コード例 #1
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: 24king/tiddlyweb
def _check_and_validate_tiddler(environ, bag, tiddler):
    If the tiddler does not exist, check we have create
    in the bag. If the tiddler does exist, check we
    have edit. In either case, check ETag to be sure
    that if it is set, that it maches what is currently
    in the store.
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']
            revision = store.list_tiddler_revisions(tiddler)[0]
        except StoreMethodNotImplemented:
            # If list_tiddler_revisions is not implemented
            # we still need to check if the tiddler exists.
            # If it doesn't NoTiddlerError gets raised and
            # the except block below is run.
            test_tiddler = Tiddler(tiddler.title, tiddler.bag)
            revision = 1
        tiddler.revision = revision
        # These both next will raise exceptions if
        # the contraints don't match.
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'write')
        validate_tiddler_headers(environ, tiddler)
    except NoTiddlerError:
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'create')
        tiddler.revision = None
        incoming_etag = environ.get('HTTP_IF_MATCH', None)
        if incoming_etag and not (
                incoming_etag == _new_tiddler_etag(tiddler)):
            raise HTTP412('ETag incorrect for new tiddler')
コード例 #2
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: tup/tiddlyweb
def _put_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    The guts of putting a tiddler into the store.

    There's a fair bit of special handling done here
    depending on whether the tiddler already exists or
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

        bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
        _check_and_validate_tiddler(environ, bag, tiddler)

        user = environ['tiddlyweb.usersign']['name']
        if not user == 'GUEST':
            tiddler.modifier = user
        tiddler.modified = current_timestring()

            check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'accept')
        except (PermissionsError), exc:
            _validate_tiddler_content(environ, tiddler)

コード例 #3
ファイル: chronicle.py プロジェクト: interstar/tiddlyweb
def _post_tiddler_revisions(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    We have a list of revisions, put them in a new place.
    length, content_type = content_length_and_type(environ)

    if content_type != 'application/json':
        raise HTTP415('application/json required')

    # we need a matching etag in order to be able to do
    # this operation. This will raise exception if there
    # isn't a valid etag.
    _require_valid_etag_for_write(environ, tiddler)

    bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
    #  both create and write required for this action
    check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'create')
    check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'write')

    content = environ['wsgi.input'].read(int(length))

    _store_tiddler_revisions(environ, content, tiddler)

    response = [('Location', tiddler_url(environ, tiddler))]
    start_response("204 No Content", response)

    return []
コード例 #4
def _post_tiddler_revisions(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    We have a list of revisions, put them in a new place.
    length, content_type = content_length_and_type(environ)

    if content_type not in CHRONICLE_TYPES:
        raise HTTP415('application/vnd.tiddlyweb+json required')

    # we need a matching etag in order to be able to do
    # this operation. This will raise exception if there
    # isn't a valid etag.
    _require_valid_etag_for_write(environ, tiddler)

    bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
    #  both create and write required for this action
    check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'create')
    check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'write')

    content = environ['wsgi.input'].read(int(length))

    _store_tiddler_revisions(environ, content, tiddler)

    response = [('Location', tiddler_url(environ, tiddler))]
    start_response("204 No Content", response)

    return []
コード例 #5
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: kang2367/tiddlyweb
def _check_and_validate_tiddler(environ, bag, tiddler):
    If the tiddler does not exist, check we have create
    in the bag. If the tiddler does exist, check we
    have edit. In either case, check ETag to be sure
    that if it is set, that it maches what is currently
    in the store.
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']
            revision = store.list_tiddler_revisions(tiddler)[0]
        except StoreMethodNotImplemented:
            # If list_tiddler_revisions is not implemented
            # we still need to check if the tiddler exists.
            # If it doesn't NoTiddlerError gets raised and
            # the except block below is run.
            test_tiddler = Tiddler(tiddler.title, tiddler.bag)
            revision = 1
        tiddler.revision = revision
        # These both next will raise exceptions if
        # the contraints don't match.
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'write')
        validate_tiddler_headers(environ, tiddler)
    except NoTiddlerError:
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'create')
        tiddler.revision = None
        incoming_etag = environ.get('HTTP_IF_MATCH', None)
        if incoming_etag and not (
                incoming_etag == _new_tiddler_etag(tiddler)):
            raise HTTP412('ETag incorrect for new tiddler')
コード例 #6
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: 24king/tiddlyweb
def _send_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    Push a single tiddler out the network in the
    form of the chosen serialization.
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

    bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
    # this will raise 403 if constraint does not pass
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'read')
    except NoBagError as exc:
        raise HTTP404('%s not found, no bag %s, %s' %
                (tiddler.title, tiddler.bag, exc))

        tiddler = store.get(tiddler)
    except NoTiddlerError as exc:
        raise HTTP404('%s not found, %s' % (tiddler.title, exc))

    # this will raise 304
    # have to do this check after we read from the store because
    # we need the revision, which is sad
    last_modified, etag = validate_tiddler_headers(environ, tiddler)

    # make choices between binary or serialization
    content, mime_type, serialized = _get_tiddler_content(environ, tiddler)

    vary_header = ('Vary', 'Accept')
    cache_header = ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
    if CACHE_CONTROL_FIELD in tiddler.fields:
            cache_header = ('Cache-Control', 'max-age=%s'
                    % int(tiddler.fields[CACHE_CONTROL_FIELD]))
        except ValueError:
            pass  # if the value is not an int use default header

