コード例 #1
def dtvSummaryByVenue_PDF(request):
    Generates and returns a PDF containing the DTV Summary (by venue).
    Accessible by cores only.
        currentUserProfile = request.user.get_profile()
        # If the user's profile is not available
        return HttpResponse("Sorry. %s's user profile is not available." %

    if not currentUserProfile.is_core:
        return HttpResponseForbidden(
            "Sorry. You do not have the required permissions to view this page."

    if not PDFGenAllowed():
        return HttpResponse(
            'The PDF cannot be generated until all events are locked.')

    # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate PDF headers.
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
        'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=DTVSummary-ByVenue.pdf'

    # Create the PDF object, using the response object as its "file."
    pdf = canvas.Canvas(response, pagesize=A4)

    # Define the title of the document as printed in the document header.
    doc_title = 'DTV Summary (By Venue)'

    # Get the width and height of the page.
    A4Width, A4Height = A4

    # Page number
    pageNo = 1

    # Paint the headers and get the coordinates
    y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

    # Setting x to be a cm from the left edge
    x = cm

    # Print DTV Summary in PDF

    # Get all venues
    requestedVenueList = []
    venues = VENUE_CHOICES
    for (venue_code, venue_name) in venues:

    # Sort venue list in alphabetical order

    # List to hold venues where no events are happening
    venuesWithNoEvents = []
    # Will be printed at the end of the document

    for requestedVenue in requestedVenueList:
        # Get all sub-events happening at requestedVenue
        Venue_SubEventList = SubEvent.objects.filter(
                'start_date_and_time')  # List of sub-events happening at
        # requestedVenue
        if not Venue_SubEventList:  # If there are no events happening at the venue

        # Construct the table data
        tableData = [
                'Start Date',
                'Start Time',
                'End Date',
                'End Time',
        for subevent in Venue_SubEventList:
                subevent.start_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                subevent.end_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                    subevent.end_date_and_time - subevent.start_date_and_time,
            # For strftime documentation and the format specifiers see
            # http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior
        t = Table(tableData, repeatRows=1)

        # Set the table style
        tableStyle = TableStyle([
            ('FONTNAME', (0, 1), (-1, -1),
             'Times-Roman'),  # Font style for Table Data
            ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0),
             'Times-Bold'),  # Font style for Table Header
            ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 12),
            ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTRE'),
            ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'),
            ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black),

        # Set the font for the venue code
        lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

        availableWidth = A4Width - 2 * cm  # Leaving margins of 1 cm on both sides
        availableHeight = y - (
            lineheight + 0.2 * cm
        )  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
        tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(
            availableWidth, availableHeight)  # find required space
        if tableHeight <= availableHeight:

            # Paint the venue code
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedVenue)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2 * cm)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y - tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting
            pageNo += 1
            y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

            # Set the font for the venue code
            lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)
            # Paint the venue code
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedVenue)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2 * cm)

            availableHeight = y - (
                lineheight + 0.2 * cm
            )  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
            tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(availableWidth, availableHeight)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y - tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting

    y -= cm

    if venuesWithNoEvents:
        # Paint all the venues that have no events happening

        # Set the font for all following text
        lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

        # Calculate the space requried for all following text
        numberOfVenues = venuesWithNoEvents.__len__()

        availableHeight = y

        spaceRequired = lineheight + (cm / 2) + (
            numberOfVenues * lineheight) + ((numberOfVenues - 1) * (cm / 3))
        # Explanation for the above calculation:
        # lineheight                        -->  for message that says 'There are no events happening at the following venues:'
        # (cm / 2)                          -->  for the space after the message
        # (numberOfVenues * lineheight)     -->  for each venue (one venue per line)
        # ((numberOfVenues - 1) * (cm / 3)) -->  for the space after each venue (except the last)

        if spaceRequired > availableHeight:
            # Paint on next page
            # If there is space available on the same page, this will not happen and the painting will continue on the same page
            pageNo += 1
            y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

            # Set the font for all following text
            lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

            x, y, 'There are no events happening at the following venues:')
        y -= (lineheight + (cm / 2))

        for requestedVenue in venuesWithNoEvents:

            # Check if the next event can be painted on the same page, else change the page
            availableHeight = y
            if availableHeight < lineheight:
                pageNo += 1
                y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

                # Set the font for all following text
                lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedVenue)
            y -= (lineheight + (cm / 3))


    return response
コード例 #2
def dtvSummaryByVenue_PDF(request):
    Generates and returns a PDF containing the DTV Summary (by venue).
    Accessible by cores only.
        currentUserProfile = request.user.get_profile()
        # If the user's profile is not available
        return HttpResponse("Sorry. %s's user profile is not available." % request.user.username)
    if not currentUserProfile.is_core:
        return HttpResponseForbidden("Sorry. You do not have the required permissions to view this page.")
    if not PDFGenAllowed():
        return HttpResponse('The PDF cannot be generated until all events are locked.')
    # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate PDF headers.
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=DTVSummary-ByVenue.pdf'
    # Create the PDF object, using the response object as its "file."
    pdf = canvas.Canvas(response, pagesize = A4)
    # Define the title of the document as printed in the document header.
    doc_title = 'DTV Summary (By Venue)'

