コード例 #1
ファイル: tilesetdock.py プロジェクト: theall/Python-Tiled
    def updateCurrentTiles(self):
        view = self.currentTilesetView()
        if (not view):
        s = view.selectionModel()
        if (not s):
        indexes = s.selection().indexes()
        if len(indexes) == 0:
        first = indexes[0]
        minX = first.column()
        maxX = first.column()
        minY = first.row()
        maxY = first.row()
        for index in indexes:
            if minX > index.column():
                minX = index.column()
            if maxX < index.column():
                maxX = index.column()
            if minY > index.row():
                minY = index.row()
            if maxY < index.row():
                maxY = index.row()

        # Create a tile layer from the current selection
        tileLayer = TileLayer(QString(), 0, 0, maxX - minX + 1,
                              maxY - minY + 1)
        model = view.tilesetModel()
        for index in indexes:
            tileLayer.setCell(index.column() - minX,
                              index.row() - minY, Cell(model.tileAt(index)))

コード例 #2
    def read(self, fileName):
        uncompressed = QByteArray()
        # Read data
        f = QFile(fileName)
        if (f.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly)):
            compressed = f.readAll()
            uncompressed, length = decompress(compressed, 48 * 48)

        # Check the data
        if (uncompressed.count() != 48 * 48):
            self.mError = self.tr("This is not a valid Droidcraft map file!")
            return None

        uncompressed = uncompressed.data()
        # Build 48 x 48 map
        # Create a Map -> Create a Tileset -> Add Tileset to map
        # -> Create a TileLayer -> Fill layer -> Add TileLayer to Map
        map = Map(Map.Orientation.Orthogonal, 48, 48, 32, 32)
        mapTileset = Tileset.create("tileset", 32, 32)
        mapTileset.loadFromImage(QImage(":/tileset.png"), "tileset.png")
        # Fill layer
        mapLayer = TileLayer("map", 0, 0, 48, 48)
        # Load
        for i in range(0, 48 * 48):
            tileFile = int(uncompressed[i]) & 0xff
            y = int(i / 48)
            x = i - (48 * y)
            tile = mapTileset.tileAt(tileFile)
            mapLayer.setCell(x, y, Cell(tile))

        return map
コード例 #3
 def createNewMapObject(self):
     if (not self.mTile):
         return None
     newMapObject = MapObject()
     return newMapObject
コード例 #4
ファイル: tilepainter.py プロジェクト: theall/Python-Tiled
 def cellAt(self, *args):
     l = len(args)
     if l==1:
         pos = args[0]
         return self.cellAt(pos.x(), pos.y())
     elif l==2:
         x, y = args
         layerX = x - self.mTileLayer.x()
         layerY = y - self.mTileLayer.y()
         if (not self.mTileLayer.contains(layerX, layerY)):
             return Cell()
         return self.mTileLayer.cellAt(layerX, layerY)
コード例 #5
    def gidToCell(self, gid):
        result = Cell()
        # Read out the flags
        result.flippedHorizontally = (gid & FlippedHorizontallyFlag)
        result.flippedVertically = (gid & FlippedVerticallyFlag)
        result.flippedAntiDiagonally = (gid & FlippedAntiDiagonallyFlag)
        # Clear the flags
        gid &= ~(FlippedHorizontallyFlag |
                 FlippedVerticallyFlag |
        if (gid == 0):
            ok = True
        elif (self.isEmpty()):
            ok = False
            # Find the tileset containing this tile
            index = self.mFirstGidToTileset.upperBound(gid)
            if index==0:
                ok = False
                item = self.mFirstGidToTileset.itemByIndex(index-1)
                # Navigate one tileset back since upper bound finds the next
                tileId = gid - item[0]
                tileset = item[1]

                columnCount = self.mTilesetColumnCounts.value(tileset, 0)
                if (columnCount > 0 and columnCount != tileset.columnCount()):
                    # Correct tile index for changes in image width
                    row = int(tileId / columnCount)
                    column = int(tileId % columnCount)
                    tileId = row * tileset.columnCount() + column
                result.tile = tileset.tileAt(tileId)
                ok = True

