class FILESELECTOR(LabelFrame): ''' Widget de clase Button que abre un filedialog y permite al usuario seleccionar un archivo. El nombre de archivo es utilizado como texto del botón. NOTA: en este caso el filedilog esta configurado para archivos con extención .mp3 | .wav | .wma ''' def __init__(self, master, row, column, columnspan, text, command=None): super().__init__(master) self.master self.row = row self.column = column self.columnspan = columnspan self.text = text self.command = command self.currentSelection = StringVar() # la dirección del archivo de sonido(file full path) self.currentSelection.set(' tono/mp3') self.newSelectionPath = StringVar() self.newSelectionPath.set('') self.selectorTitle = StringVar() self.selectorTitle.set(self.text) self.currentSelectionName = StringVar() # el nombre del archivo de sonido sin extensión(file name) self.currentSelectionName.set(self.currentSelection.get()) self.grid(row=self.row, column=self.column, columnspan=self.columnspan) self.config(bg=self.master['bg'], text=self.selectorTitle.get(), labelanchor='n', fg='white', padx=len(self.currentSelection.get())) self.btn = Button(self, textvariable=self.currentSelection, width=14, command=self.fld) self.btn.grid(row=0, column=0, ipadx=len(self.currentSelection.get())) self.btn.config(bg='red', fg='white') self.ledSS = ledSS.LEDSS(string=self.currentSelection.get()) def fld(self): ''' abre la ventana de dialogo para permitir la selección de archivos en este caso de sonido mp3, wav, wma. ''' ftypes = [("mp3, wav, wma files","*.mp3 *.wav *.wma"),("all files","*.*")] dlg = filedialog.Open(filetypes=ftypes) phfl = if phfl != '': self.newSelectionPath.set(phfl) if self.command is not None: self.command() def ledScreenSimulation(self): ''' usa el nombre del archivo seleccionado como texto para el botón y aplica una animación. ''' self.currentSelection.set(self.ledSS.roll()) self.btn.config(textvariable=self.currentSelection) self.btn.after(round(3000 / len(self.currentSelection.get())), self.ledScreenSimulation) def updateSelectorTitle(self): self.config(text=self.selectorTitle.get()) def updateSelectorLabel(self): self.ledSS.update(self.currentSelection.get()) def reset(self): self.selectorTitle.set('Selección') self.currentSelection.set(' tono/mp3') self.updateSelectorTitle() self.updateSelectorLabel()
class uiWidgets: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.geometry("%dx%d-%d-%d" % (330, 302, 50, 80)) self.master.resizable(False, False) self.master.title( '%s/%s' % (ec2.configFile, ec2.profileName[ec2.profileName.rfind(' ') + 1:])) # === 建立圖形界面裡會顯示的變數 ======= self.startORstop = StringVar() self.showStatus = StringVar() self.makeConnection = StringVar() self.showFQDN = StringVar() self.showIP = StringVar() # === 建立開關機計數器變數 ======= self.counter = 0 # === 建立 [設定檔] === User Profile 框架 ======= self.userprofileFrame = LabelFrame(self.master, text='設定檔') # === 建立 [設定檔] instance ID 標籤與文字 ======= self.identiferLabel = Label(self.userprofileFrame, text='載入的 EC2 Inatance ID') self.identiferLabel.grid(row=0, column=0) self.identiferText = Entry(self.userprofileFrame) self.identiferText.grid(row=0, column=1) # === 建立 [設定檔] region 標籤與文字 ======= self.regionalLabel = Label(self.userprofileFrame, text='該 EC2 Inatance 的 Region') self.regionalLabel.grid(row=1, column=0) self.regionalText = Entry(self.userprofileFrame) self.regionalText.grid(row=1, column=1) # === 定位 [設定檔] 包裝 User Profile 框架 Frame ======= self.userprofileFrame.pack(padx=10, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5) # === 插入 [EC2 的 instance ID 文字] 到文字框 ======= self.identiferText.insert(0, ec2.instanceID) # === 插入 [EC2 的 user region 文字] 到文字框 ======= self.regionalText.insert(0, ec2.userRegion) # === 建立 [開/關機] start/stop switch 按鈕 ======= self.switchButton = Button(self.master, textvariable=self.startORstop, width=10, command=self.switchbuttonClicked) # === 定位 [開/關機] start/stop switch 按鈕 ======= self.switchButton.pack(padx=10, pady=5) # === 建立 [目前狀態] instance state 框架 Frame ======= self.instancestatusFrame = LabelFrame(self.master, text='目前狀態') # === 建立 [目前狀態] instance state 標籤與文字 ======= self.machinestateLabel = Label(self.instancestatusFrame, text='目前的 