コード例 #1
ファイル: algorithms.py プロジェクト: realslimkarthik/Parkr
def simulate(origin, destination, time, algorithm, sampling_rate):
    route_result = {'distance': 0, 'success': False, 'current_location': origin, 'time': time, 'points': []}
    while not route_result['success']:
        time1 = time_fn()
        new_result = route_vehicle(route_result['current_location'], destination, route_result['time'], algorithm, sampling_rate)
        time2 = time_fn()
        running_time = time2 - time1
        if new_result is None:
            route_result['distance'] = 'NA'
            route_result['success'] = 'NA'
            route_result['current_location'] = None
            route_result['time'] = None
            route_result['points'] = None
            route_result['walking_distance'] = 'NA'
        elif new_result['success']:
            route_result['distance'] += new_result['distance']
            route_result['walking_distance'] = new_result['walking_distance']
            route_result['success'] = new_result['success']
            route_result['current_location'] = new_result['current_location']
            route_result['time'] = new_result['time']
        route_result['running_time'] = running_time

    return route_result
コード例 #2
    def heuristic(self, board: list, is_self_player):
        # if the board presents ending state for self_player
        # Utility function:
        # (is_final, self_player_succ, rival_player_succ) = self.is_board_final(board, is_sel_player)
        is_final = self.is_board_final(board, is_self_player)
        rival_player_succ, rival_moves = self.get_board_successors(
            board, not is_self_player)
        if is_final and is_self_player:
            # is_self_player == True -> meaning, final board is due to self_player have no moves
            # in this case only tie or a lose is posiible.
            if len(rival_player_succ) == 0:
                return 0
                return -1000
        elif is_final and not is_self_player:
            # is_self_player == False -> meaning, final board is due to rival_player have no moves
            # in this case only tie or a win is posiible.
            # a win is possible if self_player successors have moves ( i.e they have legal successors.
            second_level_succ_num = 0
            self_player_succ = rival_player_succ
            if len(self_player_succ) > 0:
                second_level_succ_num = sum([
                                                  not is_self_player)[0])
                    for succ_board in self_player_succ
                if second_level_succ_num > 0:
                    return 1000
            return 0
        # Heuristic Function:
            # weight = 2
            heuristic_start_time = time_fn()
            loc_in_board = self.get_loc_in_board(board, is_self_player)
            simple_score = self.simple_state_score(board, loc_in_board)
            enemy_loc_in_board = self.get_loc_in_board(board,
                                                       not is_self_player)
            simple_rival_score_improved = 0
            manhatan_dist = abs(loc_in_board[0] - enemy_loc_in_board[0]) + abs(
                loc_in_board[1] - enemy_loc_in_board[1])
            assert manhatan_dist != 0, "players in the same cell"
            manhatan_score = 1 / manhatan_dist
            dfs_score = 0
            if manhatan_score < self.dfs_depth:
                simple_rival_score = self.simple_state_score(
                    board, enemy_loc_in_board)
                simple_rival_score_improved = 10 if simple_rival_score == -1 else simple_rival_score
                dfs_cells = self.dfs(board, loc_in_board, self.dfs_depth)
                dfs_rival_cells = self.dfs(board, enemy_loc_in_board,
                assert len(dfs_cells) != 0, "logic error"
                dfs_score = len(dfs_cells) - len(dfs_rival_cells)

            heuristics = simple_score + simple_rival_score_improved + dfs_score + manhatan_score
            curr_heuristic_time = time_fn() - heuristic_start_time
            self.heuristic_time = max(curr_heuristic_time, self.heuristic_time)

