def setvotes_command(bot, message): report_botan(message, 'slave_setvotes_cmd') yield bot.send_message(pgettext('New required votes count request', 'Set new amount of required votes'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return True
def plaintext_reject_handler(bot, message, chat_id, message_id): msg = message['text'].strip() if len(msg) < 10: report_botan(message, 'slave_reply_short_msg') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Reject message is too short', 'Reject message is too short (10 symbols required), try ' 'again or send /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) else: yield bot.decline_message( { 'chat': { 'id': chat_id }, 'message_id': message_id }, 0, False) try: yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Message to user in case of rejection', "Your post has been rejected. " "Reason:\n> {reject_reason}").format(reject_reason=msg), chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Rejection delivery confirmation', 'Message sent and post rejected'), reply_to_message=message) except Exception as e: yield bot.send_message( pgettext('Rejection failed', 'Message sending failed: {reason}').format(reason=str(e)), reply_to_message=message) return True
def ban_command(bot, callback_query, user_id): report_botan(callback_query, 'slave_ban_cmd') if int(user_id) == bot.owner_id: yield bot.answer_callback_query( callback_query['id'], pgettext('Somebody trying to ban the owner', 'It\'s not allowed to ban the bot owner')) return None if int(user_id) == callback_query['from']['id']: yield bot.answer_callback_query( callback_query['id'], pgettext('Somebody trying to ban himself', 'It\'s not allowed to ban yourself')) return None cur = yield bot.db.execute( 'SELECT banned_at FROM users WHERE bot_id = %s AND user_id = %s', (bot.bot_id, user_id)) row = cur.fetchone() if row and row[0]: yield bot.answer_callback_query( callback_query['id'], pgettext('User already banned', 'User already banned')) return None msg = pgettext('Ban reason request', 'Please enter a ban reason for the user, @{moderator_username}')\ .format(moderator_username=callback_query['from']['username']) yield bot.send_message(msg, chat_id=bot.moderator_chat_id, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) yield bot.answer_callback_query(callback_query['id']) return {'user_id': user_id}
def setdelay_command(bot, message): report_botan(message, 'slave_setdelay_cmd') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'New delay request', 'Set new delay value for messages posting (in minutes)'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return True
def settimeout_command(bot, message): report_botan(message, 'slave_settimeout_cmd') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'New voting duration request', 'Set new voting duration value (in hours, only a ' 'digits)'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return True
def reject_command(bot, callback_query, chat_id, message_id): report_botan(callback_query, 'slave_reject_cmd') msg = pgettext('Reject message request', 'Please enter a reject reason, @{moderator_username}?') \ .format(moderator_username=callback_query['from'].get('username', callback_query['from']['id'])) yield bot.send_message(msg, chat_id=bot.moderator_chat_id, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) yield bot.answer_callback_query(callback_query['id']) return { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'message_id': message_id, }
def plaintext_ban_handler(bot, message, user_id): chat_id = message['chat']['id'] cur = yield bot.db.execute( 'SELECT banned_at FROM users WHERE bot_id = %s AND user_id = %s', (bot.bot_id, user_id)) row = cur.fetchone() if row and row[0]: yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Somebody banned a user faster than another one', 'Somebody already banned the user. Be faster next time.'), reply_to_message=message) return True msg = message['text'].strip() if len(msg) < 5: report_botan(message, 'slave_ban_short_msg') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Ban reason too short', 'Reason is too short (5 symbols required), ' 'try again or send /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) else: report_botan(message, 'slave_ban_success') yield bot.send_chat_action(chat_id, bot.CHAT_ACTION_TYPING) try: yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Message to user in case of ban', "You've been banned from further communication with this bot. " "Reason:\n> {ban_reason}").format(ban_reason=msg), chat_id=user_id) except: pass cur = yield bot.db.execute( 'SELECT message FROM incoming_messages WHERE bot_id = %s AND owner_id = %s AND ' 'is_voting_success = FALSE AND is_voting_fail = FALSE AND is_published = FALSE', (, user_id, )) while True: row = cur.fetchone() if not row: break yield bot.decline_message(row[0], 0, False) yield bot.db.execute( 'UPDATE users SET banned_at = NOW(), ban_reason = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND ' 'bot_id = %s', (msg, user_id, yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Ban confirmation', 'User banned'), reply_to_message=message) return True
def setfreqlimit_command(bot, message): yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'New frequency limits request', 'Please enter new value for messages frequency ' 'limits formatted like `{messages_count}/{days}`, ' 'or `0` to disable limits ' '(e.g. `1/7` to set limit to 1 message per week)'), reply_to_message=message, parse_mode=bot.PARSE_MODE_MD, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return True
def plaintext_startmessage_handler(bot, message): if message['text'] and len(message['text'].strip()) > 10: report_botan(message, 'slave_setstartmessage') yield bot.update_settings(message['from']['id'], start=message['text'].strip()) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Start message successfully changed', 'Start message updated'), reply_to_message=message) return True else: report_botan(message, 'slave_setstartmessage_invalid') yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Too short start message entered', 'Invalid start message, you should write at ' 'least 10 symbols. Try again or type ' '/cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True))
