コード例 #1
 def getImageInformation(self):
     valid_exts = self.settings['valid_exts']   
     # Get paths to all images
     file_paths = [os.path.join(self.source_folder,f) 
                   for f in sorted(os.listdir(self.source_folder))
                   if os.path.splitext(f)[-1].strip('.') in valid_exts]
     # break if no images in folder
     if len(file_paths) == 0: return
     # place binding in a separate list
     if self.settings['has_binding']:
         self.bindings = [file_paths[0]]+[file_paths[-1]]
         file_paths = file_paths[1:-1]
     for p in file_paths:
         img_size = fs.getFileSize(p)
         img_w,img_h = image_tools.getImageDimensions(p)
         self.img_proc_info['images'][p] = {'crop_coordinates':{},
                                            'file_size': img_size,
                                            'r_crop':True, # right margin crop?
                                            't_crop':True, # top margin crop?
                                            'l_crop':True, # left margin crop?
                                            'b_crop':True, # bottom margin crop?
                                            'deskew': self.settings['deskew_images'], # deskew image?
                                            'crop': self.settings['crop_images'], # deskew image?
                                            'spread':False, # is image a spread (opslag)?
コード例 #2
    def getVariables(self):

        # Collect parameters for aleph-script
        process_title = self.command_line.process_title
        process_path = self.command_line.process_path

        # Extract barcode from title 
        if '_' in process_title:
            self.barcode = process_title.split('_')[0]
            self.barcode = process_title

        # get color_pdf
        self.color_pdf = self.barcode+'_color'+'.pdf'
        # get color pdf size
        c_pdf_path = self.getConfigItem('doc_pdf_color_path',section=self.folder_structure_section)
        color_pdf_file = os.path.join(process_path, c_pdf_path)+self.color_pdf
        self.color_pdf_size = fs.getFileSize(color_pdf_file,mb=True)

        # get bw_pdf
        self.bw_pdf = self.barcode+'_bw'+'.pdf'
        # get bw_pdf_size
        bw_pdf_path = self.getConfigItem('doc_pdf_bw_path',section=self.folder_structure_section)
        bw_pdf_file = os.path.join(process_path, bw_pdf_path)+self.bw_pdf
        self.bw_pdf_size = fs.getFileSize(bw_pdf_file,mb=True)

        # Get multivolume status - cast value to bool.
        # Assign string 'multivolumes' if true, otherwise assign ''
        is_multivolume = self.getSetting('is_multivolume',var_type = bool, default = False)
        if is_multivolume:
            self.multivolumes = 'multivolumes'
            self.multivolumes = ''

        # get user and server from config to run the script
        self.aleph_server_user = self.getSetting('aleph_server_user')
        self.aleph_server = self.getSetting('aleph_server')