EC2 Inatance 狀態') self.machinestateLabel.grid(row=0, column=0) self.machinestateText = Entry( self.instancestatusFrame, textvariable=self.showStatus) # 顯示 [EC2 Instance(虛擬機器) 的 State] self.machinestateText.grid(row=0, column=1) # === 定位 [目前狀態] 包裝 instance state 框架 Frame ======= self.instancestatusFrame.pack(padx=10, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5) # === 建立 [細節] instance description 框架 Frame ======= self.statisticsFrame = LabelFrame(self.master, text='細節') # === 建立 [細節] instance fqdn 標籤與文字 ======= self.instanceFQDNLable = Label(self.statisticsFrame, text='目前 EC2 Inatance 的 FQDN') self.instanceFQDNLable.grid(row=0, column=0) self.instanceFQDNNameText = Entry( self.statisticsFrame, textvariable=self.showFQDN) # 顯示 [EC2 Instance(虛擬機器) 的 FQDN] self.instanceFQDNNameText.grid(row=0, column=1) # === 建立 [細節] instance ip addr 標籤與文字 ======= self.instanceIPaddrLable = Label(self.statisticsFrame, text='目前 EC2 Inatance 的 IP') self.instanceIPaddrLable.grid(row=1, column=0) self.instanceIPaddrText = Entry( self.statisticsFrame, textvariable=self.showIP) # 顯示 [EC2 Instance(虛擬機器) 的 IP] self.instanceIPaddrText.grid(row=1, column=1) # === 定位 [細節] 包裝 instance description 框架 Frame ======= self.statisticsFrame.pack(padx=10, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5) # === 建立 [連線伺服器] make connection 按鈕 ======= self.connectButton = Button(self.master, textvariable=self.makeConnection, width=10, command=self.connectbuttonClicked) # === 定位 [連線伺服器] make connection 按鈕 ======= self.connectButton.pack(padx=10, pady=5) # === 更新所有顯示變數 ======= self.variablesRefreshing() # === 更新變數 === def variablesRefreshing(self): ec2.getStastictics() if ec2.status in ['running', 'stopped']: if ec2.status == 'running': self.startORstop.set('關機 [Stop]') self.makeConnection.set('連線伺服器') elif ec2.status == 'stopped': self.startORstop.set('開機 [Start]') self.makeConnection.set(' - 尚未開機 - ') else: self.makeConnection.set(' - - - - - ') self.showStatus.set(ec2.status) # EC2 Instance(虛擬機器) 狀態 self.showFQDN.set(ec2.fqdn) # EC2 Instance(虛擬機器) 的公開 FQDN 位址 self.showIP.set(ec2.ip) # EC2 Instance(虛擬機器) 的公開 IP 位址 def executeTerminal(self): os.system(self.cmd2exec) # === 連線按鈕 === def connectbuttonClicked(self): if ec2.status == 'running': if ec2.accountPwd.lower().endswith('.pem'): self.cmd2exec = 'ssh -o "ServerAliveInterval 40" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "%s" ubuntu@%s' % ( ec2.accountPwd, ec2.fqdn) else: self.cmd2exec = 'cmdkey /generic:%ec2IP% /user:Administrator /pass:"******" && mstsc /admin /v:%ec2IP%' try: with open(os.path.expanduser(r'~/.aws/executedCmd.%s.txt' % ec2.configFile), 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: f.write(self.cmd2exec) # 將命令列寫入檔案, ** 注意 rdp 包含密碼的明碼 except Exception: logging.warning('執行下列命令寫入桌面檔案錯誤: %s' % self.cmd2exec) os.environ['ec2IP'] = ec2.ip cmd = threading.Thread(target=self.executeTerminal) cmd.start() logging.debug('外部命令視窗啟動是否啟動? %s' % cmd.is_alive()) # === 開關機按鈕 === def switchbuttonClicked(self): if ec2.status in ['running', 'stopped']: if ec2.status == 'running': # 如果伺服器EC2 Instance 為啟動中 ec2.setStopped() # ->則關機 elif ec2.status == 'stopped': ec2.setRunning() # ->否則開機 self.countingBtn() # === 按下開關機按鈕後計數 === def countingBtn(self): self.counter += 1 # 增加計數 self.startORstop.set('- - %s - -' % str(self.counter)) # 顯示計數內容 self.variablesRefreshing() # 更新畫面上的變數 if ec2.status not in ['running', 'stopped']: # 如果狀態已為開或關機表示作業完成 self.btnSwitchId = self.switchButton.after( 2000, self.switchbuttonClicked) # 否則排定下個2秒(=2000ms)就再更新畫面一次 else: self.counter = 0 self.switchButton.after_cancel(self.btnSwitchId) # 所以取消每2秒更新一次的動作
def mimic_click(button: tk.Button): button["relief"] = SUNKEN button.update_idletasks() button.after(100, lambda: button.config(relief=RAISED))
