def list_options(youtubeLink): global YTLINK YTLINK = youtubeLink.get() getVideoList() FRAME = Frame(APP, width=APPW, height=APPH) nav = Frame(FRAME) nav.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=True) label = Label(FRAME, text='Select the video to download:') label.pack() videoVar = StringVar(FRAME) OptionMenu(FRAME, videoVar, *VIDLIST.keys()).pack() label = Label(FRAME, text='Application will exit when the download is complete') label.pack() padx = pady = 5 submit = Button(FRAME, text='Download', command=lambda: downloadFile(VIDLIST, videoVar.get())) submit.pack(in_=nav, side=LEFT, padx=padx, pady=pady) FRAME.pack() FRAME.tkraise()
class AdditionalTagWindow: def __init__(self): self.tags = [] self.entries = [] self.root = Tk() self.root.title("Additional Tags") self.root.minsize(width=400, height=400) self.frame = Frame(self.root) self.add_entry_button = Button(self.frame, text="New Entry", command=self.add_entry) self.confirm_button = Button(self.frame, text="Confirm", command=self.submit) self.cancel_button = Button(self.frame, text="Cancel", command=self.root.destroy) def add_entry(self): tag = TagField(self.frame) self.entries.append(tag) self.update_frame() def submit(self): for tag in self.entries: if tag.key_field.get() != "" and tag.value_field.get() != "": self.tags.append((tag.key_field.get(), tag.value_field.get())) self.root.destroy() def update_frame(self): for i, tag in enumerate(self.entries): tag.key_field.grid(row=i, column=0) tag.value_field.grid(row=i, column=1) n = len(self.entries) self.add_entry_button.grid(row=n, column=0) self.confirm_button.grid(row=n, column=1) self.cancel_button.grid(row=n, column=2) self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0) self.frame.tkraise() def get_user_tags(self) -> List: self.add_entry() self.root.mainloop() return self.tags
class LoginScreen(Window): def __init__(self, program): super().__init__(program) self.levels = None self.settings = program.settings self.level_handler = LevelHandler(program.settings) self.frame = Frame(program.master, width=800, height=800) self.frame.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1) def add_button(self, text, command): button = Button(self.frame, text=text, width=100, height=20, command=command) button.pack() def dispose(self): self.frame.pack_forget() self.frame.destroy() self.frame = None def show(self): self.add_button('New Game', self.new_game) self.add_button('Load Game', self.load_game) self.add_button('Exit', self.exit) self.frame.tkraise() def new_game(self): self.dispose() g = Game(self.program) self.change(Game(self.program)) def exit(self): self.program.exit() def load_game(self): self.dispose() lg = LoadGame(self.program) self.change(lg) def clear(self): self.frame.pack_forget() self.level_handler = None self.frame.destroy()
def switch_frame_to(self, frame: tk.Frame): """ This function allows navigation between frame (views). """ # tries to find the frame instance in self.frames frame = self.frames[frame] if frame != None: # check if there is an initialize frame that has been created. self.PreviousFrame.grid_remove( ) # remove the last frame so the page will resize to best fit heigh and width frame.grid(row=0, sticky="news") self.PreviousFrame = frame # then re-build the frame but with the new frame. frame.render( ) # each frame view should have this method, it allows me to re-render views with updated Data frame.tkraise() # brings the fram to the front of the window. return
def printMainFrame(canvas, user): canvas.config(height=500, width=690) frame = Frame(), rely=0.1, relwidth=0.8, relheight=0.8) frame1 = Frame(frame) frame1.config(bd=1, relief="solid") frame1.grid(column=0, row=0, padx= 20, ipadx=10, ipady=10) frame1.tkraise() frame2 = Frame(frame) frame2.config(bd=1, relief="solid") frame2.grid(column=1, row=0, padx=20, ipadx=10, ipady=10) frame2.tkraise() uis = getUIByID_user( for ui in uis: if ui[0] == 'RegistryOfAuxiliary': RegistryOfAuxiliary(frame1, 0) elif ui[0] == 'RegistryOfExams': RegistryOfExams(frame2, 0) elif ui[0] == 'ListOfApplications': ListOfApplications(frame1, 0, elif ui[0] == 'SeeExamNotes': SeeExamNotes(frame2, 1, elif ui[0] == 'SeeListOfStudents': SeeListOfStudents(frame1, 0, elif ui[0] == 'TakeAttendeeList': TakeAttendeeList(frame2, 1, # RegistryOfAuxiliary(frame, 0) # RegistryOfExams(frame, 1) # ListOfApplications(frame, 0, # SeeExamNotes(frame, 1, # SeeListOfStudents(frame, 0, # TakeAttendeeList(frame, 1,
