コード例 #1
def IteratedExtendedKalman(topology, meas, meas_unc, meas_idx, pseudo_meas, model, V0,
						   Vs,slack_idx=0, Y=None, accuracy=1e-9, maxiter=50):
	Iterated Extended Kalman filter for the nodal load observer
	Real-valued matrices of complex-valued quantities are assumed to be structured as [ [real part], [imag part] ]

	:param topology: dict containing information on bus, branch, ... in PyPower format
	:param meas: dict containing measurements "Pk", "Qk", "Vm" and "Va"
	:param meas_unc: dict containing uncertainties with the values in `meas'
	:param meas_idx: dict containing the corresponding indices
	:param pseudo_meas: dict containing the corresponding pseudo-measurements
	:param model: DynamicModel object as defined in dynamic_models.py
	:param V0: initial estimate of nodal voltages at all nodes except slack
	:param Vs: voltage amplitude and phase at slack node as (2,nT)-dimensional vector
	:param slack_idx: index of slack node
	:param Y: (optional) admittance matrix
	:param accuracy: threshold for inner iteration of the iterated EKF
	:param maxiter: maximum number of inner iterations of the iterated EKF

	:return: Shat, Vhat, uShat, DeltaS, uDeltaS
	if issparse(Y):
		Y = Y.toarray()
	n = model.dim
	n_K = len(V0)/2
	pmeas = np.zeros(n_K,dtype = bool); pmeas[meas_idx["Pk"]] = True
	qmeas = np.zeros(n_K,dtype = bool); qmeas[meas_idx["Qk"]] = True
	vmeas = np.zeros(n_K,dtype = bool); vmeas[meas_idx["Vm"]] = True
	Cm,Dnm,Dm = get_system_matrices(pmeas,qmeas,vmeas)
	if not isinstance(Y,np.ndarray):
		Y = makeYbus(topology["baseMVA"],topology["bus"],topology["branch"])
	Y00, Ys = separate_Yslack(Y,slack_idx)

	# transform voltages at slack node to real and imaginary parts
	Vs_ri = np.vstack((Vs[0,:]*np.cos(np.radians(Vs[1,:])),
	Slack = np.linalg.solve(Y00,np.dot(Ys,Vs_ri))
	Sm = np.r_[meas["Pk"], meas["Qk"]]
	Sfc = np.r_[pseudo_meas["Pk"], pseudo_meas["Qk"]]
	u = np.dot(Dm,Sm) + np.dot(Dnm,Sfc)
 	#np.savetxt("/Users/makara01/Documents/oioi/Sm.out", u)

	# adjust uncertainties in case that their dimension is wrong
	if isinstance(meas_unc["Vm"],float):
		meas_unc["Vm"] = meas_unc["Vm"]*np.ones_like(meas["Vm"])
	elif len(meas_unc["Vm"].shape)==1:
		meas_unc["Vm"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Vm"],(meas["Vm"].shape[1],1)).T

	if isinstance(meas_unc["Va"],float):
		meas_unc["Va"] = meas_unc["Va"]*np.ones_like(meas["Va"])
	elif len(meas_unc["Va"].shape)==1:
		meas_unc["Va"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Va"],(meas["Va"].shape[1],1)).T

	def calcM(mu):
		divisor = 3*(mu[:n_K]**2 + mu[n_K:]**2)
		return np.r_[np.c_[np.diag(mu[:n_K]/divisor), np.diag(mu[n_K:]/divisor)],
				     np.c_[np.diag(mu[n_K:]/divisor), -np.diag(mu[:n_K]/divisor)]]
	nT = Vs.shape[1]
	xhat = np.zeros((n,nT))
	Vhat = np.zeros((2*n_K,nT))
	Shat = np.zeros((2*n_K,nT))
	DeltaS = np.zeros_like(xhat)
	uDeltaS= np.zeros_like(xhat)
	Pfilter = model.forecast_unc()
	Dnm = model.adjust_Dnm(Dnm)

