def gen_rnet_data(data_dir, anno_file, pnet_model_file, prefix_path='', use_cuda=True, vis=False): # load the pnet and pnet_detector mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(p_model_path=pnet_model_file, r_model_path=None, o_model_path=None, min_face_size=12, use_cuda=True) device = mtcnn_detector.device imagedb = ImageDB(anno_file, mode="test", prefix_path=prefix_path) imdb = imagedb.load_imdb() image_reader = TestImageLoader(imdb, 1, False) all_boxes = [] batch_idx = 0 for databatch in image_reader: if batch_idx % 100 == 0: print("%d images done" % batch_idx) im = databatch t = time.time() boxes, boxes_align = mtcnn_detector.detect_pnet(im) if boxes_align is None: all_boxes.append(np.array([])) continue if vis: vision.vis_face(im, boxes_align) t1 = time.time() - t print('time cost for image {} / {} : {:.4f}'.format( batch_idx, image_reader.size, t1)) all_boxes.append(boxes_align) batch_idx += 1 save_path = config.TRAIN_DATA_DIR if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) save_file = os.path.join(save_path, "pnet_detections_%d.pkl" % int(time.time())) with open(save_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) save_file = '/home/liujing/Codes/MTCNN/data/pnet_detections_1532530263.pkl' get_rnet_sample_data(data_dir, anno_file, save_file, prefix_path)
def gen_onet_data(data_dir, anno_file, pnet_model_file, rnet_model_file, prefix_path='', use_cuda=True, vis=False): pnet, rnet, _ = create_mtcnn_net(p_model_path=pnet_model_file, r_model_path=rnet_model_file, use_cuda=use_cuda) mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(pnet=pnet, rnet=rnet, min_face_size=12) imagedb = ImageDB(anno_file, mode="test", prefix_path=prefix_path) imdb = imagedb.load_imdb() image_reader = TestImageLoader(imdb,1,False) all_boxes = list() batch_idx = 0 for databatch in image_reader: if batch_idx % 100 == 0: print("%d images done" % batch_idx) im = databatch t = time.time() #detect an image by pnet and rnet p_boxes, p_boxes_align = mtcnn_detector.detect_pnet(im=im) boxes, boxes_align = mtcnn_detector.detect_rnet(im=im, dets=p_boxes_align) if boxes_align is None: all_boxes.append(np.array([])) batch_idx += 1 continue if vis: rgb_im = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(im), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) vision.vis_two(rgb_im, boxes, boxes_align) t1 = time.time() - t print 'time cost for image ', batch_idx, '/', image_reader.size, ': ', t1 all_boxes.append(boxes_align) batch_idx += 1 save_path = config.MODLE_STORE_DIR if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) save_file = os.path.join(save_path, "rnet_detections_%d.pkl" % int(time.time())) with open(save_file, 'wb') as f: cPickle.dump(all_boxes, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) #save_file = '/home/wujiyang/FaceProjects/MTCNN_TRAIN/model_store/rnet_detections_1527304558.pkl' get_onet_sample_data(data_dir, anno_file, save_file, prefix_path)
Created on Sat May 26 13:57:59 2018 @author: wujiyang """ import sys sys.path.append("/home/wujiyang/FaceProjects/MTCNN_TRAIN") import cv2 from tools.detect import create_mtcnn_net, MtcnnDetector import as vision if __name__ == '__main__': pnet, rnet, onet = create_mtcnn_net(p_model_path="./model_store/", r_model_path="./model_store/", o_model_path="./model_store/", use_cuda=False) mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(pnet=pnet, rnet=rnet, onet=onet, min_face_size=24) img = cv2.imread("./test2.jpg") img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) bboxs, landmarks = mtcnn_detector.detect_face(img) #print bboxs.shape[0] #print landmarks.shape[0] vision.vis_face(img, bboxs, landmarks)