    # Add charset to pseudo_binary tiddler
    if not serialized and pseudo_binary(tiddler.type):
        mime_type = '%s; charset=UTF-8' % mime_type
    content_header = ('Content-Type', str(mime_type))

    response = [cache_header, content_header, vary_header]
    if last_modified:
    if etag:
    start_response('200 OK', response)

    if isinstance(content, basestring) or isinstance(content, bytes):
        return [content]
        return content
コード例 #7
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: kang2367/tiddlyweb
def _send_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    Push a single tiddler out the network in the
    form of the chosen serialization.
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

    bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
    # this will raise 403 if constraint does not pass
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'read')
    except NoBagError as exc:
        raise HTTP404('%s not found, no bag %s, %s' %
                (tiddler.title, tiddler.bag, exc))

        tiddler = store.get(tiddler)
    except NoTiddlerError as exc:
        raise HTTP404('%s not found, %s' % (tiddler.title, exc))

    # this will raise 304
    # have to do this check after we read from the store because
    # we need the revision, which is sad
    last_modified, etag = validate_tiddler_headers(environ, tiddler)

    # make choices between binary or serialization
    content, mime_type, serialized = _get_tiddler_content(environ, tiddler)

    vary_header = ('Vary', 'Accept')
    cache_header = ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
    if CACHE_CONTROL_FIELD in tiddler.fields:
            cache_header = ('Cache-Control', 'max-age=%s'
                    % int(tiddler.fields[CACHE_CONTROL_FIELD]))
        except ValueError:
            pass  # if the value is not an int use default header

    # Add charset to pseudo_binary tiddler
    if not serialized and pseudo_binary(tiddler.type):
        mime_type = '%s; charset=UTF-8' % mime_type
    content_header = ('Content-Type', str(mime_type))

    response = [cache_header, content_header, vary_header]
    if last_modified:
    if etag:
    start_response('200 OK', response)

    if isinstance(content, basestring) or isinstance(content, bytes):
        return [content]
        return content
コード例 #8
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: tup/tiddlyweb
def _send_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    Push a single tiddler out the network in the
    form of the chosen serialization.
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

    bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
    # this will raise 403 if constraint does not pass
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'read')
    except NoBagError, exc:
        raise HTTP404('%s not found, no bag %s, %s' %
                (tiddler.title, tiddler.bag, exc))
コード例 #9
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: tup/tiddlyweb
def _delete_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    The guts of deleting a tiddler from the store.
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

        tiddler = store.get(tiddler)
        validate_tiddler_headers(environ, tiddler)

        bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
        # this will raise 403 if constraint does not pass
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'delete')

    except NoTiddlerError, exc:
        raise HTTP404('%s not found, %s' % (tiddler.title, exc))
コード例 #10
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: interstar/tiddlyweb
def _put_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    The guts of putting a tiddler into the store.

    There's a fair bit of special handling done here
    depending on whether the tiddler already exists or
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

        bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
        _check_and_validate_tiddler(environ, bag, tiddler)

        user = environ['tiddlyweb.usersign']['name']
        if not user == 'GUEST':
            tiddler.modifier = user
        tiddler.modified = current_timestring()

            check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'accept')
        except (PermissionsError) as exc:
            _validate_tiddler_content(environ, tiddler)

    except NoBagError as exc:
        raise HTTP409("Unable to put tiddler, %s. There is no bag named: "
                "%s (%s). Create the bag." %
                (tiddler.title, tiddler.bag, exc))
    except NoTiddlerError as exc:
        raise HTTP404('Unable to put tiddler, %s. %s' % (tiddler.title, exc))
    except TypeError as exc:
        raise HTTP409('Unable to put badly formed tiddler, %s:%s. %s'
                % (tiddler.bag, tiddler.title, exc))

    etag = ('ETag', tiddler_etag(environ, tiddler))
    response = [('Location', tiddler_url(environ, tiddler))]
    if etag:
    start_response("204 No Content", response)

    return []
コード例 #11
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: kang2367/tiddlyweb
def _delete_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    The guts of deleting a tiddler from the store.
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

        tiddler = store.get(tiddler)
        validate_tiddler_headers(environ, tiddler)

        bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
        # this will raise 403 if constraint does not pass
        check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'delete')

    except NoTiddlerError as exc:
        raise HTTP404('%s not found, %s' % (tiddler.title, exc))

    start_response("204 No Content", [])
    return []
コード例 #12
ファイル: tiddler.py プロジェクト: kang2367/tiddlyweb
def _put_tiddler(environ, start_response, tiddler):
    The guts of putting a tiddler into the store.

    There's a fair bit of special handling done here
    depending on whether the tiddler already exists or
    store = environ['tiddlyweb.store']

        bag = Bag(tiddler.bag)
        _check_and_validate_tiddler(environ, bag, tiddler)

        user = environ['tiddlyweb.usersign']['name']
        tiddler.modifier = user
        tiddler.modified = current_timestring()

            check_bag_constraint(environ, bag, 'accept')
        except (PermissionsError):
            _validate_tiddler_content(environ, tiddler)

    except NoBagError as exc:
        raise HTTP409("Unable to put tiddler, %s. There is no bag named: "
                "%s (%s). Create the bag." %
                (tiddler.title, tiddler.bag, exc))
    except NoTiddlerError as exc:
        raise HTTP404('Unable to put tiddler, %s. %s' % (tiddler.title, exc))
    except TypeError as exc:
        raise HTTP409('Unable to put badly formed tiddler, %s:%s. %s'
                % (tiddler.bag, tiddler.title, exc))

    etag = ('ETag', tiddler_etag(environ, tiddler))
    response = [('Location', tiddler_url(environ, tiddler))]
    if etag:
    start_response("204 No Content", response)

    return []
コード例 #13
def _readable(environ, bag_name):
        check_bag_constraint(environ, Bag(bag_name), 'read')
        return True
    except PermissionsError:
        return False