        return result, ok
コード例 #6
ファイル: mapobject.py プロジェクト: theall/Python-Tiled
    def __init__(self, *args):

        self.mPolygon = QPolygonF()
        self.mName = QString()
        self.mPos = QPointF()
        self.mCell = Cell()
        self.mType = QString()
        self.mId = 0
        self.mShape = MapObject.Rectangle
        self.mObjectGroup = None
        self.mRotation = 0.0
        self.mVisible = True

        l = len(args)
        if l == 0:
            self.mSize = QSizeF(0, 0)
        elif l == 4:
            name, _type, pos, size = args

            self.mName = name
            self.mType = _type
            self.mPos = pos
            self.mSize = QSizeF(size)
コード例 #7
    def setTile(self, tile):
        if type(tile) == list:
            tile = tile[0]
        if (self.mTile == tile):
        self.mTile = tile
        previousDocument = self.mMapScene.mapDocument()
        if (tile):
            self.mMapView.setEnabled(not self.mTile.tileset().isExternal())
            map = Map(Map.Orientation.Orthogonal, 1, 1, tile.width(),
            tileLayer = TileLayer(QString(), 0, 0, 1, 1)
            tileLayer.setCell(0, 0, Cell(tile))
            objectGroup = None
            if (tile.objectGroup()):
                objectGroup = tile.objectGroup().clone()
                objectGroup = ObjectGroup()
            mapDocument = MapDocument(map)

        if (previousDocument):
            del previousDocument
コード例 #8
ファイル: mapobject.py プロジェクト: theall/Python-Tiled
    def __init__(self, *args):

        self.mPolygon = QPolygonF()
        self.mName = QString()
        self.mPos = QPointF()
        self.mCell = Cell()
        self.mType = QString()
        self.mId = 0
        self.mShape = MapObject.Rectangle
        self.mObjectGroup = None
        self.mRotation = 0.0
        self.mVisible = True

        l = len(args)
        if l==0:
            self.mSize = QSizeF(0, 0)
        elif l==4:
            name, _type, pos, size = args

            self.mName = name
            self.mType = _type
            self.mPos = pos
            self.mSize = QSizeF(size)
コード例 #9
ファイル: mapobject.py プロジェクト: theall/Python-Tiled
class MapObject(Object):
    # Enumerates the different object shapes. Rectangle is the default shape.
    # When a polygon is set, the shape determines whether it should be
    # interpreted as a filled polygon or a line.
    Rectangle, Polygon, Polyline, Ellipse = range(4)

    def __init__(self, *args):

        self.mPolygon = QPolygonF()
        self.mName = QString()
        self.mPos = QPointF()
        self.mCell = Cell()
        self.mType = QString()
        self.mId = 0
        self.mShape = MapObject.Rectangle
        self.mObjectGroup = None
        self.mRotation = 0.0
        self.mVisible = True

        l = len(args)
        if l==0:
            self.mSize = QSizeF(0, 0)
        elif l==4:
            name, _type, pos, size = args

            self.mName = name
            self.mType = _type
            self.mPos = pos
            self.mSize = QSizeF(size)

    # Returns the id of this object. Each object gets an id assigned that is
    # unique for the map the object is on.
    def id(self):
        return self.mId

    # Sets the id of this object.
    def setId(self, id):
        self.mId = id

    # Returns the name of this object. The name is usually just used for
    # identification of the object in the editor.
    def name(self):
        return self.mName

    # Sets the name of this object.
    def setName(self, name):
        self.mName = name

    # Returns the type of this object. The type usually says something about
    # how the object is meant to be interpreted by the engine.
    def type(self):
        return self.mType

    # Sets the type of this object.
    def setType(self, type):
        self.mType = type

    # Returns the position of this object.
    def position(self):
        return QPointF(self.mPos)

    # Sets the position of this object.
    def setPosition(self, pos):
        self.mPos = pos

    # Returns the x position of this object.
    def x(self):
        return self.mPos.x()

    # Sets the x position of this object.
    def setX(self, x):

    # Returns the y position of this object.
    def y(self):
        return self.mPos.y()

    # Sets the x position of this object.
    def setY(self, y):

    # Returns the size of this object.
    def size(self):
        return self.mSize

    # Sets the size of this object.
    def setSize(self, *args):
        l = len(args)
        if l==1:
            size = args[0]
            self.mSize = QSizeF(size)
        elif l==2:
            width, height = args
            self.setSize(QSizeF(width, height))

