def test_http_download(): pos = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) pos += 1 filename = '/sd/test_' + str(pos) + '.zip' fileurl = '' #filename = '/sd/face.kmodel' #fileurl = '' #try: #import os #os.remove(filename) #except Exception as e: #pass gc.collect() bak = time.ticks() try: contentType = MicroWebCli.FileRequest(fileurl, filename, progressCallback) print('File of content type "%s" was saved to "%s"' % (contentType, filename)) except Exception as e: print(e) print('total time', (time.ticks() - bak) / 1000, 's')
def btn_function(pin_num): current_time = time.ticks() global btn_time # print(current_time - btn_time) if (current_time - btn_time) >= 500: print("버튼이 눌렸습니다.") btn_time = time.ticks()
def test_http_get(): #wCli = MicroWebCli('') wCli = MicroWebCli('') while True: time.sleep(1) bak = time.ticks() try: print('GET %s' % wCli.URL) wCli.OpenRequest() buf = memoryview(bytearray(2048)) resp = wCli.GetResponse() if resp.IsSuccess() : while not resp.IsClosed() : x = resp.ReadContentInto(buf) if x < len(buf) : buf = buf[:x] print(bytes(buf)) print('GET success with "%s" content type' % resp.GetContentType()) else : print('GET return %d code (%s)' % (resp.GetStatusCode(), resp.GetStatusMessage())) except Exception as E: print(E) print('total time ', (time.ticks() - bak) / 1000, ' s')
def pi_test(n=5000): t1 = time.ticks() t = pi(n) t2 = time.ticks() r = (t2 * 1.0 - t1) / 1000 print(' Pi', n, 'digit calculation: ', r, 's') return '%.2f' % r
def BlobTest(thresholds, loopCnt = 390, barLen = 120): sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.CIF) #sensor.set_windowing((320,240)) sensor.set_auto_gain(True) #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(True) # must be turned off for color tracking clock = time.clock() avg = 0.0 startTick = time.ticks() while(True): if time.ticks() - startTick > loopCnt: break clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() img.draw_string(4, 8, 'red,green,blue blob detect', color=(0,0,0)) t0 = time.ticks() blobSet = img.find_blobs(thresholds, pixels_threshold=200, area_threshold=200) t1 = time.ticks() - t0 avg = avg * 0.95 + t1 * 0.05 lnLen = (barLen * (loopCnt - (time.ticks() - startTick))) // loopCnt DrawPgsBar(img, barLen, loopCnt, startTick) for blob in blobSet: img.draw_rectangle(blob.rect()) img.draw_cross(, print('algo time cost : %.2f ms' % (avg))
def CorrTest(loopCnt = 220, barLen=120): sensor.reset() # Sensor settings sensor.set_contrast(1) sensor.set_gainceiling(16) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) #sensor.set_windowing((480,272)) clock = time.clock() avg = 0.0 startTick = time.ticks() corr = 0.3 while (True): if time.ticks() - startTick > loopCnt: break clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() for i in range(7): img.draw_rectangle(160-i*15, 120-i*15, i*15*2, i*15*2) corr += 0.05 if corr >= 4.0: corr = 0.3 img.lens_corr(corr) lnLen = (barLen * (loopCnt - (time.ticks() - startTick))) // loopCnt DrawPgsBar(img, barLen, loopCnt, startTick) img.draw_string(4,4,'Lens correction %.2f' % (corr), color=(0,0,0))
def float_div_test(n=1000000, a=12345.678, b=56.789): t1 = time.ticks() sum = 0 for i in range(n): sum = a / b t2 = time.ticks() r = (t2 * 1.0 - t1) / 1000 print(' Float Div test', n, 'times: ', r, 's') return '%.2f' % r
def int_div_test(n=1000000, a=123456, b=567): t1 = time.ticks() sum = 0 for i in range(n): sum = a // b t2 = time.ticks() r = (t2 * 1.0 - t1) / 1000 print(' Integer Div test', n, 'times: ', r, 's') return '%.2f' % r
def float_mul_test(n=1000000, a=1234.5678, b=5678.1234): t1 = time.ticks() sum = 0 for i in range(n): sum = a * b t2 = time.ticks() r = (t2 * 1.0 - t1) / 1000 print(' Float Mul test', n, 'times: ', r, 's') return '%.2f' % r
def int_mul_test(n=1000000, a=12345, b=56789): t1 = time.ticks() sum = 0 for i in range(n): sum = a * b t2 = time.ticks() r = (t2 * 1.0 - t1) / 1000 print(' Integer Mul test', n, 'times: ', r, 's') return '%.2f' % r
