def getjobexitcode(lsfJobID): job, task = lsfJobID # first try bjobs to find out job state args = ["bjobs", "-l", str(job)] logger.debug("Checking job exit code for job via bjobs: " + str(job)) process = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(args), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) started = 0 for line in process.stdout: if line.find("Done successfully") > -1: logger.debug("bjobs detected job completed for job: " + str(job)) return 0 elif line.find("Completed <exit>") > -1: logger.debug("bjobs detected job failed for job: " + str(job)) return 1 elif line.find("New job is waiting for scheduling") > -1: logger.debug("bjobs detected job pending scheduling for job: " + str(job)) return None elif line.find("PENDING REASONS") > -1: logger.debug("bjobs detected job pending for job: " + str(job)) return None elif line.find("Started on ") > -1: started = 1 if started == 1: logger.debug("bjobs detected job started but not completed: " + str(job)) return None # if not found in bjobs, then try bacct (slower than bjobs) logger.debug("bjobs failed to detect job - trying bacct: " + str(job)) args = ["bacct", "-l", str(job)] logger.debug("Checking job exit code for job via bacct:" + str(job)) process = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(args), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in process.stdout: if line.find("Completed <done>") > -1: logger.debug("Detected job completed for job: " + str(job)) return 0 elif line.find("Completed <exit>") > -1: logger.debug("Detected job failed for job: " + str(job)) return 1 logger.debug("Cant determine exit code for job or job still running: " + str(job)) return None
def test_cwl_toil_kill(self): """Test "toil kill" on a CWL workflow with a 100 second sleep.""" run_cmd = [ 'toil-cwl-runner', '--jobStore', self.jobstore, self.cwl, self.yaml ] kill_cmd = ['toil', 'kill', self.jobstore] cwl_process = subprocess.Popen(run_cmd) time.sleep(2) subprocess.Popen(kill_cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert cwl_process.poll() == None
def getRunningJobIDs(self): times = {} with self.runningJobsLock: currentjobs = dict((str(self.batchJobIDs[x][0].strip()), x) for x in self.runningJobs) logger.debug("getRunningJobIDs current jobs are: " + str(currentjobs)) # Skip running qstat if we don't have any current jobs if not currentjobs: return times # Only query for job IDs to avoid clogging the batch system on heavily loaded clusters # PBS plain qstat will return every running job on the system. jobids = sorted(currentjobs.keys()) if self._version == "pro": process = subprocess.Popen(['qstat', '-x'] + jobids, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) elif self._version == "oss": process = subprocess.Popen(['qstat'] + jobids, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() # qstat supports XML output which is more comprehensive, but PBSPro does not support it # so instead we stick with plain commandline qstat tabular outputs for currline in stdout.split('\n'): items = currline.strip().split() if items: jobid = items[0].strip() if jobid in currentjobs: logger.debug("getRunningJobIDs job status for is: " + items[4]) if jobid in currentjobs and items[4] == 'R': walltime = items[3] logger.debug( "getRunningJobIDs qstat reported walltime is: " + walltime) # normal qstat has a quirk with job time where it reports '0' # when initially running; this catches this case if walltime == '0': walltime = time.mktime( time.strptime(walltime, "%S")) else: walltime = time.mktime( time.strptime(walltime, "%H:%M:%S")) times[currentjobs[jobid]] = walltime logger.debug("Job times from qstat are: " + str(times)) return times
