コード例 #1
def handle_repository_dependency_elem( trans, elem, unpopulate=False ):
    # <repository name="molecule_datatypes" owner="test" changeset_revision="1a070566e9c6" />
    error_message = ''
    name = elem.get( 'name' )
    owner = elem.get( 'owner' )
    # The name and owner attributes are always required, so if either are missing, return the error message.
    if not name or not owner:
        error_message = handle_missing_repository_attribute( elem )
        return False, elem, error_message
    revised = False
    toolshed = elem.get( 'toolshed' )
    changeset_revision = elem.get( 'changeset_revision' )
    if unpopulate:
        # We're exporting the repository, so eliminate all toolshed and changeset_revision attributes from the <repository> tag.
        if toolshed or changeset_revision:
            attributes = odict()
            attributes[ 'name' ] = name
            attributes[ 'owner' ] = owner
            attributes[ 'prior_installation_required' ] = elem.get( 'prior_installation_required', 'False' )
            elem = xml_util.create_element( 'repository', attributes=attributes, sub_elements=None )
            revised = True
        return revised, elem, error_message
    # From here on we're populating the toolshed and changeset_revisions if necessary.
    if not toolshed:
        # Default the setting to the current tool shed.
        toolshed = str( url_for( '/', qualified=True ) ).rstrip( '/' )
        elem.attrib[ 'toolshed' ] = toolshed
        revised = True
    if not changeset_revision:
        # Populate the changeset_revision attribute with the latest installable metadata revision for the defined repository.
        # We use the latest installable revision instead of the latest metadata revision to ensure that the contents of the
        # revision are valid.
        repository = suc.get_repository_by_name_and_owner( trans.app, name, owner )
        if repository:
            repo_dir = repository.repo_path( trans.app )
            repo = hg.repository( suc.get_configured_ui(), repo_dir )
            lastest_installable_changeset_revision = suc.get_latest_downloadable_changeset_revision( trans, repository, repo )
            if lastest_installable_changeset_revision != suc.INITIAL_CHANGELOG_HASH:
                elem.attrib[ 'changeset_revision' ] = lastest_installable_changeset_revision
                revised = True
                error_message = 'Invalid latest installable changeset_revision %s ' % str( lastest_installable_changeset_revision )
                error_message += 'retrieved for repository %s owned by %s.  ' % ( str( name ), str( owner ) )
            error_message = 'Unable to locate repository with name %s and owner %s.  ' % ( str( name ), str( owner ) )
    return revised, elem, error_message
コード例 #2
 def handle_elem( self, elem ):
     """Populate or unpopulate the changeset_revision and toolshed attributes of repository tags."""
     # <repository name="molecule_datatypes" owner="test" changeset_revision="1a070566e9c6" />
     # <repository changeset_revision="xxx" name="package_xorg_macros_1_17_1" owner="test" toolshed="yyy">
     #    <package name="xorg_macros" version="1.17.1" />
     # </repository>
     error_message = ''
     name = elem.get( 'name' )
     owner = elem.get( 'owner' )
     # The name and owner attributes are always required, so if either are missing, return the error message.
     if not name or not owner:
         error_message = self.check_tag_attributes( elem )
         return False, elem, error_message
     altered = False
     toolshed = elem.get( 'toolshed' )
     changeset_revision = elem.get( 'changeset_revision' )
     # Over a short period of time a bug existed which caused the prior_installation_required attribute
     # to be set to False and included in the <repository> tag when a repository was exported along with
     # its dependencies.  The following will eliminate this problematic attribute upon import.
     prior_installation_required = elem.get( 'prior_installation_required' )
     if prior_installation_required is not None and not asbool( prior_installation_required ):
         del elem.attrib[ 'prior_installation_required' ]
     sub_elems = [ child_elem for child_elem in list( elem ) ]
     if len( sub_elems ) > 0:
