コード例 #1
def __max__(plotable, include_error = True):
    if plotable is None:
        return 0
    if plotable.__class__.__name__ == 'Hist':
        return plotable.max(include_error = include_error)
    if plotable.__class__.__name__ == 'Graph':
        ve = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(plotable)
        if not include_error:
            return max([v for v,_,_ in ve])
        return max( [v + err_high for v, _, err_high in ve] )
コード例 #2
def __max__(plotable, include_error=True):
    if plotable is None:
        return 0
    if plotable.__class__.__name__ == 'Hist':
        return plotable.max(include_error=include_error)
    if plotable.__class__.__name__ == 'Graph':
        ve = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(plotable)
        if not include_error:
            return max([v for v, _, _ in ve])
        return max([v + err_high for v, _, err_high in ve])
コード例 #3
def make_plots( histograms, category, output_folder, histname, show_ratio = True, show_before_unfolding = False ):
    global variable, k_values
    channel = 'electron'
    if 'electron' in histname:
        channel = 'electron'
    elif 'muon' in histname:
        channel = 'muon'
        channel = 'combined'
    # plot with matplotlib
    hist_data = histograms['unfolded']
    if category == 'central':
        hist_data_with_systematics = histograms['unfolded_with_systematics']
    hist_measured = histograms['measured']
    hist_data.markersize = 2
    hist_data.marker = 'o'

    if category == 'central':
        hist_data_with_systematics.markersize = 2
        hist_data_with_systematics.marker = 'o'
    hist_measured.markersize = 2
    hist_measured.marker = 'o'
    hist_measured.color = 'red'

    plt.figure( figsize = CMS.figsize, dpi = CMS.dpi, facecolor = CMS.facecolor )
    if show_ratio:
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 2, 1, height_ratios = [5, 1] ) 
        axes = plt.subplot( gs[0] )
        axes = plt.axes()
        plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title )

    plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma}  \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title )
    plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major )
    plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor )

    hist_data.visible = True
    if category == 'central':
        hist_data_with_systematics.visible = True
        rplt.errorbar( hist_data_with_systematics, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 0, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 1 )
    rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 15, capthick = 3, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 2 )
    rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'data', xerr = None, yerr = False, zorder = len( histograms ) + 3 )  # this makes a nicer legend entry

    if show_before_unfolding:
        rplt.errorbar( hist_measured, axes = axes, label = 'data (before unfolding)', xerr = None, zorder = len( histograms ) )
    for key, hist in sorted( histograms.iteritems() ):
        if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key:
            hist.linewidth = 4
            # setting colours
            if 'POWHEG_PYTHIA' in key or 'matchingdown' in key:
                hist.linestyle = 'longdashdot'
                hist.SetLineColor( kBlue )
            elif 'POWHEG_HERWIG' in key or 'scaledown' in key:
                hist.linestyle = 'dashed'
                hist.SetLineColor( kGreen )
            elif 'MADGRAPH_ptreweight' in key:
                hist.linestyle = 'dashed'
                hist.SetLineColor( kBlack )
            elif 'MADGRAPH' in key:
                hist.linestyle = 'solid'
                hist.SetLineColor( kRed + 1 )
            elif 'matchingup' in key:
                hist.linestyle = 'verylongdashdot'
                hist.linecolor = 'orange'
            elif 'MCATNLO'  in key or 'scaleup' in key:
                hist.linestyle = 'dotted'
                hist.SetLineColor( kMagenta + 3 )
            rplt.hist( hist, axes = axes, label = measurements_latex[key], zorder = sorted( histograms, reverse = True ).index( key ) )
    handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
    # making data first in the list
    data_label_index = labels.index( 'data' )
    data_handle = handles[data_label_index]
    labels.remove( 'data' )
    handles.remove( data_handle )
    labels.insert( 0, 'unfolded data' )
    handles.insert( 0, data_handle )
    new_handles, new_labels = [], []
    for handle, label in zip( handles, labels ):
        if not label == 'do_not_show':
            new_handles.append( handle )
            new_labels.append( label )
    legend_location = (0.98, 0.88)
    if variable == 'MT':
        legend_location = (0.05, 0.88)
    elif variable == 'ST':
        legend_location = (0.95, 0.88)
    plt.legend( new_handles, new_labels, numpoints = 1, prop = CMS.legend_properties, frameon = False, bbox_to_anchor=legend_location,
                bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure )
    label, channel_label = get_cms_labels( channel )
    # title
    plt.title( label,loc='right', **CMS.title )
    # CMS text
    # note: fontweight/weight does not change anything as we use Latex text!!!
    plt.text(0.05, 0.98, r"\textbf{CMS}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42,
    # channel text
    axes.text(0.95, 0.98, r"\emph{%s}" %channel_label, transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=40,

