コード例 #1
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_adminreloadconfig(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - reload bot config and mainconfig files. """
    except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
コード例 #2
ファイル: rc.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_rc(bot, event):
    """ arguments: <file>|<url> - execute a .tl resource file with bot commands. """
    if not event.rest: event.missing("<file>|<url>") ; return
    if not getmainconfig().allowrc: event.reply("rc mode is not enabled") ; return
    teller = 0
    t = event.rest
    waiting = []
            if getmainconfig().allowremoterc and t.startswith("http"): data = geturl2(t)
            else: data = open(t, 'r').read()
        except IOError as ex: event.reply("I/O error: %s" % str(ex)) ; return
        if not data: event.reply("can't get data from %s" % event.rest) ; return
        for d in data.split("\n"):
            i = d.strip()
            if not i: continue
            if i.startswith("#"): continue
            e = cpy(event)
            e.txt = "%s" % i.strip()
            e.direct = True
            teller += 1
        event.reply("%s commands executed" % teller)
    except Exception as ex: event.reply("an error occured: %s" % str(ex)) ; handle_exception()
コード例 #3
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_adminsave(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - boot the bot .. do some initialisation. """
    ievent.reply("saving mainconfig")
    ievent.reply("saving fleet bots")
    ievent.reply("saving all plugins")
コード例 #4
ファイル: floodcontrol.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
 def checkevent(self, event, dobind=True):
     if not event.iscommand:
         return False
     if getmainconfig().floodallow:
         return False
     if dobind:
     if not event.user:
         got = False
         got = True
     t = got and event.user.data.floodtime or 60
     if t < 60:
         t = 60
     threshold = got and event.user.data.floodthreshold or 20
     if threshold < 20:
         threshold = 20
     wait = got and event.user.data.floodwait or 120
     if wait < 120:
         wait = 120
     floodrate = got and event.user.data.floodrate or 0.1
     if floodrate < 0.1:
         floodrate = 0.1
     if not self.check(event.userhost, t, threshold, wait, floodrate):
         return False
     if event.user and "OPER" in event.user.data.perms:
         return False
     logging.warn("floodcontrol block on %s" % event.userhost)
     if event.userhost not in self.warned:
         logging.warn("floodcontrol block on %s" % event.userhost)
         event.reply("floodcontrol enabled (%s seconds)" % wait)
     self.warned[event.userhost] = time.time()
     return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: opts.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def do_opts(type="console", args=[], *argslist, **kwargs):
    from tl.version import getversion
    if not args: args = sys.argv
    if type != "console": print("TIMELINE %s" % getversion(type.upper()))
    cfg = None
    if type == "irc": target = api_opts + bot_opts + irc_opts
    elif type == "xmpp": target = api_opts + bot_opts + xmpp_opts
    elif type == "fleet": target = api_opts + fleet_opts
    elif type == "init": target = []
    elif type == "console": target = bot_opts + console_opts
    else: target = []
    opts =  make_opts(args, target, *argslist, **kwargs)
    if type == "console": ll = "error"
    else: ll = "warn" 
    if opts.datadir: setdatadir(opts.datadir)
    else: setdatadir(homedir + os.sep + ".tl")
    setloglevel(opts.loglevel or ll)
    if opts.bork: tl.utils.exception.bork = True ; logging.warn("bork mode enabled")
    if opts.nourl: tl.utils.url.enabled = False ; logging.warn("url fetching disabled")
    if opts.nocolors: tl.utils.log.docolor = False ; logging.warn("colors in logging is disabled")
    from tl.lib.users import getusers
    u = getusers()
    if opts.owner and u: u.make_owner(opts.owner)
    from tl.lib.config import getmainconfig
    maincfg = getmainconfig(opts.datadir)
    if type == "irc": cfg = makeircconfig(opts, opts.name)
    elif type == "xmpp" or type == "xmpp": cfg = makexmppconfig(opts, opts.name)
    elif type == "console": cfg = makeconsoleconfig(opts, opts.name)
    else: cfg = makedefaultconfig(opts, opts.name) 