def _getJobDetailsFromSacct(self, slurmJobID): # SLURM job exit codes are obtained by running sacct. args = ['sacct', '-n', # no header '-j', str(slurmJobID), # job '--format', 'State,ExitCode', # specify output columns '-P', # separate columns with pipes '-S', '1970-01-01'] # override start time limit process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) rc = process.returncode if rc != 0: # no accounting system or some other error return (None, -999) for line in process.stdout: values = line.strip().split('|') if len(values) < 2: continue state, exitcode = values logger.debug("sacct job state is %s", state) # If Job is in a running state, return None to indicate we don't have an update status, _ = exitcode.split(':') logger.debug("sacct exit code is %s, returning status %s", exitcode, status) return (state, int(status)) logger.debug("Did not find exit code for job in sacct output") return None
def getJobExitCode(self, torqueJobID): if self._version == "pro": args = ["qstat", "-x", "-f", str(torqueJobID).split('.')[0]] elif self._version == "oss": args = ["qstat", "-f", str(torqueJobID).split('.')[0]] process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in process.stdout: line = line.strip() #logger.debug("getJobExitCode exit status: " + line) # Case differences due to PBSPro vs OSS Torque qstat outputs if line.startswith("failed") or line.startswith( "FAILED") and int(line.split()[1]) == 1: return 1 if line.startswith("exit_status") or line.startswith( "Exit_status"): status = line.split(' = ')[1] logger.debug('Exit Status: ' + status) return int(status) if 'unknown job id' in line.lower(): # some clusters configure Torque to forget everything about just # finished jobs instantly, apparently for performance reasons logger.debug( 'Batch system no longer remembers about job {}'.format( torqueJobID)) # return assumed success; status files should reveal failure return 0 return None
def _runParasol(self, command, autoRetry=True): """ Issues a parasol command using popen to capture the output. If the command fails then it will try pinging parasol until it gets a response. When it gets a response it will recursively call the issue parasol command, repeating this pattern for a maximum of N times. The final exit value will reflect this. """ command = list(concat(self.parasolCommand, command)) while True: logger.debug('Running %r', command) process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=-1) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() status = process.wait() for line in stderr.split('\n'): if line: logger.warn(line) if status == 0: return 0, stdout.split('\n') message = 'Command %r failed with exit status %i' % (command, status) if autoRetry: logger.warn(message) else: logger.error(message) return status, None logger.warn('Waiting for a 10s, before trying again') time.sleep(10)
def killBatchJobs(self, jobIDs): self.killLocalJobs(jobIDs) """Kills the given job IDs. """ for jobID in jobIDs: try: lsfID = self.getLsfID(jobID) logger.debug("DEL: " + str(lsfID)) self.currentjobs.remove(jobID) subprocess.Popen(["bkill", lsfID]) del self.jobIDs[self.lsfJobIDs[jobID]] del self.lsfJobIDs[jobID] except RuntimeError: jobIDs.remove(jobID) toKill = set(jobIDs) while len(toKill) > 0: for jobID in list(toKill): if getjobexitcode(self.lsfJobIDs[jobID]) is not None: toKill.remove(jobID) if len(toKill) > 0: logger.warn( "Tried to kill some jobs, but something happened and they are still going, " "so I'll try again") time.sleep(5)
def coreSSH(self, *args, **kwargs): """ If strict=False, strict host key checking will be temporarily disabled. This is provided as a convenience for internal/automated functions and ought to be set to True whenever feasible, or whenever the user is directly interacting with a resource (e.g. rsync-cluster or ssh-cluster). Assumed to be False by default. kwargs: input, tty, appliance, collectStdout, sshOptions, strict """ commandTokens = ['ssh', '-t'] strict = kwargs.pop('strict', False) if not strict: kwargs['sshOptions'] = ['-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no'] \ + kwargs.get('sshOptions', []) sshOptions = kwargs.pop('sshOptions', None) # Forward ports: # 3000 for Grafana dashboard # 9090 for Prometheus dashboard # 5050 for Mesos dashboard (although to talk to agents you will need a