    if show_ratio:
        plt.setp( axes.get_xticklabels(), visible = False )
        ax1 = plt.subplot( gs[1] )
        #ax1.grid( True, 'major', linewidth = 1 )
        # setting the x_limits identical to the main plot
        x_limits = axes.get_xlim()
        ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) )
        ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )

        plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title )
        plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major )
        plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) 
        plt.ylabel( '$\\frac{\\textrm{pred.}}{\\textrm{data}}$', CMS.y_axis_title_small )
        ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.115, 0.8)
        #draw a horizontal line at y=1 for data
        plt.axhline(y = 1, color = 'black', linewidth = 2)

        for key, hist in sorted( histograms.iteritems() ):
            if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key:
                ratio = hist.Clone()
                ratio.Divide( hist_data ) #divide by data
                rplt.hist( ratio, axes = ax1, label = 'do_not_show' )

        stat_lower = hist_data.Clone()
        stat_upper = hist_data.Clone()
        syst_lower = hist_data.Clone()
        syst_upper = hist_data.Clone()

        # plot error bands on data in the ratio plot
        for bin_i in range( 1, hist_data.GetNbinsX() + 1 ):
            stat_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data)
            stat_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - stat_errors[bin_i-1][1]/stat_errors[bin_i-1][0] )
            stat_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + stat_errors[bin_i-1][2]/stat_errors[bin_i-1][0] )
            if category == 'central':
                syst_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data_with_systematics)
                syst_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - syst_errors[bin_i-1][1]/syst_errors[bin_i-1][0] )
                syst_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + syst_errors[bin_i-1][2]/syst_errors[bin_i-1][0] )

        if category == 'central':
            rplt.fill_between( syst_lower, syst_upper, ax1,
                               color = 'yellow', alpha = 0.5 )

        rplt.fill_between( stat_upper, stat_lower, ax1, color = '0.75',
                           alpha = 0.5 )
        # legend for ratio plot
        p_stat = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='0.75', label='Stat.',alpha = 0.5, edgecolor='black' )
        p_stat_and_syst = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='yellow', label=r'Stat. $\oplus$ Syst.', alpha = 0.5, edgecolor='black' )
        l1 = ax1.legend(handles = [p_stat], loc = 'upper left',
                     frameon = False, prop = {'size':26})
        ax1.legend(handles = [p_stat_and_syst], loc = 'lower left',
                     frameon = False, prop = {'size':26})

        if variable == 'MET':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.3 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) )
#             ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        if variable == 'MT':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        elif variable == 'HT' or variable == 'ST':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.5, ymax = 1.5 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        elif variable == 'WPT':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.75, ymax = 1.5 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.25 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.05 ) )

    if CMS.tight_layout:

    path = output_folder + str( measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy ) + 'TeV/' + variable + '/' + category
    make_folder_if_not_exists( path )
    for output_format in output_formats:
        filename = path + '/' + histname + '_kv' + str( k_values[channel] ) + '.' + output_format
        if channel == 'combined':
            filename = filename.replace( '_kv' + str( k_values[channel] ), '' )
        plt.savefig( filename )

    del hist_data, hist_measured
コード例 #4
def make_plots( histograms, category, output_folder, histname, show_ratio = True, show_before_unfolding = False ):
    global variable, phase_space

    channel = 'electron'
    if 'electron' in histname:
        channel = 'electron'
    elif 'muon' in histname:
        channel = 'muon'
        channel = 'combined'