    if opts.anon: cfg.auto_register = True ; cfg.guestasuser = True
    else: cfg.auto_register = False
    if maincfg.dbtype: logging.warn("database type is %s" % maincfg.dbtype)
    return (opts, cfg)
コード例 #6
ファイル: eventbase.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
 def bind(self, bot=None, user=None, chan=None, force=False, dolog=None):
     """ bind event.bot event.user and event.chan to execute a command on it. """
     dolog = dolog or 'TICK' not in self.cbtype
     if dolog and not force and self.dontbind: logging.debug("dontbind is set on event . .not binding"); return
     if not force and self.bonded: logging.debug("already bonded") ; return
     dolog and logging.debug("starting bind on %s - %s" % (self.userhost, self.txt)) 
     target = self.auth or self.userhost
     bot = bot or self.bot
     if not self.chan:
         if chan: self.chan = chan
         elif self.channel: self.chan = ChannelBase(self.channel, bot.cfg.name)
         elif self.userhost: self.chan = ChannelBase(self.userhost, bot.cfg.name)
         if self.chan: dolog and logging.debug("channel bonded - %s" % self.chan.data.id)
     if not target: self.prepare(bot) ; self.bonded = True ; return
     if not self.user and target and not self.nodispatch:
         if user: u = user
         else: u = bot.users.getuser(target)
         if not u: u = bot.users.by_uid(target)
         if not u: 
             cfg = getmainconfig()
             if cfg.auto_register and self.iscommand:
                 u = bot.users.addguest(target, self.nick)
                 if u: logging.warn("auto_register applied")
                 else: logging.error("can't add %s to users database" % target)
         if u:
             msg = "!! %s -=- %s -=- %s -=- (%s) !!" % (u.data.name, self.usercmnd or "none", self.cbtype, self.bot.cfg.name)
             dolog and logging.warn(msg)
             self.user = u
         if self.user: dolog and logging.debug("user bonded from %s" % whichmodule())
     if not self.user and target: dolog and self.iscommand and logging.warn("no %s user found" % target) ; self.nodispatch = True
     if self.bot: self.inchan = self.channel in self.bot.cfg.channels
     if not self.auth: self.auth = self.userhost
     self.bonded = True
     return self
コード例 #7
ファイル: irc.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
 def bind(self):
     server = self.cfg.server
     elite = self.cfg['bindhost'] or getmainconfig()['bindhost']
     if elite:
         logging.warn("trying to bind to %s" % elite)
             self.oldsock.bind((elite, 0))
         except socket.gaierror:
             logging.debug("%s - can't bind to %s" % (self.cfg.name, elite))
             if not server:
                 try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.cfg.server)
                 except socket.error: pass
                 else: server = self.cfg.server
             if not server:  
                 try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, self.cfg.server)
                 except socket.error: pass
                 else: server = self.cfg.server
             if not server:
                 ips = []
                     for item in socket.getaddrinfo(self.cfg.server, None):
                         if item[0] in [socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6] and item[1] == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
                             ip = item[4][0]
                             if ip not in ips: ips.append(ip)
                 except socket.error: pass
                 else: server = random.choice(ips)
     return server
コード例 #8
ファイル: doemail.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def sendmail(user, to, subject, text, attach, server=None, port=None):
   msg = MIMEMultipart()
   msg['From'] = user
   msg['To'] = to
   msg['Subject'] = subject

   part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
   part.set_payload(open(attach, 'rb').read())
   part.add_header('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(attach))

   from tl.lib.config import getmainconfig
   cfg = getmainconfig()

   mailServer = smtplib.SMTP(server or mainconfig.emailserver or "localhost", 25 or mainconfig.emailport)
   mailServer.login(user or mainconfig.emailfrom, pwd or mainconfig.emailpwd or "")
   result = mailServer.sendmail(user, to, msg.as_string())