def enter_video(): global YTLINK FRAME = Frame(APP, width=APPW, height=APPH) FRAME.winfo_toplevel().title('YouTube Video Download') nav = Frame(FRAME) nav.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=True) label = Label(FRAME, text='Enter Youtube Video Link: (Paste is CTRL+V)') label.pack() youtubeLink = StringVar(FRAME) yt_entry = Entry(FRAME, textvariable=youtubeLink) yt_entry.pack() yt_entry.focus() padx = pady = 5 submit = Button(FRAME, text='Get List', command=lambda: list_options(youtubeLink)) submit.pack(in_=nav, side=LEFT, padx=padx, pady=pady) FRAME.pack() FRAME.tkraise()
def downloadFile(VIDLIST, option): FRAME = Frame(APP, width=APPW, height=APPH) nav = Frame(FRAME) nav.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=True) label = Label(FRAME, text='Downloading File') label.pack() FRAME.pack() FRAME.tkraise() for video, key in VIDLIST.items(): if video == option: proc = subprocess.Popen([ytdl, "-f", key, YTLINK], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while True: line = proc.stdout.readline().decode() if line != '' and DEBUG: print(line) else: break openFileLocation()
class SaveMenu(BaseWindow): def __init__(self, controller, image_data, gif = False): BaseWindow.__init__(self, controller) self.geometry(f"{WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}") self.set_exit_function() self.set_title("Export") self.resizable(True, True) self.image_data = image_data self.gif = gif # sizing_options = [(SIZING_OPTIONS[SCALAR], SCALAR), (SIZING_OPTIONS[PIXELS], PIXELS)] # self.size_selection = selection_box("SIZING", sizing_options, self) # self.size_selection.pack(fill = "x", expand = False, padx = 4, anchor = "n") # color_and_format_frame = Frame(self) # color_options = [(COLOR_OPTIONS[RGB], RGB), (COLOR_OPTIONS[GRAYSCALE], GRAYSCALE), (COLOR_OPTIONS[BLACKANDWHITE], BLACKANDWHITE)] # self.color_selection = selection_box("COLOR", color_options, color_and_format_frame) # self.color_selection.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "left", padx = 4, ) # format_options = [ # (OUTPUT_OPTIONS[PNG], PNG), # (OUTPUT_OPTIONS[JPG], JPG), # (OUTPUT_OPTIONS[BMP], BMP), # (OUTPUT_OPTIONS[PXSTUDIO], PXSTUDIO) # ] # self.format_selection = selection_box("FORMAT", format_options, color_and_format_frame) # self.format_selection.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "left", padx = 4) # color_and_format_frame.pack(side = "top", expand = False, fill = "x") self.outer_frame = Frame(self) self.outer_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True) sizing_and_color_frame = Frame(self.outer_frame) sizing_and_color_frame.pack(expand = True, fill = "both") sizing_options = [(SIZING_OPTIONS[SCALAR], SCALAR), (SIZING_OPTIONS[PIXELS], PIXELS)] #------------------------------------------------- #Size size_selection_and_size_option_frame = Frame(sizing_and_color_frame) size_selection_and_size_option_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, padx = 4) self.size_selection = selection_box("SIZING", sizing_options, self.on_size_select, size_selection_and_size_option_frame) self.size_selection.pack(side = "left", fill = "y") selection_frame_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(size_selection_and_size_option_frame, text = "SIZE OPTIONS") selection_frame_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "left") self.scaling_frame = Frame(selection_frame_frame) = 1, relheight = 1) self.scaling_factor = LabeledEntry("Scaling Factor - ", 1, self.scaling_frame) = 1, relheight = 1) self.custom_dimensions_frame = Frame(selection_frame_frame) = 1, relheight = 1) self.dimension_x_entry = LabeledEntry("Width - ", "16", self.custom_dimensions_frame) self.dimension_x_entry.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, anchor = "w") self.dimension_y_entry = LabeledEntry("Height - ", "16", self.custom_dimensions_frame) self.dimension_y_entry.