    # plot with matplotlib
    hist_data = histograms['unfolded']
    if category == 'central':
        hist_data_with_systematics = histograms['unfolded_with_systematics']
    hist_measured = histograms['measured']

    hist_data.markersize = 2
    hist_data.marker = 'o'

    if category == 'central':
        hist_data_with_systematics.markersize = 2
        hist_data_with_systematics.marker = 'o'

    hist_measured.markersize = 2
    hist_measured.marker = 'o'
    hist_measured.color = 'red'

    plt.figure( figsize = CMS.figsize, dpi = CMS.dpi, facecolor = CMS.facecolor )
    if show_ratio:
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 2, 1, height_ratios = [5, 1] )
        axes = plt.subplot( gs[0] )
        axes = plt.axes()
        if variable in ['NJets', 'abs_lepton_eta', 'lepton_eta']:
            plt.xlabel( '$%s$' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title )
            plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title )
    if not variable in ['NJets']:
    if variable in ['NJets', 'abs_lepton_eta', 'lepton_eta']:
        plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma}  \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '}$', CMS.y_axis_title )
        plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma}  \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title )
    plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major )
    if not variable in ['NJets']:
        plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor )

    hist_data.visible = True
    if category == 'central':
        hist_data_with_systematics.visible = True
        rplt.errorbar( hist_data_with_systematics, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 0, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 1 )
    rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 15, capthick = 3, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 2 )
    rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'data', xerr = None, yerr = False, zorder = len( histograms ) + 3 )  # this makes a nicer legend entry

    if show_before_unfolding:
        rplt.errorbar( hist_measured, axes = axes, label = 'data (before unfolding)', xerr = None, zorder = len( histograms ) )

    dashes = {}
    for key, hist in sorted( histograms.items() ):
        zorder = sorted( histograms, reverse = False ).index( key )
        if key == 'powhegPythia8' and zorder != len(histograms) - 3:
            zorder = len(histograms) - 3
        elif key != 'powhegPythia8' and not 'unfolded' in key:
            while zorder >= len(histograms) - 3:
                zorder = zorder - 1 

        if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key:
            hist.linewidth = 4
            # setting colours
            linestyle = None
            if 'amcatnlo_HERWIG' in key or 'massdown' in key:
                hist.SetLineColor( kBlue )
                dashes[key] = [25,5,5,5,5,5,5,5]
            elif 'madgraphMLM' in key or 'scaledown' in key:
                hist.SetLineColor( 417 )
                dashes[key] = [5,5]
            elif 'MADGRAPH_ptreweight' in key:
                hist.SetLineColor( kBlack )
            elif 'powhegPythia8' in key:
                linestyle = 'solid'
                dashes[key] = None
                hist.SetLineColor( 633 )
            elif 'massup' in key or 'amcatnlo' in key:
                hist.SetLineColor( 807 )
                dashes[key] = [20,5]
            elif 'MCATNLO' in key or 'scaleup' in key:
                hist.SetLineColor( 619 )
                dashes[key] = [5,5,10,5]

            if linestyle != None:
                hist.linestyle = linestyle
            line, h = rplt.hist( hist, axes = axes, label = measurements_latex[key], zorder = zorder )

            if dashes[key] != None:

    handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
    # making data first in the list
    data_label_index = labels.index( 'data' )
    data_handle = handles[data_label_index]
    labels.remove( 'data' )
    handles.remove( data_handle )
    labels.insert( 0, 'data' )
    handles.insert( 0, data_handle )

    new_handles, new_labels = [], []
    zipped = dict( zip( labels, handles ) )
    labelOrder = ['data', 
    for label in labelOrder:
        if label in labels:

    legend_location = (0.97, 0.82)
    if variable == 'MT':
        legend_location = (0.05, 0.82)
    elif variable == 'ST':
        legend_location = (0.97, 0.82)
    elif variable == 'WPT':
        legend_location = (1.0, 0.84)
    elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta':
        legend_location = (1.0, 0.94)
    plt.legend( new_handles, new_labels, numpoints = 1, prop = CMS.legend_properties, frameon = False, bbox_to_anchor=legend_location,
                bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure )
    label, channel_label = get_cms_labels( channel )
    # title
    plt.title( label,loc='right', **CMS.title )
    # CMS text
    # note: fontweight/weight does not change anything as we use Latex text!!!
    logo_location = (0.05, 0.98)
    prelim_location = (0.05, 0.92)
    channel_location = ( 0.05, 0.86)
    if variable == 'WPT':
        logo_location = (0.03, 0.98)
        prelim_location = (0.03, 0.92)
        channel_location = (0.03, 0.86)
    elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta':
        logo_location = (0.03, 0.98)
        prelim_location = (0.03, 0.92)
        channel_location = (0.03, 0.86)
    plt.text(logo_location[0], logo_location[1], r"\textbf{CMS}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42,
    # preliminary
    plt.text(prelim_location[0], prelim_location[1], r"\emph{Preliminary}",
                 transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42,
    # channel text
    plt.text(channel_location[0], channel_location[1], r"\emph{%s}" %channel_label, transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=40,
    ylim = axes.get_ylim()
    if ylim[0] < 0:
        axes.set_ylim( ymin = 0.)
    if variable == 'WPT':
        axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.3)
    elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta':
        axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.3)
    else :
        axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.2)

