コード例 #1
def _get_test_data(exch_test):
    print('Test data set #%s' % exch_test)

    start_exch = read_yaml_file(_get_test_file_name(exch_test, 'start_exch'))
    finish_exch = read_yaml_file(_get_test_file_name(exch_test, 'finish_exch'))
    merge_exch = read_yaml_file(_get_test_file_name(exch_test, 'merge_exch'))

    return ExchangesCollection.create_from_log_data(start_exch, finish_exch, merge_exch)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_runner.py プロジェクト: mshonichev/tiden_pkg
def test_runner_skipped_configurations(with_dec_classpath, local_config, tmpdir, mock_pm):
    Test configurations correctly passed to TestRail report for skipped tests
    var_dir = _ensure_var_dir(tmpdir)
    xunit_file = _ensure_xunit_file_empty(var_dir)
    testrail_report_file = _ensure_tr_report_file_empty(var_dir)

    suite_var_dir = str(var_dir.mkdir('suite-mock'))
    config_path = str(var_dir.join('config.yaml'))
    source = 'mock_test_module_with_test_configuration'
    suite = 'mock'
    module_name = 'suites.%s.%s.MockTestModuleWithTestConfiguration' % (suite, source)
    test_prefix = module_name + '.'

    config = deepcopy(local_config)

        'artifacts': {},
        # 'attrib': 'test_runner',
        # 'attr_match': 'any',
        'suite_var_dir': suite_var_dir,
        'suite_dir': join(dirname(__file__), 'res', 'decorators', 'suites'),
        'remote': {
            'suite_var_dir': suite_var_dir,
        'config_path': config_path,
        'zookeeper_enabled': False,
        'pitr_enabled': False,
        'compaction_enabled': True,

    ssh_pool = LocalPool(local_config['ssh'])
    test_module_source_file_name = '%s/%s/%s.py' % (config['suite_dir'], suite, source)

    modules = {
        '%s.%s' % (suite, source): {
            'path': test_module_source_file_name,
            'module_short_name': source,
    test_configuration = '(pitr_enabled=false, compaction_enabled=true, zookeeper_enabled=false)'
    expected_configuration_options = ['pitr_enabled', 'compaction_enabled', 'zookeeper_enabled']
    expected_result = {
            {'status': 'pass', 'type': None, 'message': None},
            {'status': 'skipped', 'type': 'skipped cause of config.zookeeper_enabled is False', 'message': None},

    expected_statuses_count = {'pass': 1,
                               'fail': 0,
                               'error': 0,
                               'skip': 1,
                               'total': len(expected_result)}

    from tiden.tidenfabric import TidenFabric
    tr = TidenRunner(config, modules=modules, ssh_pool=ssh_pool, plugin_manager=mock_pm, xunit_path=xunit_file)
    res = tr.get_tests_results()
    res.create_testrail_report(config, report_file=basename(testrail_report_file))
    _tests = res.get_tests()

    # validate raw test results
    assert len(_tests) == len(expected_result)

    for test_to_check in expected_result.keys():
        status, error_type, message, test_name = res.get_test_details('{}{}{}'.format(test_prefix, test_to_check, test_configuration))
        assert expected_result[test_to_check].get('status') == status
        assert expected_result[test_to_check].get('type') == error_type
        if expected_result[test_to_check].get('message') is None:
            assert message is None
            assert expected_result[test_to_check].get('message') == message \
                   or expected_result[test_to_check].get('message') in message

    for status, count in expected_statuses_count.items():
        assert res.get_tests_num(status) == count

    # validate generated TestRail .yaml report
    tr_report = read_yaml_file(testrail_report_file)
    assert type({}) == type(tr_report)
    assert len(_tests) == len(tr_report)
    for test_run, test in tr_report.items():
        assert 'suite_run_id' in test
        assert 'test_run_id' in test
        assert test_run == test['test_run_id']
        assert 'module' in test
        assert test['module'] == module_name
        assert 'test_configuration_options' in test
        assert expected_configuration_options == test['test_configuration_options']
        assert 'function' in test
        assert test['function'] in expected_result.keys()
        expected_test_result = expected_result[test['function']]
        expected_status = res.util_status_to_testrail_status(expected_test_result['status'])
        assert 'last_status' in test
        assert expected_status == test['last_status']

        # a test message will be either in 'message' or 'type' if 'message' is None
        assert 'asserts' in test
        assert type([]) == type(test['asserts'])

        # currently Tiden generates only one assert per test
        assert len(test['asserts']) == 1
        assert type({}) == type(test['asserts'][0])
        assert 'status' in test['asserts'][0]
        assert expected_status == test['asserts'][0]['status']

        expected_assert_message = expected_test_result['message'] if expected_test_result['message'] is not None else \
        if expected_assert_message is not None:
            assert res.util_filter_escape_seqs(expected_assert_message) in test['asserts'][0]['message']

    # check all test run id's are unique
    test_run_ids = [test['test_run_id'] for test in tr_report.values()]
    assert len(test_run_ids) == len(set(test_run_ids))