	for k in range(nT):
		# transform voltages to real and imaginary parts
		yRe,yIm,R = amph_phase_to_real_imag(meas["Vm"][:,k],np.radians(meas["Va"][:,k]),meas_unc["Vm"][:,k]**2,meas_unc["Va"][:,k]**2)
		y = np.r_[yRe,yIm]
		if k==0:
			xhatfc = model.forecast_state()
			Pfilterfc = model.forecast_unc()
			mu = np.hstack((V0[:n_K]*np.cos(V0[n_K:]),
			xhatfc = model.forecast_state(xhat[:,k-1])
			Pfilterfc = model.forecast_unc(Pfilter)
			mu = Vhat[:,k-1]
		eta = xhatfc
		varstop1 = 1
		j1 = 1
		while (varstop1 > accuracy) and (j1 < maxiter):
			M_U = calcM(mu)
			muiter = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Y00),M_U),u[:,k] + np.dot(Dnm,eta)) - Slack[:,k] 
			varstop2 = 1
			j2 = 1
			while (varstop2 > accuracy) and (j2 < maxiter):
				M_U = calcM(muiter)
				temp2 = muiter
				muiter = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Y00),M_U),u[:,k] + np.dot(Dnm,eta)) - Slack[:,k]
				varstop2 = np.linalg.norm(muiter-temp2)
				j2 += 1
			mu = muiter
			Dh = jacobian(Y00,Ys,mu,Vs_ri[:,k])
			H = np.dot(Cm, np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Dh), Dnm))
			K = np.dot(np.dot(Pfilterfc,H.T), np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(H,np.dot(Pfilterfc,H.T))+R))
			temp1 = eta
			eta = xhatfc + np.dot(K, y - np.dot(Cm,mu) - np.dot(H, xhatfc-eta))
			varstop1 = np.linalg.norm(temp1-eta)
			j1 += 1
		# Data assimilation step
		Pfilter = np.dot( np.eye(n) - np.dot(K,H), Pfilterfc)
		xhat[:,k] = eta
		Shat[:,k] = u[:,k] + np.dot(Dnm,xhat[:,k])
		Vhat[:,k] = mu
		DeltaS[:,k-1] = xhat[:,k]
		uDeltaS[:,k-1] = np.sqrt(np.diag(Pfilter))
	uS  = np.dot(Dnm,uDeltaS)
	return Shat, Vhat, uS, DeltaS, uDeltaS
コード例 #2
def IteratedExtendedKalman(topology,
	Iterated Extended Kalman filter for the nodal load observer
	Real-valued matrices of complex-valued quantities are assumed to be structured as [ [real part], [imag part] ]

	:param topology: dict containing information on bus, branch, ... in PyPower format
	:param meas: dict containing measurements "Pk", "Qk", "Vm" and "Va"
	:param meas_unc: dict containing uncertainties with the values in `meas'
	:param meas_idx: dict containing the corresponding indices
	:param pseudo_meas: dict containing the corresponding pseudo-measurements
	:param model: DynamicModel object as defined in dynamic_models.py
	:param V0: initial estimate of nodal voltages at all nodes except slack
	:param Vs: voltage amplitude and phase at slack node as (2,nT)-dimensional vector
	:param slack_idx: index of slack node
	:param Y: (optional) admittance matrix
	:param accuracy: threshold for inner iteration of the iterated EKF
	:param maxiter: maximum number of inner iterations of the iterated EKF

	:return: Shat, Vhat, uShat, DeltaS, uDeltaS
    if issparse(Y):
        Y = Y.toarray()
    n = model.dim
    n_K = len(V0) / 2
    pmeas = np.zeros(n_K, dtype=bool)
    pmeas[meas_idx["Pk"]] = True
    qmeas = np.zeros(n_K, dtype=bool)
    qmeas[meas_idx["Qk"]] = True
    vmeas = np.zeros(n_K, dtype=bool)
    vmeas[meas_idx["Vm"]] = True
    Cm, Dnm, Dm = get_system_matrices(pmeas, qmeas, vmeas)
    if not isinstance(Y, np.ndarray):
        Y = makeYbus(topology["baseMVA"], topology["bus"], topology["branch"])
    Y00, Ys = separate_Yslack(Y, slack_idx)

    # transform voltages at slack node to real and imaginary parts
    Vs_ri = np.vstack((Vs[0, :] * np.cos(np.radians(Vs[1, :])),
                       Vs[0, :] * np.sin(np.radians(Vs[1, :]))))
    Slack = np.linalg.solve(Y00, np.dot(Ys, Vs_ri))
    Sm = np.r_[meas["Pk"], meas["Qk"]]
    Sfc = np.r_[pseudo_meas["Pk"], pseudo_meas["Qk"]]
    u = np.dot(Dm, Sm) + np.dot(Dnm, Sfc)
    #np.savetxt("/Users/makara01/Documents/oioi/Sm.out", u)

