コード例 #1
    def reset(self, numberOfAgents=15):
        Initializes the simulation with the set number of agents and sets Simulation.resetDone = True. Should be called 
        before starting any simulation run. 
        self.agents = []
        for i in range(numberOfAgents):
            new_midi = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../res/midi_text.txt",
                                                "../../res/sample%d.midi" % i,
            notes = [
                event for event in new_midi.tracks[0].eventList
                if event.type == "note"
            for note in notes:
                note.volume = self.defaultVolume + random.random() * 0.5 + 0.75
                    self.defaultTempo + random.random() * 0.75 + 0.55)

                Agent(i, self.weight_tempo, self.weight_loudness,
                      self.weight_tempo_rules, self.weight_loudness_rules,
                      new_midi, self.defaultTempo, self.defaultVolume))
        self.resetDone = True
 def reset(self, numberOfAgents=15):
     Initializes the simulation with the set number of agents and sets Simulation.resetDone = True. Should be called 
     before starting any simulation run. 
     self.agents = []
     for i in range(numberOfAgents):
         new_midi = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../res/midi_text.txt", "../../res/sample%d.midi" % i, self.defaultTempo)
         notes = [event for event in new_midi.tracks[0].eventList if event.type == "note"]
         for note in notes:
             note.volume = self.defaultVolume + random.random() * 0.5 + 0.75
             new_midi.tracks[0].addTempo(note.time, self.defaultTempo + random.random() * 0.75 + 0.55)
         self.agents.append(Agent(i, self.weight_tempo, self.weight_loudness, self.weight_tempo_rules, self.weight_loudness_rules, new_midi, self.defaultTempo, self.defaultVolume))
     self.resetDone = True
            if ((tempo - nominal_tempo) - (prev_tempo - nominal_tempo)) * ((tempo - nominal_tempo) - (next_tempo - nominal_tempo)):
                score += 1
        # we may hit the end of the score here
        except IndexError, err:
            print "End of score at %d?" % note.time
#            print err
    return score
if __name__ == '__main__':
#    performance = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../../res/midi_text.txt", "../../../res/sample.midi", 15200)
    import doctest
    performance = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../../res/midi_rule3_text.txt", "../../../res/sample_rule3.midi", 15200)
    group_structure = lbdm.getNoteGroups(performance)
    tempo_events = [(event.time, event.tempo) for event in performance.tracks[0].eventList if event.type == "tempo"]
    notes = [event for event in performance.tracks[0].eventList if event.type == "note"]
    nominal_tempo = 3947
    nominal_loudness = 100
    melodic_accent = melodic_accent.analyze_melodic_accent(performance)
    metric_structure, metrical_scores = metric_structure.getMetricStructure(performance)
    key = key_change.analyze_key_change(performance)
    accentuation = accentuation_curve.accentuation_curve(melodic_accent, metrical_scores, key, notes)
    print "Rule 1 tempo: %d" % rule1_tempo(group_structure, nominal_tempo, tempo_events)
    print "Rule 1 loudness: %d" % rule1_loudness(group_structure, nominal_loudness)
    print "Rule 2: %d" % rule2(group_structure, nominal_tempo, tempo_events)
    print "Rule 3: %d" % rule3(notes, nominal_loudness, accentuation)
    print "Rule 4 tempo: %d" % rule4_tempo(notes, accentuation, nominal_tempo, tempo_events)
    print "Rule 4 loudness: %d" % rule4_loudness(notes, accentuation, nominal_loudness)
 def setUp(self):
     self.MIDI = midi.prepare_initial_midi("/res/midi_text.txt", "/res/midi_text.txt", 19000)
 def __init__(self):
     self.midi = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../res/midi_text.txt", "../../res/sample.midi", self.defaultTempo)
     self.__jobServer = pp.Server()
     self.__logger = log.get_logger(__name__)
    for i in range(len(notes)):
        note = notes[i]
        #        print i, note_find_measure(note)
        accentuation_curve[i] += w_key_change * keys[note_find_measure(note)]

#    print keys_final
#    print accentuation_curve

    return accentuation_curve

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from tools import midi as mid
    from tools.analysis import lbdm, metric_structure, melodic_accent, key_change
    performance = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../../res/midi_text.txt",
                                           "../../../res/sample.midi", 15200)
    group_structure = lbdm.getNoteGroups(performance)
    tempo_events = [(event.time, event.tempo)
                    for event in performance.tracks[0].eventList
                    if event.type == "tempo"]
    notes = [
        event for event in performance.tracks[0].eventList
        if event.type == "note"
    nominal_tempo = 3947
    nominal_loudness = 100
    melodic_accent = melodic_accent.analyze_melodic_accent(performance)
    metric_structure, metrical_scores = metric_structure.getMetricStructure(
    key = key_change.analyze_key_change(performance)
    accentuation = accentuation_curve(melodic_accent, metrical_scores, key,
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.midi = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../res/midi_text.txt",
     self.__jobServer = pp.Server()
     self.__logger = log.get_logger(__name__)
    vector1_average = sum(vector1)/12.
    vector2_average = sum(vector2)/12.
    nominator = 0.
    denominator1 = denominator2 = 0.
    for v1, v2 in zip(vector1, vector2):
        v1diff = v1-vector1_average
        v2diff = v2-vector2_average
        nominator += v1diff * v2diff
        denominator1 += v1diff ** 2
        denominator2 += v2diff ** 2
    denominator = math.sqrt(denominator1 * denominator2)
    return nominator / denominator
if __name__ == "__main__":
#    print CMaj
#    print rotate_array(CMaj,1)
#    print rotate_array(CMaj,2)
    from tools import midi as mid
    midi = mid.prepare_initial_midi("../../../res/midi_text.txt", "../../../res/sample.midi", 15200)
    track = midi.tracks[0]
    noteList = [noteEvent for noteEvent in track.eventList if noteEvent.type == "note"]
#    for i in range(0,6*960,960):
#        in_measure = notes_in_measure(noteList, i, i + 960)
#        print [midi_to_note(note.pitch) for note in in_measure]
#        print determine_key(in_measure, i+960)
    print analyze_key_change(midi)
#    for k in sorted(key_vectors.keys()):
#        print "%012s: %s" % (k,key_vectors[k])
 def setUp(self):
     self.MIDI = midi.prepare_initial_midi("/res/midi_text.txt",
                                           "/res/midi_text.txt", 19000)