def _wait_spi_char(self, spi, desired): """Read a byte with a time-out, and if we get it, check that its what we expect""" times = time.ticks() while (time.ticks() - times) < 100: r = self._read_byte(spi) if r == _ERR_CMD: raise RuntimeError("Error response to command") if r == desired: return True raise RuntimeError("Timed out waiting for SPI char")
def CIFAR10Test(loopCnt=600, isFull=False, barLen=105): pyb.LED(1).off() sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_contrast(3) sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.set_windowing((192, 192)) # Set window sensor.skip_frames(time=300) # Wait for settings take effect. sensor.set_auto_gain(False) #sensor.set_framerate(0<<9|1<<12) if isFull: net = nn.load('/') else: net = nn.load('/') labels = [ 'plane', 'auto', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck' ] clock = time.clock() tAvg = 0.0 startTick = time.ticks() while (True): if time.ticks() - startTick > loopCnt: break clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() t0 = time.ticks() lst =, threshold=0.640, min_scale=1, scale_mul=0.8, \ x_overlap=-1, y_overlap=-1, contrast_threshold=0.5) t1 = time.ticks() - t0 tAvg = tAvg * 0.9 + t1 * 0.1 img.draw_string( 4, 8, 'CIFAR-10: classify:\nplane,auto,cat,dog,\ndeer,horse,frog,ship,\ntruck,horse', color=(0, 0, 0)) lnLen = (barLen * (loopCnt - (time.ticks() - startTick))) // loopCnt DrawPgsBar(img, barLen, loopCnt, startTick) for obj in lst: print(' %s - Confidence %f%%' % (labels[obj.index()], obj.value())) rc = obj.rect() #img.draw_rectangle(rc, color=(255,255,255)) img.draw_rectangle(barLen + 10, 1, 50, 8, fill=True, color=(0, 0, 0)) img.draw_string(barLen + 10, 0, labels[obj.index()]) print('algo time cost : %.2f ms' % (tAvg))
def socket_connect(self, socket_num, dest, port, conn_mode=TCP_MODE): """Open and verify we connected a socket to a destination IP address or hostname using the ESP32's internal reference number. By default we use 'conn_mode' TCP_MODE but can also use UDP_MODE or TLS_MODE (dest must be hostname for TLS_MODE!)""" if self._debug: print("*** Socket connect mode", conn_mode) self.socket_open(socket_num, dest, port, conn_mode=conn_mode) times = time.ticks() while (time.ticks() - times) < 3: # wait 3 seconds if self.socket_connected(socket_num): return True time.sleep(0.01) raise RuntimeError("Failed to establish connection")
def _wait_for_ready(self): """Wait until the ready pin goes low""" if self._debug: print("Wait for ESP32 ready", end='') times = time.ticks() while (time.ticks() - times) < 10000: # wait up to 10 seconds if not self._ready.value(): # we're ready! break if self._debug: print('.', end='') utime.sleep(0.05) else: raise RuntimeError("ESP32 not responding") if self._debug: print()
def readline(self): """Attempt to return as many bytes as we can up to but not including '\r\n'""" #print("Socket readline") stamp = time.ticks() while b'\r\n' not in self._buffer: # there's no line already in there, read some more avail = min(_the_interface.socket_available(self._socknum), MAX_PACKET) if avail: self._buffer += _the_interface.socket_read(self._socknum, avail) elif self._timeout > 0 and time.ticks() - stamp > self._timeout: self.close() # Make sure to close socket so that we don't exhaust sockets. raise RuntimeError("Didn't receive full response, failing out") firstline, self._buffer = self._buffer.split(b'\r\n', 1) gc.collect() return firstline
