def get_most_recent_dataset(conn): dsid_dicts = dbutils.columns_from_table(conn, table='dataset', keywords=['id'], alias={'id':'datasetid'}, where=None) return dsid_dicts[-1]['datasetid']
def gather_source_info(runcatid, conn): """ Pulls information from extracted sources which have been marked as associated together, and tagged with this running catalog id. Returns: A tuple, ( ra_std_dev, dec_std_dev) Logic: -Grab all the xtrsrc ids associated with this runcatid -Get the corresponding entries from extractedsource -Calculate std. deviation etc. """ assocxtrsrc_entries = dbutils.columns_from_table(conn, table='assocxtrsource', keywords = ['xtrsrc'], where = {'runcat': runcatid} ) xtrsrc_ids = [entry['xtrsrc'] for entry in assocxtrsrc_entries] extractedsources=[] #This bit in particular is horribly horribly inefficient, # as it stands. Oh well. for id in xtrsrc_ids: extractedsources.extend( dbutils.columns_from_table(conn, table='extractedsource', where={'id':id} ) ) # print "Extracted sources:" # for src in extractedsources: # print src ra_list = [src['ra'] for src in extractedsources] dec_list = [src['decl'] for src in extractedsources] src_info = {'runcat':runcatid, 'ra': numpy.mean(ra_list), 'dec': numpy.mean(dec_list), 'ra_sd':numpy.std(ra_list), 'dec_sd':numpy.std(dec_list) } return src_info