   # Should be mailServer.quit(), but that crashes...
   return result
コード例 #9
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_loglevel(bot, event):
    """ arguments: <loglevel> - change loglevel of the bot. loglevel is on of debug, info, warn or error. """
    if not event.rest: event.reply("loglevel is %s" % getloglevel()) ; return
    from tl.lib.config import getmainconfig
    mainconfig = getmainconfig()
    mainconfig.loglevel = event.rest
    #mainhandler.put(4, setloglevel, event.rest)
コード例 #10
ファイル: eventbase.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
 def getcc(self):
     if self.chan: cc = self.chan.data.cc
     else: cc = ""
     if not cc:
         cfg = getmainconfig()
         if cfg.globalcc and not cfg.globalcc in cc: cc += cfg.globalcc
     if not cc: cc = "!;"
     if not ";" in cc: cc += ";"
     logging.debug("cc is %s" % cc)
     return cc
コード例 #11
ファイル: cfg.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_cfgset(bot, event):
    if len(event.args) != 3: event.missing("<configname> <variable> <value>") ; return
    name, var, value = event.args
    if not var in allowset: event.reply("setting %s is not allowed" % var) ; return
    if name == "main":
        if not getusers().allowed(event.userhost, "OPER"): event.reply("you need to have OPER permissions to edit the mainconfig.") ; return
        mcfg = getmainconfig()
        try: mcfg[var] = int(value)
        except ValueError: mcfg[var] = value
    else: event.reply('we current only support editing the "main" config.') ; return
コード例 #12
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def getmaindb():
        from tl.lib.config import getmainconfig
        cfg = getmainconfig()
        if cfg.dbenable:
            if "sqlite" in cfg.dbtype and not gotsqlite():
                logging.error("sqlite is not found.")
            global db
            if db: return db
            from .direct import Db
            return Db()
        else: raise Exception("db not enabled in %s" % cfg._cfile)
    except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
コード例 #13
ファイル: version.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def getfullversion(txt="", repo=False):
    v = str(version)
    from tl.lib.config import getmainconfig
    cfg = getmainconfig()
    if cfg.dbenable: v += " -=- " + cfg.dbtype.upper()
    tip = None
    if repo:
            from mercurial import context, hg, node, repo, ui
            repository = hg.repository(ui.ui(), '.')
            ctx = context.changectx(repository)
            tip = str(ctx.rev())
        except: tip = None
    if tip: version2 = v + " -=- HG " + tip
    else: version2 = v
    return "T I M E L I N E -=- %s -=- %s" % (txt, version2)
コード例 #14
ファイル: tick.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
 def handle(self):
     """ send TICK events to callback. """
     self.counter += 1
     event = EventBase()
     event.nolog = True
     event.nobind = True
     if self.counter % 60 == 0:
         event.type = event.cbtype = 'TICK60'
         callbacks.check(self.bot, event)
     if self.counter % 10 == 0:
         event.type = event.cbtype = 'TICK10'
         callbacks.check(self.bot, event)
     maincfg = getmainconfig()
     t = maincfg.ticksleep or 1
     if self.counter % t == 0:
         event.type = event.cbtype = 'TICK'
         callbacks.check(self.bot, event)
コード例 #15
ファイル: direct.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
 def __init__(self, dbname=None, dbhost=None, dbuser=None, dbpasswd=None, dbtype=None, ddir=None, doconnect=True):
     self.datadir = ddir or getdatadir()
     self.datadir = self.datadir + os.sep + "db" + os.sep
     if hasattr(os, 'mkdir'):
         if not os.path.isdir(self.datadir):
             try: os.mkdir(self.datadir)
             except OSError: pass
     cfg = getmainconfig()
     self.dbname = dbname or cfg.dbname
     if not self.dbname: raise Exception("no db name")
     self.dbhost = dbhost or cfg.dbhost or ""
     self.dbuser = dbuser or cfg.dbuser or ""
     self.dbpasswd = dbpasswd or cfg.dbpasswd or ""
     self.connection = None
     self.timeout = 15
     self.dbtype = dbtype or cfg.dbtype or 'sqlite'
     if doconnect: self.connect()
コード例 #16
ファイル: cfg.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_cfg(bot, event):
    if len(event.args) != 1: event.missing("<configname>") ; return
    name = event.args[0]
    if name == "main":
        if not getusers().allowed(event.userhost, "OPER"): event.reply("you need to have OPER permissions to edit the mainconfig.") ; return
コード例 #17
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def handle_datamain(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - dump bot as json dict. """
コード例 #18
ファイル: boot.py プロジェクト: buzzworkers/tl
def boot(ddir=None, force=False, encoding="utf-8", umask=None, saveperms=True, fast=False, clear=False, loadall=False):
    """ initialize the bot. """
    global plugin_packages
        if os.getuid() == 0: print("don't run the bot as root") ; os._exit(1)
    except AttributeError: pass
    from tl.lib.datadir import getdatadir, setdatadir
    if ddir: setdatadir(ddir)
    origdir = ddir 
    ddir = getdatadir()
    if not ddir: logging.error("can't determine datadir to boot from") ; raise Exception("can't determine datadir")
    logging.warn("starting !!")
