コード例 #1
ファイル: mpas_mesh_test.py プロジェクト: jswhit/toms623
#mesh_filename = 'x1.2621442.grid.nc' # 15 km mesh
mesh_nc = Dataset(mesh_filename)
lats = mesh_nc.variables['latCell'][:]
print 'min/max lats:',lats.min(), lats.max()
lons = mesh_nc.variables['lonCell'][:]
print 'min/max lons:',lons.min(), lons.max()

# fake test data.
def test_func(lon, lat):
    nexp = 8
    return np.cos(nexp*lon)*np.sin(0.5*lon)**nexp*np.cos(lat)**nexp+np.sin(lat)**nexp
icos_data = test_func(lons,lats)

t1 = time.clock()
print 'triangulation of', len(lons),' points'
tri = trintrp(lons, lats, reorder='lat')
print 'triangulation took',time.clock()-t1,' secs'

nlons = 360; nlats = nlons/2 # 1 degree output mesh
delta = 360./nlons
olons = delta*np.arange(nlons)
olats = -90.0 + 0.5*delta + delta*np.arange(nlats)
olons = np.radians(olons);  olats = np.radians(olats)
olons, olats = np.meshgrid(olons, olats)

t1 = time.clock()
order = 1 # can be 0 (nearest neighbor), 1 (linear) or 3 (cubic)
latlon_data = tri.interp(olons,olats,icos_data,order=order)
print 'interpolation took',time.clock()-t1,' secs'

latlon_datax = test_func(olons,olats)
コード例 #2
       if phi < 0.: phi = 2.*pi+phi
       lons.append( phi )
    return np.array(lats), np.array(lons)

# fake test data.
def test_func(lon, lat):
    nexp = 8
    return np.cos(nexp*lon)*np.sin(0.5*lon)**nexp*np.cos(lat)**nexp+np.sin(lat)**nexp
npts = 360*180/4
lats, lons = fibonacci_pts(npts)
icos_data = test_func(lons,lats)

t1 = time.clock()
print 'triangulation of', len(lons),' points'
tri = trintrp(lons, lats)
print 'triangulation took',time.clock()-t1,' secs'

nlons = 360; nlats = nlons/2 + 1 # 1 degree output mesh
delta = 360./nlons
olons = delta*np.arange(nlons)
olats = -90.0 + delta*np.arange(nlats)
olons = np.radians(olons);  olats = np.radians(olats)
olons, olats = np.meshgrid(olons, olats)

t1 = time.clock()
order = 1 # can be 0 (nearest neighbor), 1 (linear) or 3 (cubic)
latlon_data = tri.interp(olons,olats,icos_data,order=order)
print 'interpolation took',time.clock()-t1,' secs'

latlon_datax = test_func(olons,olats)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fib_test.py プロジェクト: jswhit/toms623
    return np.array(lats), np.array(lons)

# fake test data.
def test_func(lon, lat):
    nexp = 8
    return np.cos(nexp * lon) * np.sin(0.5 * lon) ** nexp * np.cos(lat) ** nexp + np.sin(lat) ** nexp

npts = 360 * 180 / 4
lats, lons = fibonacci_pts(npts)
icos_data = test_func(lons, lats)

t1 = time.clock()
print "triangulation of", len(lons), " points"
tri = trintrp(lons, lats)
print "triangulation took", time.clock() - t1, " secs"

nlons = 360
nlats = nlons / 2 + 1  # 1 degree output mesh
delta = 360.0 / nlons
olons = delta * np.arange(nlons)
olats = -90.0 + delta * np.arange(nlats)
olons = np.radians(olons)
olats = np.radians(olats)
olons, olats = np.meshgrid(olons, olats)

t1 = time.clock()
order = 1  # can be 0 (nearest neighbor), 1 (linear) or 3 (cubic)
latlon_data = tri.interp(olons, olats, icos_data, order=order)
print "interpolation took", time.clock() - t1, " secs"
コード例 #4
ファイル: mpas_mesh_test.py プロジェクト: LMXB/python_class
lons = mesh_nc.variables['lonCell'][:]
print 'min/max lons:', lons.min(), lons.max()

# fake test data.
def test_func(lon, lat):
    nexp = 8
    return np.cos(nexp * lon) * np.sin(
        0.5 * lon)**nexp * np.cos(lat)**nexp + np.sin(lat)**nexp

icos_data = test_func(lons, lats)

t1 = time.clock()
print 'triangulation of', len(lons), ' points'
tri = trintrp(lons, lats, reorder='lat')
print 'triangulation took', time.clock() - t1, ' secs'

nlons = 360
nlats = nlons / 2  # 1 degree output mesh
delta = 360. / nlons
olons = delta * np.arange(nlons)
olats = -90.0 + 0.5 * delta + delta * np.arange(nlats)
olons = np.radians(olons)
olats = np.radians(olats)
olons, olats = np.meshgrid(olons, olats)

t1 = time.clock()
order = 1  # can be 0 (nearest neighbor), 1 (linear) or 3 (cubic)
latlon_data = tri.interp(olons, olats, icos_data, order=order)
print 'interpolation took', time.clock() - t1, ' secs'