コード例 #1
ファイル: tok.py プロジェクト: drammock/sppas
    def __init__(self, vocab, lang="und", logfile=None):
        Create a new sppasTok instance.

        @param vocab (string) is the file name with the list of words,
        @param lang (string) is the language code.

            pvoc = WordsList(vocab)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Load words list file failed: %s" % e)

        self.tokenizer = DictTok(pvoc, lang)

            repl = DictRepl(os.path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, "repl", self.lang + ".repl"), nodump=True)
            self.tokenizer.set_repl( repl )
        except Exception:

            punct = WordsList(os.path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, "vocab", "Punctuations.txt"), nodump=True)
            self.tokenizer.set_punct( punct )
        except Exception:

        self.std = True
        self.logfile = logfile
コード例 #2
ファイル: tok.py プロジェクト: drammock/sppas
class sppasTok(object):
    @authors: Brigitte Bigi
    @contact: [email protected]
    @license: GPL, v3
    @summary: Tokenization automatic annotation.

    Tokenization is a text normalization task.

    For details, read the following reference:
        - Brigitte Bigi (2011).
        - A Multilingual Text Normalization Approach.
        - 2nd Less-Resourced Languages workshop,
        - 5th Language & Technology Conference, Poznan (Poland).


    def __init__(self, vocab, lang="und", logfile=None):
        Create a new sppasTok instance.

        @param vocab (string) is the file name with the list of words,
        @param lang (string) is the language code.

            pvoc = WordsList(vocab)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Load words list file failed: %s" % e)

        self.tokenizer = DictTok(pvoc, lang)

            repl = DictRepl(os.path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, "repl", self.lang + ".repl"), nodump=True)
            self.tokenizer.set_repl( repl )
        except Exception:

            punct = WordsList(os.path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, "vocab", "Punctuations.txt"), nodump=True)
            self.tokenizer.set_punct( punct )
        except Exception:

        self.std = True
        self.logfile = logfile

    # End __init__
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Methods to fix options
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def fix_options(self, options):
        Fix all options.

        Available options are:
            - std

        @param options (option)


        for opt in options:

            key = opt.get_key()

            if key == "std":

                raise Exception('Unknown key option: %s'%key)

    # End fix_options
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_std(self, std):
        Fix the std option.
        If std is set to True, a standard tokenization is created.

        @param std (Boolean)

        self.std = std

    # End set_std
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Methods to tokenize series of data
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def convert(self, tier):
        Tokenize labels of a tier.

        @param tier (Tier) contains the orthographic transcription

        @return A tuple with 2 tiers named "Tokens-Std" and "Tokens-Faked"

        if tier.IsEmpty() is True:
            raise Exception('convert. Error: Empty input tier.\n')

        if self.std:
            tokensFaked = Tier("Tokens-Faked")
            tokensStd   = Tier("Tokens-Std")
            tokensFaked = Tier("Tokens")

        for a in tier:
            # Do not tokenize an empty label
            if a.GetLabel().IsEmpty():
                _labelf = Label()
                if self.std:
                    _labels = Label()
            # Do not tokenize silences
            elif a.GetLabel().IsSilence():
                _labelf = Label(a.GetLabel().GetValue())
                if self.std:
                    _labels = Label(a.GetLabel().GetValue())
                    _labelf = Label(self.tokenizer.tokenize( a.GetLabel().GetValue(), std=False ))
                    if self.std:
                        _labels = Label(self.tokenizer.tokenize( a.GetLabel().GetValue(), std=True ))
                except Exception as e:
                    raise Exception('convert. tokenize error in interval: '+str(a)+'. Error: '+str(e)+'\n')

                b = Annotation(a.GetLocation().Copy(), _labelf)
                if self.std:
                    c = Annotation(a.GetLocation().Copy(), _labels)
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception('convert. Tier insertion error: '+str(e)+'\n')

        return (tokensFaked, tokensStd)

    # End convert
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def align_tiers(self, stdtier, fakedtier):
        Align standard spelling tokens with faked spelling tokens.