proxy) commandTokens.extend(['-L', '3000:localhost:3000', \ '-L', '9090:localhost:9090', \ '-L', '5050:localhost:5050']) if sshOptions: # add specified options to ssh command assert isinstance(sshOptions, list) commandTokens.extend(sshOptions) # specify host user = kwargs.pop('user', 'core') # CHANGED: Is this needed? commandTokens.append('%s@%s' % (user,str(self.effectiveIP))) appliance = kwargs.pop('appliance', None) if appliance: # run the args in the appliance tty = kwargs.pop('tty', None) ttyFlag = '-t' if tty else '' commandTokens += ['docker', 'exec', '-i', ttyFlag, 'toil_leader'] inputString = kwargs.pop('input', None) if inputString is not None: kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE collectStdout = kwargs.pop('collectStdout', None) if collectStdout: kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE logger.debug('Node %s: %s', self.effectiveIP, ' '.join(args)) args = list(map(pipes.quote, args)) commandTokens += args logger.debug('Full command %s', ' '.join(commandTokens)) popen = subprocess.Popen(commandTokens, **kwargs) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate(input=inputString) # at this point the process has already exited, no need for a timeout resultValue = popen.wait() # ssh has been throwing random 255 errors - why? if resultValue != 0: logger.debug('SSH Error (%s) %s' % (resultValue, stderr)) raise RuntimeError('Executing the command "%s" on the appliance returned a non-zero ' 'exit code %s with stdout %s and stderr %s' % (' '.join(args), resultValue, stdout, stderr)) return stdout
def getRunningBatchJobIDs(self): """Gets a map of jobs (as jobIDs) currently running (not just waiting) and a how long they have been running for (in seconds). """ times = {} currentjobs = set() for x in self.getIssuedBatchJobIDs(): if x in self.lsfJobIDs: currentjobs.add(self.lsfJobIDs[x]) else: # not yet started pass process = subprocess.Popen(["bjobs"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for curline in process.stdout: items = curline.strip().split() if (len(items) > 9 and (items[0]) in currentjobs) and items[2] == 'RUN': jobstart = "/".join(items[7:9]) + '/' + str( jobstart = jobstart + ' ' + items[9] jobstart = time.mktime( time.strptime(jobstart, "%b/%d/%Y %H:%M")) jobstart = time.mktime( time.strptime(jobstart, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")) times[self.jobIDs[(items[0])]] = time.time() - jobstart times.update(self.getRunningLocalJobIDs()) return times
def needs_appliance(test_item): """ Use as a decorator before test classes or methods to only run them if the Toil appliance Docker image is downloaded. """ test_item = _mark_test('appliance', test_item) if os.getenv('TOIL_SKIP_DOCKER', '').lower() == 'true': return unittest.skip('Skipping docker test.')(test_item) if not which('docker'): return unittest.skip("Install docker to include this test.")(test_item) try: image = applianceSelf() stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen( ['docker', 'inspect', '--format="{{json .RepoTags}}"', image], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() if image in stdout.decode("utf-8"): return test_item except: pass return unittest.skip( f"Cannot find appliance {image}. Use 'make test' target to automatically build appliance, or " f"just run 'make push_docker' prior to running this test.")(test_item)
def writeA(job, mkFile): '''Runs a program, and writes a string 'A' into A.txt using''' job.fileStore.logToMaster('''writeA''') # temp folder for the run tempDir = job.fileStore.getLocalTempDir() # import files try: mkFile_fs = job.fileStore.readGlobalFile(mkFile[0], userPath=os.path.join( tempDir, mkFile[1])) except: mkFile_fs = os.path.join(tempDir, mkFile[1]) # make a file (A.txt) and writes a string 'A' into it using '' content = 'A' cmd = 'python' + ' ' + mkFile_fs + ' ' + 'A.txt' + ' ' + content this_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) this_process.wait() # get the output file and return it as a tuple of location + name output_filename = 'A.txt' output_file = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile(output_filename) A1 = (output_file, output_filename) rvDict = {"A1": A1} return rvDict