def _timer_permission_check(self): if self.unix: timer_check = self._motion_start_time + self._motion_duration <= time.time( ) else: timer_check = self._motion_start_time + self._motion_duration <= time.ticks( ) motion_finished = False while not (motion_finished and timer_check): try: if self.unix: time.sleep(0.1) else: time.sleep(100) if self.kondo is not None: current_motion = self.kondo.getMotionPlayNum() except OSError: if self.unix: time.sleep(CHANNEL_WAIT_TIME / 1000) else: time.sleep(CHANNEL_WAIT_TIME) if self.kondo is not None: current_motion = self.kondo.getMotionPlayNum() if self.kondo is not None: motion_finished = current_motion == 0 or current_motion == 1 or current_motion == 2 else: motion_finished = True return True
def _send_command(self, cmd, params=None, *, param_len_16=False): """Send over a command with a list of parameters""" if not params: params = () packet_len = 4 # header + end byte for i, param in enumerate(params): packet_len += len(param) # parameter packet_len += 1 # size byte if param_len_16: packet_len += 1 # 2 of em here! while packet_len % 4 != 0: packet_len += 1 # we may need more space if packet_len > len(self._sendbuf): self._sendbuf = bytearray(packet_len) self._sendbuf[0] = _START_CMD self._sendbuf[1] = cmd & ~_REPLY_FLAG self._sendbuf[2] = len(params) # handle parameters here ptr = 3 for i, param in enumerate(params): if self._debug >= 2: print("\tSending param #%d is %d bytes long" % (i, len(param))) if param_len_16: self._sendbuf[ptr] = (len(param) >> 8) & 0xFF ptr += 1 self._sendbuf[ptr] = len(param) & 0xFF ptr += 1 for j, par in enumerate(param): self._sendbuf[ptr + j] = par ptr += len(param) self._sendbuf[ptr] = _END_CMD self._wait_for_ready() with self._spi_device as spi: times = time.ticks() while (time.ticks() - times) < 1000: # wait up to 1000ms if self._ready.value(): # ok ready to send! break else: raise RuntimeError("ESP32 timed out on SPI select") spi.write(self._sendbuf) # pylint: disable=no-member if self._debug: print("Wrote: ", [hex(b) for b in self._sendbuf[0:packet_len]])
def sendimage(spi, pin): global last_time frame = sensor.snapshot() frame.draw_string(0, 0, str(time.ticks() - last_time), color=(255, 0, 0), scale=2) last_time = time.ticks() #frame = frame.compressed(quality=45) 用此语句图片过大时会内存报错 frame = frame.compress(45) print("size=", str(frame.size()), "time=", time.ticks() - last_time) #减少生成data内存占用 #data = ustruct.pack("<bi%ds" % frame.size(), 85, frame.size(), frame) # 85 is a sync char. data = ustruct.pack("<bi", 85, frame.size()) # 85 is a sync char. sendblob(spi, pin, data, frame)
def _set_timer(self, duration): self._motion_duration = duration if self.unix: self._motion_start_time = time.time() time.sleep(int(duration / 1000)) else: self._motion_start_time = time.ticks() time.sleep(int(duration))
def QRCodeTest(loopCnt=120, barLen=120): sensor.reset() sensor.set_framerate(1 << 11) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((400, 272)) sensor.skip_frames(time=300) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) clock = time.clock() avg = 0.0 startTick = time.ticks() while (True): if time.ticks() - startTick > loopCnt: break clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() #img.lens_corr(1.5) # strength of 1.8 is good for the 2.8mm lens. t1 = time.ticks() codeSet = img.find_qrcodes() t2 = time.ticks() - t1 lnLen = (barLen * (loopCnt - (time.ticks() - startTick))) // loopCnt DrawPgsBar(img, barLen, loopCnt, startTick, 'QR code scan') avg = avg * 0.92 + t2 * 0.08 for code in codeSet: rc = code.rect() img.draw_rectangle(rc, thickness=2, color=(0, 191, 255)) #print(type(code)) #print(code.payload()) sPayload = code.payload() #print(len(sPayload)) lnLen = len(sPayload) * 8 if rc[0] + lnLen >= 400: x = 400 - lnLen else: x = rc[0] img.draw_rectangle(x - 1, rc[1] + 1, lnLen + 2, 8, color=(0, 0, 0), fill=True) img.draw_string(x, rc[1], sPayload) print('algo time cost : %.2f ms' % (avg))
