def cancel_uncompleted_order(coin_name, time_type): ret = okFuture.future_orderinfo(coin_name + "_usd", time_type, -1, 1, None, None) order_id_list = [] for each_order in json.loads(ret)["orders"]: order_id_list.append(str(each_order['order_id'])) if len(order_id_list) > 0: order_id = ",".join(order_id_list) ret = okFuture.future_cancel(coin_name + "_usd", time_type, order_id) print(ret) if 'true' in ret: email_msg = "撤单%s成功, 时间: %s, 成交结果: %s" \ % (coin_name, timestamp2string(time.time()), ret) thread.start_new_thread(send_email, (email_msg, )) return True else: email_msg = "撤单%s失败, 时间: %s, 失败详情: %s" \ % (coin_name, timestamp2string(time.time()), ret) thread.start_new_thread(send_email, (email_msg, )) return cancel_uncompleted_order(coin_name, time_type) return False
def buyin_more(coin_name, time_type, latest_price, lever_rate=20): json_ret = json.loads(okFuture.future_userinfo_4fix()) balance = float(json_ret["info"][coin_name]["balance"]) amount = math.floor(balance * lever_rate * latest_price / 10) while amount > 0: amount = math.floor(amount * 0.95) ret = okFuture.future_trade(coin_name + "_usd", time_type, None, amount, 1, 1, lever_rate) print(ret) if 'true' in ret: email_msg = "做多%s成功,最新价格: %.4f, 成交张数: %d, 时间: %s, 成交结果: %s" \ % (coin_name, latest_price, amount, timestamp2string(time.time()), ret) thread.start_new_thread(send_email, (email_msg, )) return True return False
def sell_less(coin_name, time_type, leverRate=20): cancel_uncompleted_order(coin_name, time_type) jRet = json.loads( okFuture.future_position_4fix(coin_name + "_usd", time_type, "1")) while len(jRet["holding"]) > 0: sell_available = jRet["holding"][0]["sell_available"] ret = okFuture.future_trade(coin_name + "_usd", time_type, '', sell_available, 4, 1, leverRate) print(ret) if 'true' in ret: email_msg = "卖出做空%s成功, 时间: %s, 成交结果: %s" \ % (coin_name, timestamp2string(time.time()), ret) thread.start_new_thread(send_email, (email_msg, )) return True return True
def buyin_more_batch(coin_name, time_type, latest_price, lever_rate=20, amount=None): json_ret = json.loads(okFuture.future_userinfo_4fix()) balance = float(json_ret["info"][coin_name]["balance"]) if amount is None: amount = math.floor(balance * lever_rate * latest_price / 10) while amount >= 5: order_data = gen_orders_data(latest_price, amount, 1, 5) ret = okFuture.future_batchTrade(coin_name + "_usd", time_type, order_data, lever_rate) if 'true' in ret: email_msg = "批量下单做多%s成功,最新价格: %.4f, 成交张数: %d, 时间: %s, 成交结果: %s" \ % (coin_name, latest_price, amount, timestamp2string(time.time()), ret) thread.start_new_thread(send_email, (email_msg, )) return True amount *= 0.95 return False
def on_message(ws, message): if 'pong' in message or 'addChannel' in message: return global latest_price, last_avg_price, buy_price, last_last_price, more, less, deque_3s, deque_10s, deque_min, \ deque_5m, ind_3s, ind_10s, ind_1min, ind_5m, write_lines jmessage = json.loads(message) ts = time.time() now_time = timestamp2string(ts) jdata = jmessage[0]['data'][0] latest_price = float(jdata[1]) deal_entity = DealEntity(jdata[0], float(jdata[1]), round(float(jdata[2]), 