    # Returns the width of this object.
    def width(self):
        return self.mSize.width()

    # Sets the width of this object.
    def setWidth(self, width):

    # Returns the height of this object.
    def height(self):
        return self.mSize.height()

    # Sets the height of this object.
    def setHeight(self, height):

    # Sets the polygon associated with this object. The polygon is only used
    # when the object shape is set to either Polygon or Polyline.
    # \sa setShape()
    def setPolygon(self, polygon):
        self.mPolygon = polygon

    # Returns the polygon associated with this object. Returns an empty
    # polygon when no polygon is associated with this object.
    def polygon(self):
        return QPolygonF(self.mPolygon)

    # Sets the shape of the object.
    def setShape(self, shape):
        self.mShape = shape

    # Returns the shape of the object.
    def shape(self):
        return self.mShape

    # Shortcut to getting a QRectF from position() and size().
    def bounds(self):
        return QRectF(self.mPos, self.mSize)

    # Shortcut to getting a QRectF from position() and size() that uses cell tile if present.
    def boundsUseTile(self):
        if (self.mCell.isEmpty()):
            # No tile so just use regular bounds
            return self.bounds()

        # Using the tile for determing boundary
        # Note the position given is the bottom-left corner so correct for that
        return QRectF(QPointF(self.mPos.x(),
                              self.mPos.y() - self.mCell.tile.height()),

    # Sets the tile that is associated with this object. The object will
    # display as the tile image.
    # \warning The object shape is ignored for tile objects!
    def setCell(self, cell):
        self.mCell = cell

    # Returns the tile associated with this object.
    def cell(self):
        return self.mCell

    # Returns the object group this object belongs to.
    def objectGroup(self):
        return self.mObjectGroup

    # Sets the object group this object belongs to. Should only be called
    # from the ObjectGroup class.
    def setObjectGroup(self, objectGroup):
        self.mObjectGroup = objectGroup

    # Returns the rotation of the object in degrees.
    def rotation(self):
        return self.mRotation

    # Sets the rotation of the object in degrees.
    def setRotation(self, rotation):
        self.mRotation = rotation

    # This is somewhat of a workaround for dealing with the ways different objects
    # align.
    # Traditional rectangle objects have top-left alignment.
    # Tile objects have bottom-left alignment on orthogonal maps, but
    # bottom-center alignment on isometric maps.
    # Eventually, the object alignment should probably be configurable. For
    # backwards compatibility, it will need to be configurable on a per-object
    # level.
    def alignment(self):
        if (self.mCell.isEmpty()):
            return Alignment.TopLeft
        elif (self.mObjectGroup):
            map = self.mObjectGroup.map()
            if map:
                if (map.orientation() == Map.Orientation.Isometric):
                    return Alignment.Bottom

        return Alignment.BottomLeft

    def isVisible(self):
        return self.mVisible
    def setVisible(self, visible):
        self.mVisible = visible

    # Flip this object in the given \a direction. This doesn't change the size
    # of the object.
    def flip(self, direction):
        if (not self.mCell.isEmpty()):
            if (direction == FlipDirection.FlipHorizontally):
                self.mCell.flippedHorizontally = not self.mCell.flippedHorizontally
            elif (direction == FlipDirection.FlipVertically):
                self.mCell.flippedVertically = not self.mCell.flippedVertically

        if (not self.mPolygon.isEmpty()):
            center2 = self.mPolygon.boundingRect().center() * 2
            if (direction == FlipDirection.FlipHorizontally):
                for i in range(self.mPolygon.size()):
                    # oh, QPointF mPolygon returned is a copy of internal object
                    self.mPolygon[i] = QPointF(center2.x() - self.mPolygon[i].x(), self.mPolygon[i].y())
            elif (direction == FlipDirection.FlipVertically):
                for i in range(self.mPolygon.size()):
                    self.mPolygon[i] = QPointF(self.mPolygon[i].x(), center2.y() - self.mPolygon[i].y())