def run_until_complete(main_task=None, run_once=False): global cur_task excs_all = (CancelledError, Exception) # To prevent heap allocation in loop excs_stop = (CancelledError, StopIteration) # To prevent heap allocation in loop runs = 0 while True: runs += 1 if run_once and runs > 1:break # Wait until the head of _task_queue is ready to run dt = 1 while dt > 0: dt = -1 t = _task_queue.peek() if t: # A task waiting on _task_queue; "ph_key" is time to schedule task at dt = max(0, ticks_diff(t.ph_key, ticks())) elif not # No tasks can be woken so finished running return # print('(poll {})'.format(dt), len( _io_queue.wait_io_event(dt) # Get next task to run and continue it t = _task_queue.pop_head() cur_task = t try: # Continue running the coroutine, it's responsible for rescheduling itself exc = if not exc: t.coro.send(None) else: = None t.coro.throw(exc) except excs_all as er: # Check the task is not on any event queue assert is None # This task is done, check if it's the main task and then loop should stop if t is main_task: if isinstance(er, StopIteration): return er.value raise er # Save return value of coro to pass up to caller = er # Schedule any other tasks waiting on the completion of this task waiting = False if hasattr(t, "waiting"): while t.waiting.peek(): _task_queue.push_head(t.waiting.pop_head()) waiting = True t.waiting = None # Free waiting queue head # Print out exception for detached tasks if not waiting and not isinstance(er, excs_stop): _exc_context["exception"] = er _exc_context["future"] = t Loop.call_exception_handler(_exc_context) # Indicate task is done t.coro = None
def FaceTest(loopCnt=220, barLen=120): sensor.reset() # Sensor settings sensor.set_contrast(1) #sensor.set_gainceiling(16) # HQVGA and GRAYSCALE are the best for face tracking. #sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) #sensor.set_windowing((320,240)) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((320, 240)) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) #sensor.set_auto_gain(False) #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(True) # must be turned off for color tracking # Load Haar Cascade # By default this will use all stages, lower satges is faster but less accurate. face_cascade = image.HaarCascade("frontalface", stages=25) print(face_cascade) clock = time.clock() avg = 0.0 startTick = time.ticks() while (True): if time.ticks() - startTick > loopCnt: break clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() img.draw_string(4, 4, 'Face Detect', color=(0, 0, 0)) t0 = time.ticks() objects = img.find_features(face_cascade, threshold=0.75, scale_factor=1.25) t1 = time.ticks() - t0 avg = avg * 0.90 + t1 * 0.10 fID = 0 lnLen = (barLen * (loopCnt - (time.ticks() - startTick))) // loopCnt DrawPgsBar(img, barLen, loopCnt, startTick) for r in objects: img.draw_rectangle(r, thickness=3) img.draw_rectangle(r[0], r[1], 48, 10, fill=True) fID += 1 s = 'face %d' % (fID) img.draw_string(r[0], r[1], s, color=(0, 0, 0)) print('algo time cost : %.2f ms' % (avg))
def LENETTest(loopCnt=1200, barLen=60): sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_contrast(3) sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.GRAYSCALE) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.set_windowing((84, 84)) # Set 128x128 window. sensor.skip_frames(time=1400) # Wait for settings take effect. sensor.set_auto_gain(False) sensor.set_framerate(2 << 2) #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) #sensor.set_auto_exposure(False) net = nn.load('/') labels = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] clock = time.clock() avg = 0.0 pyb.LED(1).on() startTick = time.ticks() while (True): if time.ticks() - startTick > loopCnt: break clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() img.draw_string(3, 8, 'recg 0-9', color=(0, 0, 0)) t1 = time.ticks() tmp_img = img.copy().binary([(120, 255)], invert=True) lst =, threshold=0.8, min_scale=1, scale_mul=0.8, \ x_overlap=-1, y_overlap=-1, contrast_threshold=0.5, softmax=False) t2 = time.ticks() - t1 avg = avg * 0.95 + t2 * 0.05 lnLen = (barLen * (loopCnt - (time.ticks() - startTick))) // loopCnt img.draw_rectangle(0, 2, barLen + 1, 3) img.draw_rectangle(0, 3, lnLen, 1, fill=True) for obj in lst: print('Detected %s - Confidence %f%%' % (labels[obj.index()], obj.value())) img.draw_rectangle(obj.rect()) img.draw_string(barLen + 8, 2, labels[obj.index()], color=(0, 0, 0)) # print(clock.fps()) print('algo time cost : %.2f ms' % (avg))