    # check all suite run id is the same
    suite_run_ids = set([test['suite_run_id'] for test in tr_report.values()])
    assert 1 == len(suite_run_ids)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_runner.py プロジェクト: mshonichev/tiden_pkg
def test_runner_basic(with_dec_classpath, local_config, tmpdir, mock_pm):
    Just test that after TidenRunner execution we've got correct test results ans correct exceptions in the
    failed tests.
    var_dir = _ensure_var_dir(tmpdir)
    xunit_file = _ensure_xunit_file_empty(var_dir)
    testrail_report_file = _ensure_tr_report_file_empty(var_dir)

    suite_var_dir = str(var_dir.mkdir('suite-mock'))
    config_path = str(var_dir.join('config.yaml'))
    suite = 'mock3'
    module_short_name = 'mock_test_module_with_exceptions'
    module_class_name = 'MockTestModuleWithExceptions'
    module_name = 'suites.%s.%s.%s' % (suite, module_short_name, module_class_name)
    test_prefix = module_name + '.'

    config = deepcopy(local_config)

        'artifacts': {},
        'attrib': 'test_runner',
        'attr_match': 'any',
        'suite_var_dir': suite_var_dir,
        'suite_dir': join(dirname(__file__), 'res', 'decorators', 'suites'),
        'remote': {
            'suite_var_dir': suite_var_dir,
        'config_path': config_path,

    ssh_pool = LocalPool(local_config['ssh'])
    test_module_source_file_name = '%s/%s/%s.py' % (config['suite_dir'], suite, module_short_name)

    modules = {
        '%s.%s' % (suite, module_short_name): {
            'path': test_module_source_file_name,
            'module_short_name': module_short_name,
    expected_result = {
            {'status': 'pass', 'type': None, 'message': None},
            {'status': 'pass', 'type': None, 'message': 'WOO-HOO'},
            {'status': 'fail', 'type': 'TidenException', 'message': 'TidenException(\'Fake exception in test\')'},
            {'status': 'skipped',
             'type': 'skipped cause of expression evaluates to False at %s:45' % test_module_source_file_name,
             'message': None},
            {'status': 'skipped_no_start',
             'type': 'skipped cause of attrib mismatch',
             'message': None},
            {'status': 'fail', 'type': 'TidenException', 'message': 'TidenException(\'Exception in test setup\')'},
            {'status': 'pass', 'type': None, 'message': None},
            {'status': 'fail', 'type': 'TidenException', 'message': 'TidenException(\'Fake exception in test\')'},
            {'status': 'error', 'type': 'OSError', 'message': 'IOError(\'Fake IO exception in test\')'},

    expected_statuses_count = {'pass': 3,
                               'fail': 3,
                               'error': 1,
                               'skip': 2,
                               'total': len(expected_result)}

    tr = TidenRunner(config, modules=modules, ssh_pool=ssh_pool, plugin_manager=mock_pm, xunit_path=xunit_file)
    res = tr.get_tests_results()
    _tests = res.get_tests()

    # validate raw test results
    assert len(_tests) == len(expected_result)

    for test_to_check in expected_result.keys():
        status, error_type, message, test_name = res.get_test_details('{}{}'.format(test_prefix, test_to_check))
        assert expected_result[test_to_check].get('status') == status
        assert expected_result[test_to_check].get('type') == error_type
        if expected_result[test_to_check].get('message') is None:
            assert message is None
            assert expected_result[test_to_check].get('message') == message \
                   or expected_result[test_to_check].get('message') in message

    for status, count in expected_statuses_count.items():
        assert res.get_tests_num(status) == count

    # validate generated TestRail .yaml report
    res.create_testrail_report(config, report_file=basename(testrail_report_file))
    tr_report = read_yaml_file(testrail_report_file)
    assert type({}) == type(tr_report)
    assert len(_tests) == len(tr_report)
    for test_run, test in tr_report.items():
        assert 'suite_run_id' in test
        assert 'test_run_id' in test
        assert test_run == test['test_run_id']
        assert 'module' in test
        assert test['module'] == module_name
        assert 'test_configuration_options' in test
        assert [] == test['test_configuration_options']
        assert 'function' in test
        assert test['function'] in expected_result.keys()
        expected_test_result = expected_result[test['function']]
        expected_status = res.util_status_to_testrail_status(expected_test_result['status'])
        assert 'last_status' in test
        assert expected_status == test['last_status']

        # a test message will be either in 'message' or 'type' if 'message' is None
        assert 'asserts' in test
        assert type([]) == type(test['asserts'])

        # currently Tiden generates only one assert per test
        assert len(test['asserts']) == 1
        assert type({}) == type(test['asserts'][0])
        assert 'status' in test['asserts'][0]
        assert expected_status == test['asserts'][0]['status']

        expected_assert_message = expected_test_result['message'] if expected_test_result['message'] is not None else \
        if expected_assert_message is not None:
            assert res.util_filter_escape_seqs(expected_assert_message) in test['asserts'][0]['message']

    # check all test run id's are unique
    test_run_ids = [test['test_run_id'] for test in tr_report.values()]
    assert len(test_run_ids) == len(set(test_run_ids))

    # check all suite run id is the same
    suite_run_ids = set([test['suite_run_id'] for test in tr_report.values()])
    assert 1 == len(suite_run_ids)