def plaintext_freqlimit_handler(bot, message): limits = message['text'].strip().split('/') if len(limits) == 1 and limits[0] == '0': yield bot.update_settings(message['from']['id'], msg_freq_limit=None) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Limits reset', 'Limits reset'), reply_to_message=message) return True elif len(limits) == 2 and limits[0].isdigit() and limits[1].isdigit(): limits[0] = int(limits[0]) limits[1] = int(limits[1]) if limits[0] < 1: yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Msg limit is too low', 'Messages count limit must be greater than 0'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) elif limits[1] < 1: yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Days limit is too low', 'Days count must be greater than 0'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) else: yield bot.update_settings(message['from']['id'], msg_freq_limit=[limits[0], limits[1]]) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Limits changed successfully', 'Limits updated'), reply_to_message=message) return True else: yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Non-well formatted freq limits provided', 'Please use following format: `{messages_count}/{days}` (e.g. `1/7`), or ' 'send /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, parse_mode=bot.PARSE_MODE_MD, reply_markup=ForceReply(True))
def reply_command(bot, callback_query, chat_id, message_id): report_botan(callback_query, 'slave_reply_cmd') msg = pgettext('Reply message request', 'What message should I send to user, @{moderator_username}?') \ .format(moderator_username=callback_query['from'].get('username', callback_query['from']['id'])) fwd_id = yield bot.get_message_fwd_id(chat_id, message_id) yield bot.send_message(msg, chat_id=bot.moderator_chat_id, reply_markup=ForceReply(True), reply_to_message_id=fwd_id) yield bot.answer_callback_query(callback_query['id']) return { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'message_id': message_id, }
def plaintext_textlimits_handler(bot, message): limits = message['text'].strip().split('..') if len(limits) == 2 and limits[0].isdigit() and limits[1].isdigit(): limits[0] = int(limits[0]) limits[1] = int(limits[1]) if limits[0] < 1: yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Bottom limit is too low', 'Bottom limit must be greater than 0'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) elif limits[1] <= limits[0]: yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Top limit is too low', 'Top limit must be greater than bottom one'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) else: yield bot.update_settings(message['from']['id'], text_min=limits[0], text_max=limits[1]) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Text limits changed successfully', 'Limits updated'), reply_to_message=message) return True else: yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Non-well formated text limits provided', 'Please use following format: `{min_length}..{max_length}` (e.g. `1..10`), or ' 'send /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, parse_mode=bot.PARSE_MODE_MD, reply_markup=ForceReply(True))
def plaintext_delay_handler(bot, message): if message['text'].isdigit() and int(message['text']) >= 0: report_botan(message, 'slave_setdelay') yield bot.update_settings(message['from']['id'], delay=int(message['text'])) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Messages delay successfully changed', 'Delay value updated'), reply_to_message=message) return True else: report_botan(message, 'slave_setdelay_invalid') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Invalid delay value', 'Invalid delay value. Try again or type /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True))
def plaintext_timeout_handler(bot, message): if message['text'].isdigit() and int(message['text']) > 0: report_botan(message, 'slave_settimeout') yield bot.update_settings(message['from']['id'], vote_timeout=int(message['text'])) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Voting duration successfully changed', 'Voting duration updated'), reply_to_message=message) return True else: report_botan(message, 'slave_settimeout_invalid') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Invalid voting duration value', 'Invalid voting duration value. Try again or ' 'type /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True))
def plaintext_votes_handler(bot, message): if message['text'].isdigit() and int(message['text']) > 0: report_botan(message, 'slave_setvotes') yield bot.update_settings(message['from']['id'], votes=int(message['text'])) yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Required votes count successfully changed', 'Required votes ' 'amount updated'), reply_to_message=message) return True else: report_botan(message, 'slave_setvotes_invalid') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Invalid votes amount value', 'Invalid votes amount value. Try again or type ' '/cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True))
def plaintext_reject_handler(bot, message, chat_id, message_id): msg = message['text'].strip() if len(msg) < 10: report_botan(message, 'slave_reply_short_msg') yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Reject message is too short', 'Reject message is too short (10 symbols required), try ' 'again or send /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) else: yield bot.db.execute('UPDATE incoming_messages SET is_voting_fail = TRUE WHERE id = %s AND ' 'original_chat_id = %s', (message_id, original_chat_id)) try: yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Message to user in case of rejection', "Your post has been rejected. " "Reason:\n> {reject_reason}").format(reject_reason=msg), chat_id=user_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Rejection delivery confirmation', 'Message sent and post rejected'), reply_to_message=message) except Exception as e: yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Rejection failed', 'Message sending failed: {reason}').format(reason=str(e)), reply_to_message=message)
def plaintext_reply_handler(bot, message, chat_id, message_id): msg = message['text'].strip() if len(msg) < 10: report_botan(message, 'slave_reply_short_msg') yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Reply message is too short', 'Message is too short (10 symbols required), try ' 'again or send /cancel'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) else: try: yield bot.send_message(msg, chat_id=chat_id, reply_to_message_id=message_id) yield bot.send_message(pgettext('Reply delivery confirmation', 'Message sent'), reply_to_message=message) except Exception as e: yield bot.send_message(pgettext( 'Reply failed', 'Failed: {reason}').format(reason=str(e)), reply_to_message=message) return True
def setstartmessage_command(bot, message): report_botan(message, 'slave_setstartmessage_cmd') yield bot.send_message(pgettext('New start message request', 'Set new start message'), reply_to_message=message, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return True
def settextlimits_command(bot, message): yield bot.send_message(pgettext('New length limits request', 'Please enter new value for length limits formatted ' 'like `{min_length}..{max_length}` (e.g. `1..10`)'), reply_to_message=message, parse_mode=bot.PARSE_MODE_MD, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return True