class Emulatore(object): """ Interfaccia grafica per l'emulatore del pdp8 """ def __init__(self, master, codice, calcolatore, emulatore): """ Inizializza i frame per l'interfaccia dell'emulatore """ self.CD = calcolatore self.codice = codice self.delay = 100 self.master = Frame(master) self.root = emulatore # Memoria Ram self.ram = LabelFrame( self.master, text="Memoria RAM", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n", pady=5, ) self.ram.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.ram.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.ram.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=3, columnspan=5, sticky=W + E + N + S) # Controlli self.controlli = Frame(self.master, padx=10, pady=10) self.controlli.grid(row=0, column=5, rowspan=1) # Status CD self.registri = LabelFrame( self.master, text="REGISTRI", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n", padx=25, pady=10, ) self.registri.grid(row=0, column=6, rowspan=1, sticky=W + E + N + S) self.unita = LabelFrame( self.master, text="UC", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n", padx=10, pady=10, ) self.unita.grid(row=2, column=6, rowspan=1, sticky=N) # Var self.variabili = Frame(self.master) self.variabili.grid(row=2, column=5) self.nstep = LabelFrame( self.variabili, text="Num. Step", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n", ) self.nstep.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky=W + E) self.delays = LabelFrame( self.variabili, text="Delay", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n" ) self.delays.grid(row=1, column=5, sticky=W + E) self.tempo = LabelFrame( self.variabili, text="Tempo", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n" ) self.tempo.grid(row=1, column=6, sticky=W + E) # Unita' di controllo self.unitas = LabelFrame(self.unita, text="S", labelanchor="s", padx=10) self.unitas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N) self.unitaf = LabelFrame(self.unita, text="F", labelanchor="s", padx=10) self.unitaf.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N) self.unitar = LabelFrame(self.unita, text="R", labelanchor="s", padx=10) self.unitar.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=N) self.unitaint = LabelFrame(self.unita, text="Int.", labelanchor="s", padx=10) self.unitaint.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=N) # Registri self.programc = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="PC", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.programc.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.mar = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="MAR", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.mar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.mbr = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="MBR", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.mbr.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.lopr = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="OPR", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.lopr.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.vari = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="I", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.vari.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.vare = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="E", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.vare.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.lac = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="AC", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.lac.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.lacint = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="INT AC", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.lacint.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.lachex = LabelFrame( self.registri, text="HEX AC", relief=FLAT, labelanchor="e", padx=5 ) self.lachex.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky=W + E) # Microistruzioni self.micro = LabelFrame( self.master, text="Microistruzioni eseguite", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n", pady=5, ) self.micro.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.micro.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.micro.grid(row=3, column=4, rowspan=5, columnspan=5, sticky=W + E + N + S) # Inout self.inout = LabelFrame( self.master, text="Input & Output", relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=5, labelanchor="n", pady=5, ) self.inout.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.inout.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.inout.