         # At this point, a <repository> tag will point only to a package.
         # <package name="xorg_macros" version="1.17.1" />
         # Coerce the list to an odict().
         sub_elements = odict()
         packages = []
         for sub_elem in sub_elems:
             sub_elem_type = sub_elem.tag
             sub_elem_name = sub_elem.get( 'name' )
             sub_elem_version = sub_elem.get( 'version' )
             if sub_elem_type and sub_elem_name and sub_elem_version:
                 packages.append( ( sub_elem_name, sub_elem_version ) )
         sub_elements[ 'packages' ] = packages
         # Set to None.
         sub_elements = None
     if self.unpopulate:
         # We're exporting the repository, so eliminate all toolshed and changeset_revision attributes
         # from the <repository> tag.
         if toolshed or changeset_revision:
             attributes = odict()
             attributes[ 'name' ] = name
             attributes[ 'owner' ] = owner
             prior_installation_required = elem.get( 'prior_installation_required' )
             if asbool( prior_installation_required ):
                 attributes[ 'prior_installation_required' ] = 'True'
             new_elem = xml_util.create_element( 'repository', attributes=attributes, sub_elements=sub_elements )
             altered = True
         return altered, new_elem, error_message
     # From here on we're populating the toolshed and changeset_revision attributes if necessary.
     if not toolshed:
         # Default the setting to the current tool shed.
         toolshed = str( url_for( '/', qualified=True ) ).rstrip( '/' )
         elem.attrib[ 'toolshed' ] = toolshed
         altered = True
     if not changeset_revision:
         # Populate the changeset_revision attribute with the latest installable metadata revision for
         # the defined repository.  We use the latest installable revision instead of the latest metadata
         # revision to ensure that the contents of the revision are valid.
         repository = suc.get_repository_by_name_and_owner( self.app, name, owner )
         if repository:
             repo = hg_util.get_repo_for_repository( self.app,
                                                     create=False )
             lastest_installable_changeset_revision = \
                 suc.get_latest_downloadable_changeset_revision( self.app, repository, repo )
             if lastest_installable_changeset_revision != hg_util.INITIAL_CHANGELOG_HASH:
                 elem.attrib[ 'changeset_revision' ] = lastest_installable_changeset_revision
                 altered = True
                 error_message = 'Invalid latest installable changeset_revision %s ' % \
                     str( lastest_installable_changeset_revision )
                 error_message += 'retrieved for repository %s owned by %s.  ' % ( str( name ), str( owner ) )
             error_message = 'Unable to locate repository with name %s and owner %s.  ' % ( str( name ), str( owner ) )
     return altered, elem, error_message
コード例 #3
 def handle_elem(self, elem):
     """Populate or unpopulate the changeset_revision and toolshed attributes of repository tags."""
     # <repository name="molecule_datatypes" owner="test" changeset_revision="1a070566e9c6" />
     # <repository changeset_revision="xxx" name="package_xorg_macros_1_17_1" owner="test" toolshed="yyy">
     #    <package name="xorg_macros" version="1.17.1" />
     # </repository>
     error_message = ''
     name = elem.get('name')
     owner = elem.get('owner')
     # The name and owner attributes are always required, so if either are missing, return the error message.
     if not name or not owner:
         error_message = self.check_tag_attributes(elem)
         return False, elem, error_message
     altered = False
     toolshed = elem.get('toolshed')
     changeset_revision = elem.get('changeset_revision')
     # Over a short period of time a bug existed which caused the prior_installation_required attribute
     # to be set to False and included in the <repository> tag when a repository was exported along with
     # its dependencies.  The following will eliminate this problematic attribute upon import.
     prior_installation_required = elem.get('prior_installation_required')
     if prior_installation_required is not None and not asbool(prior_installation_required):
         del elem.attrib['prior_installation_required']
     sub_elems = [child_elem for child_elem in list(elem)]
     if len(sub_elems) > 0:
         # At this point, a <repository> tag will point only to a package.
         # <package name="xorg_macros" version="1.17.1" />
         # Coerce the list to an odict().
         sub_elements = odict()
         packages = []
         for sub_elem in sub_elems:
             sub_elem_type = sub_elem.tag
             sub_elem_name = sub_elem.get('name')
             sub_elem_version = sub_elem.get('version')
             if sub_elem_type and sub_elem_name and sub_elem_version:
                 packages.append((sub_elem_name, sub_elem_version))
         sub_elements['packages'] = packages
         # Set to None.
         sub_elements = None
     if self.unpopulate:
         # We're exporting the repository, so eliminate all toolshed and changeset_revision attributes
         # from the <repository> tag.
         if toolshed or changeset_revision:
             attributes = odict()
             attributes['name'] = name
             attributes['owner'] = owner
             prior_installation_required = elem.get('prior_installation_required')
             if asbool(prior_installation_required):
                 attributes['prior_installation_required'] = 'True'
             new_elem = xml_util.create_element('repository', attributes=attributes, sub_elements=sub_elements)