    if not ddir in sys.path: sys.path.append(ddir)
        rundir = ddir + os.sep + "run"
        k = open(rundir + os.sep + 'tl.pid','w')
    except IOError: pass
        if not umask: checkpermissions(getdatadir(), 0o700) 
        else: checkpermissions(getdatadir(), umask)  
    except: handle_exception()
    from tl.lib.plugins import plugs
    global loaded
    global cmndtable
    global retable
    global plugins
    global callbacktable
    global shorttable
    global cmndperms
    global timestamps
    if not retable: retable = Persist(rundir + os.sep + 'retable')
    if clear: retable.data = {}
    if not cmndtable: cmndtable = Persist(rundir + os.sep + 'cmndtable')
    if clear: cmndtable.data = {}
    if not plugins: plugins = Persist(rundir + os.sep + 'plugins')
    if clear: plugins.data = {}
    if not plugins.data.available: plugins.data.available = []
    if not plugins.data.refused: plugins.data.refused = []
    if not plugins.data.allowed: plugins.data.allowed = []
    if not callbacktable: callbacktable = Persist(rundir + os.sep + 'callbacktable')
    if clear: callbacktable.data = {}
    if not shorttable: shorttable = Persist(rundir + os.sep + 'shorttable')
    if clear: shorttable.data = {}
    if not timestamps: timestamps = Persist(rundir + os.sep + 'timestamps')
    if not cmndperms: cmndperms = Config('cmndperms', ddir=ddir)
    changed = []
    gotlocal = False
    dosave = clear or False
    maincfg = getmainconfig(ddir=ddir)
    logging.warn("mainconfig used is %s" % maincfg.cfile)
    packages = find_packages(ddir + os.sep + "myplugs")
    for p in packages:
        if p not in plugin_packages: plugin_packages.append(p)
    packages = find_packages("tl" + os.sep + "plugs")
    for p in packages:
        if p not in plugin_packages: plugin_packages.append(p)
    if os.path.isdir('tl'):
        gotlocal = True
        changed = scandir('tl-myplugs')
        if changed:
            logging.warn("tl-myplugs has changed -=- %s" % ", ".join(changed))
            dosave = True
    for plug in default_plugins: plugs.reload(plug, showerror=True, force=True)
    changed = scandir(ddir + os.sep + 'myplugs')
    if changed:
        logging.warn("myplugs has changed -=- %s" % ', '.join(changed))
        dosave = True
    configchanges = checkconfig()
    if configchanges:
        logging.info("there are configuration changes: %s" % ', '.join(configchanges))
        for f in configchanges:
            if 'mainconfig' in f: force = True ; dosave = True
    if os.path.isdir('tl'):
        coreplugs = scandir("tl" + os.sep + "plugs")
        if coreplugs:
            logging.warn("core changed -=- %s" % ", ".join(coreplugs))
            dosave = True
        from tl.db import getmaindb
        from tl.db.tables import tablestxt
        db = getmaindb()
        if db: db.define(tablestxt)
    except Exception as ex: logging.warn("could not initialize database %s" % str(ex))
    if force or dosave or not cmndtable.data or len(cmndtable.data) < 100:
        logging.debug("using target %s" % str(plugin_packages))
        plugs.loadall(plugin_packages, force=True)