コード例 #1
def is_exchange(r_out: 'list(Compound)') -> (bool):
    if Compound("H2O") in r_out:  # water
        return True
    elif find_if(r_out, lambda c: is_gase(c)) != -1:  # gases
        return True
    elif find_if(r_out, lambda c: not is_ionic_soluble(c)) != -1:  # insoluble
        return True
        return False
コード例 #2
def _iSaAc_oxs(salt):  # MeHAn
    val = salt.formula.value
    is_dig_up_br = lambda c: c.isdigit() or c.isupper() or c == "("

    me: str
    me_q: int
    me_oxs: int
    h_q: int
    anion: str
    an_q: int
    an_oxs: int

    me_end_pos = find_if(val[1:], is_dig_up_br)
    me = val[0:me_end_pos + 1]

    consist = deepcopy(salt.formula.consist)
    me_q = consist[Element(me)]
    del consist[Element(me)]
    h_q = consist[Element("H")]
    del consist[Element("H")]

    anh_beg_pos = find_if(val[1:], lambda c: c.isupper()) + 1
    anh_end_pos = find_if(val[anh_beg_pos:], lambda c: c == ')') + anh_beg_pos
    if anh_end_pos == anh_beg_pos - 1:
        anh_end_pos = len(val)
    anionh = val[anh_beg_pos:anh_end_pos]  # HAn

    an_beg_pos = find_if(anionh[1:], lambda c: c.isupper()) + 1
    an_end_pos = find_if(anionh[an_beg_pos:], lambda c: c == ')') + an_beg_pos
    if an_end_pos == an_beg_pos - 1:
        an_end_pos = len(val)
    anion = anionh[an_beg_pos:an_end_pos]  # An

    an = Compound(anion)
    if len(an.formula.consist) == 1:  # MeNm
        anion = list(an.formula.consist.keys())[0].name
        an = Compound(anion)
    nonme = list(consist.keys())[0]
    an_q = int(consist[nonme] / an.formula.consist[nonme])

    if anion in db_anions:
        an_oxs = db_anions[anion]
        me_oxs = (an_oxs * an_q - h_q) / me_q
    elif me in db_oxs and db_oxs[me] != [0]:
        me_oxs = get_me_oxs(me)
        an_oxs = (me_oxs * me_q + h_q) / an_q
        me_oxs = 1
        an_oxs = (me_oxs * me_q + h_q / an_q)

        anion = "H" + index(_h_q) + anion

    return ((me, int(me_oxs)), (anion, int(an_oxs)))
コード例 #3
    def multiply(self, par: str, mult: str):
        iter_value = par[1 : -1]
        new_value = ""

        while iter_value:
            num_pos = find_if(iter_value, lambda c: c.isdigit())
            bef_num, num_value = iter_value[0 : num_pos], iter_value[num_pos : ]
            num_end = -1

            for i in range(len(num_value)):
                if num_value[i].isdigit():
                    num_end += 1

            if num_end == len(num_value):
                num_value = str(int(num_value))
                new_value += bef_num + num_value

            iter_value = num_value[num_end + 1 : ]
            num_value = num_value[0 : num_end + 1]
            num_value = str(int(num_value) * int(mult))
            new_value += bef_num + num_value

        return new_value
コード例 #4
def iAc_oxs(comp: 'Formula') -> (str, int):
    val = comp.value.replace('[', "").replace(']', "")

    consist = deepcopy(comp.consist)  # ElAn
    an_oxs = consist[Element("H")]

    end = val[1:]
    anion = ""

    anion = end[find_if(end, lambda x: x.isupper()):]
    if '[' in comp.value:
        anion = '[' + anion + ']'
    return (anion, int(an_oxs))
コード例 #5
    def separate(self):
        iter_value = self.ext_value
        new_consist = dict()

        while iter_value:
            up_pos = find_if(iter_value[1 : ], lambda c: c.isupper()) + 1
            sub_str = iter_value[0 : up_pos]
            if up_pos == 0:
                sub_str = iter_value

            num_pos = find_if(sub_str, lambda c: c.isdigit())
            el_value = sub_str[0 : num_pos]
            num_value = int(sub_str[num_pos : ])

