コード例 #1
ファイル: unit_test.py プロジェクト: hb3b/tokendito
def test_process_ini_file(tmpdir, valid_settings, invalid_settings):
    """Test whether ini config elements are correctly set in settings.*."""
    from tokendito import helpers, settings
    # Create a mock config file
    data = '[default]\nokta_username = pytest\n\n[pytest]\n'
    data += ''.join('{} = {}\n'.format(key, val) for key, val in valid_settings.items())
    data += ''.join('{} = {}\n'.format(key, val) for key, val in invalid_settings.items())
    data += '\n[pytest_end]\n'
    data += ''.join('{} = {}\n'.format(key, val) for key, val in invalid_settings.items())

    # Python 3.7 supports patching builtins.open(), which gives us the ability
    # to bypass file creation with:
    # mocker.patch('builtins.open', mocker.mock_open(read_data=data), create=True)
    # There is no (easy) way to achieve the same on earlier versions, so we create
    # an actual file instead. tmpdir keeps the last 3 files/dirs behind for inspection
    path = tmpdir.mkdir('pytest').join('pytest_tokendito.ini')

    # Ensure we fail if the section is not found
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as err:
        helpers.process_ini_file(path, 'expected_failure')
        # assert err.type == SystemExit
        assert err.value.code == 2

    helpers.process_ini_file(path, 'pytest')
    # Test that correct options are set
    for key_name in valid_settings:
        assert getattr(settings, key_name) == valid_settings[key_name]
    # Test that incorrect options aren't set
    for key_name in invalid_settings:
        assert getattr(settings, key_name, 'not_found') == 'not_found'
コード例 #2
def test_generate_credentials(custom_args):
    """Run the tool and generate credentials."""
    from tokendito import helpers, settings

    # Emulate helpers.process_options() bypassing interactive portions.
    tool_args = helpers.setup(custom_args)
    helpers.process_ini_file(tool_args.config_file, 'default')

    if settings.role_arn is None or \
       settings.okta_aws_app_url is None or \
       settings.mfa_method is None or \
       not settings.okta_username or \
       not settings.okta_password:
            'Not enough arguments collected to execute non-interactively.')

    # Rebuild argument list
    args = [
        '--role-arn', '{}'.format(settings.role_arn), '--okta-aws-app-url',
        '{}'.format(settings.okta_aws_app_url), '--mfa-method',
        '{}'.format(settings.mfa_method), '--mfa-response',
        '{}'.format(settings.mfa_response), '--username',
        '{}'.format(settings.okta_username), '--password',
    executable = ['tokendito'
                  ]  # Can use sys.executable -m tokendito, or parametrize
    runnable = executable + args

    proc = run_process(runnable)
    assert not proc['stderr']
    assert proc['exit_status'] == 0
コード例 #3
def test_generate_credentials(custom_args):
    """Run the tool and generate credentials."""
    from tokendito import helpers, settings
    import pyotp

    # Emulate helpers.process_options() bypassing interactive portions.
    tool_args = helpers.setup(custom_args)
    helpers.process_ini_file(tool_args.config_file, "default")

    if (settings.role_arn is None or settings.okta_aws_app_url is None
            or settings.mfa_method is None or not settings.okta_username
            or not settings.okta_password):
            "Not enough arguments collected to execute non-interactively.")

    # If a token response is present and is not in the usual 6-digit format,
    # assume it is a MFA seed and create a valid response from it.
    if (settings.mfa_response is not None
            and re.match("[0-9]{6}", settings.mfa_response) is None):
        totp = pyotp.TOTP(settings.mfa_response, interval=30)
        # If there are a few seconds left on the TOTP timer, wait until the next round.
        time_remaining = (totp.interval -
                          datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() % totp.interval)
        if time_remaining < 5:
            time.sleep(1 + time_remaining)
        settings.mfa_response = totp.now()
        # Update the environment variable that has been modified, if it exists
        # as this may be passed down to a subprocess.
        if "MFA_RESPONSE" in environ:
            environ["MFA_RESPONSE"] = settings.mfa_response

    # Rebuild argument list
    args = [
    # run as a local module, as we can't guarantee that the binary is installed.
    executable = [sys.executable, "-m", "tokendito"]
    runnable = executable + args

    proc = run_process(runnable)
    assert not proc["stderr"]
    assert proc["exit_status"] == 0
コード例 #4
def test_aws_credentials(custom_args):
    """Run the AWS cli to verify whether credentials work."""
    from tokendito import helpers, settings
    # Emulate helpers.process_options() bypassing interactive portions.
    tool_args = helpers.setup(custom_args)
    helpers.process_ini_file(tool_args.config_file, 'default')

    if settings.role_arn is None:
        pytest.skip('No AWS profile defined, test will be skipped.')
    profile = settings.role_arn.split('/')[-1]
    runnable = ['aws', '--profile', profile, 'sts', 'get-caller-identity']
    proc = run_process(runnable)
    assert not proc['stderr']
    assert proc['exit_status'] == 0
コード例 #5
def test_aws_credentials(custom_args):
    """Run the AWS cli to verify whether credentials work."""
    from tokendito import helpers, settings

    # Emulate helpers.process_options() bypassing interactive portions.
    tool_args = helpers.setup(custom_args)
    helpers.process_ini_file(tool_args.config_file, "default")

    if not settings.role_arn:
        pytest.skip("No AWS profile defined, test will be skipped.")
    profile = settings.role_arn.split("/")[-1]
    runnable = ["aws", "--profile", profile, "sts", "get-caller-identity"]
    proc = run_process(runnable)
    assert not proc["stderr"]
    assert proc["exit_status"] == 0
コード例 #6
ファイル: functional_test.py プロジェクト: salscode/tokendito
def test_generate_credentials(custom_args):
    """Run the tool and generate credentials."""
    from tokendito import helpers, settings

    # Emulate helpers.process_options() bypassing interactive portions.
    tool_args = helpers.setup(custom_args)
    helpers.process_ini_file(tool_args.config_file, "default")

    if (settings.role_arn is None or settings.okta_aws_app_url is None
            or settings.mfa_method is None or not settings.okta_username
            or not settings.okta_password):
            "Not enough arguments collected to execute non-interactively.")

    # Rebuild argument list
    args = [
    executable = ["tokendito"
                  ]  # Can use sys.executable -m tokendito, or parametrize
    runnable = executable + args

    proc = run_process(runnable)
    assert not proc["stderr"]
    assert proc["exit_status"] == 0