def getJobExitCode(self, sgeJobID): # the task is set as part of the job ID if using getBatchSystemID() job, task = (sgeJobID, None) if '.' in sgeJobID: job, task = sgeJobID.split('.', 1) args = ["qacct", "-j", str(job)] if task is not None: args.extend(["-t", str(task)]) logger.debug("Running %r", args) process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) toil = False for line in process.stdout: if line.startswith("failed") and int(line.split()[1]) == 1: return 1 ####start#### if line.startswith("jobname") and line.find("toil_job") != -1: toil = True if toil and line.startswith("exit_status"): logger.debug('Exit Status: %r', line.split()[1]) return int(line.split()[1]) ####end#### #elif line.startswith("exit_status"): # logger.debug('Exit Status: %r', line.split()[1]) # return int(line.split()[1]) return None
def _run(cls, command, *args, **kwargs): """ Run a command. Convenience wrapper for subprocess.check_call and subprocess.check_output. :param str command: The command to be run. :param str args: Any arguments to be passed to the command. :param Any kwargs: keyword arguments for subprocess.Popen constructor. Pass capture=True to have the process' stdout returned. Pass input='some string' to feed input to the process' stdin. :rtype: None|str :return: The output of the process' stdout if capture=True was passed, None otherwise. """ args = list(concat(command, args))'Running %r', args) capture = kwargs.pop('capture', False) _input = kwargs.pop('input', None) if capture: kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE if _input is not None: kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE popen = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate(input=_input) assert stderr is None if popen.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(popen.returncode, args) if capture: return stdout
def testGetPIDStatus(self): """Test that ToilStatus.getPIDStatus() behaves as expected.""" wf = subprocess.Popen(self.sort_workflow_cmd) self.check_status('RUNNING', status_fn=ToilStatus.getPIDStatus) wf.wait() self.check_status('COMPLETED', status_fn=ToilStatus.getPIDStatus) os.remove(os.path.join(self.toilDir, 'pid.log')) self.check_status('QUEUED', status_fn=ToilStatus.getPIDStatus)
def run(self): command = self.parasolCommand() with self.lock: self.popen = subprocess.Popen(command) status = self.popen.wait() if status != 0 and status != -signal.SIGKILL: log.error("Command '%s' failed with %i.", command, status) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(status, command)'Exiting %s', self.__class__.__name__)
def checkExitCode(self, script): program = os.path.join(, "scripts", script) process = subprocess.Popen(["python", program, "file:my-jobstore", "--clean=always"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() assert process.returncode == 0, stderr if isinstance(stdout, bytes): return stdout.decode('utf-8') + ' ' + stderr.decode('utf-8') return stdout + ' ' + stderr
def bsub(bsubline): process = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(bsubline), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) liney = process.stdout.readline() logger.debug("BSUB: " + liney) result = int(liney.strip().split()[1].strip('<>')) logger.debug("Got the job id: %s" % (str(result))) return result
def submitJob(self, subLine): combinedEnv = self.boss.environment combinedEnv.update(os.environ) process = subprocess.Popen(subLine, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=combinedEnv) line = process.stdout.readline() logger.debug("BSUB: " + line) result = int(line.strip().split()[1].strip('<>')) logger.debug("Got the job id: {}".format(result)) return result