    # Returns a duplicate of this object. The caller is responsible for the
    # ownership of this newly created object.
    def clone(self):
        o = MapObject(self.mName, self.mType, self.mPos, self.mSize)
        return o
コード例 #10
    def updateBrush(self, cursorPos, _list=None):
        # get the current tile layer
        currentLayer = self.currentTileLayer()
        layerWidth = currentLayer.width()
        layerHeight = currentLayer.height()
        numTiles = layerWidth * layerHeight
        paintCorner = 0
        # if we are in vertex paint mode, the bottom right corner on the map will appear as an invalid tile offset...
        if (self.mBrushMode == BrushMode.PaintVertex):
            if (cursorPos.x() == layerWidth):
                cursorPos.setX(cursorPos.x() - 1)
                paintCorner |= 1

            if (cursorPos.y() == layerHeight):
                cursorPos.setY(cursorPos.y() - 1)
                paintCorner |= 2

        # if the cursor is outside of the map, bail out
        if (not currentLayer.bounds().contains(cursorPos)):
        terrainTileset = None
        terrainId = -1
        if (self.mTerrain):
            terrainTileset = self.mTerrain.tileset()
            terrainId = self.mTerrain.id()

        # allocate a buffer to build the terrain tilemap (TODO: this could be retained per layer to save regular allocation)
        newTerrain = []
        for i in range(numTiles):

        # allocate a buffer of flags for each tile that may be considered (TODO: this could be retained per layer to save regular allocation)
        checked = array('B')
        for i in range(numTiles):
        # create a consideration list, and push the start points
        transitionList = QList()
        initialTiles = 0
        if (_list):
            # if we were supplied a list of start points
            for p in _list:
                initialTiles += 1

            initialTiles = 1

        brushRect = QRect(cursorPos, cursorPos)
        # produce terrain with transitions using a simple, relative naive approach (considers each tile once, and doesn't allow re-consideration if selection was bad)
        while (not transitionList.isEmpty()):
            # get the next point in the consideration list
            p = transitionList.takeFirst()
            x = p.x()
            y = p.y()
            i = y * layerWidth + x
            # if we have already considered this point, skip to the next
            # TODO: we might want to allow re-consideration if prior tiles... but not for now, this would risk infinite loops
            if (checked[i]):
            tile = currentLayer.cellAt(p).tile
            currentTerrain = terrain(tile)
            # get the tileset for this tile
            tileset = None
            if (terrainTileset):
                # if we are painting a terrain, then we'll use the terrains tileset
                tileset = terrainTileset
            elif (tile):
                # if we're erasing terrain, use the individual tiles tileset (to search for transitions)
                tileset = tile.tileset()
                # no tile here and we're erasing terrain, not much we can do

            # calculate the ideal tile for this position
            preferredTerrain = 0xFFFFFFFF
            mask = 0
            if (initialTiles):
                # for the initial tiles, we will insert the selected terrain and add the surroundings for consideration
                if (self.mBrushMode == BrushMode.PaintTile):
                    # set the whole tile to the selected terrain
                    preferredTerrain = makeTerrain(terrainId)
                    mask = 0xFFFFFFFF
                    # Bail out if encountering a tile from a different tileset
                    if (tile and tile.tileset() != tileset):
                    # calculate the corner mask
                    mask = 0xFF << (3 - paintCorner) * 8
                    # mask in the selected terrain
                    preferredTerrain = (currentTerrain
                                        & ~mask) | (terrainId <<
                                                    (3 - paintCorner) * 8)

                initialTiles -= 1
                # if there's nothing to paint... skip this tile
                if (preferredTerrain == currentTerrain
                        and (not tile or tile.tileset() == tileset)):
                # Bail out if encountering a tile from a different tileset
                if (tile and tile.tileset() != tileset):
                # following tiles each need consideration against their surroundings
                preferredTerrain = currentTerrain
                mask = 0
                # depending which connections have been set, we update the preferred terrain of the tile accordingly
                if (y > 0 and checked[i - layerWidth]):
                    preferredTerrain = (
                        (terrain(newTerrain[i - layerWidth]) << 16) |
                        (preferredTerrain & 0x0000FFFF)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
                    mask |= 0xFFFF0000

