コード例 #1
def print_list_tree(l, blank_nums=0):
    blanks = '  ' * blank_nums
    name = '' if token.ISNONTERMINAL(l[0]) else l[1]
    print('{}--{}  {}'.format(blanks, str(l[0]), name))
    if token.ISNONTERMINAL(l[0]):
        for c in l[1:]:
            print_list_tree(c, blank_nums + 1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: attributed.py プロジェクト: danicampa90/bots
 def safe_node(self, node):
     if token.ISNONTERMINAL(node[0]):
         return reduce(operator.and_, map(self.safe_node, node[1:]))
     elif node[0] == token.NAME:
         return node[1] in self._safe_names
         return True
コード例 #3
 def get_suite_spots(self, tree, spots):
     import symbol, token
     for i in range(1, len(tree)):
         if type(tree[i]) == type(()):
             if tree[i][0] == symbol.suite:
                 # Found a suite, look back for the colon and keyword.
                 lineno_colon = lineno_word = None
                 for j in range(i - 1, 0, -1):
                     if tree[j][0] == token.COLON:
                         lineno_colon = tree[j][2]
                     elif tree[j][0] == token.NAME:
                         if tree[j][1] == 'elif':
                             # Find the line number of the first non-terminal
                             # after the keyword.
                             t = tree[j + 1]
                             while t and token.ISNONTERMINAL(t[0]):
                                 t = t[1]
                             if t:
                                 lineno_word = t[2]
                             lineno_word = tree[j][2]
                     elif tree[j][0] == symbol.except_clause:
                         # "except" clauses look like:
                         # ('except_clause', ('NAME', 'except', lineno), ...)
                         if tree[j][1][0] == token.NAME:
                             lineno_word = tree[j][1][2]
                 if lineno_colon and lineno_word:
                     # Found colon and keyword, mark all the lines
                     # between the two with the two line numbers.
                     for l in range(lineno_word, lineno_colon + 1):
                         spots[l] = (lineno_word, lineno_colon)
             self.get_suite_spots(tree[i], spots)
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: magarnicle/pycscope
def walkCst(ctx, cst):
    """ Scan the CST (tuple) for tokens, appending index lines to the buffer.
    indent = 0
    lineno = 1
    stack = [(cst, indent)]
        while stack:
            cst, indent = stack.pop()

            #print("%5d%s%s" % (lineno, " " * indent, nodeNames[cst[0]]))

            if token.ISNONTERMINAL(cst[0]):
                processNonTerminal(ctx, cst)
                lineno = processTerminal(ctx, cst)

            indented = False
            for i in range(len(cst) - 1, 0, -1):
                if type(cst[i]) == tuple:
                    # Push it onto the processing stack
                    # Mirrors a recursive solution
                    if not indented:
                        indent += 2
                        indented = True
                    stack.append((cst[i], indent))
    except Exception as e:
        e.lineno = lineno
        raise e
コード例 #5
 def walk(root):
     for i in range(0, len(root)):
         if token.ISNONTERMINAL(root[i]):
             if root[i] == symbol.import_stmt:
             if type(root[i]) == tuple:
コード例 #6
ファイル: coverage.py プロジェクト: megacoder/gdata
 def find_statements(self, tree, dict):
     import symbol, token
     if token.ISNONTERMINAL(tree[0]):
         for t in tree[1:]:
             self.find_statements(t, dict)
         if tree[0] == symbol.stmt:
             self.find_statement(tree[1], dict)
     elif (tree[0] == token.NAME
           and tree[1] in ['elif', 'except', 'finally']):
         dict[tree[2]] = 1
コード例 #7
def convert_tree(node):
    symbol_id = node[0]
    symbol_value = node[1]
    if token.ISNONTERMINAL(symbol_id):
        # non terminal
        result = [True, gen_node_id(), symbol.sym_name[symbol_id]]
        for i in range(1, len(node)):
        return result
        # terminal
        return [False, gen_node_id(), token.tok_name[symbol_id], symbol_value]
コード例 #8
ファイル: coverage.py プロジェクト: fpemud/conduit-daemon
    def get_suite_spots(self, tree, spots):
        """ Analyze a parse tree to find suite introducers which span a number
            of lines.
        for i in range(1, len(tree)):
            if type(tree[i]) == type(()):
                if tree[i][0] == symbol.suite:
                    # Found a suite, look back for the colon and keyword.
                    lineno_colon = lineno_word = None
                    for j in range(i - 1, 0, -1):
                        if tree[j][0] == token.COLON:
                            # Colons are never executed themselves: we want the
                            # line number of the last token before the colon.
                            lineno_colon = self.last_line_of_tree(tree[j - 1])
                        elif tree[j][0] == token.NAME:
                            if tree[j][1] == 'elif':
                                # Find the line number of the first non-terminal
                                # after the keyword.
                                t = tree[j + 1]
                                while t and token.ISNONTERMINAL(t[0]):
                                    t = t[1]
                                if t:
                                    lineno_word = t[2]
                                lineno_word = tree[j][2]
                        elif tree[j][0] == symbol.except_clause:
                            # "except" clauses look like:
                            # ('except_clause', ('NAME', 'except', lineno), ...)
                            if tree[j][1][0] == token.NAME:
                                lineno_word = tree[j][1][2]
                    if lineno_colon and lineno_word:
                        # Found colon and keyword, mark all the lines
                        # between the two with the two line numbers.
                        self.record_multiline(spots, lineno_word, lineno_colon)

                    # "pass" statements are tricky: different versions of Python
                    # treat them differently, especially in the common case of a
                    # function with a doc string and a single pass statement.
                    self.find_docstring_pass_pair(tree[i], spots)

                elif tree[i][0] == symbol.simple_stmt:
                    first_line = self.first_line_of_tree(tree[i])
                    last_line = self.last_line_of_tree(tree[i])
                    if first_line != last_line:
                        self.record_multiline(spots, first_line, last_line)
                self.get_suite_spots(tree[i], spots)
コード例 #9
def construct_filter_list_tree(l, test_mode=False):
    if len(l) == 0:
        return l
    if token.ISTERMINAL(l[0]):
        return l
    current_id = l[0]
    current_test_mode = True if current_id in test_nodes or test_mode else False

    l_c = []
    for c in l[1:]:
        l_c += [construct_filter_list_tree(c, current_test_mode)]

    # remove current node(replace it by it child) if current node is (meet all conditions)
    # (1) under a test node
    # (2) has only one child
    # (3) the only child is a non-terminal node
    # (4) for special, the child is not the atom node(to keep the parent of the atom node)
    if current_test_mode \
            and len(l_c) == 1 \
            and token.ISNONTERMINAL(l_c[0][0]) \
            and l_c[0][0] != symbol.atom:
        return l_c[0]

    return [l[0]] + l_c
コード例 #10
ファイル: coverage.py プロジェクト: megacoder/gdata
 def find_statement(self, tree, dict):
     import token
     while token.ISNONTERMINAL(tree[0]):
         tree = tree[1]
     dict[tree[2]] = 1
コード例 #11
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, token.ISNONTERMINAL(self.input(0)))