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, anchor = "w") self.on_size_select() #Loop-------------------------------------------- if self.gif: gif_option_frame = Frame(sizing_and_color_frame) gif_option_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, padx = 4) loop_options = [(LOOP_OPTIONS[LOOP], LOOP), (LOOP_OPTIONS[NO_LOOP], NO_LOOP)] self.loop_selection = selection_box("LOOP OPTIONS", loop_options, self.on_loop_select, gif_option_frame) self.loop_selection.pack(side = "left", fill = "y") loop_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(gif_option_frame, text = "LOOP OPTIONS") loop_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "left") self.number_of_loops_frame = Frame(loop_frame) = 1, relheight = 1) self.number_of_loops = LabeledEntry("Loops, blank for limitless -", "", self.number_of_loops_frame) = 1, relheight = 1) self.no_loop_frame = Frame(loop_frame) = 1, relheight = 1) Label(self.no_loop_frame, text = "Don't loop gif.").place(relwidth = 1, relheight = 1) self.on_loop_select() #Color-------------------------------------------- color_options = [(COLOR_OPTIONS[RGBA], RGBA), (COLOR_OPTIONS[GRAYSCALE], GRAYSCALE), (COLOR_OPTIONS[BLACKANDWHITE], BLACKANDWHITE)] self.color_selection = selection_box("COLOR", color_options, self.on_color_select, sizing_and_color_frame) self.color_selection.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "top", padx = 4, ) if self.gif: duration_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(sizing_and_color_frame, text = "GIF PLAYBACK") duration_frame.pack(side = "top", expand = True, fill = "x", padx = 2) self.duration_entry = LabeledEntry("Frame Duration (Divide 1000 by fps) - ", 100, duration_frame) self.duration_entry.pack(side = "top", expand = True, fill = "both", padx = 2) footer = ttk.LabelFrame(self.outer_frame, text = "FILE") select_path_frame = Frame(footer) select_path_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True) self.file_path_entry = LabeledEntry("File path", "", select_path_frame) self.file_path_entry.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "left", padx = (2, 2)) select_path_button = Button(select_path_frame, command = self.set_save_path, text = "Select file").pack(side = "right", pady = (4,6), padx = (2, 2), expand = False) Button(footer, text = "Save", command = if not self.gif else self.save_gif).pack(fill = "x", expand = False, padx = 4, pady = 4) footer.pack(fill = "x", expand = False, padx = 4, side = "top", pady = 4) grip = ttk.Sizegrip(self), rely=1.0, anchor="se") def set_save_path(self): if self.gif: save_as = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( defaultextension = ".*", filetypes = [("GIF files", ".gif")] ) else: save_as = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( defaultextension = ".*", filetypes = [ ("All files", ".*"), ("PNG files", ".png"), ("JPEG files", ".jpg .jpeg"), ("BMP files", ".bmp"), ("ICO files", ".ico") ] ) self.file_path_entry.set(save_as) def on_size_select(self): sizing_mode = self.size_selection.get() def handle_scalar():self.scaling_frame.tkraise() def handle_pixels():self.custom_dimensions_frame.tkraise() modes = {SCALAR : handle_scalar,PIXELS : handle_pixels} modes[sizing_mode]() def on_loop_select(self): loop_mode = self.loop_selection.get() def handle_loop(): self.number_of_loops_frame.tkraise() def handle_no_loop(): self.no_loop_frame.tkraise() modes = { LOOP : handle_loop, NO_LOOP : handle_no_loop } modes[loop_mode]() def on_color_select(self): pass def save(self): print("Beginning image conversion") image_data = self.image_data #Make a copy of the image data for manipulation in case save fails and needs to bre redone def handle_scalar(image): print("Appling scalar resize to image") try: factor = int(self.scaling_factor.get()) print(f"Resizing image by factor {factor}") except Exception as e: self.error(f"Invalid scaling factor: {e}") return if not factor: self.error(f"Scaling factor cannot be zero") return if factor == 1: return image else: return image.resize((int(image.height) * int(factor), int(image.width) * int(factor)), Image.BOX) def handle_pixels(image): try: width = self.dimension_x_entry.get() height = self.dimension_y_entry.get() print(f"Resizing image to {width} x {height}") except Exception as e: self.error(f"Invalid pixel resize values {e}") return try: return image.resize((int(height), int(width)), Image.BOX) except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error resizing image - {e}") return def handle_RGBA(image): print(f"ALREADY RGBA") return image sizing_options = { SCALAR : handle_scalar, PIXELS : handle_pixels } sizing_mode = self.size_selection.get() image_data = sizing_options[sizing_mode](image_data) if not image_data: return color_options = { RGBA : handle_RGBA, GRAYSCALE : convert_image_to_grayscale, BLACKANDWHITE : convert_image_to_blackandwhite } color_mode = self.color_selection.get() try: mode = color_options[color_mode] if not mode: self.error("Unable to determine color mode") return except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error determining color mode: {e}") return try: image_data = mode(image_data) if