                if (y < layerHeight - 1 and checked[i + layerWidth]):
                    preferredTerrain = (
                        (terrain(newTerrain[i + layerWidth]) >> 16) |
                        (preferredTerrain & 0xFFFF0000)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
                    mask |= 0x0000FFFF

                if (x > 0 and checked[i - 1]):
                    preferredTerrain = (
                        ((terrain(newTerrain[i - 1]) << 8) & 0xFF00FF00) |
                        (preferredTerrain & 0x00FF00FF)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
                    mask |= 0xFF00FF00

                if (x < layerWidth - 1 and checked[i + 1]):
                    preferredTerrain = (
                        ((terrain(newTerrain[i + 1]) >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) |
                        (preferredTerrain & 0xFF00FF00)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
                    mask |= 0x00FF00FF

            # find the most appropriate tile in the tileset
            paste = None
            if (preferredTerrain != 0xFFFFFFFF):
                paste = findBestTile(tileset, preferredTerrain, mask)
                if (not paste):

            # add tile to the brush
            newTerrain[i] = paste
            checked[i] = True
            # expand the brush rect to fit the edit set
            brushRect |= QRect(p, p)
            # consider surrounding tiles if terrain constraints were not satisfied
            if (y > 0 and not checked[i - layerWidth]):
                above = currentLayer.cellAt(x, y - 1).tile
                if (topEdge(paste) != bottomEdge(above)):
                    transitionList.append(QPoint(x, y - 1))

            if (y < layerHeight - 1 and not checked[i + layerWidth]):
                below = currentLayer.cellAt(x, y + 1).tile
                if (bottomEdge(paste) != topEdge(below)):
                    transitionList.append(QPoint(x, y + 1))

            if (x > 0 and not checked[i - 1]):
                left = currentLayer.cellAt(x - 1, y).tile
                if (leftEdge(paste) != rightEdge(left)):
                    transitionList.append(QPoint(x - 1, y))

            if (x < layerWidth - 1 and not checked[i + 1]):
                right = currentLayer.cellAt(x + 1, y).tile
                if (rightEdge(paste) != leftEdge(right)):
                    transitionList.append(QPoint(x + 1, y))

        # create a stamp for the terrain block
        stamp = TileLayer(QString(), brushRect.left(), brushRect.top(),
                          brushRect.width(), brushRect.height())
        for y in range(brushRect.top(), brushRect.bottom() + 1):
            for x in range(brushRect.left(), brushRect.right() + 1):
                i = y * layerWidth + x
                if (not checked[i]):
                tile = newTerrain[i]
                if (tile):
                    stamp.setCell(x - brushRect.left(), y - brushRect.top(),
                    # TODO: we need to do something to erase tiles where checked[i] is True, and newTerrain[i] is NULL
                    # is there an eraser stamp? investigate how the eraser works...

        # set the new tile layer as the brush
        del checked
        del newTerrain
        self.mPaintX = cursorPos.x()
        self.mPaintY = cursorPos.y()
        self.mOffsetX = cursorPos.x() - brushRect.left()
        self.mOffsetY = cursorPos.y() - brushRect.top()
コード例 #11
ファイル: mapobject.py プロジェクト: theall/Python-Tiled
class MapObject(Object):
    # Enumerates the different object shapes. Rectangle is the default shape.
    # When a polygon is set, the shape determines whether it should be
    # interpreted as a filled polygon or a line.
    Rectangle, Polygon, Polyline, Ellipse = range(4)

    def __init__(self, *args):

        self.mPolygon = QPolygonF()
        self.mName = QString()
        self.mPos = QPointF()
        self.mCell = Cell()
        self.mType = QString()
        self.mId = 0
        self.mShape = MapObject.Rectangle
        self.mObjectGroup = None
        self.mRotation = 0.0
        self.mVisible = True

        l = len(args)
        if l == 0:
            self.mSize = QSizeF(0, 0)
        elif l == 4:
            name, _type, pos, size = args

            self.mName = name
            self.mType = _type
            self.mPos = pos
            self.mSize = QSizeF(size)

