コード例 #1
def simulate():
    # for plots
    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()  #maps: all state vars at one time
    # locations of observations
    s = settings()
    ilocs = s['ilocs']
    (x, t0) = initialize(s)
    t = s['t'][:]  #[:40]
    #times=s['times'][:] #[:40]
    series_data = np.zeros((len(ilocs), len(t)))
    for i in np.arange(1, len(t)):
        #print('timestep %d'%i)
        x = timestep(x, i, s)
        #plot_state(fig1,x,i,s) #show spatial plot; nice but slow
        series_data[:, i] = x[ilocs] + np.random.normal(0, 0.1)
# fmt='%1.4f'
        'observation.csv', series_data,
        delimiter=',')  # this observation will be used for the twin experiment

    #load observations
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_cadzand.txt')
    observed_data = np.zeros((len(ilocs), len(obs_times)))
    observed_data[0, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_vlissingen.txt')
    observed_data[1, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_terneuzen.txt')
    observed_data[2, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_hansweert.txt')
    observed_data[3, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_bath.txt')
    observed_data[4, :] = obs_values[:]
コード例 #2
def simulate():
    # for plots
    # locations of observations
    s = settings()
    L = s['L']
    dx = s['dx']
    xlocs_waterlevel = np.array(
        [0.0 * L, 0.25 * L, 0.5 * L, 0.75 * L, 0.99 * L])
    xlocs_velocity = np.array([0.0 * L, 0.25 * L, 0.5 * L, 0.75 * L])
    ilocs = np.hstack((np.round(
        (xlocs_waterlevel) / dx) * 2, np.round(
            (xlocs_velocity - 0.5 * dx) / dx) * 2 + 1)).astype(
                int)  #indices of waterlevel locations in x
    loc_names = []
    loc_names_waterlevel = []
    names = ['Cadzand', 'Vlissingen', 'Terneuzen', 'Hansweert', 'Bath']
    for i in range(len(xlocs_waterlevel)):
        loc_names_waterlevel.append('Waterlevel at x=%f km %s' %
                                    (0.001 * xlocs_waterlevel[i], names[i]))
        loc_names.append('Waterlevel at x=%f km %s' %
                         (0.001 * xlocs_waterlevel[i], names[i]))
    s['xlocs_waterlevel'] = xlocs_waterlevel
    s['xlocs_velocity'] = xlocs_velocity
    s['loc_names_waterlevel'] = loc_names_waterlevel
    s['ilocs'] = ilocs
    s['loc_names'] = loc_names
    s['names'] = names
    (x, t0) = initialize(s)
    t = s['t'][:]  #[:40]
    times = s['times'][:]  #[:40]
    series_data = np.zeros((len(ilocs), len(t)))
    for i in np.arange(1, len(t)):
        #print('timestep %d'%i)
        x = timestep(x, i, s)
        # plot_state(fig1,x,i,s) #show spatial plot; nice but slow
        series_data[:, i] = x[ilocs]  # x[ilocs] prints h, x[ilocs+1] prints u

    #load observations
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_cadzand.txt')
    observed_data = np.zeros((len(ilocs), len(obs_times)))
    observed_data[0, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_vlissingen.txt')
    observed_data[1, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_terneuzen.txt')
    observed_data[2, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_hansweert.txt')
    observed_data[3, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_bath.txt')
    observed_data[4, :] = obs_values[:]

    plot_series(times, series_data, s, observed_data)
コード例 #3
def settings():
    s = dict()  #hashmap to  use s['g'] as s.g in matlab
    # Constants
    s['g'] = 9.81  # acceleration of gravity
    s['D'] = 20.0  # Depth
    s['f'] = 1 / (0.06 * days_to_seconds)  # damping time scale
    L = 100.e3  # length of the estuary
    s['L'] = L
    n = 100  #number of cells
    s['n'] = n
    # Grid(staggered water levels at 0 (boundary) dx 2dx ... (n-1)dx
    #      velocities at dx/2, 3dx/2, (n-1/2)dx
    dx = L / (n + 0.5)
    s['dx'] = dx
    x_h = np.linspace(0, L - dx, n)
    s['x_h'] = x_h
    s['x_u'] = x_h + 0.5