not image_data: self.error("Invalid data after applying color mode") return except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error applying color mode: {e}") return try: filename = self.file_path_entry.get() except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error getting file name: {e}") return if not filename: self.error(f"No filename specified") return try: print("Saving...") except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error saving image: {e}") return self.destroy() #Sucessful! def save_gif(self): print("Beginning image conversion") def handle_scalar(image): print("Appling scalar resize to image") try: factor = int(self.scaling_factor.get()) print(f"Resizing image by factor {factor}") except Exception as e: self.error(f"Invalid scaling factor: {e}") return if not factor: self.error(f"Scaling factor cannot be zero") return if factor == 1: return image else: return image.resize((int(image.height) * int(factor), int(image.width) * int(factor)), Image.BOX) def handle_pixels(image): try: width = self.dimension_x_entry.get() height = self.dimension_y_entry.get() print(f"Resizing image to {width} x {height}") except Exception as e: self.error(f"Invalid pixel resize values {e}") return try: return image.resize((int(height), int(width)), Image.BOX) except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error resizing image - {e}") return def handle_RGBA(image): print(f"ALREADY RGBA") return image sizing_options = { SCALAR : handle_scalar, PIXELS : handle_pixels } sizing_mode = self.size_selection.get() images = [] try: for i in self.image_data: images.append(sizing_options[sizing_mode](i)) except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error resizing images: {e}") return for i in images: if not i: self.error(f"Invalid image data after applying resize") return color_options = { RGBA : handle_RGBA, GRAYSCALE : convert_image_to_grayscale, BLACKANDWHITE : convert_image_to_blackandwhite } color_mode = self.color_selection.get() try: mode = color_options[color_mode] if not mode: self.error("Unable to determine color mode") return except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error determining color mode: {e}") return try: images = [mode(i) for i in images] for i in images: if not i: self.error("Invalid data after applying color mode") return except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error applying color mode: {e}") return try: filename = self.file_path_entry.get() except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error getting file name: {e}") return if not filename: self.error(f"No filename specified") return duration = 100 def handle_loop(): if self.number_of_loops.get(): return int(self.number_of_loops.get()) else: return 0 def handle_no_loop(): return 1 loop_options = { LOOP : handle_loop, NO_LOOP : handle_no_loop, } loop = loop_options[self.loop_selection.get()]() duration = int(self.duration_entry.get()) try: images[0].save(filename, format='GIF', save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], duration=int(duration), loop=int(loop), transparency=255, optimize = False, disposal = 2) except Exception as e: self.error(f"Error saving image: {e}") return self.destroy() #Sucessful! def error(self, error): error_frame = error_window(error, self.outer_frame) = 1, relheight = 1)
class ConfSelectWizard(Toplevel): def __init__(self, master=None, conf_path='', width=0.35, height=0.1, use_factor=True): Toplevel.__init__(self, master=master) w, h, x, y = get_geometry(self, width, height, use_factor) self.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.minsize(int(w), int(h)) self.maxsize(int(w), int(h)) # Top Frame self.__start_frame = Frame(self) # Description og the configuration file for msg in SELECT_CONF_LABEL.splitlines(False): label = Label(self.__start_frame, text=msg) label.config(font=(FONT_NAME, int(w / 50))) # Deploy label.pack(anchor=NW, side=TOP, padx=5) # Buttons next_btn = Button(self.__start_frame, text=NEXT, width=6, command=self.__next_frame) top_run_btn = Button(self.__start_frame, text=RUN, width=6, command=self.__run) top_cancel_btn = Button(self.__start_frame, text=CANCEL, width=6, command=self.__cancel) # Deploy top_cancel_btn.pack(anchor=NE, side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=3) top_run_btn.pack(anchor=NE, side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=3) next_btn.pack(anchor=NE, side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=3) # Selection Frame self.