        return heuristics if is_self_player else -heuristics
コード例 #3
 def heuristic(self, board: list, is_self_player):
     # if the board presents ending state for self_player
     # Utility function:
     # (is_final, self_player_succ, rival_player_succ) = self.is_board_final(board, is_sel_player)
     is_final = self.is_board_final(board, is_self_player)
     rival_player_succ, rival_moves = self.get_board_successors(
         board, not is_self_player)
     if is_final and is_self_player:
         # is_self_player == True -> meaning, final board is due to self_player have no moves
         # in this case only tie or a lose is posiible.
         if len(rival_player_succ) == 0:
             return 0
             return -1000
     elif is_final and not is_self_player:
         # is_self_player == False -> meaning, final board is due to rival_player have no moves
         # in this case only tie or a win is posiible.
         # a win is possible if self_player successors have moves ( i.e they have legal successors.
         second_level_succ_num = 0
         self_player_succ = rival_player_succ
         if len(self_player_succ) > 0:
             second_level_succ_num = sum([
                                               not is_self_player)[0])
                 for succ_board in self_player_succ
             if second_level_succ_num > 0:
                 return 1000
         return 0
     # Heuristic Function:
         # weight = 2
         heuristic_start_time = time_fn()
         loc_in_board = self.get_loc_in_board(board, is_self_player)
         simple_score = self.simple_state_score(board, loc_in_board)
         enemy_loc_in_board = self.get_loc_in_board(board,
                                                    not is_self_player)
         simple_rival_score = self.simple_state_score(
             board, enemy_loc_in_board)
         simple_rival_score_improved = 10 if simple_rival_score == -1 else simple_rival_score
         heuristics = simple_score + simple_rival_score_improved
         curr_heuristic_time = time_fn() - heuristic_start_time
         self.heuristic_time = max(curr_heuristic_time, self.heuristic_time)
     return heuristics if is_self_player else -heuristics
コード例 #4
    def make_move(self, time=float(
        'inf')):  # time parameter is not used, we assume we have enough time.
        # time_predictions = []
        ID_start_time = time_fn()
        self.last_iter_moves_values = {}
        self.iter_num = 1

        assert self.count_ones(self.board) == 1
        prev_loc = self.loc
        is_self_player = True
        depth = 1

        best_move, minimax_value, best_new_loc = None, float('-inf'), None
        best_move, minimax_value = self.alpha_beta(self.board.copy(),
                                                   is_self_player, depth)
        last_iteration_time = time_fn() - ID_start_time
        next_iter_time_limit = self.get_iter_time_prediction(
        time_until_now = time_fn() - ID_start_time

        while time_until_now + next_iter_time_limit < time and depth < self.board.shape[
                0] * self.board.shape[1]:
            iteration_start_time = time_fn()
            depth += 1
            self.iter_num += 1
            self.prev_iter_leaves_developed = self.curr_iter_leaves_developed
            self.curr_iter_leaves_developed = 0
            best_move, minimax_value = self.alpha_beta(self.board.copy(),
                                                       is_self_player, depth)

            if minimax_value == 1000 or minimax_value == -1000:

            last_iteration_time = time_fn() - iteration_start_time
            next_iter_time_limit = self.get_iter_time_prediction(
            time_until_now = time_fn() - ID_start_time

        if best_move is None:

        best_new_loc = (prev_loc[0] + best_move[0], prev_loc[1] + best_move[1])
        self.board[best_new_loc] = 1
        self.board[prev_loc] = -1

        assert self.count_ones(self.board) == 1

        self.loc = best_new_loc
        print('returning move', best_move)
        time_until_now = time_fn() - ID_start_time
        return best_move
コード例 #5
from wtforms import StringField, TextAreaField, HiddenField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length

from typing import List, Union

# ~~ load the configuration
config_path = os.path.abspath(os.getenv('PASTA_CONFIG_PATH', './config.toml'))
with open(config_path, 'r') as fp:
    config = EasyDict(toml.load(fp))
logging_path = os.getenv('PASTA_LOGGING_CONFIG', config.logging_path)
logger = getLogger('pasta')
app_log = getLogger('pasta.app').info
DATA_DIR = os.getenv('PASTA_DATA_PATH', config.data_folder)
ENCODING = config.encoding
STARTED = datetime.utcnow(), time_fn()

logger.info('started_at: %s, %0.1f', *STARTED)
logger.info('config: %s', config_path)
logger.info('logging: %s', logging_path)
logger.info('data: %s', DATA_DIR)
logger.info('encoding: %s', ENCODING)

key_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, '.keys')

# delete stale keys if forced
if config.get('force_keygen', False):
    if os.path.exists(key_path):