コード例 #1
ファイル: documentinfo.py プロジェクト: aspiers/frescobaldi
 def outputargs(self):
     """Returns a list of output arguments in our document.
     See ly.parse.outputargs().
     return list(ly.parse.outputargs(tokeniter.all_tokens(self.document())))
コード例 #2
ファイル: documentinfo.py プロジェクト: aspiers/frescobaldi
 def includeargs(self):
     """Returns a list of \\include arguments in our document.
     See ly.parse.includeargs().
     return list(ly.parse.includeargs(tokeniter.all_tokens(self.document())))
コード例 #3
ファイル: documentinfo.py プロジェクト: aspiers/frescobaldi
 def version(self):
     """Returns the LilyPond version if set in the document, as a tuple of ints.
     First the functions searches inside LilyPond syntax.
     Then it looks at the 'version' document variable.
     Then, if the document is not a LilyPond document, it simply searches for a
     \\version command string, possibly embedded in a comment.
     The version is cached until the documents contents change.
     mkver = lambda strings: tuple(map(int, strings))
     version = ly.parse.version(tokeniter.all_tokens(self.document()))
     if version:
         return mkver(re.findall(r"\d+", version))
     # look at document variables
     version = variables.get(self.document(), "version")
     if version:
         return mkver(re.findall(r"\d+", version))
     # parse whole document for non-lilypond documents
     if self.mode() != "lilypond":
         m = re.search(r'\\version\s*"(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)"', self.document().toPlainText())
         if m:
             return mkver(m.group(1).split('.'))
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: ryanakca/frescobaldi
 def exportMusicXML(self):
     """ Convert the current document to MusicXML """
     doc = self.mainwindow().currentDocument()
     orgname = doc.url().toLocalFile()
     filename = os.path.splitext(orgname)[0] + '.xml'
     caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Export MusicXML File"))
     filetypes = '{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)'.format(_("XML Files"),
                                               _("All Files"))
     filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.mainwindow(), caption,
                                            filename, filetypes)
     if not filename:
         return False  # cancelled
     import ly.musicxml
     writer = ly.musicxml.writer()
     xml = writer.musicxml()
     # put the Frescobaldi version in the xml file
     software = xml.root.find('.//encoding/software')
     software.text = "{0} {1}".format(info.appname, info.version)
     except (IOError, OSError) as err:
             self.mainwindow(), app.caption(_("Error")),
             _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format(
                 url=filename, error=err.strerror))
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: cmbryan/frescobaldi
 def exportMusicXML(self):
     """ Convert the current document to MusicXML """
     doc = self.mainwindow().currentDocument()
     orgname = doc.url().toLocalFile()
     filename = os.path.splitext(orgname)[0] + '.xml'
     caption = app.caption(_("dialog title", "Export MusicXML File"))
     filetypes = '{0} (*.xml);;{1} (*)'.format(_("XML Files"), _("All Files"))
     filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.mainwindow(), caption, filename, filetypes)
     if not filename:
         return False # cancelled
     import ly.musicxml
     writer = ly.musicxml.writer()
     xml = writer.musicxml()
     # put the Frescobaldi version in the xml file
     software = xml.root.find('.//encoding/software')
     software.text = "{0} {1}".format(info.appname, info.version)
     except (IOError, OSError) as err:
         QMessageBox.warning(self.mainwindow(), app.caption(_("Error")),
             _("Can't write to destination:\n\n{url}\n\n{error}").format(
                 url=filename, error=err.strerror))
コード例 #6
def words(document):
    """Harvests words from strings, lyrics, markup and comments."""
    for t in tokeniter.all_tokens(document):
        if isinstance(t, _word_types):
            for m in _words(t):
                yield m.group()
コード例 #7
def schemewords(document):
    """Harvests all schemewords from the document."""
    for t in tokeniter.all_tokens(document):
        if type(t) is ly.lex.scheme.Word:
            yield t
コード例 #8
ファイル: harvest.py プロジェクト: m0003r/frescobaldi
def words(document):
    """Harvests words from strings, lyrics, markup and comments."""
    for t in tokeniter.all_tokens(document):
        if isinstance(t, _word_types):
            for m in _words(t):
                yield m.group()
コード例 #9
ファイル: harvest.py プロジェクト: m0003r/frescobaldi
def schemewords(document):
    """Harvests all schemewords from the document."""
    for t in tokeniter.all_tokens(document):
        if type(t) is ly.lex.scheme.Word:
            yield t