def __init__(self, logf, enable=True, silent=False, overwrite=False): self.logfile = logf self.numat = 0 self.totalnum = 100 self.stime = timer.getTime() self.lastnum = self.numat self.enabled = enable self.silent = silent if enable and (not os.path.isfile(logf) or overwrite): fout = open(logf,'w') fout.close()
def getTime(self): return timer.getTime()
if transac_status =="yes": print("How much money do you want to transfer?") amount = input("") if amount.isdigit(): if amount == 0: tran_op = 1; print("Transaction Impossible - Amount Null") elif True: """insert proof of work here""" blockchain.new_transaction(amount) if (blockchain.chain == []): """ïf blockchain is empty, create genesis block""" blockchain.create_genesis_block() else blockchain.new_block(blockchain.last_block['hash']) print("Transaction Validated") timer.setTime(0) while (timer.getTime() < 30): if False: """insert block incoming condition here""" blockchain.chain[-1] = [] """"deletes created block if it recieves another block""" """append block""" else : print("Transaction Impossible - Invalid User") else: tran_op = 1; print("Transaction Impossible - Wrong Input") elif transac_status =="no": print("Ending Transaction") tran_op = 1 else: print("Transaction Impossible - Wrong Input") tran_op = 1 tran_op = 0
def resolveCollisions(self): e = 0.75 # coefficient of restitution minTagInterval = 3.0 # minimum time allowed between re-tagging now = timer.getTime() loopCount = 0 while True: isCollision = False for i in for j in if i == j: continue if not i.isColliding(j): continue isCollision = True # We have to keep computing these in case they changed in a previous collision uc = i.getVelocity() mc = i.mass self.t = i.normalTo(j, self.t) self.n = util2D.perpendicularTo(self.t, self.n, self.nTmp)[0] uct = dot(uc, self.t) ucn = dot(uc, self.n) mo = j.mass uo = j.getVelocity() uot = dot(uo, self.t) uon = dot(uo, self.n) k = (uct - uot)/(mc + mo) vct = uct - (1 + e) * mo * k vot = uot + (1 + e) * mc * k i.setVelocity(vec.scale(self.t, vct, self.vt) + vec.scale(self.n, ucn, j.setVelocity(vec.scale(self.t, vot, self.vt) + vec.scale(self.n, uon, # TODO: limit re-tagging restriction to previously tagged character only if j.tagged and minTagInterval < now -, j, now) elif i.tagged and minTagInterval < now -, i, now) for j in if not i.isColliding(j): continue isCollision = True uc = i.getVelocity() self.t = i.normalTo(j, self.t) self.n = util2D.perpendicularTo(self.t, self.n, self.nTmp)[0] uct = dot(uc, self.t) ucn = dot(uc, self.n) vct = -e * uct i.setVelocity(vec.scale(self.t, vct, self.vt) + vec.scale(self.n, ucn, if not isCollision: break assert loopCount < 1000, "something probably went wrong" loopCount += 1
def render(self): if self.flash and math.fmod(timer.getTime(), 2.0) < 1.0: gui.setColor(self.flashColor) else: gui.setColor(self.foreground)
def handleTime(self): self.write(timer.getTime())
for y in range(gridH): tiles[x].append(Tile(x, y)) safeTiles = [(x, y) for x in range(gridW) for y in range(gridH)] tiles = [] timer = timer.Timer() genTiles() numFlags = 0 resetButton = Button((0, 0, topMenuHeight, topMenuHeight), reset, sprite=sprites[12]) timerUI = SimpleText((topMenuHeight, 0, topMenuHeight, topMenuHeight), "%.3f" % timer.getTime(), 60) flagCountUI = SimpleText((topMenuHeight * 6, 0, topMenuHeight, topMenuHeight), "%d" % (numMines - numFlags), 60, RED) firstClick = True # first discovery generates the field mouseHold = False run = True while run: screen.fill(BEIGE) mouseX, mouseY = mouse.get_pos() hoveredTile = getHovered() resetButton.draw() timer.update() timerUI.update("%.3f" % timer.getTime())
def printTime(all_queues): for queue in all_queues: print('Fila ' + queue.getId(), end=' ') newQ = queue.getStates() print(newQ.items()) print('TEMPO DA SIMULACAO = ' + str(getTime()) + ' segundos')
def addCharacter(self, c): if not self.tagged: self.setTagged(c, None, timer.getTime()) self.characters.append(c)
def writeElapsedTime(self): t = timer.getTime() self.write('Elapsed: %s' % (self.__fs__(t-self.stime)))