コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, fMoonMeanElongation, fSunMeanAnomaly, fMoonMeanAnomaly, fMoonArgumentOfLatitude, fEccentricity):
     self._fMoonMeanElongation = fMoonMeanElongation
     self._fSunMeanAnomaly = fSunMeanAnomaly
     self._fMoonMeanAnomaly = fMoonMeanAnomaly
     self._fMoonArgumentOfLatitude = fMoonArgumentOfLatitude
     self._fEccentricity = fEccentricity
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, sPlanetName):
        self._sName = sPlanetName
        self._sType = "planet"

        self._fLongPerihelion = 0.0  # w1 = longitude of perihelion
        self._fLongAscNodeInDeg = 0.0  # N = longitude of the ascending node
        self._fArgPerihelInDeg = 0.0  # w = argument of perihelion
        self._fMeanLongInDeg = 0.0  # L = mean longitude
        self._fInclEclipInDeg = 0.0
        # i = inclination to the ecliptic (plane of the Earth's orbit)
        self._fMeanAnoInDeg = 0.0  # M = mean anomaly (0 at perihelion; increases uniformly with time)
        self._fPerihelionDistInUA = 0.0  # q = perihelion distance
        self._fMeanDistSunInAU = 0.0  # a = semi-major axis, or mean distance from Sun
        self._fEccentricInDeg = 0.0  # e = eccentricity (0=circle, 0-1=ellipse, 1=parabola)
        self._fAphelionDistInUA = 0.0  # Q = aphelion distance
        self._fOrbPeriodInYears = 0.0  # P = orbital period (years if a is in AU, astronomical units)
        self._fEccentricAnoInDeg = 0.0  # E = Eccentric Anomaly
        self._fTrueAnoInDeg = 0.0  # v = True Anomaly
        self._fSunDistInUA = 0.0  # r = Sun's distance
        self._fLongitudeEcliptic = 0.0  # LonEcl = Longitude Ecliptic
        self._fLatitudeEcliptic = 0.0  # LatEcl = Longitude Ecliptic
        self._fGeocentricCoordX = 0.0  # xg = Geocentric Coordinate X
        self._fGeocentricCoordY = 0.0  # yg = Geocentric Coordinate Y
        self._fGeocentricCoordZ = 0.0  # zg = Geocentric Coordinate Z
        self._fRAInDeg = 0.0
        # RA = Right Ascension
        self._fDecInDeg = 0.0
        # Dec = Declination
        self._fTopoRAInDeg = 0.0
        # TopoRA = Right Ascension
        self._fTopoDecInDeg = 0.0
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, sDate, sTime):
        self._date = sDate  # date as YYYYMMDD
        self._time = sTime  # Time as HHMMSS (GMT)
        self._iYear = int(sDate[0:4])
        self._iMonth = int(sDate[4:6])
        self._iDay = int(sDate[6:8])
        self._iHour = int(sTime[0:2])
        self._iMinute = int(sTime[2:4])
        self._iSecond = int(sTime[4:6])

        self._fJuliandDay = 0.0
        self._fJuliandEphemerisDay = 0.0
        self._fJulianCenturies = 0.0
        self._fJulianEphemerisCenturies = 0
        self._fDeltaT = 0.0
        self._fMeanSideralTimeGreenwich = 0.0
        self._fApparentSideralTimeGreenwich = 0.0

        self._fApparentGeometricLongitude = {}
        self._fApparentGeocentricLongitude = {}
        self._fApparentGeocentricLatitude = {}
        self._fApparentRightAscension = {}
        self._fArgumentOfLatitude = {}
        self._fAscendNodeLongitude = {}
        self._fDeclination = {}
        self._fDistanceInKm = {}
        self._fDistanceInUA = {}
        self._fEquationCenter = {}
        self._fEccentricity = {}
        self._fGeocentricLatitude = {}
        self._fGeocentricLongitude = {}
        self._fGeometricMeanLongitude = {}
        self._fIllumination = {}
        self._fMeanAscendingNodeLongitude = {}
        self._fMeanAnomaly = {}
        self._fMeanElongation = {}
        self._fMeanLongitude = {}
        self._fMeanObliquityEcliptic = {}
        self._fNutationInLongitude = {}
        self._fOpticalLibrationInLongitude = {}
        self._fOpticalLibrationInLatitude = {}
        self._fPhaseAngle = {}
        self._fPositionAngle = {}
        self._fRightAscension = {}
        self._fSelenographicColongitude = {}
        self._fSubSolarSelenographicLongitude = {}
        self._fSubSolarSelenographicLatitude = {}
        self._fTrueAnomaly = {}
        self._fTrueGeometricLongitude = {}
        self._fTrueObliquityEcliptic = {}

