state, ai_1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: play.py プロジェクト: leonhart8/alpha_zero
    def human_vs_ai(self, pathname, num_sim=50):
        Plays a game of tic tac toe between an AI trained by AlphaZero and a human player
        :param pathname: the path of the keras model to load and play against
        :param num_sim: number of MCTS simulation
        :return: None, it's just a game, have fun !
        # Initializing the game
        game = TicTacToe()

        # Initializing MCTS
        mcts = MCTS()

        # Loading the specified keras model
        model = keras.models.load_model(pathname)

        # Getting the first player to go and the initial empty tic tac toe board state
        state, player = game.reset()


        # If 1 human goes first else machine goes first
        first_to_go = np.random.randint(2)

        if first_to_go:
            human, ai = 1, -1
            human, ai = -1, 1

        while not game.is_terminal(state):
            if player == human:
                    "Your turn to choose, select a free slot on the board (integer between 1 and 9) with no piece on it"
                action = input()
                while not action.isdigit() or int(action) < 1 or int(
                        action) > 9 or not game.is_valid(
                            int(action) - 1):
                        "Invalid input, choose an integer between 1 and 9 and make sure to target a free cell"
                    action = input()
                action = int(action) - 1
                    "AI's turn, one must wonder what it's thinking right now ..."
                for _ in range(num_sim):
                    mcts.search(state, game, player, model)
                pi = mcts.best_policy(state, game, tau=0.01)
                action = np.random.choice(game.action_space(), p=pi)
            state, player = game.step(state, action, player)

        if game.player_win(state, human):
                "You beat AlphaZero ! Lee Sedol is very jealous right now ...")
        elif game.player_win(state, ai):
            print("You lost, the age of machines has now begun ...")
            print("Tie ! Human and machine are equal after all ... ?")