def run_until_complete(main_task=None): global cur_task excs_all = (CancelledError, Exception ) # To prevent heap allocation in loop excs_stop = (CancelledError, StopIteration ) # To prevent heap allocation in loop while True: # Wait until the head of _task_queue is ready to run dt = 1 while dt > 0: dt = -1 t = _task_queue.peek() if t: # A task waiting on _task_queue; "ph_key" is time to schedule task at dt = max(0, ticks_diff(t.ph_key, ticks())) elif not # No tasks can be woken so finished running return # print('(poll {})'.format(dt), len( _io_queue.wait_io_event(dt) # Get next task to run and continue it t = _task_queue.pop_head() cur_task = t try: # Continue running the coroutine, it's responsible for rescheduling itself exc = if not exc: t.coro.send(None) else: = None t.coro.throw(exc) except excs_all as er: # Check the task is not on any event queue assert is None # This task is done, check if it's the main task and then loop should stop if t is main_task: if isinstance(er, StopIteration): return er.value raise er # Schedule any other tasks waiting on the completion of this task waiting = False if hasattr(t, "waiting"): while t.waiting.peek(): _task_queue.push_head(t.waiting.pop_head()) waiting = True t.waiting = None # Free waiting queue head if not waiting and not isinstance(er, excs_stop): # An exception ended this detached task, so queue it for later # execution to handle the uncaught exception if no other task retrieves # the exception in the meantime (this is handled by Task.throw). _task_queue.push_head(t) # Indicate task is done by setting coro to the task object itself t.coro = t # Save return value of coro to pass up to caller = er
def DrawPgsBar(img, barLen, loopCnt, startTick, width=5): global barCol lnLen = (barLen * (loopCnt - (time.ticks() - startTick))) // loopCnt if (barCol & 0x80) == 0: c = barCol & 0x7F else: c = 128 - (barCol & 0x7F) img.draw_rectangle(2, 2, barLen + 2, width, color=(0,0,0)) img.draw_rectangle(2, 3, lnLen, width-2, fill=True, color=(c,c,c)) barCol += 16
def read(self, size=0): """Read up to 'size' bytes from the socket, this may be buffered internally! If 'size' isnt specified, return everything in the buffer.""" #print("Socket read", size) if size == 0: # read as much as we can at the moment while True: avail = min(_the_interface.socket_available(self._socknum), MAX_PACKET) if avail: self._buffer += _the_interface.socket_read(self._socknum, avail) else: break gc.collect() ret = self._buffer self._buffer = b'' gc.collect() return ret stamp = time.ticks() to_read = size - len(self._buffer) received = [] while to_read > 0: #print("Bytes to read:", to_read) avail = min(_the_interface.socket_available(self._socknum), MAX_PACKET) if avail: stamp = time.ticks() recv = _the_interface.socket_read(self._socknum, min(to_read, avail)) received.append(recv) to_read -= len(recv) gc.collect() if self._timeout > 0 and time.ticks() - stamp > self._timeout: break #print(received) self._buffer += b''.join(received) ret = None if len(self._buffer) == size: ret = self._buffer self._buffer = b'' else: ret = self._buffer[:size] self._buffer = self._buffer[size:] gc.collect() return ret
def __init__(self, P=0.2, I=0.0, D=0.0): self.Kp = P self.Ki = I self.Kd = D self.sample_time = 0.00 self.current_time = time.ticks() self.last_time = self.current_time self.clear()