        @param stdtier (Tier)
        @param fakedtier (Tier)

        if self.std is False:

        for std, faked in zip(stdtier, fakedtier):
                s, f = self.__align_tiers(std.GetLabel().GetValue(), faked.GetLabel().GetValue())
            except Exception:
                if self.logfile:
                    self.logfile.print_message(u"StdTokens and FakedTokens matching error, at %s\n"%std.GetLocation().GetValue(),indent=2,status=1)
                    self.logfile.print_message(std.GetLabel().GetValue(),  indent=3)
                    self.logfile.print_message(u"Fall back on faked: %s" %self.fallback, indent=3,status=3)
                    std.GetLabel().SetValue( faked.GetLabel().GetValue() )


            std.GetLabel().SetValue( s )
            faked.GetLabel().SetValue( f )

    # End align_tiers
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __align_tiers(self, std, faked):
        Align standard spelling tokens with faked spelling tokens.

        @param std (string)
        @param faked (string)
        @return a tuple of std and faked
        stds = std.split()
        fakeds = faked.split()
        if len(stds) == len(fakeds):
            return (std, faked)

        tmp = []
        for f in fakeds:
            toks = f.split('_')
            for t in toks:
        fakeds = tmp[:]

        num_tokens = len(stds)
        i = 0
        while i < num_tokens:
            if "'" in stds[i]:
                if not stds[i].endswith("'") and fakeds[i].endswith("'"):
                    fakeds[i] = fakeds[i] + fakeds[i+1]
                    del fakeds[i+1]

            if "-" in stds[i]:
                if not stds[i].endswith("-") and "-" not in fakeds[i]:

                    fakeds[i] = fakeds[i] + fakeds[i+1]
                    del fakeds[i+1]

            num_underscores = stds[i].count('_')
            if num_underscores > 0:
                if not self.tokenizer.vocab.is_unk(stds[i]):
                    n = num_underscores + 1
                    fakeds[i] = "_".join(fakeds[i:i+n])
                    del fakeds[i+1:i+n]

            i = i + 1

        if len(stds) != len(fakeds):
            raise Exception('Standard and Faked alignment Error: %s\n'
                            '                 %s' % (std, faked))

        return (std, " ".join(fakeds))

    # End __align_tiers
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def save(self, trsinput, inputfilename, trsoutput, outputfile=None):
        Save depending on the given data.

        If no output file name is given, trsoutput is appended to the input

        @param trsinput (Transcription)
        @param inputfilename (String)
        @param trsoutput (Transcription)
        @param outputfile (String)


        # Append to the input
        if outputfile is None:
            for tier in trsoutput:
            trsoutput  = trsinput
            outputfile = inputfilename

        # Save in a file
        annotationdata.io.write( outputfile,trsoutput )

    # End save
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def run( self, inputfilename, outputfile=None ):
        Run the Tokenization process on an input file.

        @param inputfilename is the input file name
        @param outputfile is the output file name of the tokenization

        # Get input tier to tokenize
        transtier = -1 # First tier
        trsinput  = annotationdata.io.read(inputfilename)
        tierinput = None

        for tier in trsinput:
            tiername = tier.GetName().lower()
            if "trs" in tiername:
                tierinput = tier
            elif "trans" in tiername:
                tierinput = tier
            elif "ipu" in tiername:
                tierinput = tier
            elif "ortho" in tiername:
                tierinput = tier
            elif "toe" in tiername:
                tierinput = tier

        if tierinput is None:
            raise Exception("Transcription tier not found. "
                            "Tier name must contain "
                            "'trans' or 'trs' or 'ipu' 'ortho' or 'toe'.")

        tierinput = trsinput[transtier]

        # Tokenize the tier
        tiertokens, tierStokens = self.convert( tierinput )

        # Align Faked and Standard
        if tierStokens is not None:
            self.align_tiers(tierStokens, tiertokens)

        # Save
        trsoutput = Transcription()
        trsoutput.Add( tiertokens )
        if tierStokens is not None:
            trsoutput.Add( tierStokens )

        self.save(trsinput, inputfilename, trsoutput, outputfile)