def _addToHosts(self, node, destinationIP=None): """ Add an "privateIP hostname" line to the /etc/hosts file. If destinationIP is given, do this on the remote machine. Azure VMs sometimes fail to initialize, causing the appliance to fail. This error is given: Failed to obtain the IP address for 'l7d41a19b-15a6-442c-8ba1-9678a951d824'; the DNS service may not be able to resolve it: Name or service not known. This method is a fix. :param node: Node to add to /etc/hosts. :param destinationIP: A remote host's address """ cmd = "echo %s %s | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts > /dev/null" % (node.privateIP, logger.debug("Running command %s on %s" % (cmd, destinationIP)) if destinationIP: subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "core@%s" % destinationIP, cmd]) else: subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
def testGetPIDStatus(self): """Test that ToilStatus.getPIDStatus() behaves as expected.""" wf = subprocess.Popen(self.sort_workflow_cmd) self.check_status('RUNNING', status_fn=ToilStatus.getPIDStatus) wf.wait() self.check_status('COMPLETED', status_fn=ToilStatus.getPIDStatus) # TODO: we need to reach into the FileJobStore's files and # delete this shared file. We assume we know its internal layout. os.remove(os.path.join(self.toilDir, 'files/shared/pid.log')) self.check_status('QUEUED', status_fn=ToilStatus.getPIDStatus)
def testGetStatusSuccessfulCWLWF(self): """Test that ToilStatus.getStatus() behaves as expected with a successful CWL workflow.""" cmd = [ 'toil-cwl-runner', '--jobStore', self.toilDir, '--clean=never', 'src/toil/test/cwl/sorttool.cwl', '--reverse', '--input', 'src/toil/test/cwl/whale.txt' ] wf = subprocess.Popen(cmd) self.check_status('RUNNING', status_fn=ToilStatus.getStatus) wf.wait() self.check_status('COMPLETED', status_fn=ToilStatus.getStatus)
def testGetStatusFailedCWLWF(self): """Test that ToilStatus.getStatus() behaves as expected with a failing CWL workflow.""" # --badWorker is set to force failure. cmd = [ 'toil-cwl-runner', '--jobStore', self.toilDir, '--clean=never', '--badWorker=1', 'src/toil/test/cwl/sorttool.cwl', '--reverse', '--input', 'src/toil/test/cwl/whale.txt' ] wf = subprocess.Popen(cmd) self.check_status('RUNNING', status_fn=ToilStatus.getStatus) wf.wait() self.check_status('ERROR', status_fn=ToilStatus.getStatus)
def testGetStatusFailedToilWF(self): """ Test that ToilStatus.getStatus() behaves as expected with a failing Toil workflow. While this workflow could be called by importing and evoking its main function, doing so would remove the opportunity to test the 'RUNNING' functionality of getStatus(). """ # --badWorker is set to force failure. wf = subprocess.Popen(self.sort_workflow_cmd + ['--badWorker=1']) self.check_status('RUNNING', status_fn=ToilStatus.getStatus) wf.wait() self.check_status('ERROR', status_fn=ToilStatus.getStatus)
def runJob(job): """ :type job: toil.batchSystems.mesos.ToilJob :rtype: subprocess.Popen """ if job.userScript: job.userScript.register() log.debug("Invoking command: '%s'", job.command) with self.popenLock: return subprocess.Popen(job.command, preexec_fn=lambda: os.setpgrp(), shell=True, env=dict(os.environ, **job.environment))
def _runWorker(self, jobCommand, jobID, environment): """ Run the jobCommand using the worker and wait for it to finish. The worker is forked unless it is a '_toil_worker' job and debugWorker is True. """ startTime = time.time() # Time job is started if self.debugWorker and "_toil_worker" in jobCommand: # Run the worker without forking jobName, jobStoreLocator, jobStoreID = jobCommand.split()[ 1:] # Parse command jobStore = Toil.resumeJobStore(jobStoreLocator) # TODO: The following does not yet properly populate self.runningJobs so it is not possible to kill # running jobs in forkless mode - see the "None" value in place of popen info = Info(time.time(), None, killIntended=False) try: self.runningJobs[jobID] = info try: toil_worker.workerScript( jobStore, jobStore.config, jobName, jobStoreID, redirectOutputToLogFile=not self.debugWorker ) # Call the worker finally: self.runningJobs.pop(jobID) finally: if not info.killIntended: self.outputQueue.put((jobID, 0, time.time() - startTime)) else: with self.popenLock: popen = subprocess.Popen(jobCommand, shell=True, env=dict(os.environ, **environment)) info = Info(time.time(), popen, killIntended=False) try: self.runningJobs[jobID] = info try: statusCode = popen.wait() if statusCode != 0 and not info.killIntended: log.error( "Got exit code %i (indicating failure) " "from job %s.", statusCode,[jobID]) finally: self.runningJobs.pop(jobID) finally: if not info.killIntended: self.outputQueue.put( (jobID, statusCode, time.time() - startTime))