3), ts, jdata[4]) handle_deque(deque_3s, deal_entity, ts, ind_3s) handle_deque(deque_10s, deal_entity, ts, ind_10s) handle_deque(deque_min, deal_entity, ts, ind_1min) handle_deque(deque_5m, deal_entity, ts, ind_5m) avg_3s_price = ind_3s.cal_avg_price() avg_10s_price = ind_10s.cal_avg_price() avg_min_price = ind_1min.cal_avg_price() avg_5m_price = ind_5m.cal_avg_price() price_10s_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_10s_price) price_1m_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_min_price) price_5m_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_5m_price) if more == 1: if avg_10s_price <= 1.001 * avg_5m_price: # 按买一价出售 if sell_more(, time_type): info = u'发出卖出信号!!!卖出价格:' + str(latest_price) + u', 收益: ' + str(latest_price - buy_price) \ + ', ' + now_time with, 'a+', 'utf-8') as f: f.writelines(info + '\n') more = 0 elif less == 1: if avg_10s_price >= 0.999 * avg_5m_price: if sell_less(, time_type): info = u'发出卖出信号!!!卖出价格:' + str(latest_price) + u', 收益: ' + str(buy_price - latest_price) \ + ', ' + now_time with, 'a+', 'utf-8') as f: f.writelines(info + '\n') less = 0 elif check_vol(): if latest_price > avg_3s_price > avg_10s_price > last_avg_price > last_last_price \ and price_5m_change >= incr_5m_rate and price_1m_change >= incr_1m_rate and price_10s_change >= 0.1\ and ind_1min.bid_vol > float(2 * ind_1min.ask_vol) and ind_3s.bid_vol > float(2 * ind_3s.ask_vol): if buyin_more_batch(, time_type, latest_price): more = 1 thread.start_new_thread(ensure_buyin_more, (, time_type, latest_price, )) buy_price = latest_price info = u'发出做多信号!!!买入价格:' + str(buy_price) + u', ' + now_time with, 'a+', 'utf-8') as f: f.writelines(info + '\n') elif latest_price < avg_3s_price < avg_10s_price < last_avg_price < last_last_price \ and price_5m_change <= -1 * incr_5m_rate and price_1m_change <= -1 * incr_1m_rate and price_10s_change <= -0.1 \ and ind_1min.ask_vol > float(2 * ind_1min.bid_vol) and ind_3s.ask_vol > float(2 * ind_3s.bid_vol): if buyin_less_batch(, time_type, latest_price): less = 1 thread.start_new_thread(ensure_buyin_less, (, time_type, latest_price, )) buy_price = latest_price info = u'发出做空信号!!!买入价格:' + str(buy_price) + u', ' + now_time with, 'a+', 'utf-8') as f: f.writelines(info + '\n') if last_avg_price != avg_10s_price: last_last_price = last_avg_price last_avg_price = avg_10s_price price_info = deal_entity.type + u' now_price: %.4f, 3s_price: %.4f, 10s_price: %.4f, 1m_price: %.4f, ' \ u'5min_price: %.4f' \ % (latest_price, avg_3s_price, avg_10s_price, avg_min_price, avg_5m_price) vol_info = u'cur_vol: %.3f, 3s vol: %.3f, 10s vol: %.3f, 1min vol: %.3f, ask_vol: %.3f, bid_vol: %.3f, 3s_ask_vol: %.3f, 3s_bid_vol: %.3f' \ % (deal_entity.amount, ind_3s.vol, ind_10s.vol, ind_1min.vol, ind_1min.ask_vol, ind_1min.bid_vol, ind_3s.ask_vol, ind_3s.bid_vol) rate_info = u'10s_rate: %.2f%%, 1min_rate: %.2f%%, 5min_rate: %.2f%%' \ % (price_10s_change, price_1m_change, price_5m_change) write_info = price_info + u', ' + vol_info + u', ' + rate_info + u', ' + now_time + '\r\n' write_lines.append(write_info) if len(write_lines) >= 100: with, 'a+', 'UTF-8') as f: f.writelines(write_lines) write_lines = [] print(price_info + '\r\n' + vol_info + '\r\n' + rate_info + u', ' + now_time)