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E + N + S) self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): """ Crea il layout del programma, finestra dell'emulatore """ # Memoria RAM self.Visualizza = Text(self.ram, width=80) self.Visualizzascrollbar = Scrollbar(self.ram) self.Visualizzascrollbar.config(command=self.Visualizza.yview) self.Visualizza.config(yscrollcommand=self.Visualizzascrollbar.set) self.Visualizzascrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N + S) self.Visualizza.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) # INOUT self.Visualizzainout = Text( self.inout, width=62, height=7, fg="green", bg="black" ) self.Visualizzascrollbar_inout = Scrollbar(self.inout) self.Visualizzascrollbar_inout.config(command=self.Visualizzainout.yview) self.Visualizzainout.config(yscrollcommand=self.Visualizzascrollbar_inout.set) self.Visualizzascrollbar_inout.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N + S) self.Visualizzainout.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) # Mircroistruzioni self.Visualizzamicro = Text(self.micro, width=55, height=7) self.Visualizzascrollbar_m = Scrollbar(self.micro) self.Visualizzascrollbar_m.config(command=self.Visualizzamicro.yview) self.Visualizzamicro.config(yscrollcommand=self.Visualizzascrollbar_m.set) self.Visualizzascrollbar_m.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N + S) self.Visualizzamicro.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) # Pulsanti self.butload = Button( self.controlli, text="LOAD", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.loading, bg="SkyBlue", ) self.butload.grid(row=0, column=0) self.butstep = Button( self.controlli, text="Step", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.step, bg="linen", ) self.butstep.grid(row=1, column=0) self.butminstep = Button( self.controlli, text="miniStep", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.mini_step, bg="linen", ) self.butminstep.grid(row=2, column=0) self.butstep = Button( self.controlli, text="microStep", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.micro_step, bg="linen", ) self.butstep.grid(row=3, column=0) self.butsetstep = Button( self.controlli, text="Set n Step", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.setnstep, bg="linen", ) self.butsetstep.grid(row=4, column=0) self.butsetdelay = Button( self.controlli, text="Set Delay", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.setdelay, bg="linen", ) self.butsetdelay.grid(row=5, column=0) self.butstart = Button( self.controlli, text="START", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.start, bg="DarkOliveGreen3", ) self.butstart.grid(row=6, column=0) self.butreset = Button( self.controlli, text="RESET", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.resetCD, bg="Orange3", ) self.butreset.grid(row=7, column=0) self.butstop = Button( self.controlli, text="STOP", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.stop, bg="IndianRed", ) self.butstop.grid(row=8, column=0) self.butbreak = Button( self.controlli, text="BREAK", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.breakpoint, bg="Magenta2", ) self.butbreak.grid(row=9, column=0) self.butcontinue = Button( self.controlli, text="CONTINUA", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.continua, bg="Magenta2", ) self.butcontinue.grid(row=10, column=0) self.butesegui = Button( self.controlli, text="ESEGUI", anchor=CENTER, width=15, command=self.esegui, bg="Yellow", ) self.butesegui.grid(row=11, column=0) # Labels self.labelprogramc = Label( self.programc, text="00000000000", relief=SUNKEN, bg="red" ) self.labelprogramc.grid() self.labelmar = Label(self.mar, text="00000000000", relief=SUNKEN, bg="yellow") self.labelmar.grid() self.labelmbr = Label(self.mbr, text="000000000000000", relief=SUNKEN) self.labelmbr.grid() self.labelvari = Label(self.vari, text="0", relief=SUNKEN) self.labelvari.grid() self.labelopr = Label(self.lopr, text="000", relief=SUNKEN) self.labelopr.grid() self.labelucs = Label(self.unitas, text="0") self.labelucs.grid() self.labelucf = Label(self.unitaf, text="0") self.labelucf.grid() self.labelucr = Label(self.unitar, text="0") self.labelucr.grid() self.labelucint = Label(self.unitaint, text="0") self.labelucint.grid() self.labelnstep = Label(self.nstep, text="1") self.labelnstep.grid() self.labeldelay = Label(self.delays, text=str(self.delay)) self.labeldelay.grid() self.labeltempo = Label(self.tempo, text=str(self.CD.tempo)) self.labeltempo.grid() self.labelac = Label(self.lac, text="000000000000000", relief=SUNKEN) self.labelac.grid() self.labelacint = Label(self.lacint, text="000000000000000", relief=SUNKEN) self.labelacint.grid() self.labelachex = Label(self.lachex, text="000000000000000", relief=SUNKEN) self.labelachex.grid() self.labelvare = Label(self.vare, text="0", relief=SUNKEN) self.labelvare.grid() def continua(self): """ Continua l'esecuzione dopo un break """ self.CD.S = True self.esegui() def micro_step(self): """ Esegue il metodo step del calcolatore didattico ed aggiorna """ if self.CD.S: self.CD.step(self.root, self.codice) if self.CD.tempo == 0 and not self.CD.F and not self.CD.R: self.CD.previstr = self.CD.nextistr self.aggiornaall() def step(self): """ Esegue il metodo step del calcolatore didattico ed aggiorna """ var = True if self.CD.S and self.CD.nstep > 0: while var and self.CD.S: self.CD.step(self.root, self.codice) if not self.CD.F and not self.CD.R and self.CD.tempo == 0: self.CD.nstep -= 1 self.aggiornaall() self.CD.previstr = self.CD.nextistr var = False if self.CD.nstep > 0: self.butstep.after(self.delay, self.step) else: self.CD.setnstep(1) else: self.CD.setnstep(1) self.aggiornaall() def esegui(self): """ Esegue il programma fino all'arresto della macchina tramite l'istruzione HLT """ while self.CD.S: self.CD.step(self.root, self.codice) if not self.CD.F and not self.CD.R and self.CD.tempo == 0: self.aggiornaall() self.CD.previstr = self.CD.nextistr break if self.CD.S: self.butesegui.after(self.delay, self.esegui) else: self.CD.setnstep(1) self.aggiornaall() def mini_step(self): """ Esegue un singolo ciclo della macchina """ if self.CD.S: for x in range(0, 4): self.CD.step(self.root, self.codice) self.CD.nstep = 1 self.aggiornaall() if self.CD.F is False and self.CD.R is False: self.CD.previstr = self.CD.nextistr def cerca_istr_prev(self): """ Evidenzia di VERDE l'ultima istruzione eseguita """ if self.CD.PC == "000000000000": return try: if self.CD.previstr == "" and int(self.CD.PC, 2) == self.CD.START: return else: pospc = str(3.0 + self.CD.previstr) self.Visualizza.tag_add( "PISTR", str(pospc[:-1] + "16"), str(pospc[:-1] + "end") ) self.Visualizza.tag_config("PISTR", background="green") self.Visualizza.see(pospc) except TypeError: pass # Errore che si ottiene durante il reset del CD # NOTA : METODO NON NECESSARIO NEL PROGRAMMA FINALE # def cerca_istr_corr(self): # """ # Evidenzia di verde l'istruzione che si dovrà eseguire # """ # if self.CD.PC == '000000000000': # return # try: # if int(self.CD.PC,2) == self.CD.START: # Inizio esecuzione del programma # Il PC e l'istruzione da eseguire sono allo stesso 'livello' # pos = str(3.0) # self.Visualizza.tag_add("ISTR", str(pos[0]+'.16'), str(pos[:-1]+'end')) # self.Visualizza.tag_config("ISTR", background = "green") # else: # pospc = str(3.0 + self.CD.nextistr) # self.Visualizza.tag_add("ISTR", str(pospc[:-1]+'16'), str(pospc[:-1]+'end')) # self.Visualizza.tag_config("ISTR", background = "green") # self.Visualizza.see(pospc) # except TypeError: # pass ## Errore che si ottiene durante il reset del CD def cerca_MAR(self): """ Evidenzia di giallo l'indirizzo puntato dal MAR """ try: pos = 3.0 stringa = self.Visualizza.get(str(pos), "end") while ( stringa[:12] != self.CD.MAR and int(pos) < len(self.CD.RAM) + 3 and len(self.CD.RAM) > 0 ): pos += 1 stringa = self.Visualizza.get(str(pos), "end") if int(pos) >= len(self.CD.RAM) + 3: return self.Visualizza.tag_add("MAR", pos, str(float(pos) + 0.12)) self.Visualizza.tag_config("MAR", background="yellow") except TypeError: pass # Errore che si ottiene durante il reset del CD def cerca_PC(self): """ Evidenzia di rosso l'indirizzo puntato da PC """ try: pos = 3.0 stringa = self.Visualizza.get(str(pos), "end") while ( stringa[:12] != self.CD.PC and int(pos) < len(self.CD.RAM) + 3 and