    xlocs_waterlevel = np.array(
        [0.0 * L, 0.25 * L, 0.5 * L, 0.75 * L, 0.99 * L])
    xlocs_velocity = np.array([0.0 * L, 0.25 * L, 0.5 * L, 0.75 * L])
    ilocs = np.hstack((np.round(
        (xlocs_waterlevel) / dx) * 2, np.round(
            (xlocs_velocity - 0.5 * dx) / dx) * 2 + 1)).astype(
                int)  #indices of waterlevel locations in x
    loc_names = []
    names = ['Cadzand', 'Vlissingen', 'Terneuzen', 'Hansweert', 'Bath']
    for i in range(len(xlocs_waterlevel)):
        loc_names.append('Waterlevel at x=%f km %s' %
                         (0.001 * xlocs_waterlevel[i], names[i]))
    for i in range(len(xlocs_velocity)):
        loc_names.append('Velocity at x=%f km %s' %
                         (0.001 * xlocs_velocity[i], names[i]))
    s['xlocs_waterlevel'] = xlocs_waterlevel
    s['xlocs_velocity'] = xlocs_velocity
    s['ilocs'] = ilocs
    s['loc_names'] = loc_names

    # initial condition
    s['h_0'] = np.zeros(n)
    s['u_0'] = np.zeros(n)
    # time
    t_f = 2. * days_to_seconds  #end of simulation
    dt = 10. * minutes_to_seconds
    s['dt'] = dt
    reftime = dateutil.parser.parse("201312050000")  #times in secs relative
    s['reftime'] = reftime
    t = dt * np.arange(np.round(t_f / dt))
    s['t'] = t
    #boundary (western water level)

    #2) read from file   # boundaries are not needed to answer the first question, thus comment the following 5 lines when running the code
    (bound_times, bound_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_cadzand.txt')
    bound_t = np.zeros(len(bound_times))
    for i in np.arange(len(bound_times)):
        bound_t[i] = (bound_times[i] - reftime).total_seconds()
    s['h_left'] = np.interp(t, bound_t, bound_values)
    return s
コード例 #4
def settings():
    s = dict()  #hashmap to  use s['g'] as s.g in matlab
    # Constants
    s['g'] = 9.81  # acceleration of gravity
    s['D'] = 20.0  # Depth
    s['f'] = 1 / (0.06 * days_to_seconds)  # damping time scale
    L = 100.e3  # length of the estuary
    s['L'] = L
    n = 100  #number of cells
    s['n'] = n
    # Grid(staggered water levels at 0 (boundary) dx 2dx ... (n-1)dx
    #      velocities at dx/2, 3dx/2, (n-1/2)dx
    dx = L / (n + 0.5)
    s['dx'] = dx
    x_h = np.linspace(0, L - dx, n)
    s['x_h'] = x_h
    s['x_u'] = x_h + 0.5
    # initial condition
    s['h_0'] = np.zeros(n)
    s['u_0'] = np.zeros(n)
    # time
    t_f = 2. * days_to_seconds  #end of simulation
    dt = 10. * minutes_to_seconds
    s['dt'] = dt
    reftime = dateutil.parser.parse("201312050000")  #times in secs relative
    s['reftime'] = reftime
    t = dt * np.arange(np.round(t_f / dt))
    s['t'] = t
    # =============================================================================
    # boundary (western water level). Tide data given at Cadnaz are employed to define the left boundary.
    # data are read from .txt file
    # =============================================================================
    (bound_times, bound_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_cadzand.txt')
    bound_t = np.zeros(len(bound_times))
    # =============================================================================
    # AutoRegression - Sthocastic forcing is introduced to the left boundary
    # =============================================================================
    ensemble_number = 50
    T = 6. * hours_to_seconds
    alpha = np.exp(-dt / T)
    time = len(t)
    theta_n = 0.2
    theta_w = theta_n * math.sqrt(1.0 - alpha**2)

    n_ar = np.zeros((time, ensemble_number))
    w_ar = np.zeros((time, ensemble_number))
    bound_values_ensemble = np.zeros((time, ensemble_number))
    n_ar, w_ar = west_boundary_AR(theta_w, theta_n, alpha, ensemble_number, t)
    for j in np.arange(ensemble_number):
        for i in np.arange(len(bound_times)):
            bound_t[i] = (bound_times[i] - reftime).total_seconds()
        temp = np.interp(t, bound_t, bound_values)
        bound_values_ensemble[:, j] = temp + n_ar[:, j]
    s['h_left'] = bound_values_ensemble
    #######################This part if for AR(1)####