def getRunningJobIDs(self): times = {} with self.runningJobsLock: currentjobs = dict((str(self.batchJobIDs[x][0]), x) for x in self.runningJobs) process = subprocess.Popen(["qstat"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() for currline in stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): items = currline.strip().split() if items: if items[0] in currentjobs and items[4] == 'r': jobstart = " ".join(items[5:7]) jobstart = time.mktime(time.strptime(jobstart, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")) times[currentjobs[items[0]]] = time.time() - jobstart return times
def __enter__(self): with self.lock: image = applianceSelf() # Omitting --rm, it's unreliable, see args = list( concat('docker', 'run', '--entrypoint=' + self._entryPoint(), '--net=host', '-i', '--name=' + self.containerName, [ '--volume=%s:%s' % mount for mount in iteritems(self.mounts) ], image, self._containerCommand()))'Running %r', args) self.popen = subprocess.Popen(args) self.start() self.__wait_running() return self
def getRunningJobIDs(self): times = {} with self.runningJobsLock: currentjobs = dict( (str(self.batchJobIDs[x][0]), x) for x in self.runningJobs) process = subprocess.Popen( ["bjobs", "-o", "jobid stat start_time delimiter='|'"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = process.communicate() for curline in stdout.split('\n'): items = curline.strip().split('|') if items[0] in currentjobs and items[1] == 'RUN': jobstart = parse(items[2], times[currentjobs[items[0]]] = \ - jobstart return times
def obtainSystemConstants(cls): p = subprocess.Popen(["lshosts"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) line = p.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8') items = line.strip().split() num_columns = len(items) cpu_index = None mem_index = None for i in range(num_columns): if items[i] == 'ncpus': cpu_index = i elif items[i] == 'maxmem': mem_index = i if cpu_index is None or mem_index is None: RuntimeError("lshosts command does not return ncpus or maxmem " "columns") # p.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8') maxCPU = 0 maxMEM = MemoryString("0") for line in p.stdout: split_items = line.strip().split() items = [ item.decode('utf-8') for item in split_items if isinstance(item, bytes) ] if len(items) < num_columns: RuntimeError("lshosts output has a varying number of " "columns") if items[cpu_index] != '-' and int(items[cpu_index]) > int(maxCPU): maxCPU = items[cpu_index] if (items[mem_index] != '-' and MemoryString(items[mem_index]) > maxMEM): maxMEM = MemoryString(items[mem_index]) if maxCPU is 0 or maxMEM is 0: RuntimeError("lshosts returns null ncpus or maxmem info") logger.debug("Got the maxMEM: {}".format(maxMEM)) logger.debug("Got the maxCPU: {}".format(maxCPU)) return maxCPU, maxMEM
def testGetPIDStatus(self): """Test that ToilStatus.getPIDStatus() behaves as expected.""" jobstoreName = 'pidStatusTest' jobstoreLoc = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), jobstoreName) cmd = [ 'python', '-m', 'toil.test.sort.sort', 'file:' + jobstoreName, '--clean', 'never' ] wf = subprocess.Popen(cmd) time.sleep( 2) # Need to let jobstore be created before checking its contents. self.assertEqual(ToilStatus.getPIDStatus(jobstoreLoc), 'RUNNING') wf.wait() self.assertEqual(ToilStatus.getPIDStatus(jobstoreLoc), 'COMPLETED') os.remove(os.path.join(jobstoreLoc, 'pid.log')) self.assertEqual(ToilStatus.getPIDStatus(jobstoreLoc), 'QUEUED') shutil.rmtree(jobstoreLoc)