コード例 #1
def main():
    '''Main function which can run the hadronic and the semi-leptonic decay. The study is selected
    at the beginning with the parameters. Nothing should be changed in the function'''

    # parameters to choose the study
    ecm = 162.6
    m_w = 79.385
    width = '2'
    reconstruction = "direct"
    reco_level = 'reco'

    # NO NEED
    reco_type = ''
    FSI = 'BE'

    # Analysis
    histdict = gethists()
    filename = "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/slablack/fcc/heppy/ee_ZZ_qqqqBkg_162_50K_ee_kt_SM.root"
    print("Reading from file {}".format(filename))

    rootfile = TFile(filename)
    tree = rootfile.Get("events")

    # output file
    outdir = "/afs/cern.ch/user/s/slablack/fcc/output_wmass_test/output_ee_ZZ_qqqqBkg_162_diWmasscut_Bkg_50K_ee_kt_SM_{}"  #.format(loop)
    # outdir = "./output/hadronic/FSI_study/shift/woTreatment/W_mass_{}_M{}_width{}".format(ecm, str(m_w)[:2], width)

    # Function call
    w_mass_hadronic(tree, ecm, m_w, histdict, reconstruction, reco_level,
    histogram.save_root_file(histdict, outdir)
コード例 #2
def main():
    '''Main function which can run the hadronic and the semi-leptonic decay. The study is selected
    at the beginning with the parameters. Nothing should be changed in the function'''

    #input and output file from runWmass.sh
    fileinput6 = sys.argv[1]
    fileoutput6 = sys.argv[2]

    # parameters to choose the study
    ecm = 162.6
    m_w = 79.385
    width = '2'
    reconstruction = "direct"
    reco_level = 'reco'

    # NO NEED
    reco_type = ''
    FSI = 'BE'

    # Analysis
    histdict = gethists()
    filename = fileinput6
    print("Reading from file {}".format(filename))

    rootfile = TFile(filename)
    tree = rootfile.Get("events")

    # output file
    outdir = fileoutput6
    print("Reading from file {} output file {}".format(filename,outdir))
    # outdir = "./output/hadronic/FSI_study/shift/woTreatment/W_mass_{}_M{}_width{}".format(ecm, str(m_w)[:2], width)

    # Function call
    w_mass_hadronic(tree, ecm, m_w, histdict, reconstruction, reco_level, reco_type)
    histogram.save_root_file(histdict, outdir)
コード例 #3
def main():
    '''Main function . The study is selected at the beginning with the parameters.
    Nothing should be changed in functions '''

    # parameters to choose the study
    nevts = "50K"
    ecm = 365
    m_w = 80.385

    # Analysis
    filename = "../heppy_output/semi-leptonic/ee_WW_qqll_{}_{}_M{}_FSR_nonFSR.root".format(
        ecm, nevts,
    rootfile = TFile(filename)
    tree = rootfile.Get("events")

    # output file
    outdir = "./output/plots/semi-leptonic/ISR_FSR_study/{}GeV_FSR_nonFSR".format(
    # histogram.create_output_dir(outdir)

    # Function call
    histdict = gethists()
    mis_energy(tree, histdict)

    histogram.save_root_file(histdict, outdir)
コード例 #4
def main():
    ''' Main function, define paramters and process the correlation matrix definition'''

    # parameters to choose the study
    ecm = 365  #GeV
    m_w = 80.385  #GeV
    width = 2
    reco_type = '_pcut'

    # input
    filename = "../heppy_output/hadronic/ref_templates/ee_WW_qqqq_{}_M{}_width{}.root".format(ecm, str(m_w)[:2], width)
    rootfile = TFile(filename)
    tree = rootfile.Get("events")

    # Output
    outdir = "./output/pythia_2018/hadronic/correlation_matrix/corre_matrix_{}_M{}_width{}{}".format(ecm, str(m_w)[:2], width, reco_type)

    histdict = gethists()
    coefficients(tree, histdict, reco_type)
    histogram.save_root_file(histdict, outdir)
    print_corr_coef_into_file(histdict, outdir)

     h_list = ["h_uncert_phi"]
     for h_ in h_list:
         fit(h_, outdir)
コード例 #5
def main():
    '''Main function which can run the hadronic and the semi-leptonic decay. The study is selected
    at the beginning with the parameters. Nothing should be changed in the function'''

    # parameters to choose the study
    nevts = "50K"
    ecm = 365
    m_w = 80.385
    width = '3'
    reco_level = "reco"

    # Analysis
    histdict = gethists()

    filename = "../heppy_output/pythia_2018/semi-leptonic/onlyMuons/width_variation/ee_WW_qqll_{}_{}_M{}_width{}.root".format(
        ecm, nevts,
        str(m_w)[:2], width)
    print("Reading from file {}".format(filename))

    rootfile = TFile(filename)
    tree = rootfile.Get("events")

    # output file
    outdir = "./output/pythia_2018/semi-leptonic/width_variation/W_mass_{}_{}_M{}_width{}_direct".format(
        ecm, nevts,
        str(m_w)[:2], width)

    w_mass_semi_leptonic(ecm, tree, histdict, reco_level)
    histogram.save_root_file(histdict, outdir)
コード例 #6
def main():

    # input
    indir = '../heppy_output/reconnectionStudy/'
    infile = indir + 'ee_WW_qqqq_300_50K_M80_genLevel_ee_kt_woReconnection_woISR_woFSR_woRemnant_perfectPairing.root'

    rootfile = TFile(infile)
    tree = rootfile.Get("events")

    # output
    outdir = "./output/testHadronicChannel/genLevelStudy/reconnection/angleStudy"

    histdict = gethists()
    angle_study(tree, histdict)

    histogram.save_root_file(histdict, outdir)