    # adjust uncertainties in case that their dimension is wrong
    if isinstance(meas_unc["Vm"], float):
        meas_unc["Vm"] = meas_unc["Vm"] * np.ones_like(meas["Vm"])
    elif len(meas_unc["Vm"].shape) == 1:
        meas_unc["Vm"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Vm"], (meas["Vm"].shape[1], 1)).T

    if isinstance(meas_unc["Va"], float):
        meas_unc["Va"] = meas_unc["Va"] * np.ones_like(meas["Va"])
    elif len(meas_unc["Va"].shape) == 1:
        meas_unc["Va"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Va"], (meas["Va"].shape[1], 1)).T

    def calcM(mu):
        divisor = 3 * (mu[:n_K]**2 + mu[n_K:]**2)
        return np.r_[np.c_[np.diag(mu[:n_K] / divisor),
                           np.diag(mu[n_K:] / divisor)],
                     np.c_[np.diag(mu[n_K:] / divisor),
                           -np.diag(mu[:n_K] / divisor)]]

    nT = Vs.shape[1]
    xhat = np.zeros((n, nT))
    Vhat = np.zeros((2 * n_K, nT))
    Shat = np.zeros((2 * n_K, nT))
    DeltaS = np.zeros_like(xhat)
    uDeltaS = np.zeros_like(xhat)
    Pfilter = model.forecast_unc()
    Dnm = model.adjust_Dnm(Dnm)

    for k in range(nT):
        # transform voltages to real and imaginary parts
        yRe, yIm, R = amph_phase_to_real_imag(meas["Vm"][:, k],
                                              np.radians(meas["Va"][:, k]),
                                              meas_unc["Vm"][:, k]**2,
                                              meas_unc["Va"][:, k]**2)

        y = np.r_[yRe, yIm]
        if k == 0:
            xhatfc = model.forecast_state()
            Pfilterfc = model.forecast_unc()
            mu = np.hstack(
                (V0[:n_K] * np.cos(V0[n_K:]), V0[:n_K] * np.sin(V0[n_K:])))
            xhatfc = model.forecast_state(xhat[:, k - 1])
            Pfilterfc = model.forecast_unc(Pfilter)
            mu = Vhat[:, k - 1]
        eta = xhatfc
        varstop1 = 1
        j1 = 1
        while (varstop1 > accuracy) and (j1 < maxiter):
            M_U = calcM(mu)
            muiter = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Y00), M_U),
                            u[:, k] + np.dot(Dnm, eta)) - Slack[:, k]

            varstop2 = 1
            j2 = 1
            while (varstop2 > accuracy) and (j2 < maxiter):
                M_U = calcM(muiter)
                temp2 = muiter
                muiter = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Y00), M_U),
                                u[:, k] + np.dot(Dnm, eta)) - Slack[:, k]
                varstop2 = np.linalg.norm(muiter - temp2)
                j2 += 1
            mu = muiter
            Dh = jacobian(Y00, Ys, mu, Vs_ri[:, k])
            H = np.dot(Cm, np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Dh), Dnm))
            K = np.dot(np.dot(Pfilterfc, H.T),
                       np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(H, np.dot(Pfilterfc, H.T)) + R))
            temp1 = eta
            eta = xhatfc + np.dot(K,
                                  y - np.dot(Cm, mu) - np.dot(H, xhatfc - eta))
            varstop1 = np.linalg.norm(temp1 - eta)
            j1 += 1
        # Data assimilation step
        Pfilter = np.dot(np.eye(n) - np.dot(K, H), Pfilterfc)
        xhat[:, k] = eta
        Shat[:, k] = u[:, k] + np.dot(Dnm, xhat[:, k])
        Vhat[:, k] = mu
        DeltaS[:, k - 1] = xhat[:, k]
        uDeltaS[:, k - 1] = np.sqrt(np.diag(Pfilter))

    uS = np.dot(Dnm, uDeltaS)
    return Shat, Vhat, uS, DeltaS, uDeltaS
コード例 #3
def LinearKalmanFilter(topology, meas, meas_unc, meas_idx, pseudo_meas, model, V0,
						   Vs, slack_idx=0, Y=None):
	Quasi-Linear Kalman filter for the nodal load observer
	This version of the NLO state estimation method ignores the nonlinearity for the calculation of the
	Kalman gain and utilizes the fix point equation property for the calculation of voltages from powers.
	Estimated nodal voltages are returned as real and imaginary parts