    # Returns the id of this object. Each object gets an id assigned that is
    # unique for the map the object is on.
    def id(self):
        return self.mId

    # Sets the id of this object.
    def setId(self, id):
        self.mId = id

    # Returns the name of this object. The name is usually just used for
    # identification of the object in the editor.
    def name(self):
        return self.mName

    # Sets the name of this object.
    def setName(self, name):
        self.mName = name

    # Returns the type of this object. The type usually says something about
    # how the object is meant to be interpreted by the engine.
    def type(self):
        return self.mType

    # Sets the type of this object.
    def setType(self, type):
        self.mType = type

    # Returns the position of this object.
    def position(self):
        return QPointF(self.mPos)

    # Sets the position of this object.
    def setPosition(self, pos):
        self.mPos = pos

    # Returns the x position of this object.
    def x(self):
        return self.mPos.x()

    # Sets the x position of this object.
    def setX(self, x):

    # Returns the y position of this object.
    def y(self):
        return self.mPos.y()

    # Sets the x position of this object.
    def setY(self, y):

    # Returns the size of this object.
    def size(self):
        return self.mSize

    # Sets the size of this object.
    def setSize(self, *args):
        l = len(args)
        if l == 1:
            size = args[0]
            self.mSize = QSizeF(size)
        elif l == 2:
            width, height = args
            self.setSize(QSizeF(width, height))

    # Returns the width of this object.
    def width(self):
        return self.mSize.width()

    # Sets the width of this object.
    def setWidth(self, width):

    # Returns the height of this object.
    def height(self):
        return self.mSize.height()

    # Sets the height of this object.
    def setHeight(self, height):

    # Sets the polygon associated with this object. The polygon is only used
    # when the object shape is set to either Polygon or Polyline.
    # \sa setShape()
    def setPolygon(self, polygon):
        self.mPolygon = polygon

    # Returns the polygon associated with this object. Returns an empty
    # polygon when no polygon is associated with this object.
    def polygon(self):
        return QPolygonF(self.mPolygon)

    # Sets the shape of the object.
    def setShape(self, shape):
        self.mShape = shape

    # Returns the shape of the object.
    def shape(self):
        return self.mShape

    # Shortcut to getting a QRectF from position() and size().
    def bounds(self):
        return QRectF(self.mPos, self.mSize)

    # Shortcut to getting a QRectF from position() and size() that uses cell tile if present.
    def boundsUseTile(self):
        if (self.mCell.isEmpty()):
            # No tile so just use regular bounds
            return self.bounds()

        # Using the tile for determing boundary
        # Note the position given is the bottom-left corner so correct for that
        return QRectF(
                    self.mPos.y() - self.mCell.tile.height()),

    # Sets the tile that is associated with this object. The object will
    # display as the tile image.
    # \warning The object shape is ignored for tile objects!
    def setCell(self, cell):
        self.mCell = cell

    # Returns the tile associated with this object.
    def cell(self):
        return self.mCell

    # Returns the object group this object belongs to.
    def objectGroup(self):
        return self.mObjectGroup

    # Sets the object group this object belongs to. Should only be called
    # from the ObjectGroup class.
    def setObjectGroup(self, objectGroup):
        self.mObjectGroup = objectGroup

    # Returns the rotation of the object in degrees.
    def rotation(self):
        return self.mRotation

    # Sets the rotation of the object in degrees.
    def setRotation(self, rotation):
        self.mRotation = rotation

    # This is somewhat of a workaround for dealing with the ways different objects
    # align.
    # Traditional rectangle objects have top-left alignment.
    # Tile objects have bottom-left alignment on orthogonal maps, but
    # bottom-center alignment on isometric maps.
    # Eventually, the object alignment should probably be configurable. For
    # backwards compatibility, it will need to be configurable on a per-object
    # level.
    def alignment(self):
        if (self.mCell.isEmpty()):
            return Alignment.TopLeft
        elif (self.mObjectGroup):
            map = self.mObjectGroup.map()
            if map:
                if (map.orientation() == Map.Orientation.Isometric):
                    return Alignment.Bottom