             altered = True
         return altered, new_elem, error_message
     # From here on we're populating the toolshed and changeset_revision attributes if necessary.
     if not toolshed:
         # Default the setting to the current tool shed.
         toolshed = str(url_for('/', qualified=True)).rstrip('/')
         elem.attrib['toolshed'] = toolshed
         altered = True
     if not changeset_revision:
         # Populate the changeset_revision attribute with the latest installable metadata revision for
         # the defined repository.  We use the latest installable revision instead of the latest metadata
         # revision to ensure that the contents of the revision are valid.
         repository = repository_util.get_repository_by_name_and_owner(self.app, name, owner)
         if repository:
             lastest_installable_changeset_revision = \
                 metadata_util.get_latest_downloadable_changeset_revision(self.app, repository)
             if lastest_installable_changeset_revision != hg_util.INITIAL_CHANGELOG_HASH:
                 elem.attrib['changeset_revision'] = lastest_installable_changeset_revision
                 altered = True
                 error_message = 'Invalid latest installable changeset_revision %s ' % \
                 error_message += 'retrieved for repository %s owned by %s.  ' % (str(name), str(owner))
             error_message = 'Unable to locate repository with name %s and owner %s.  ' % (str(name), str(owner))
     return altered, elem, error_message
コード例 #4
def export_repository( trans, tool_shed_url, repository_id, repository_name, changeset_revision, file_type, export_repository_dependencies, api=False ):
    repository = suc.get_repository_in_tool_shed( trans, repository_id )
    repositories_archive_filename = generate_repository_archive_filename( tool_shed_url,
                                                                          str( repository.name ),
                                                                          str( repository.user.username ),
                                                                          use_tmp_archive_dir=True )
    if export_repository_dependencies:
        repo_info_dicts = get_repo_info_dicts( trans, tool_shed_url, repository_id, changeset_revision )
        repository_ids = get_repository_ids( trans, repo_info_dicts )
        ordered_repository_ids, ordered_repositories, ordered_changeset_revisions = order_components_for_import( trans, repository_ids, repo_info_dicts )
        ordered_repository_ids = []
        ordered_repositories = []
        ordered_changeset_revisions = []
        if repository:
            repository_metadata = suc.get_current_repository_metadata_for_changeset_revision( trans, repository, changeset_revision )
            if repository_metadata:
                ordered_repository_ids = [ repository_id ]
                ordered_repositories = [ repository ]
                ordered_changeset_revisions = [ repository_metadata.changeset_revision ]
    repositories_archive = None
    error_messages = ''
    lock = threading.Lock()
    lock.acquire( True )
        repositories_archive = tarfile.open( repositories_archive_filename, "w:%s" % file_type )
        exported_repository_registry = ExportedRepositoryRegistry()
        for index, repository_id in enumerate( ordered_repository_ids ):
            work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix="tmp-toolshed-export-er" )
            ordered_repository = ordered_repositories[ index ]
            ordered_changeset_revision = ordered_changeset_revisions[ index ]
            repository_archive, error_message = generate_repository_archive( trans,
                                                                             file_type )
            if error_message:
                error_messages = '%s  %s' % ( error_messages, error_message )
                archive_name = str( os.path.basename( repository_archive.name ) )
                repositories_archive.add( repository_archive.name, arcname=archive_name )
                attributes, sub_elements = get_repository_attributes_and_sub_elements( ordered_repository, archive_name )
                elem = xml_util.create_element( 'repository', attributes=attributes, sub_elements=sub_elements )
                exported_repository_registry.exported_repository_elems.append( elem )
            suc.remove_dir( work_dir )
        # Keep information about the export in a file name export_info.xml in the archive.
        sub_elements = generate_export_elem( tool_shed_url, repository, changeset_revision, export_repository_dependencies, api )
        export_elem = xml_util.create_element( 'export_info', attributes=None, sub_elements=sub_elements )
        tmp_export_info = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file( export_elem, use_indent=True )
        repositories_archive.add( tmp_export_info, arcname='export_info.xml' )
        # Write the manifest, which must preserve the order in which the repositories should be imported.
        exported_repository_root = xml_util.create_element( 'repositories' )
        for exported_repository_elem in exported_repository_registry.exported_repository_elems:
            exported_repository_root.append( exported_repository_elem )
        tmp_manifest = xml_util.create_and_write_tmp_file( exported_repository_root, use_indent=True )
        repositories_archive.add( tmp_manifest, arcname='manifest.xml' )
    except Exception, e:
        log.exception( str( e ) )