	Real-valued matrices of complex-valued quantities are assumed to be structured as [ [real part], [imag part] ]
	:param topology: dict containing information on bus, branch, ... in PyPower format
	:param meas: dict containing measurements "Pk", "Qk", "Vm" and "Va"
	:param meas_unc: dict containing associated uncertainties
	:param meas_idx: dict containing the corresponding indices
	:param pseudo_meas: dict containing the corresponding pseudo-measurements
	:param model: DynamicModel object as defined in dynamic_models.py
	:param V0: initial estimate of nodal voltages (magnitude and phase)
	:param Vs: voltages at slack node (magnitude and phase)
	:param slack_idx: index of slack node
	:param Y: (optional) user defined admittance matrix

	if issparse(Y):
		Y = Y.toarray()

	if not isinstance(Y,np.ndarray):
		Y = makeYbus(topology["baseMVA"],topology["bus"],topology["branch"])
	Yadm, Y_slack = separate_Yslack(Y,slack_idx)

	nK = len(V0)/2
	pmeas = np.zeros(nK,dtype = bool); pmeas[meas_idx["Pk"]] = True
	qmeas = np.zeros(nK,dtype = bool); qmeas[meas_idx["Qk"]] = True
	vmeas = np.zeros(nK,dtype = bool); vmeas[meas_idx["Vm"]] = True
	Cm,Dnm,Dm = get_system_matrices(pmeas,qmeas,vmeas)

	# transform voltages at slack node to real and imaginary parts
	Vs_ri = np.vstack((Vs[0,:]*np.cos(Vs[1,:]),
	Slack = np.linalg.solve(Yadm,np.dot(Y_slack,Vs_ri))
	# y = np.r_[meas["Vm"], meas["Va"]] + np.dot(Cm,Slack)

	S = np.dot(Dm, np.r_[meas["Pk"], meas["Qk"]]) + np.dot(Dnm, np.r_[pseudo_meas["Pk"], pseudo_meas["Qk"]])

	# adjust uncertainties in case that their dimension is wrong
	if isinstance(meas_unc["Vm"],float):
		meas_unc["Vm"] = meas_unc["Vm"]*np.ones_like(meas["Vm"])
	elif len(meas_unc["Vm"].shape)==1:
		meas_unc["Vm"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Vm"],(meas["Vm"].shape[1],1)).T

	if isinstance(meas_unc["Va"],float):
		meas_unc["Va"] = meas_unc["Va"]*np.ones_like(meas["Va"])
	elif len(meas_unc["Va"].shape)==1:
		meas_unc["Va"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Va"],(meas["Va"].shape[1],1)).T

	nx = model.dim
	nm = 2*meas["Vm"].shape[0]
	t_f= meas["Vm"].shape[1]

	def calcM(mu):
		divisor = 3*(mu[:nK]**2 + mu[nK:]**2)
		return np.r_[np.c_[np.diag(mu[:nK]/divisor), np.diag(mu[nK:]/divisor)],
				     np.c_[np.diag(mu[nK:]/divisor), -np.diag(mu[:nK]/divisor)]]

	def calcKs(V,Sh,k,accuracy=1e-12):
		# According to W. Heins' Thesis calculation of V using Ks is a fix point equation
		# We take that into account by doing a fixed number of iterations of the corresponding
		# fix point iterations
		Vn = V.copy()
		fp_diff = 1.0
		maxiter = 20
		count = 0
		while fp_diff>accuracy and count < maxiter:
			tmp = Vn
			MU = calcM(Vn)
			Ks = np.linalg.solve(Yadm,MU)
			Vn = np.dot(Ks, np.dot(Dnm,Sh) + S[:,k]) - Slack[:,k]
			fp_diff = np.linalg.norm(tmp-Vn)
			count += 1
		return Ks

	P = model.forecast_unc()

# initialize solution matrices
	V_est = np.zeros((2*nK,t_f+1))     # Estimated voltages
	V_est[:nK,0] = V0[:nK]*np.cos(V0[nK:])
	x_est = np.zeros((nx,t_f+1))          # Estimated active and reactive powers
	x_est[:,0] = model.forecast_state()
	DeltaS_est = np.zeros((nx,t_f))     # Estimated power deviation
	UncDeltaS = np.zeros_like(DeltaS_est)
	Dnm = model.adjust_Dnm(Dnm)