            element = Element(el_value)
            new_consist[element] = new_consist.get(element, 0) + num_value

            if up_pos == 0:
            iter_value = iter_value[up_pos : ]

        return new_consist
コード例 #6
    def open_brackets(self, value):
        iter_value = value
        new_value = ""

        while iter_value:
            par_pos = iter_value.find('(')
            bef_par, par_value = iter_value[0 : par_pos], iter_value[par_pos : ]

            if par_pos == -1:
                new_value += iter_value
            brackets = 0
            par_end = 0

            for i in range(len(par_value)):
                if par_value[i] == '(':
                    brackets += 1
                elif par_value[i] == ')':
                    brackets -= 1
                if brackets == 0:
                    par_end = i

            num_value = par_value[par_end + 1 : ]
            par_value = par_value[0 : par_end + 1]
            num_end = -1

            for i in range(len(num_value)):
                if num_value[i].isdigit():
                    num_end += 1

            iter_value = num_value[num_end + 1 : ]
            num_value = num_value[0 : num_end + 1]
            have_par = find_if(par_value[1 : -1], lambda c: c in "()")

            if have_par != -1:
                par_value = "(" + self.open_brackets(par_value[1 : -1]) + ")"

            new_par_value = self.multiply(par_value, num_value)
            new_value += bef_par + new_par_value

        return new_value
コード例 #7
    def add1(self, value):
        iter_value = value
        new_value = ""

        while iter_value:
            is_up = lambda c: c.isupper() or (c in "()")
            up_pos = find_if(iter_value[1 : ], is_up) + 1
            sub_str = ""

            if up_pos == 0:
                sub_str = iter_value
                sub_str = iter_value[0 : up_pos]

            if not sub_str[-1].isdigit() and sub_str[-1] != '(':
                sub_str += "1"
            new_value += sub_str

            if up_pos == 0:
            iter_value = iter_value[up_pos : ]

        return new_value
コード例 #8
def iSaCo_in(sph: str):
    is_up = lambda c: c.isupper() or c == "("

    # central atom
    me_end = find_if(sph[1:], is_up) + 1
    me = sph[0:me_end]
    me_oxs = get_me_oxs(me)
    if me_oxs == 0:
        me_oxs == 1
    sph = sph.replace(me, "")

    # neutral molecules
    neu = ""
    neu_q = 0
    if "(H2O)" in sph:
        neu = "H2O"
    elif "(NH3)" in sph:
        neu = "NH3"
    sph = sph.replace(neu, "")

    if neu != "":
        neu_end = sph.find("()") + 2
        neu_qend = find_if(sph[neu_end], is_up)
        if neu_qend == -1:
            neu_qend = len(sph)
            neu_qend += neu_end

        neu_q = sph[neu_end:neu_qend]
        if neu_q == "":
            neu_q = 1
            neu_q = int(neu_q)
        sph = sph[0:neu_end - 2] + sph[neu_qend:]

    hoh = ""
    hoh_q = 0
    if "(OH)" in sph:
        hoh = "OH"
    elif "H" in sph:
        hoh = "H"
    sph = sph.replace("OH", "").replace("H", "()")

    if hoh != "":
        hoh_end = sph.find("()") + 2
        hoh_qend = find_if(sph[hoh_end], is_up)
        if hoh_qend == -1:
            hoh_qend = len(sph)
            hoh_qend += hoh_end

        hoh_q = sph[hoh_end:hoh_qend]
        if hoh_q == "":
            hoh_q = 1
            hoh_q = int(hoh_q)
        sph = sph[0:hoh_end - 2] + sph[hoh_qend:]