    # Get the width and height of the page.
    A4Width, A4Height = A4
    # Page number
    pageNo = 1

    # Paint the headers and get the coordinates
    y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)
    # Setting x to be a cm from the left edge
    x = cm
    # Print DTV Summary in PDF
    # Get all venues
    requestedVenueList = []
    venues = VENUE_CHOICES
    for (venue_code, venue_name) in venues:
    # Sort venue list in alphabetical order
    # List to hold venues where no events are happening
    venuesWithNoEvents = []
    # Will be printed at the end of the document
    for requestedVenue in requestedVenueList:
        # Get all sub-events happening at requestedVenue
        Venue_SubEventList = SubEvent.objects.filter(venue = requestedVenue).order_by('start_date_and_time') # List of sub-events happening at
                                                                                                             # requestedVenue
        if not Venue_SubEventList:  # If there are no events happening at the venue

        # Construct the table data
        tableData = [ ['Event', 'Sub-Event', 'Start Date', 'Start Time', 'End Date', 'End Time', 'Duration', ], ]
        for subevent in Venue_SubEventList:
                              subevent.start_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                              subevent.end_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                              strfdelta(subevent.end_date_and_time - subevent.start_date_and_time, "%H:%M"), ])
                              # For strftime documentation and the format specifiers see
                              # http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior
        t = Table(tableData, repeatRows = 1)
        # Set the table style
        tableStyle = TableStyle([('FONTNAME', (0,1), (-1,-1), 'Times-Roman'),   # Font style for Table Data
                                 ('FONTNAME', (0,0), (-1,0), 'Times-Bold'),     # Font style for Table Header
                                 ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (-1,-1), 12),
                                 ('ALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'CENTRE'),
                                 ('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'MIDDLE'),
                                 ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1, colors.black),
        # Set the font for the venue code
        lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

        availableWidth = A4Width - 2*cm  # Leaving margins of 1 cm on both sides
        availableHeight = y - (lineheight + 0.2*cm)  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
        tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(availableWidth, availableHeight) # find required space
        if tableHeight <= availableHeight:

            # Paint the venue code
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedVenue)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2*cm)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y-tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting
            pageNo += 1
            y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

            # Set the font for the venue code
            lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)            
            # Paint the venue code
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedVenue)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2*cm)

            availableHeight = y - (lineheight + 0.2*cm)  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
            tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(availableWidth, availableHeight)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y-tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting
    y -= cm
    if venuesWithNoEvents:
        # Paint all the venues that have no events happening

        # Set the font for all following text
        lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

        # Calculate the space requried for all following text
        numberOfVenues = venuesWithNoEvents.__len__()
        availableHeight = y
        spaceRequired = lineheight + (cm / 2) + (numberOfVenues * lineheight) + ((numberOfVenues - 1) * (cm / 3))
        # Explanation for the above calculation:
        # lineheight                        -->  for message that says 'There are no events happening at the following venues:'
        # (cm / 2)                          -->  for the space after the message
        # (numberOfVenues * lineheight)     -->  for each venue (one venue per line)
        # ((numberOfVenues - 1) * (cm / 3)) -->  for the space after each venue (except the last)
        if spaceRequired > availableHeight:
            # Paint on next page
            # If there is space available on the same page, this will not happen and the painting will continue on the same page
            pageNo += 1
            y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)
            # Set the font for all following text
            lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)
        pdf.drawString(x, y, 'There are no events happening at the following venues:')
        y -= (lineheight + (cm/2))
        for requestedVenue in venuesWithNoEvents:
            # Check if the next event can be painted on the same page, else change the page
            availableHeight = y
            if availableHeight < lineheight:
                pageNo += 1
                y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)
                # Set the font for all following text
                lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedVenue)
            y -= (lineheight + (cm/3))

    return response    
コード例 #3
def dtvSummaryByEvent_PDF(request):
    Generates and returns a PDF containing the DTV Summary (by event).
    Accessible by cores only.
        currentUserProfile = request.user.get_profile()
        # If the user's profile is not available
        return HttpResponse("Sorry. %s's user profile is not available." %

    if not currentUserProfile.is_core:
        return HttpResponseForbidden(
            "Sorry. You do not have the required permissions to view this page."

    if not PDFGenAllowed():
        return HttpResponse(
            'The PDF cannot be generated until all events are locked.')

    # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate PDF headers.
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
        'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=DTVSummary-ByEvent.pdf'

    # Create the PDF object, using the response object as its "file."
    pdf = canvas.Canvas(response, pagesize=A4)

    # Define the title of the document as printed in the document header.
    doc_title = 'DTV Summary (By Event)'

    # Get the width and height of the page.
    A4Width, A4Height = A4

    # Page number
    pageNo = 1

    # Paint the headers and get the coordinates
    y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

    # Setting x to be a cm from the left edge
    x = cm

    # Print DTV Summary in PDF

    # Get all events
    requestedEventList = Event.objects.all()

    for requestedEvent in requestedEventList:
        # Get all sub-events under the event
        Event_SubEventList = SubEvent.objects.filter(
                'start_date_and_time')  # List of sub-events under
        # requestedEvent
        # Construct the table data
        tableData = [
                'Start Date',
                'Start Time',
                'End Date',
                'End Time',
        for subevent in Event_SubEventList:
                subevent.start_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                subevent.end_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                    subevent.end_date_and_time - subevent.start_date_and_time,
            # For strftime documentation and the format specifiers see
            # http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior
        t = Table(tableData, repeatRows=1)

        # Set the table style
        tableStyle = TableStyle([
            ('FONTNAME', (0, 1), (-1, -1),
             'Times-Roman'),  # Font style for Table Data
            ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0),
             'Times-Bold'),  # Font style for Table Header
            ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 12),
            ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTRE'),
            ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'),
            ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black),

        # Set the font for the event title
        lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

        availableWidth = A4Width - 2 * cm  # Leaving margins of 1 cm on both sides
        availableHeight = y - (
            lineheight + 0.2 * cm
        )  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
        tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(
            availableWidth, availableHeight)  # find required space
        if tableHeight <= availableHeight:

            # Paint the event title
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedEvent.title)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2 * cm)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y - tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting
            pageNo += 1
            y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

            # Set the font for the event title
            lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)
            # Paint the event title
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedEvent.title)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2 * cm)

            availableHeight = y - (
                lineheight + 0.2 * cm
            )  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
            tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(availableWidth, availableHeight)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y - tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting


    return response
コード例 #4
def dtvSummaryByEvent_PDF(request):
    Generates and returns a PDF containing the DTV Summary (by event).
    Accessible by cores only.
        currentUserProfile = request.user.get_profile()
        # If the user's profile is not available
        return HttpResponse("Sorry. %s's user profile is not available." % request.user.username)
    if not currentUserProfile.is_core:
        return HttpResponseForbidden("Sorry. You do not have the required permissions to view this page.")
    if not PDFGenAllowed():
        return HttpResponse('The PDF cannot be generated until all events are locked.')
    # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate PDF headers.
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=DTVSummary-ByEvent.pdf'
    # Create the PDF object, using the response object as its "file."
    pdf = canvas.Canvas(response, pagesize = A4)
    # Define the title of the document as printed in the document header.
    doc_title = 'DTV Summary (By Event)'

    # Get the width and height of the page.
    A4Width, A4Height = A4
    # Page number
    pageNo = 1

    # Paint the headers and get the coordinates
    y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)
    # Setting x to be a cm from the left edge
    x = cm
    # Print DTV Summary in PDF
    # Get all events
    requestedEventList = Event.objects.all()
    for requestedEvent in requestedEventList:
        # Get all sub-events under the event
        Event_SubEventList = SubEvent.objects.filter(event = requestedEvent).order_by('start_date_and_time') # List of sub-events under
                                                                                                             # requestedEvent
        # Construct the table data
        tableData = [ ['Sub-Event', 'Venue', 'Start Date', 'Start Time', 'End Date', 'End Time', 'Duration', ], ]
        for subevent in Event_SubEventList:
                              subevent.start_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                              subevent.end_date_and_time.time().strftime("%I:%M %p"),
                              strfdelta(subevent.end_date_and_time - subevent.start_date_and_time, "%H:%M"), ])
                              # For strftime documentation and the format specifiers see
                              # http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior
        t = Table(tableData, repeatRows = 1)
        # Set the table style
        tableStyle = TableStyle([('FONTNAME', (0,1), (-1,-1), 'Times-Roman'),   # Font style for Table Data
                                 ('FONTNAME', (0,0), (-1,0), 'Times-Bold'),     # Font style for Table Header
                                 ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (-1,-1), 12),
                                 ('ALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'CENTRE'),
                                 ('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'MIDDLE'),
                                 ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1, colors.black),
        # Set the font for the event title
        lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)

        availableWidth = A4Width - 2*cm  # Leaving margins of 1 cm on both sides
        availableHeight = y - (lineheight + 0.2*cm)  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
        tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(availableWidth, availableHeight) # find required space
        if tableHeight <= availableHeight:

            # Paint the event title
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedEvent.title)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2*cm)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y-tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting
            pageNo += 1
            y = initNewPDFPage(pdf, doc_title, pageNo, A4)

            # Set the font for the event title
            lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Roman', 14)            
            # Paint the event title
            pdf.drawString(x, y, requestedEvent.title)
            # Add spacing
            y -= (lineheight + 0.2*cm)

            availableHeight = y - (lineheight + 0.2*cm)  # (lineheight + 0.2*cm) subtracted to include title height
            tableWidth, tableHeight = t.wrap(availableWidth, availableHeight)

            t.drawOn(pdf, x, y-tableHeight)
            y -= (tableHeight + cm)  # Find next position for painting

    return response