__conf_select_frame = Frame(self) # Description select_title_label = Label(self.__conf_select_frame, text=SELECT_USE_CONF_LABEL) select_title_label.config(font=(FONT_NAME, int(w / 50))) select_title_label.pack(anchor=NW, side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) # Conf entry entry_frame = Frame(self.__conf_select_frame) self.__conf_path_var = StringVar() self.__conf_path_var.set(conf_path) self.__save_path = conf_path conf_entry = Entry(entry_frame, textvariable=self.__conf_path_var) conf_entry.config(font=(FONT_NAME, int(w / 50))) conf_entry.bind(KEY_RELEASE_EVENT, self.__on_change) refer_btn = Button(entry_frame, text=SELECT, width=6, command=self.__select_conf) # Deploy refer_btn.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) conf_entry.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X, expand=YES, padx=5, pady=5) entry_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) # Buttons prev_btn = Button(self.__conf_select_frame, text=PREV, width=6, command=self.__prev_frame) select_cancel_btn = Button(self.__conf_select_frame, text=CANCEL, width=6, command=self.__cancel) self.__select_run_btn = Button(self.__conf_select_frame, text=RUN, width=6, command=self.__run) self.__view_btn = Button(self.__conf_select_frame, text=VIEW, width=6, command=self.__view_conf) # Deploy select_cancel_btn.pack(anchor=NE, side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=3) self.__select_run_btn.pack(anchor=NE, side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=3) self.__view_btn.pack(anchor=NE, side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=3) if not conf_path: prev_btn.pack(anchor=NE, side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=3) # Deploy frame = Frame(self.__conf_select_frame) self.__start_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW) frame.pack() self.__conf_select_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW) self.__is_run = False self.__viewing = False # If it has already been selected, a selection frame is displayed self.__check_conf_path() if not conf_path: self.__start_frame.tkraise() else: self.__conf_select_frame.tkraise() self.protocol(WM_DELETE_WINDOW, self.__close) def __close(self): if not self.__viewing: self.destroy() def __on_change(self, event): event.widget.configure(state=DISABLED) try: self.__check_conf_path() finally: event.widget.configure(state=NORMAL) def __check_conf_path(self): # Switching the state of the button if (pathlib.Path(self.conf_path).is_file() and pathlib.Path(self.conf_path).exists()): self.__view_btn.configure(state=ACTIVE) self.__select_run_btn.configure(state=ACTIVE) elif not self.conf_path: self.__view_btn.configure(state=DISABLED) self.__select_run_btn.configure(state=ACTIVE) else: self.__view_btn.configure(state=DISABLED) self.__select_run_btn.configure(state=DISABLED) @property def is_run(self): return self.__is_run @is_run.deleter def is_run(self): del self.__is_run @property def conf_path(self): return self.__conf_path_var.get() def __next_frame(self): if self.__save_path: self.__conf_path_var.set(self.__save_path) self.__conf_select_frame.tkraise() def __prev_frame(self): if self.conf_path: self.__save_path = self.conf_path self.__conf_path_var.set('') self.__start_frame.tkraise() def __run(self): self.__is_run = True self.destroy() def __cancel(self): self.__is_run = False self.destroy() def __select_conf(self): # Show conf file selection dialog if self.conf_path: init_dir = pathlib.Path(self.conf_path).parent.resolve() init_file = pathlib.Path(self.conf_path).name file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=self, filetypes=[('JSON File', '*.json')], title=SELECT_USE_CONF_LABEL, initialdir=init_dir, initialfile=init_file) else: file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=self, filetypes=[('JSON File', '*.json')], title=SELECT_USE_CONF_LABEL) if file_path: self.__conf_path_var.set(file_path) self.__check_conf_path() def __view_conf(self): try: with open(self.conf_path, encoding=UTF8) as rs: j_data = json.load(rs) except json.JSONDecodeError: return msg_wizard = Toplevel(master=self.master) w, h, x, y = get_geometry(msg_wizard, 0.5, 0.35) msg_wizard.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) msg_wizard.minsize(int(w), int(h)) viewer = ScrolledText(msg_wizard, font=(FONT_NAME, 15), height=1) viewer.insert(END, json.dumps(j_data, indent=2)) viewer.configure(state=DISABLED) viewer.pack(fill=BOTH, anchor=NW, expand=YES, padx=5, pady=5) self.__viewing = True show_wizard(msg_wizard, 'Configuration(%s)' % self.conf_path) self.__viewing = False