    # anions
    an = ""
    an_oxs = 0
    an_q = 0
    if len(sph) != 0 and sph[0] != '(':
        if count_if(sph, lambda c: c.isupper()) > 1:
            an = sph
            if an in db_anions:
                an_oxs = db_anions[an]
                an_oxs = 1
            an_q = 1
            an_end = find_if(sph, lambda c: c.isdigit())
            if an_end == -1:
                an_end = len(sph)
            an = sph[0:an_end]

            if an in db_anions:
                an_oxs = db_anions[an]
                an_oxs = 1

            an_q = sph[an_end:]
            if an_q == "":
                an_q = 1
                an_q = int(an_q)
    elif len(sph) != 0:
        an_end = sph.find(')')
        an = sph[1:an_end]
        if an in db_anions:
            an_oxs = db_anions[an]
            an_oxs = 1
        an_q = sph[an_end + 1:]
        if an_q == "":
            an_q = 1
            an_q = int(an_q)

    if an == "":
        an = None
    if hoh == "":
        hoh = None
    if neu == "":
        neu = None

    cxs = [(me, me_oxs, 1), (an, -an_oxs, an_q), (hoh, -1, hoh_q),
           (neu, 0, neu_q)]
    return cxs
コード例 #9
def _iSaBa_oxs(salt):  # MeOHAn
    val = salt.formula.value
    is_dig_up_br = lambda c: c.isdigit() or c.isupper() or c == "("

    me: str
    me_q: int
    me_oxs: int
    oh_q: int
    anion: str
    an_q: int
    an_oxs: int

    if val[0] != '(':  # MeOHAn
        me_end_pos = find_if(val[1:], is_dig_up_br) + 1
        me = val[0:me_end_pos]
    else:  # (MeOH)An
        me_end_pos = find_if(val[2:], is_dig_up_br) + 2
        me = val[1:me_end_pos]

    oh = val.find("OH")
    oh_end_pos = find_if(val[oh:], is_dig_up_br) + 1

    consist = deepcopy(salt.formula.consist)
    me_q = consist[Element(me)]
    del consist[Element(me)]

    oh_q = consist[Element("H")]
    del consist[Element("H")]

    an_cont = val[oh + oh_end_pos:]  # )An
    an_beg_pos = find_if(an_cont[1:], lambda c: c.isupper()) + 1
    an_end_pos = find_if(an_cont[an_beg_pos : ], \
      lambda c: c == ')') + an_beg_pos
    if an_end_pos == an_beg_pos - 1:
        an_end_pos = len(an_cont)
    anion = an_cont[an_beg_pos:an_end_pos]  # An

    an = Compound(anion)
    if len(an.formula.consist) == 1:  # MeNm
        anion = list(an.formula.consist.keys())[0].name
        an = Compound(anion)
        nonme = Element(anion)
    elif Element("O") in an.formula.consist:  # MeNmO
        an_cons = deepcopy(an.formula.consist)
        del an_cons[Element("O")]
        nonme = list(an_cons.keys())[0]
    else:  # MeNmNm
        nonme = list(consist.keys())[0]
    an_q = int(consist[nonme] / an.formula.consist[nonme])

    if anion in db_anions:
        an_oxs = db_anions[anion]
        me_oxs = (an_oxs * an_q + oh_q) / me_q
    elif me in db_oxs and db_oxs[me] != [0]:
        me_oxs = get_me_oxs(me)
        an_oxs = (me_oxs * me_q - oh_q) / an_q
        me_oxs = 1
        an_oxs = (me_oxs * me_q - oh_q) / an_q

    return ((me, int(me_oxs)), (anion, int(an_oxs)))
コード例 #10
def reacts(cs: 'list(str)', is_input):
    functs = load_functs()
    cs = sorted(set(cs))
    comps = list(map(lambda c: Compound(c), cs))

    for (x, cond) in db_reacts:
        (r_input, r_output) = x.split("->", 2)
        if is_input:
            react = True
            for c in comps:
                val: str
                if c.comp_type[0] == "o":
                    val = c.skeleton.value
                    val = c.formula.value

                if f"`{val}`" not in r_input:
                    react = False
                    r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{val}`", "", 1)
            react = True
            for c in comps:
                val: str
                if c.comp_type[0] == "o":
                    val = c.skeleton.value
                    val = c.formula.value

                if f"`{val}`" not in r_output:
                    react = False
                    r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{val}`", "", 1)
        if not react:
        r = Reaction(x.replace("`", ""), cond)
        yield r