コード例 #4
 def __init__(self):
     self._sStartDate = ""  # YYYYMMDD
     self._sStartTime = ""  # HHMMSS
     self._iNbSlots = 0  #
     self._observerLongitude = 0.0  #
     self._observerLatitude = 0.0  #
     self._date = {}  # date for each slot (YYYYMMDD)   (key=slotID)
     self._time = {
     }  # time for the beginning of the slot (HHMMSS)   (key=slotID)
     self._sunAltitude = {}  # sun's altitude for each slot   (key=slotID)
     self._sunMeanLongInDeg = {
     }  # sun's mean longitude for each slot   (key=slotID)
     self._objects = {
     }  # ephemerides for each objects (dictionary of EphemeridesDataObject, with key = ObjectID)
     self._dicMemBuffer = {}
     self._bBufferInitialized = False
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, sID, sType, sCategory, sName, sPictureName):
     self._sID = sID
     self._sType = sType
     self._sCategory = sCategory
     self._sName = sName
     self._sPictureName = sPictureName
     self._Azimut = {}  #
     self._Altitude = {}  #
     self._RightAscension = {}  #
     self._Declination = {}  #
     self._Distance = {}  #
     self._MeanLong = {}  #
     self._Colongitude = {}  #
     self._SelenographicLongitude = {}  #
     self._SelenographicLatitude = {}  #
     self._Phase = {}
     self._Illumination = {}
     self._PositionAngle = {}
     self._VisibilityStatus = {}
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self, sLocalStartDate, sLocalStartTime,
     self._LocalStartdate = sLocalStartDate  # date as YYYYMMDD  (Local Time)
     self._LocalStartTime = sLocalStartTime  # Time as HHMMSS    (Local Time)
     self._fLocalTimeDifferenceWithGMT = fLocalTimeDifferenceWithGMT
     self._iYear = int(self._LocalStartdate[0:4])
     self._iMonth = int(self._LocalStartdate[4:6])
     self._iDay = int(self._LocalStartdate[6:8])
     self._iHours = int(self._LocalStartTime[0:2])
     self._iMinutes = int(self._LocalStartTime[2:4])
     self._iSeconds = int(self._LocalStartTime[4:8])
     self._dtLocalDateTime = datetime.datetime(self._iYear, self._iMonth,
                                               self._iDay, self._iHours,
     self._dtGMTLocalDateTime = self._dtLocalDateTime - datetime.timedelta(
     self._fLocalDateValue = self.__computeDateValueFromDateAndTime(
         self._LocalStartdate, self._LocalStartTime)
     self._LocalStartTimeSlotBasedHour0 = None
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self):
        self._sName = "Sun"
        self._sType = "Star"
        self._oMeeusAlgorithm = None

        self._fObliqEclipInDeg = 0.0
        # ecl = obliquity of the ecliptic
        self._fLongAscNodeInDeg = 0.0
        # N = longitude of the ascending node
        self._fInclEclipInDeg = 0.0
        # i = inclination to the ecliptic (plane of the Earth's orbit)
        self._fArgPerihelInDeg = 0.0
        # w = argument of perihelion
        self._fMeanDistSunInAU = 0.0
        # a = semi-major axis, or mean distance from Sun
        self._fEccentricInDeg = 0.0
        # e = eccentricity (0=circle, 0-1=ellipse, 1=parabola)
        self._fMeanAnoInDeg = 0.0
        # M = mean anomaly (0 at perihelion; increases uniformly with time)
        self._fLongPerihelion = 0.0
        # w1 = longitude of perihelion
        self._fMeanLongInDeg = 0.0
        # L = mean longitude
        self._fPerihelionDistInUA = 0.0
        # q = perihelion distance
        self._fAphelionDistInUA = 0.0
        # Q = aphelion distance
        self._fOrbPeriodInYears = 0.0
        # P = orbital period (years if a is in AU, astronomical units)
        self._fEccentricAnoInDeg = 0.0
        # E = Eccentric Anomaly
        self._fSunDistInUA = 0.0
        # r = Sun's distance
        self._fTrueAnoInDeg = 0.0
        # v = True Anomaly
        self._fRAInDeg = 0.0
        # RA = Right Ascension
        self._fDecInDeg = 0.0
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self):
     self._sName = "Moon"
     self._sType = "Moon"
     self._oMeeusAlgorithm = None