class MainWin(Tk): def __init__(self, client): Tk.__init__(self) self.client = client self.programPanel = ProgramPanel(client) self.programPanel.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = NSEW) self.frame = Frame(self) self.frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = NSEW) nextRow = Counter() # Create the menu. menu = Frame(self.frame) addButton = Menubutton(menu, text = 'Add') addButton.pack() menu.grid(row = nextRow(), column = 0, sticky = W) # Create the program panel. self.program = ProgramWidget(self.frame, client) self.program.grid(row = nextRow(), column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = W) label = Label(self.frame, text = 'AWB') label.grid(row = nextRow(), column = 0) self.recordMode = Button(self.frame, text = 'P', command = self.toggleRecord) modeRow = nextRow() self.recordMode.grid(row = modeRow, column = 0, sticky = W) self.status = Label(self.frame, text = 'Idle') self.status.grid(row = modeRow, column = 1) self.channels = [] self.channelFrame = Frame(self.frame) self.channelFrame.grid(row = nextRow(), columnspan = 2) self.bind('q', self.terminate) self.bind('f', self.bind('r', self.toggleRecord) self.bind('k', self.toggleSticky) self.bind('.', self.nextSection) self.bind(',', self.prevSection) self.bind('<space>', self.togglePause) self.bind('K', self.clearAllState) self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.destroy) self.bind('<F1>', lambda evt: self.frame.tkraise()) self.bind('<F2>', lambda evt: self.programPanel.tkraise()) for i in range(0, 8): # Bind number key. self.bind(str(i), lambda evt, channel = i: self.toggleChannel(channel) ) # Create channel channel = Channel(self.channelFrame, i) self.channels.append(channel) channel.pack(side = LEFT) client.addChannelSubscriber( i, lambda ch, status, channel = channel: channel.changeStatus(status) ) def foo(self, event): print('got foo') def terminate(self, event): self.destroy() def toggleRecord(self, event): self.client.recordEnabled = not self.client.recordEnabled self.recordMode.configure(text = self.client.recordEnabled and 'R' or 'P' ) def togglePause(self, event): self.client.togglePause() if self.client.paused: self.status.configure(text = 'Paused') else: self.status.configure(text = 'Playing') def clearAllState(self, event): self.client.clearAllState() self.status.configure(text = 'Idle') for channel in self.channels: channel.changeStatus(0) def toggleChannel(self, channel): # using "channel" as program self.client.activate(channel) if self.client.recording.get(channel): self.client.endRecord(channel) elif self.client.recordEnabled: self.client.startRecord(channel) self.status.configure(text = 'Recording on %s' % channel) def __getActiveChannel(self): # Move this to awb_client for i, ch in enumerate(self.channels): if return i def toggleSticky(self, event): channel = self.__getActiveChannel() self.client.toggleChannelSticky(channel) def nextSection(self, event): self.client.nextOrNewSection() def prevSection(self, event): self.client.prevSection()
class App(Tk): def __init__(self, icon='', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = '' self.port = None self.username = '' = '' self.target_device = '' self.rx_topic = '' # subscribe topic self.tx_topic = '' # publish topic self.status_topic = '' self.client_id = 'Arduino-Remote-' + randomId(8) self.stream_fp = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp/parsed_hex') self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.onClosing) self.iconphoto(False, PhotoImage(file=icon)) self.minsize(720, 540) self.geometry('720x540') self.side_pane = Frame(self, bg='#d9d9d9') self.side_pane.pack(side='left', fill='both') self.status_frame = Frame(self.side_pane, padx=5, bg='#d9d9d9') self.status_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.status_frame.pack(pady=10, anchor='w') self.menu_frame = Frame(self.side_pane, bg='#d9d9d9') self.menu_frame.pack(pady=30) self.selection_ind = Frame(self.menu_frame, bg='#00d5ff', width=5, height=15) self.action_pane = Frame(self, bg='white', width=620) self.action_pane.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) # Side pane self.refresh_img = PhotoImage(file=REFRESH_IMG) self.refresh_button = Button(self.status_frame, bg='#d9d9d9', relief='flat', bd=0, activebackground='#d9d9d9', image=self.refresh_img, command=self.refreshConnection) self.refresh_button.