#%% ########################### KALMAN ########################################
	print '.',
	for k in range(1,t_f+1):
		# transform voltages to real and imaginary parts
		yRe,yIm,R = amph_phase_to_real_imag(meas["Vm"][:,k-1],np.radians(meas["Va"][:,k-1]),meas_unc["Vm"][:,k-1]**2,meas_unc["Va"][:,k-1]**2)
		y = np.r_[yRe,yIm] + np.dot(Cm,Slack[:,k-1])
	# preparation of state space system matrices
		Ks = calcKs(V_est[:,k-1],x_est[:,k-1],k-1)
		C = np.dot(Cm,np.dot(Ks,Dnm))
		D = np.dot(Cm,Ks)
#========================== actual Kalman filter part =========================
	#  Kalman filter forecast step
		xf = model.forecast_state(x_est[:,k-1])[:,np.newaxis]
		Pf = model.forecast_unc(P)
	# Kalman gain matrix K
		K =  np.linalg.solve(np.dot(C,np.dot(Pf,C.T)) + R, np.dot(C,P)).T
	# corrected state estimate
		x_est[:,k][:,np.newaxis] = xf + np.dot(K, y.reshape(nm,1)
									  - (np.dot(C,xf) + np.dot(D,S[:,k-1].reshape(2*nK,1))) )
	# corrected error covariance matrix
		P = np.dot(np.eye(nx) - np.dot(K,C),Pf)
	# calculate voltage from estimated power
		V_est[:,k] = np.dot(Ks, np.dot(Dnm,x_est[:,k-1]) + S[:,k-1]) - Slack[:,k-1]
		DeltaS_est[:,k-1] = x_est[:,k]
		UncDeltaS[:,k-1] = np.sqrt(np.diag(P))
		print '.',
	print '.'

  # results
	S_est = S + np.dot(Dnm,DeltaS_est) # S_est = S + D_ng * DeltaS_est
	UncS  = np.zeros_like(S) + np.dot(Dnm,UncDeltaS)
	return S_est, V_est[:,1:], UncS, DeltaS_est,UncDeltaS
コード例 #4
def LinearKalmanFilter(topology,
	Quasi-Linear Kalman filter for the nodal load observer
	This version of the NLO state estimation method ignores the nonlinearity for the calculation of the
	Kalman gain and utilizes the fix point equation property for the calculation of voltages from powers.
	Estimated nodal voltages are returned as real and imaginary parts

	Real-valued matrices of complex-valued quantities are assumed to be structured as [ [real part], [imag part] ]
	:param topology: dict containing information on bus, branch, ... in PyPower format
	:param meas: dict containing measurements "Pk", "Qk", "Vm" and "Va"
	:param meas_unc: dict containing associated uncertainties
	:param meas_idx: dict containing the corresponding indices
	:param pseudo_meas: dict containing the corresponding pseudo-measurements
	:param model: DynamicModel object as defined in dynamic_models.py
	:param V0: initial estimate of nodal voltages (magnitude and phase)
	:param Vs: voltages at slack node (magnitude and phase)
	:param slack_idx: index of slack node
	:param Y: (optional) user defined admittance matrix

    if issparse(Y):
        Y = Y.toarray()

    if not isinstance(Y, np.ndarray):
        Y = makeYbus(topology["baseMVA"], topology["bus"], topology["branch"])
    Yadm, Y_slack = separate_Yslack(Y, slack_idx)

    nK = len(V0) / 2
    pmeas = np.zeros(nK, dtype=bool)
    pmeas[meas_idx["Pk"]] = True
    qmeas = np.zeros(nK, dtype=bool)
    qmeas[meas_idx["Qk"]] = True
    vmeas = np.zeros(nK, dtype=bool)
    vmeas[meas_idx["Vm"]] = True
    Cm, Dnm, Dm = get_system_matrices(pmeas, qmeas, vmeas)

    # transform voltages at slack node to real and imaginary parts
    Vs_ri = np.vstack(
        (Vs[0, :] * np.cos(Vs[1, :]), Vs[0, :] * np.sin(Vs[1, :])))
    Slack = np.linalg.solve(Yadm, np.dot(Y_slack, Vs_ri))
    # y = np.r_[meas["Vm"], meas["Va"]] + np.dot(Cm,Slack)

    S = np.dot(Dm, np.r_[meas["Pk"], meas["Qk"]]) + np.dot(
        Dnm, np.r_[pseudo_meas["Pk"], pseudo_meas["Qk"]])