        return Alignment.BottomLeft

    def isVisible(self):
        return self.mVisible

    def setVisible(self, visible):
        self.mVisible = visible

    # Flip this object in the given \a direction. This doesn't change the size
    # of the object.
    def flip(self, direction):
        if (not self.mCell.isEmpty()):
            if (direction == FlipDirection.FlipHorizontally):
                self.mCell.flippedHorizontally = not self.mCell.flippedHorizontally
            elif (direction == FlipDirection.FlipVertically):
                self.mCell.flippedVertically = not self.mCell.flippedVertically

        if (not self.mPolygon.isEmpty()):
            center2 = self.mPolygon.boundingRect().center() * 2
            if (direction == FlipDirection.FlipHorizontally):
                for i in range(self.mPolygon.size()):
                    # oh, QPointF mPolygon returned is a copy of internal object
                    self.mPolygon[i] = QPointF(
                        center2.x() - self.mPolygon[i].x(),
            elif (direction == FlipDirection.FlipVertically):
                for i in range(self.mPolygon.size()):
                    self.mPolygon[i] = QPointF(
                        center2.y() - self.mPolygon[i].y())

    # Returns a duplicate of this object. The caller is responsible for the
    # ownership of this newly created object.
    def clone(self):
        o = MapObject(self.mName, self.mType, self.mPos, self.mSize)
        return o
コード例 #12
    def read(self, fileName):
        # Read data.
        file = QFile(fileName)
        if (not file.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly)):
            self.mError = self.tr("Cannot open Replica Island map file!")
            return 0

        _in = QDataStream(file)
        # Parse file header.
        mapSignature = _in.readUInt8()
        layerCount = _in.readUInt8()
        backgroundIndex = _in.readUInt8()
        if (_in.status() == QDataStream.ReadPastEnd or mapSignature != 96):
            self.mError = self.tr("Can't parse file header!")
            return 0

        # Create our map, setting width and height to 0 until we load a layer.
        map = Map(Map.Orientation.Orthogonal, 0, 0, 32, 32)
        map.setProperty("background_index", QString.number(backgroundIndex))
        # Load our Tilesets.
        typeTilesets = QVector()
        tileIndexTilesets = QVector()

        self.loadTilesetsFromResources(map, typeTilesets, tileIndexTilesets)
        # Load each of our layers.
        for i in range(layerCount):
            # Parse layer header.
            _type = _in.readUInt8()
            tileIndex = _in.readUInt8()
            scrollSpeed = _in.readFloat()
            levelSignature = _in.readUInt8()
            width = _in.readUInt32()
            height = _in.readUInt32()
            if (_in.status() == QDataStream.ReadPastEnd
                    or levelSignature != 42):
                self.mError = self.tr("Can't parse layer header!")
                return 0

            # Make sure our width and height are consistent.
            if (map.width() == 0):
            if (map.height() == 0):
            if (map.width() != width or map.height() != height):
                self.mError = self.tr("Inconsistent layer sizes!")
                return 0

            # Create a layer object.
            layer = TileLayer(self.layerTypeToName(_type), 0, 0, width, height)
            layer.setProperty("type", QString.number(_type))
            layer.setProperty("tile_index", QString.number(tileIndex))
            layer.setProperty("scroll_speed", QString.number(scrollSpeed, 'f'))
            # Look up the tileset for this layer.
            tileset = tilesetForLayer(_type, tileIndex, typeTilesets,
            # Read our tile data all at once.
            #tileData = QByteArray(width*height, b'\x00')
            bytesNeeded = width * height
            tileData = _in.readRawData(bytesNeeded)
            bytesRead = len(tileData)
            if (bytesRead != bytesNeeded):
                self.mError = self.tr("File ended in middle of layer!")
                return 0

            i = 0
            # Add the tiles to our layer.
            for y in range(0, height):
                for x in range(0, width):
                    tile_id = tileData[i] & 0xff
                    i += 1
                    if (tile_id != 255):
                        tile = tileset.tileAt(tile_id)
                        layer.setCell(x, y, Cell(tile))

        # Make sure we read the entire *.bin file.
        if (_in.status() != QDataStream.Ok or not _in.atEnd()):
            self.mError = self.tr("Unexpected data at end of file!")
            return 0

        return map