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsw', padx=5, pady=10) self.conn_status_frame = Frame(self.status_frame, bg='#d9d9d9') self.conn_status_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nsew') self.conn_status_img = PhotoImage(file=CONNECTION_STATUS_IMG) self.conn_status_img_label = Label(self.conn_status_frame, bg='#d9d9d9', image=self.conn_status_img) self.conn_status_img_label.pack(side='left', padx=5) self.connection_status = tk.StringVar(self, value='Disconnected') self.connection_status_label = Label( self.conn_status_frame, bg='#d9d9d9', fg='#ff0000', textvariable=self.connection_status) self.connection_status_label.pack(side='left') self.dev_status_frame = Frame(self.status_frame, bg='#d9d9d9') self.dev_status_frame.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='nsew') self.dev_status_img = PhotoImage(file=DEVICE_STATUS_IMG) self.dev_status_img_label = Label(self.dev_status_frame, bg='#d9d9d9', image=self.dev_status_img) self.dev_status_img_label.pack(side='left', padx=5) self.device_status = tk.StringVar(self, value='Unknown') self.device_status_label = Label(self.dev_status_frame, bg='#d9d9d9', fg='#ff0000', textvariable=self.device_status) self.device_status_label.pack(side='left') self.OTA_button = CustomButton(master=self.menu_frame, width=120, height=60, img_fp=OTA_IMG, text='OTA', compound='left', anchor='w', indicator=self.selection_ind, padx=20) self.debug_button = CustomButton(master=self.menu_frame, width=120, height=60, img_fp=DEBUG_IMG, text='Log', compound='left', anchor='w', indicator=self.selection_ind, padx=20) self.setting_button = CustomButton(master=self.menu_frame, width=120, height=60, img_fp=SETTING_IMG, text='Setting', compound='left', anchor='w', indicator=self.selection_ind, padx=20) self.selection_ind.tkraise() # Bring selection indicator forward # Action pane ## -> OTA frame self.OTA_frame = OTAFrame(main_win=self, master=self.action_pane, button=self.OTA_button, bg='#fbfbfb') ## -> Debug frame self.debug_frame = DebugFrame(main_win=self, master=self.action_pane, button=self.debug_button, bg='#fbfbfb') ## -> Setting frame self.setting_frame = SettingFrame(main_win=self, master=self.action_pane, button=self.setting_button, bg='#fbfbfb') self.remote = ArduinoRemote( self.stream_fp, self.client_id,, self.port, self.username,, self.tx_topic, self.rx_topic, self.status_topic, self.connectionStatusLog, self.deviceStatusLog, self.OTA_frame.log, self.debug_frame.log) def refreshConnection(self): self.remote._connect() def connectionStatusLog(self, log): self.connection_status.set(log) self.connection_status_label[ 'fg'] = '#11d438' if self.remote.is_connected else '#ff0000' def deviceStatusLog(self, log): self.device_status.set(log) if log.strip().lower() == 'online': self.device_status_label['fg'] = '#11d438' else: self.remote.debugStop() self.debug_frame.debug_button['text'] = 'Debug' self.device_status_label['fg'] = '#ff0000' def onClosing(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): self.destroy()
) self.button.grid(row=0, column=0) qBtn = Button(frame2, text="QUIT", command=frame2.quit) qBtn.grid(row=0, column=0) self.dialog.mainloop() #self.frame.destroy() print("QUIT") def say_hi(self): print ("hi there, everyone!") if __name__ == '__main__': dialogRoot=Tk() frame=Frame(dialogRoot) frame2=Frame(dialogRoot) thread=testThread(dialogRoot, frame, frame2) thread.start() print("Wait") time.sleep(10) #frame.destroy() print("change") frame.tkraise(frame2) print("done")
class SaveMenu(Toplevel): def __init__(self, controller, image_data): Toplevel.__init__(self) self.geometry(f"{350}x{200}") self.title("Export") self.resizable(True, True) self.attributes('-topmost', True) self.image_data = image_data self.outer_frame = Frame(self) self.outer_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True) sizing_and_color_frame = Frame(self.outer_frame) sizing_and_color_frame.pack(expand=True, fill="both") sizing_options = [(SIZING_OPTIONS[SCALAR], SCALAR), (SIZING_OPTIONS[PIXELS], PIXELS)] size_selection_and_size_option_frame = Frame(sizing_and_color_frame) size_selection_and_size_option_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=4) self.size_selection = selection_box( "SIZING", sizing_options, self.on_size_select, size_selection_and_size_option_frame) self.size_selection.pack(side="left", fill="y") selection_frame_frame = ttk.LabelFrame( size_selection_and_size_option_frame, text="SIZE OPTIONS") selection_frame_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True, side="left") self.scaling_frame = Frame(selection_frame_frame), relheight=1) self.scaling_factor = LabeledEntry("Scaling Factor - ", 1, self.scaling_frame), relheight=1) self.custom_dimensions_frame = Frame(selection_frame_frame), relheight=1) self.dimension_x_entry = LabeledEntry("Width - ", "16", self.custom_dimensions_frame) self.dimension_x_entry.pack(fill="both", expand=True, anchor="w") self.dimension_y_entry = LabeledEntry("Height - ", "16", self.custom_dimensions_frame) self.dimension_y_entry.pack(fill="both", expand=True, anchor="w") self.on_size_select() footer = ttk.LabelFrame(self.outer_frame, text="FILE") select_path_frame = Frame(footer) select_path_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.file_path_entry = LabeledEntry("File path", "", select_path_frame) self.file_path_entry.pack(fill="both", expand=True, side="left", padx=(2, 2)) select_path_button = Button(select_path_frame, command=self.set_save_path, text="Select file").pack(side="right", pady=(4, 6), padx=(2, 2), expand=False) Button(footer, text="Save","x", expand=False, padx=4, pady=4) footer.pack(fill="x", expand=False, padx=4, side="top", pady=4) def set_save_path(self): save_as = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".*", filetypes=[ ("All files", ".*"), ("PNG files", ".png"), ("JPEG files", ".jpg .jpeg"), ("BMP files", ".bmp"), ("ICO files", ".ico") ]) self.file_path_entry.set(save_as) def on_size_select(self): sizing_mode = self.size_selection.get() def handle_scalar(): self.scaling_frame.tkraise() def handle_pixels(): self.custom_dimensions_frame.tkraise() modes = {SCALAR: handle_scalar, PIXELS: handle_pixels} modes[sizing_mode]() def on_loop_select(self): loop_mode = self.loop_selection.get() def handle_loop(): self.number_of_loops_frame.tkraise() def handle_no_loop(): self.no_loop_frame.tkraise() modes = {LOOP: handle_loop, NO_LOOP: handle_no_loop} modes[loop_mode]() def save(self): print("Beginning image conversion") image_data = self.image_data #Make a copy of the image data for manipulation in case save fails and needs to be redone def handle_scalar(image): print("Appling scalar resize to image") try: factor = int(self.scaling_factor.get()) print(f"Resizing image by factor {factor}") except Exception as e: return self.error(f"Invalid scaling factor: {e}") if not factor: return self.error(f"Scaling factor cannot be zero") if factor == 1: return image else: return image.resize((int(image.height) * int(factor), int(image.width) * int(factor)), Image.BOX) def handle_pixels(image): try: width = self.dimension_x_entry.get() height = self.dimension_y_entry.get() print(f"Resizing image to {width} x {height}") except Exception as e: return self.error(f"Invalid pixel resize values {e}") try: return image.resize((int(height), int(width)), Image.BOX) except Exception as e: return self.error(f"Error resizing image - {e}") sizing_options = {SCALAR: handle_scalar, PIXELS: handle_pixels} sizing_mode = self.size_selection.get() image_data = sizing_options[sizing_mode](image_data) if not image_data: return try: filename = self.file_path_entry.get() except Exception as e: return self.error(f"Error getting file name: {e}") if not filename: return self.error(f"No filename specified") try: print("Saving...") except Exception as e: return self.error(f"Error saving image: {e}") self.destroy() #Sucessful! def error(self, error): print(error) error_frame = error_window(error, self.outer_frame), relheight=1)
text="commencer", width=10, command=lambda: reveil(frame_second, expected_time)) button.pack() button = Button(frame_second, text="Retour menu", width=10, command=lambda: back_principal_frame(frame_principal)) button.pack() question_1 = Label( frame_principal, text= "Dans combien de temps souhaitez-vous vous réveiller? Ex:hours/minutes/secondes" ) question_1.pack() expected_time = Entry(frame_principal, bg="yellow", bd=3, fg="blue") expected_time.pack() question_2 = Label( frame_principal, text= "Intervalles de rappel et nombres de fois(Ex: nombres de fois/intervalles de rappel(secondes)" ) question_2.pack() time_recall = Entry(frame_principal, bg="yellow", bd=3, fg="blue") time_recall.pack() frame_principal.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") frame_second.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") frame_principal.tkraise() root.mainloop()
def show_page(self, frame: tk.Frame): frame.tkraise()
def _activate_frame(frame: tkinter.Frame) -> None: frame.tkraise() frame.focus_set()