def BlobTest(thresholds): sensor.reset() pyb.LED(1).on() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) #sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) #sensor.set_windowing((432,432)) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) #sensor.set_framerate(1<<9|7<<11) #sensor.set_framerate(2<<9|2<<11) #120/3=40M sensor.set_auto_gain(True) #sensor.set_windowing((50, 50, 50, 90)) sensor.skip_frames(time=500) #sensor.__write_reg(0xac, 0xF7) #needed for CIF RGB565 #sensor.set_auto_gain(True) # must be turned off for color tracking #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking clock = time.clock() print('main loop') avg = 0 lpCnt = 0 #sensor.__write_reg(0xa6, c) for i in range(50000): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() n = 0 t1 = time.ticks() #pyb.LED(2).toggle() blbs = img.find_blobs(thresholds, pixels_threshold=120, area_threshold=120) t2 = time.ticks() - t1 avg = avg * 0.95 + t2 * 0.05 for blob in blbs: img.draw_rectangle(blob.rect(), thickness=2, color=(0, 255, 255)) img.draw_cross(, n += 1 #print('blob %d, cx=%d,cy=%d' % (n,, print('time=', avg, lpCnt) #if lpCnt % 10 == 0: #print('fps=', clock.fps()) lpCnt += 1
def run_until_complete(main_task=None): global cur_task excs_all = (CancelledError, Exception) # To prevent heap allocation in loop excs_stop = (CancelledError, StopIteration) # To prevent heap allocation in loop while True: # Wait until the head of _queue is ready to run dt = 1 while dt > 0: dt = -1 if # A task waiting on _queue if isinstance(, int): # "data" is time to schedule task at dt = max(0, ticks_diff(, ticks())) else: # "data" is an exception to throw into the task dt = 0 elif not # No tasks can be woken so finished running return #print('(poll {})'.format(dt), len( _io_queue.wait_io_event(dt) # Get next task to run and continue it t = _queue.pop_head() cur_task = t try: # Continue running the coroutine, it's responsible for rescheduling itself if isinstance(, int): t.coro.send(None) else: t.coro.throw( except excs_all as er: # This task is done, schedule any tasks waiting on it if t is main_task: if isinstance(er, StopIteration): return er.value raise er = er # save return value of coro to pass up to caller waiting = False if hasattr(t, 'waiting'): while _queue.push_head(t.waiting.pop_head()) waiting = True t.waiting = None # Free waiting queue head _io_queue.remove(t) # Remove task from the IO queue (if it's on it) t.coro = None # Indicate task is done # Print out exception for detached tasks if not waiting and not isinstance(er, excs_stop): print('task raised exception:', t.coro) sys.print_exception(er)
def _wait_response_cmd(self, cmd, num_responses=None, *, param_len_16=False): """Wait for ready, then parse the response""" self._wait_for_ready() responses = [] with self._spi_device as spi: times = time.ticks() while (time.ticks() - times) < 1000: # wait up to 1000ms if self._ready.value(): # ok ready to send! break else: raise RuntimeError("ESP32 timed out on SPI select") self._wait_spi_char(spi, _START_CMD) self._check_data(spi, cmd | _REPLY_FLAG) if num_responses is not None: self._check_data(spi, num_responses) else: num_responses = self._read_byte(spi) for num in range(num_responses): param_len = self._read_byte(spi) if param_len_16: param_len <<= 8 param_len |= self._read_byte(spi) if self._debug >= 2: print("\tParameter #%d length is %d" % (num, param_len)) response = bytearray(param_len) self._read_bytes(spi, response) responses.append(response) self._check_data(spi, _END_CMD) if self._debug: print("Read %d: " % len(responses[0]), responses) return responses
import sensor, avi, time REC_LENGTH = 15 # recording length in seconds # Set sensor parameters sensor.reset() sensor.set_brightness(-2) sensor.set_contrast(1) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.JPEG) vid = avi.AVI("1:/test.avi", 320, 240, 15) start = time.ticks() clock = time.clock() while ((time.ticks()-start) < (REC_LENGTH*1000)): clock.tick() # capture and store frame image = sensor.snapshot() vid.add_frame(image) print(clock.fps()) vid.flush()