    comp_types = set([
        "iOxAlk", "iOxBa", "iOxAm", "iOxAc", "iOxNs", "iBaAlk", "iBaBa",
        "iBaAm", "iBaCo"
        "iAcNox", "iAcOx", "iAcCo", "iSaNo", "iSaAc", "iSaBa", "iSaAmm",
        "iSaAmac", "iSaCo", "iSaPer", "iSiMe", "iSiNme", "iBi", "iWa", "oH*",
        "oHAa", "oHAe", "oHAy", "oHDi", "oHCa", "oHAr", "oO*", "oOAc", "oOAlc",
        "oOEth", "oOAld", "oOKet", "oN*", "oNAc", "oNAm", "oNNi", "oBioHy",
        "oBioLi", "oHal", "oP*", "oS*", "oHe*", "nil"
    is_space = lambda c: c in " ,)"
    for f in functs:
         r_output) = f.__doc__.split("->", 2)  # analyse documentation string
        if is_input:
            react = True
            for c in comps:
                c_t = c.comp_type
                val: str
                if c_t[0] == "o":
                    val = c.skeleton.value
                    val = c.formula.value

                if f"`{val}`" not in r_input:  # formula
                    if f"`{c_t}" not in r_input:  # type
                        react = False
                        if f"`{c_t}_" in r_input:
                            temp = r_input
                            type_str = temp.find(f"`{c_t}")
                            temp = temp.replace(f"`{c_t}", "", 1)
                            sp_str = find_if(temp[type_str:], is_space)
                            sp_q = sp_str
                            sp = "_" * sp_q
                            for i in comp_types:
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{i}{sp},", "")
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{i}{sp})", "")
                            for i in comps:
                                v = i.formula.value
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{v}`{sp},", "")
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{v}`{sp})", "")
                            r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{c_t}", "", 1)
                    if True:
                        if f"`{val}`_" in r_input:
                            temp = r_input
                            type_str = temp.find(f"`{val}`")
                            temp = temp.replace(f"`{val}`", "", 1)
                            sp_str = find_if(temp[type_str:], is_space)
                            sp_q = sp_str
                            sp = "_" * sp_q
                            for i in comp_types:
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{i}{sp},", "")
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{i}{sp})", "")
                            for i in comps:
                                v = i.formula.value
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{v}`{sp},", "")
                                r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{v}`{sp})", "")
                            r_input = r_input.replace(f"`{val}`", "", 1)
            react = True
            for c in comps:
                c_t = c.comp_type
                val: str
                if c_t[0] == "o":
                    val = c.skeleton.value
                    val = c.formula.value

                if f"`{val}`" not in r_output:  # formula
                    if f"`{c_t}" not in r_output:  # type
                        react = False
                        if f"`{c_t}_" in r_output:
                            temp = r_output
                            type_str = temp.find(f"`{c_t}")
                            temp = temp.replace(f"`{c_t}", "", 1)
                            sp_str = find_if(temp[type_str:], is_space)
                            sp_q = sp_str
                            sp = "_" * sp_q
                            for i in comp_types:
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{i}{sp},", "")
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{i}{sp})", "")
                            for i in comps:
                                v = i.formula.value
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{v}`{sp},", "")
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{v}`{sp})", "")
                            r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{c_t}", "", 1)
                    if True:
                        if f"`{val}`_" in r_output:
                            temp = r_output
                            type_str = temp.find(f"`{val}`")
                            temp = temp.replace(f"`{val}`", "", 1)
                            sp_str = find_if(temp[type_str:], is_space)
                            sp_q = sp_str
                            sp = "_" * sp_q
                            for i in comp_types:
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{i}{sp},", "")
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{i}{sp})", "")
                            for i in comps:
                                v = i.formula.value
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{v}`{sp},", "")
                                r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{v}`{sp})", "")
                            r_output = r_output.replace(f"`{val}`", "", 1)

        if not react:
        r = f(comps, is_input)
        if type(r) == list:
            for i in r:
                if i != "" and i.value != "":
                    yield i
        elif r != "" and r.value != "":
            yield r

    for c in comps:
        for uns, prod in db_unstable.items():
            if c.formula.value in prod:
                _cs = [x for x in cs if x != c.formula.value]
                rs = reacts(_cs, is_input)
                for r in rs:
                    yield r