    return s
コード例 #5
def settings():
    s = dict()  #hashmap to  use s['g'] as s.g in matlab
    # Constants
    s['g'] = 9.81  # acceleration of gravity
    s['D'] = 20.0  # Depth
    s['f'] = 1 / (0.06 * days_to_seconds)  # damping time scale
    L = 100.e3  # length of the estuary
    s['L'] = L
    n = 100  #number of cells
    s['n'] = n
    # Grid(staggered water levels at 0 (boundary) dx 2dx ... (n-1)dx
    #      velocities at dx/2, 3dx/2, (n-1/2)dx
    dx = L / (n + 0.5)
    s['dx'] = dx
    x_h = np.linspace(0, L - dx, n)
    s['x_h'] = x_h
    s['x_u'] = x_h + 0.5
    # initial condition
    s['h_0'] = np.zeros(n)
    s['u_0'] = np.zeros(n)
    # time
    t_f = 2. * days_to_seconds  #end of simulation
    dt = 10. * minutes_to_seconds
    s['dt'] = dt
    reftime = dateutil.parser.parse("201312050000")  #times in secs relative
    s['reftime'] = reftime
    t = dt * np.arange(np.round(t_f / dt))
    s['t'] = t
    # =============================================================================
    # boundary (western water level). Tide data given at Cadnaz are employed to define the left boundary.
    # data are read from .txt file
    # =============================================================================
    (bound_times, bound_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_cadzand.txt')
    bound_t = np.zeros(len(bound_times))
    for i in np.arange(len(bound_times)):
        bound_t[i] = (bound_times[i] - reftime).total_seconds()
    s['h_left'] = np.interp(t, bound_t, bound_values)
    return s
コード例 #6
def simulate():
    # for plots
    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()  #maps: all state vars at one time
    # locations of observations
    s = settings()
    L = s['L']
    dx = s['dx']
    xlocs_waterlevel = np.array(
        [0.0 * L, 0.25 * L, 0.5 * L, 0.75 * L, 0.99 * L])
    xlocs_velocity = np.array([0.0 * L, 0.25 * L, 0.5 * L, 0.75 * L])
    ilocs = np.hstack((np.round(
        (xlocs_waterlevel) / dx) * 2, np.round(
            (xlocs_velocity - 0.5 * dx) / dx) * 2 + 1)).astype(
                int)  #indices of waterlevel locations in x
    loc_names = []
    loc_names_velocity = []
    loc_names_waterlevel = []
    names = ['Cadzand', 'Vlissingen', 'Terneuzen', 'Hansweert', 'Bath']
    for i in range(len(xlocs_waterlevel)):
        loc_names_waterlevel.append(('Waterlevel at x=%f km %s' %
                                     (0.001 * xlocs_waterlevel[i], names[i])))
        loc_names.append('Waterlevel at x=%f km %s' %
                         (0.001 * xlocs_waterlevel[i], names[i]))
    for i in range(len(xlocs_velocity)):
        loc_names_velocity.append('Velocity at x=%f km %s' %
                                  (0.001 * xlocs_velocity[i], names[i]))
        loc_names.append('Velocity at x=%f km %s' %
                         (0.001 * xlocs_velocity[i], names[i]))
    s['xlocs_waterlevel'] = xlocs_waterlevel
    s['xlocs_velocity'] = xlocs_velocity
    s['ilocs'] = ilocs
    s['loc_names'] = loc_names
    s['loc_names_velocity'] = loc_names_velocity
    s['loc_names_waterlevel'] = loc_names_waterlevel
    (x, t0) = initialize(s)
    t = s['t'][:]  #[:40]
    times = s['times'][:]  #[:40]
    series_data = np.zeros((len(ilocs), len(t)))
    N = 50  #### ensemble size for AR(1)
    x_model = np.zeros((N, len(ilocs), len(t)))
    for j in np.arange(0, N):
        (x, t0) = initialize(s)
        for i in np.arange(1, len(t)):
            #print('timestep %d'%i)

            x = timestep(x, i, j, s)
            #plot_state(fig1,x,i,s) #show spatial plot; nice but slow
            series_data[:, i] = x[ilocs]
        x_model[j, :, :] = series_data
# =============================================================================
# Calculate ensemble mean and confidence interval
# =============================================================================
    series_data = np.mean(x_model, axis=0)
    model_var = np.std(x_model, axis=0)
    confidence_temp = 1.96 * model_var / math.sqrt(N)
    confidence_top = series_data + confidence_temp
    confidence_bottom = series_data - confidence_temp

    #load observations
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_cadzand.txt')
    observed_data = np.zeros((len(ilocs), len(obs_times)))
    observed_data[0, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_vlissingen.txt')
    observed_data[1, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_terneuzen.txt')
    observed_data[2, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_hansweert.txt')
    observed_data[3, :] = obs_values[:]
    (obs_times, obs_values) = timeseries.read_series('tide_bath.txt')
    observed_data[4, :] = obs_values[:]
    plot_series(times, series_data, confidence_top, confidence_bottom, s,