    if show_ratio:
        plt.setp( axes.get_xticklabels(), visible = False )
        ax1 = plt.subplot( gs[1] )
        if not variable in ['NJets']:
        #ax1.grid( True, 'major', linewidth = 1 )
        # setting the x_limits identical to the main plot
        x_limits = axes.get_xlim()
        ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) )
        if not variable in ['NJets']:
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )

        if variable in ['NJets', 'abs_lepton_eta', 'lepton_eta']:
            plt.xlabel('$%s$' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title )
            plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title )

        plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major )
        if not variable in ['NJets']:
            plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor )
        plt.ylabel( '$\\frac{\\textrm{pred.}}{\\textrm{data}}$', CMS.y_axis_title )
        ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.115, 0.8)
        #draw a horizontal line at y=1 for data
        plt.axhline(y = 1, color = 'black', linewidth = 2)

        for key, hist in sorted( histograms.iteritems() ):
            if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key:
                ratio = hist.Clone()
                ratio.Divide( hist_data ) #divide by data
                line, h = rplt.hist( ratio, axes = ax1, label = 'do_not_show' )
                if dashes[key] != None:

        stat_lower = hist_data.Clone()
        stat_upper = hist_data.Clone()
        syst_lower = hist_data.Clone()
        syst_upper = hist_data.Clone()

        # plot error bands on data in the ratio plot
        stat_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data)
        if category == 'central':
            syst_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data_with_systematics)
        for bin_i in range( 1, hist_data.GetNbinsX() + 1 ):
            stat_value, stat_error, _ = stat_errors[bin_i-1]
            stat_rel_error = stat_error/stat_value
            stat_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - stat_rel_error )
            stat_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + stat_rel_error )
            if category == 'central':
                syst_value, syst_error_down, syst_error_up  = syst_errors[bin_i-1]
                syst_rel_error_down = syst_error_down/syst_value
                syst_rel_error_up = syst_error_up/syst_value
                syst_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - syst_rel_error_down )
                syst_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + syst_rel_error_up )
        if category == 'central':
            rplt.fill_between( syst_lower, syst_upper, ax1,
                               color = 'yellow' )

        rplt.fill_between( stat_upper, stat_lower, ax1, color = '0.75',

        loc = 'upper left'
        # if variable in ['ST']:
        #     loc = 'upper right'
        # legend for ratio plot
        p_stat = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='0.75', label='Stat.', edgecolor='black' )
        p_stat_and_syst = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='yellow', label=r'Stat. $\oplus$ Syst.', edgecolor='black' )
        l1 = ax1.legend(handles = [p_stat, p_stat_and_syst], loc = loc,
                     frameon = False, prop = {'size':26}, ncol = 2)

        # ax1.legend(handles = [p_stat_and_syst], loc = 'lower left',
        #              frameon = False, prop = {'size':30})

        if variable == 'MET':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) )
#             ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        if variable == 'MT':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        elif variable == 'HT':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.37 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        elif variable == 'ST':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.5 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        elif variable == 'WPT':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        elif variable == 'NJets':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.5 )
        elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )
        elif variable == 'lepton_pt':
            ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.3 )
            ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) )
            ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) )

    if CMS.tight_layout:

    path = '{output_folder}/{centre_of_mass_energy}TeV/{phaseSpace}/{variable}/'
    path = path.format(
            output_folder = output_folder,
            centre_of_mass_energy = measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy,
            phaseSpace = phase_space,
            variable = variable
    make_folder_if_not_exists( path )
    for output_format in output_formats:
        filename = path + '/' + histname + '.' + output_format
        plt.savefig( filename )

    del hist_data, hist_measured