score = clf.decision_function(feature) return pred, score if __name__ == '__main__': # 下面四行做何用? parser = ap.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', "--model_name", help="model name", default="re_train_model_V4.m") args = vars(parser.parse_args()) model = args["model_name"] # MTCNN人脸检测器初始化 mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(min_face_size=24, use_cuda=False) # mtcnn_detector的数据格式需要解析"Init the MtcnnDetector.") project_root = pathlib.Path() model_path = project_root / "model" / str(model) # 从摄像头读取图片,目前已不需要 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3, 640) # 设置分辨率 cap.set(4, 480) cap.set(15, -6.0) while True: ret, frame = # 帧提取,ret无用 start = time.time() bboxs, landmarks = mtcnn_detector.detect_face( frame) # landmarks无用,bbox人脸区域坐标矩阵 detect_time = time.time() - start
def draw_images(img, bboxs, landmarks): # 在图片上绘制人脸框及特征点 num_face = bboxs.shape[0] for i in range(num_face): cv2.rectangle(img, (int(bboxs[i, 0]), int(bboxs[i, 1])), (int(bboxs[i, 2]), int(bboxs[i, 3])), (0, 255, 0), 3) for p in landmarks: for i in range(5):, (int(p[2 * i]), int(p[2 * i + 1])), 6, (0, 0, 255), -1) return img if __name__ == '__main__': mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(min_face_size=24, use_cuda=False) # 加载模型参数,构造检测器"Init the MtcnnDetector.") project_root = pathlib.Path() inputPath = project_root / "data" / "test_images" outputPath = project_root / "data" / "you_result" outputPath.mkdir(exist_ok=True) start = time.time() for num, input_img_filename in enumerate(inputPath.iterdir()):"Start to process No.{} image.".format(num)) img_name ="The name of the image is {}.".format(img_name)) img = cv2.imread(str(input_img_filename)) RGB_image = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) bboxs, landmarks = mtcnn_detector.detect_face(
# r_y = min(bboxs[i, 3] + 0.4 * b_h, h) r_y = bboxs[i, 3] cb_0 = (0.4 * b_w) if bboxs[i, 0] > (0.4 * b_w) else bboxs[i, 0] cb_1 = (0.4 * b_h) if bboxs[i, 1] > (0.4 * b_h) else bboxs[i, 1] cb_2 = (1.4 * b_w) if bboxs[i, 0] > (0.4 * b_w) else bboxs[i, 0] + b_w cb_3 = cb_2 + b_h cropped.append(img[int(l_y):int(r_y), int(l_x):int(r_x)]) croped_bboxs.append(int(cb_0)) croped_bboxs.append(int(cb_1)) croped_bboxs.append(int(cb_2)) croped_bboxs.append(int(cb_3)) return cropped, croped_bboxs if __name__ == '__main__': mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(min_face_size=24, use_cuda=True) for i_path in range(len(data_path_list)): data_path = data_path_list[i_path] img_name_list = os.listdir(in_path + data_path) num_imgs = len(img_name_list) cropped_img_list = list() cropped_bboxs_list = list() img_list = list() bboxs_list = list() print("Now at Part " + str(i_path) + " of " + str(len(data_path_list)) + " " + data_path + " | number of imgs: " + str(num_imgs)) for i in range(num_imgs): img_name = img_name_list[i] print(">>> Processing: " + str(i) + " of " + str(num_imgs) + " " +
def demo(path): #trained model p_model_path = "./model/" r_model_path = "./model/" o_model_path = "./model/" pnet, rnet, onet = create_mtcnn_net(p_model_path=p_model_path, r_model_path=r_model_path, o_model_path=o_model_path, use_cuda=False) mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(pnet=pnet, rnet=rnet, onet=onet, min_face_size=24, threshold=[0.6, 0.7, 0.7]) img = cv2.imread(path) bboxs = mtcnn_detector.detect_face(img) # print box_align c = 0 st = 0 for i in range(bboxs.shape[0]): b = bboxs[i, :4] l = b[2] - b[0] h = b[3] - b[1] s = l * h if st < s: st = s cv2.rectangle(img, (int(b[0]), int(b[1])), (int(b[2]), int(b[3])), (0, 0, 255), 2) image_r = img[int(b[1]) - 10:int(b[3]) + 10, int(b[0]) - 10:int(b[2]) + 10] # cv2.imwrite("./img/" + "wxf" + ".jpg", image_r, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION), 9]) image = cv2.cvtColor(image_r, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) sumRed = 0 sumYello = 0 sumblack = 0 sumwhite = 0 sumcyan = 0 for i in range(image.shape[0]): for j in range(image.shape[1]): if (image[i, j, 0] <= 180 & image[i, j, 0] >= 156) & ( image[i, j, 1] >= 43 & image[i, j, 1] <= 255) & (image[i, j, 2] >= 46 & image[i, j, 2] <= 255): sumRed = sumRed + 1 if (image[i, j, 0] <= 10 & image[i, j, 0] >= 0) & ( image[i, j, 1] >= 43 & image[i, j, 1] <= 255) & (image[i, j, 2] >= 46 & image[i, j, 2] <= 255): sumRed = sumRed + 1 if (image[i, j, 0] <= 180 & image[i, j, 0] >= 0) & (image[i, j, 1] >= 0 & image[i, j, 1] <= 255) & (image[i, j, 2] >= 0 & image[i, j, 2] <= 46): sumblack = sumblack + 1 if (image[i, j, 0] <= 180 & image[i, j, 0] >= 0) & ( image[i, j, 1] >= 0 & image[i, j, 1] <= 30) & (image[i, j, 2] >= 221 & image[i, j, 2] <= 255): sumwhite = sumwhite + 1 if (image[i, j, 0] <= 255 & image[i, j, 0] >= 34) & ( image[i, j, 1] >= 43 & image[i, j, 1] <= 255) & (image[i, j, 2] >= 46 & image[i, j, 2] <= 255): sumYello = sumYello + 1 if (image[i, j, 0] <= 99 & image[i, j, 0] >= 78) & ( image[i, j, 1] >= 43 & image[i, j, 1] <= 255) & (image[i, j, 2] >= 46 & image[i, j, 2] <= 255): sumcyan = sumcyan + 1 all = image.shape[0] * image.shape[1] red = sumRed / all yello = sumYello / all black = sumblack / all cyan = sumcyan / all white = sumwhite / all print('red:', red, 'yello:', yello, 'white:', white, 'black:', black, 'cyan:', cyan)
console_handler.formatter = formatter # 也可以直接给formatter赋值 def draw_images(img, bboxs, landmarks): # 在图片上绘制人脸框及特征点 num_face = bboxs.shape[0] for i in range(num_face): cv2.rectangle(img, (int(bboxs[i, 0]), int(bboxs[i, 1])), (int( bboxs[i, 2]), int(bboxs[i, 3])), (0, 255, 0), 3) for p in landmarks: for i in range(5):, (int(p[2 * i]), int(p[2 * i + 1])), 6, (0, 0, 255), -1) return img if __name__ == '__main__': mtcnn_detector = MtcnnDetector(min_face_size=24, use_cuda=False) # 加载模型参数,构造检测器"Init the MtcnnDetector.") project_root = pathlib.Path() inputPath = project_root / "data" / "test_images" outputPath = project_root / "data" / "you_result" outputPath.mkdir(exist_ok=True) start = time.time() for num, input_img_filename in enumerate(inputPath.iterdir()):"Start to process No.{} image.".format(num)) img_name ="The name of the image is {}.".format(img_name)) img = cv2.imread(str(input_img_filename)) RGB_image = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) bboxs, landmarks = mtcnn_detector.detect_face(RGB_image) # 检测得到bboxs以及特征点