len(self.CD.RAM) > 0 ): pos += 1 stringa = self.Visualizza.get(str(pos), "end") if int(pos) >= len(self.CD.RAM) + 3: return self.Visualizza.tag_add("PC", pos, str(float(pos) + 0.12)) self.Visualizza.tag_config("PC", background="red") except TypeError: pass # Errore che si ottiene durante il reset del CD def aggiornaout(self): """ Aggiorna micro e input/output """ self.aggiornamicro() self.aggiornainout() def aggiornamicro(self): """ Aggiorna le microistruzioni eseguite """ self.Visualizzamicro.delete(1.0, END) stringa = self.CD.microistruzioni self.Visualizzamicro.insert(INSERT, stringa) self.Visualizzamicro.see(END) def aggiornainout(self): """ Aggiorna gli input ed output di sistema """ self.Visualizzainout.delete(1.0, END) stringa = self.CD.inout self.Visualizzainout.insert(INSERT, stringa) self.Visualizzainout.see(END) def aggiornaram(self): """ Aggiorna lo stato della RAM """ self.Visualizza.delete(1.0, END) stringa = self.CD.statusRAM() self.Visualizza.insert(INSERT, stringa) self.cerca_MAR() self.cerca_PC() self.cerca_istr_prev() # self.cerca_istr_corr() #Non più necessaria nella versione finale def aggiornareg(self): """ Aggiorna lo stato dei Registri """ self.labelprogramc.config(text=self.CD.PC) self.labelmar.config(text=self.CD.MAR) self.labelmbr.config(text=self.CD.MBR) self.labelac.config(text=self.CD.AC) self.labelacint.config(text=str(self.CD.range(int(self.CD.AC, 2)))) self.labelachex.config(text=str((hex(int(self.CD.AC, 2))[2:].upper())).zfill(4)) self.labelvare.config(text=self.CD.E) self.labelvari.config(text=self.CD.I) self.labelopr.config(text=self.CD.OPR) def aggiornauc(self): """ Aggiorna lo stato dell'unita' di controllo """ if self.CD.S and not self.CD.breaks: self.labelucs.config(text=self.CD.S, bg="green") self.unitas.config(bg="green") elif not self.CD.S and self.CD.breaks: self.labelucs.config(text=self.CD.S, bg="Magenta2") self.unitas.config(bg="Magenta2") else: self.labelucs.config(text=self.CD.S, bg="red") self.unitas.config(bg="red") self.labelucf.config(text=self.CD.F) self.labelucr.config(text=self.CD.R) self.labelucint.config(text=self.CD.Interrupt) self.labeltempo.config(text=self.CD.tempo) def aggiornaall(self): """ Aggiorna tutto """ self.aggiornaram() self.aggiornareg() self.aggiornauc() self.aggiornamicro() self.aggiornaout() self.labelnstep.config(text=self.CD.nstep) def loading(self): """ Carica il contenuto del codice assembly decodificandolo in binario nella RAM """ contenuto = self.codice.Inserisci.get(1.0, END) if len(contenuto) > 1: self.resetCD() if self.CD.carica(contenuto, self) is not None: self.CD.S = 0 self.aggiornaall() def resetCD(self): """ Resetta il calcolatore didattico """ self.CD = pdp8() self.aggiornaall() def start(self): """ Mette la variabile Start (S) ad 1, cioe' True """ self.CD.S = True if self.CD.breaks == True: self.CD.breaks = False self.aggiornauc() def stop(self): """ Mette la variabile Start (S) ad 0, cioe' False """ self.CD.S = False self.aggiornauc() def setnstep(self): """ Setta, in base al valore passato, il numero di cicli da eseguire """ temp = askinteger( "Num Step", "Numero di step da eseguire", initialvalue=1, minvalue=1, parent=self.root, ) if temp is None: self.CD.setnstep(1) else: self.CD.setnstep(temp) self.labelnstep.config(text=self.CD.nstep) def setdelay(self): """ Setta, in base al valore passato, il ritardo di esecuzione. Il valore è espresso in millisecondi, di default = 1000 """ temp = askinteger( "Set Delay", "Ritardo in millisecondi", initialvalue=100, minvalue=1, parent=self.root, ) if temp is not None: self.delay = temp self.labeldelay.config(text=self.delay) def breakpoint(self): """ Setta o elimina i breakpoint dal programma caricato in memoria """ temp = askstring("Cella di memoria", "Indirizzo esadecimale", parent=self.root) if temp is not None: temp = self.CD.binario(int(temp, 16)).zfill(12) self.CD.breakpoint(temp) self.aggiornaram() def exit(self): """ Esce dal programma """ if askquestion("Exit", "Sicuro di voler uscire?", parent=self.master) == YES: self.codice.master.quit() self.codice.master.destroy() else: showinfo( "Suggerimento", """Forse e' meglio fare una pausa!""", icon=WARNING, parent=self.master, )