    # adjust uncertainties in case that their dimension is wrong
    if isinstance(meas_unc["Vm"], float):
        meas_unc["Vm"] = meas_unc["Vm"] * np.ones_like(meas["Vm"])
    elif len(meas_unc["Vm"].shape) == 1:
        meas_unc["Vm"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Vm"], (meas["Vm"].shape[1], 1)).T

    if isinstance(meas_unc["Va"], float):
        meas_unc["Va"] = meas_unc["Va"] * np.ones_like(meas["Va"])
    elif len(meas_unc["Va"].shape) == 1:
        meas_unc["Va"] = np.tile(meas_unc["Va"], (meas["Va"].shape[1], 1)).T

    nx = model.dim
    nm = 2 * meas["Vm"].shape[0]
    t_f = meas["Vm"].shape[1]

    def calcM(mu):
        divisor = 3 * (mu[:nK]**2 + mu[nK:]**2)
        return np.r_[np.c_[np.diag(mu[:nK] / divisor),
                           np.diag(mu[nK:] / divisor)],
                     np.c_[np.diag(mu[nK:] / divisor),
                           -np.diag(mu[:nK] / divisor)]]

    def calcKs(V, Sh, k, accuracy=1e-12):
        # According to W. Heins' Thesis calculation of V using Ks is a fix point equation
        # We take that into account by doing a fixed number of iterations of the corresponding
        # fix point iterations
        Vn = V.copy()
        fp_diff = 1.0
        maxiter = 20
        count = 0
        while fp_diff > accuracy and count < maxiter:
            tmp = Vn
            MU = calcM(Vn)
            Ks = np.linalg.solve(Yadm, MU)
            Vn = np.dot(Ks, np.dot(Dnm, Sh) + S[:, k]) - Slack[:, k]
            fp_diff = np.linalg.norm(tmp - Vn)
            count += 1
        return Ks

    P = model.forecast_unc()

    # initialize solution matrices
    V_est = np.zeros((2 * nK, t_f + 1))  # Estimated voltages
    V_est[:nK, 0] = V0[:nK] * np.cos(V0[nK:])
    x_est = np.zeros((nx, t_f + 1))  # Estimated active and reactive powers
    x_est[:, 0] = model.forecast_state()
    DeltaS_est = np.zeros((nx, t_f))  # Estimated power deviation
    UncDeltaS = np.zeros_like(DeltaS_est)
    Dnm = model.adjust_Dnm(Dnm)

    #%% ########################### KALMAN ########################################
    print '.',
    for k in range(1, t_f + 1):
        # transform voltages to real and imaginary parts
        yRe, yIm, R = amph_phase_to_real_imag(meas["Vm"][:, k - 1],
                                              np.radians(meas["Va"][:, k - 1]),
                                              meas_unc["Vm"][:, k - 1]**2,
                                              meas_unc["Va"][:, k - 1]**2)
        y = np.r_[yRe, yIm] + np.dot(Cm, Slack[:, k - 1])
        # preparation of state space system matrices
        Ks = calcKs(V_est[:, k - 1], x_est[:, k - 1], k - 1)
        C = np.dot(Cm, np.dot(Ks, Dnm))
        D = np.dot(Cm, Ks)
        #========================== actual Kalman filter part =========================
        #  Kalman filter forecast step
        xf = model.forecast_state(x_est[:, k - 1])[:, np.newaxis]
        Pf = model.forecast_unc(P)
        # Kalman gain matrix K
        K = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(C, np.dot(Pf, C.T)) + R, np.dot(C, P)).T
        # corrected state estimate
        x_est[:, k][:, np.newaxis] = xf + np.dot(
            y.reshape(nm, 1) -
            (np.dot(C, xf) + np.dot(D, S[:, k - 1].reshape(2 * nK, 1))))
        # corrected error covariance matrix
        P = np.dot(np.eye(nx) - np.dot(K, C), Pf)
        # calculate voltage from estimated power
        V_est[:, k] = np.dot(
            np.dot(Dnm, x_est[:, k - 1]) + S[:, k - 1]) - Slack[:, k - 1]
        DeltaS_est[:, k - 1] = x_est[:, k]
        UncDeltaS[:, k - 1] = np.sqrt(np.diag(P))
        print '.',
    print '.'

    # results
    S_est = S + np.dot(Dnm, DeltaS_est)  # S_est = S + D_ng * DeltaS_est
    UncS = np.zeros_like(S) + np.dot(Dnm, UncDeltaS)
    return S_est, V_est[:, 1:], UncS, DeltaS_est, UncDeltaS