コード例 #1
 def testParsing(self):
     files = ['1','2','3','1o','2o']
     for file_ in files:
         if file_[-1] == 'o':
             a = 'cp1251'
             a = 'utf-8'
         with codecs.open('test/' + file_+'.htm', encoding=a) as f:
             actRes = parseTimetable(f)
         expRes = pickle.load(open('test/' + file_+'.p', "r"))
         self.failUnless(actRes == expRes, 'Fail on the file ' + file_)
コード例 #2
from timetable_trial import parseTimetable
from dwnld import download
import sqlite3

url = 'http://www.mosgortrans.ru/rasp/1/2188303/45140/3689/index.html'
b_file = download(url)
trType = 1
info = parseTimetable(b_file)
print info

conn = sqlite3.connect('info.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('CREATE TABLE Stops(stopId int, name text, mgtId int)')
c.execute('CREATE TABLE Routes(routeId int, stopId int, stopOrder int)')
c.execute('CREATE TABLE Schedule(routeId int, stopId int, wDay int, time int)')

#c.execute("INSERT INTO stocks VALUES ('й/р "оепбнлюияйхи"','15','"яр. песрнбн"','асдмх', '5:30')")

#c.execute("INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (info[0][0],info[0][1],info[0][2],info[0][3],info[0][4])")